Budget 2012
Budget 2012
Budget 2012
(a) Tax Deduction (b) Increase in Cash Payout (c) Faster Cash Payout
From YA 2012, enjoy tax From YA 2013: Claim and obtain your cash-
deduction on: payout faster at the end of
• Cash payout rate each financial quarter,
• In-house training costs increased from 30% to available from Jul 2012
up to $10,000 per YA, 60% for up to $100,000 of
without the need for PIC expenditure
external certification • Cash payout option is
extended to YA 2014 and
YA 2015
Current In Addition
Current Enhanced
Maximum $150,000 $300,000
amount of (With effect
costs from YA 2013)
incurred for
every 3 years
Creating Opportunities for Growth
To seize opportunities to grow in markets abroad and move up the value chain
Green Vehicle Rebate Scheme (GVR) Removal of Additional Transfer Fee (ATF)
The GVR for commercial vehicles and ATF, levied on used-vehicle transactions, is
motorcycles will be extended by another two removed from 18 Feb 2012. More details : Press
years till end 2014. release by LTA (www.lta.gov.sg)
For details on all Budget 2012 initiatives, please visit our website at: