Budget 2012

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An Inclusive Society, A Stronger Singapore

Restructuring to Sustain Growth

We need to upgrade and restructure our economy, to grow on the basis of skills, innovation
and productivity. We have to reduce our dependence on foreign labour and the Government
will provide more help for our industries to restructure and upgrade, so that we can continue
to grow despite the constraints in labour supply. The Government will introduce several
measures to help SMEs to reorganise, attract local workers, and grow.

Managing Foreign Worker Inflow Helping SMEs to Restructure & Grow

Restructure • Attract older workers Cost Savings for SMEs to make the Transition

Reduction in Dependency Ratio Enhanced Special Employment Credit (SEC)

Ceilings (DRCs)
• To encourage employers to engage older
The revised DRCs/Sub-DRCs will take Singaporean workers aged ≥ 50
effect from 1 Jul 2012, for new foreign • For five years (2012 – 2016)
workers, and from 1 Jul 2014 for existing
foreign workers: Monthly Wages of SEC Monthly Payout
Eligible Older to Employers
Current Revised Workers
Manufacturing 65% 60% ≤ $3,000 8% of wages
Services 50% 45% $3,001 - $4,000 0 – 8% of wages
S Pass Sub- 25% 20%
DRC for all The SEC provides employers with benefits that
sectors are more than twice the increase in a company’s
wage bill as a result of the CPF changes.
Reduction in Man-Year Entitlement
(MYE) Quota SME Cash Grant

• One-off cash grant pegged at 5% of

MYE quota for new projects in the
company’s revenue in YA 2012
construction sector will be further reduced by
• Maximum of $5,000
5% in Jul 2012. Foreign worker levies for
basic skilled workers hired outside the MYE • Companies must have made CPF contributions
to ≥1 employee [1]
quotas will be raised.
• NO NEED TO CLAIM ! Grant will be given
when companies are assessed for YA 2012
[ 1] Employee should not be a shareholder of the company.
Helping SMEs to
Restructure & Grow

Enhanced Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme

• 400% tax deduction or allowance on $400,000 of expenditure
• Available from YA 2011 to YA 2015
• Six qualifying activities:
• Purchase/lease of automation equipment • Approved design
• Training • Acquisition of intellectual property
• Investment in R&D • Registration of intellectual property

(a) Tax Deduction (b) Increase in Cash Payout (c) Faster Cash Payout

From YA 2012, enjoy tax From YA 2013: Claim and obtain your cash-
deduction on: payout faster at the end of
• Cash payout rate each financial quarter,
• In-house training costs increased from 30% to available from Jul 2012
up to $10,000 per YA, 60% for up to $100,000 of
without the need for PIC expenditure
external certification • Cash payout option is
extended to YA 2014 and
YA 2015

How Can You Benefit from PIC?

Example: You spend $10,000 on training your staff

•Based on the prevailing corporate tax rate of 17%.

Helping SMEs to
Restructure & Grow

Enhanced Training Support for SMEs and

Self-Employed Persons (SEPs)

Support for training for SMEs and sole

proprietorships will be enhanced for three years,
starting from Jul 2012:

• Course subsidy: 90% for WDA- or ITE-

certified courses and Academic
Continuing Education and Training (CET)
programmes at polytechnics

• Absentee payroll cap: Increased from

$4.50 to $7.50 an hour

The Government will work with industry

associations and agencies so that self-employed
persons can also benefit from the enhanced
training support.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)


Current In Addition

M&A allowance of 200% tax allowance on

5% of the M&A up to $100,000 of the
deal, up to $5 transaction costs (e.g.
million per YA legal fees and tax
advisory fees) incurred on
the M&A per YA
Allowance is Tax allowance is to be
written down over written down in 1 year
5 years

For M&As completed on or after 17 Feb 2012

till 31 Mar 2015
Helping SMEs to
Restructure & Grow

Grants to Support SME Upgrading

and Productivity

Subsidy rates for SME capability

development will be raised from 50% to
70% over the next three years under
schemes managed by SPRING and IE

Extending the GST Temporary Import


Import goods[2] free of GST if the goods are

re-exported within 6 months from the date
of importation.
[2] Except for liquor and tobacco. The goods must be
imported for approved purposes, such as exhibitions, fairs,
auctions, repairs, stage performance, testing, experiments
and demonstration.

Renovation and Refurbishment (R&R)

Deduction Scheme

Current Enhanced
Maximum $150,000 $300,000
amount of (With effect
costs from YA 2013)
incurred for
every 3 years
Creating Opportunities for Growth
To seize opportunities to grow in markets abroad and move up the value chain

Developing New Competitive Strengths

Providing Greater Tax Certainty • Available for gains derived by companies from
the disposal of equity investments from 1 Jun
Guidelines on when a company will not be 2012
taxed on their gains from disposal of
[3] Singapore does not have capital gains tax. Gains determined to
equity investments [3] be revenue in nature are taxable. The taxability of the share disposal
gains is currently determined based on an examination of the facts
• Gains derived from the disposal of equity and circumstances of each case.
investments by companies not taxed if:

1. They hold a minimum shareholding of Gold Trading Hub

20% in the company whose shares are
being disposed Supply of investment-grade gold and other
2. over a minimum period of 24 months prior precious metals will be exempted from GST from
to disposal of shares 1 Oct 2012.

Helping Companies Internationalise

• Double Tax Deduction given • A consortium of

automatically for qualifying expenses financial institutions
without need for approval led by Temasek to
• Up to $100,000 of qualifying expenditure establish a specialised
• Qualifying activities - overseas business project finance
development trips, overseas investment company (PFC)
study trips, overseas trade fairs and Double Tax • To plug gaps in financing
approved local trade fairs Deduction for larger, long-tenure
cross-border projects
• Expected to provide
$400m of financing
Expand current suite of
every year at steady
trade financing schemes
under IE Singapore to :
Helping • Catalyse $2-3b of
companies projects annually
• Support Singapore Internationalise
companies in
cross-border trade
• Help with the cost of Financing & Project
political risk Political Financing
insurance Risk
Revisions to Vehicle Tax Regime

Private Transport Measures

Green Vehicle Rebate Scheme (GVR) Removal of Additional Transfer Fee (ATF)

The GVR for commercial vehicles and ATF, levied on used-vehicle transactions, is
motorcycles will be extended by another two removed from 18 Feb 2012. More details : Press
years till end 2014. release by LTA (www.lta.gov.sg)

Carbon Emissions-based Vehicle Scheme (CEVS)

• Replaces the current Green Vehicle Rebate (GVR) scheme

• Applicable to all new passenger cars from Jan 2013:

Passenger Car Model with Rebate / Surcharge

Low carbon emission Enjoy rebates on Additional Registration Fee (ARF)

of up to $20,000
High carbon emission Pay a registration surcharge of up to $20,000

For details on all Budget 2012 initiatives, please visit our website at:

Photos courtesy of IE Singapore, LTA, MOM, SPRING, WDA

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