Bioplex Luminex Overview Article
Bioplex Luminex Overview Article
Bioplex Luminex Overview Article
The Bio-Plex® system utilizes xMAP technology to permit the multiplexing of up to 100 different analytes. Multiplex
analysis gives researchers the ability to look at analytes simultaneously providing more information from less sample
volume in less time than traditional immunoassay methods. Similar to ELISA, xMAP utilizes an antibody sandwich
for detection but differs from ELISA in capture substrate and detection method. Rather than a flat surface, Bio-Plex®
assays make use of differentially detectable bead sets as a substrate capturing analytes in solution and employs
fluorescent methods for detection. These bead sets identify the analytes and detection antibodies are used to
measure the quantity of analyte. The use of differentially detectable beads enables the simultaneous identification
and quantification of many analytes in the same sample.
Keywords: Immunoassay, multiplex detection, ELISA, Bio-Plex®, xMAP, Luminex
Address for Correspondence: Brett Houser, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 2000 Alfred Nobel Drive, Hercules, CA 94547, USA 510–741–5613.
E-mail: [email protected]
(Received 03 May 2012; revised 15 June 2012; accepted 19 June 2012)
Bio-Rad’s Bio-Plex® suspension array system, xMAP technology overview 193
analyte is attached to a set of beads with the same colour is washed to remove unbound materials, followed by incu-
and the second antibody is used to quantify the bound bation with biotinylated detection antibodies. After wash-
antigen. The use of different coloured beads enables ing away the unbound biotinylated antibodies, the beads
the simultaneous detection of many other analytes in are incubated with a reporter streptavidin-phycoerythrin
the same sample. Imaging or laser excitation is then conjugate (SA-PE). Following removal of excess SA-PE, the
used to determine the different assays by bead colours, beads are passed through the array reader, which measures
and determine analyte concentration by measuring the the fluorescence of the bound SA-PE (Figure 4).
reporter dye fluorescence (Figure 1). The substrate for the antibody sandwich is the bead.
For laser excitation detection (Bio-Plex 200 and Bio- Bead characteristics define instrument compatibility
Plex 3D) the contents of each microplate well are drawn and workflow and can be classified into two categories,
into the array reader and precision fluidics align the non-magnetic and magnetic. The non-magnetic beads
beads in single file through a flow cell, where two lasers are smaller in size (5.6 μm and are used with the vacuum
excite the beads individually. The red classification laser workflow; they are not compatible with instruments that
excites the dyes in each bead, identifying its spectral utilize magnets for imaging purposes. Non-magnetic
address. The green reporter laser excites the reporter beads require filter plates and vacuum filtration to wash
molecule associated with the bead, which allows quan- the beads. Magnetic beads are coated with magnetite
titation of the captured analyte. High-speed digital signal and are therefore larger in size (6.5 μm); they can be used
processors and software record the fluorescent signals with the magnetic workflow as well as vacuum workflows.
simultaneously for each bead, translating the signals into These magnetic beads are compatible with all currently
data for each bead-based assay (Figure 2). available life science instruments from any Luminex
The Bio-Plex MAGPIX system employs low-cost light- partner. In the magnetic workflow, the beads are washed
emitting diodes (LEDs) and a charge-coupled device in the well with dispense and aspiration washing.
(CCD) imager to illuminate and image immobilized
magnetic beads Figure 3. Unlike flow-based systems
that quantitate bead events individually, the Bio-Plex
About the beads
MAGPIX system reads all of the beads at once. This xMAP assays may contain non-magnetic or magnetic
dependable design is not only very robust, but also beads as substrates. Magnetic COOH beads are the new-
reduces instrument preparation time compared to flow- est core components of xMAP assays. They are unique
based design – all the while giving very comparable data. in that they exhibit both fluorescent and magnetic
properties. The beads are stained with a fluorescent dye
formulation proprietary to Luminex (Figure 5). The stain-
Workflow overview ing process involves swelling the bead particles in a dye
Similar to ELISA, a majority of assays are designed accord- containing solvent allowing the dye molecules to infuse
ing to a capture sandwich immunoassay format. Briefly, the the coating or the polymer layer. Removal of the solvent
capture antibody-coupled beads are first incubated with in a subsequent step shrinks the beads and traps the dye
antigen standards or samples for a specific time. The plate molecules within the bead particles.
Figure 1. Multiplex immunoassay technology. Beads are colored internally with two different fluorescent dyes (red and infrared).
Ten different concentrations of red and infrared dyes are used to generate 100 distinct bead regions. Each bead region is conjugated to a
specific target analyte.
Figure 2. Data acquisition and reduction. Dyed beads are pushed through a detection chamber in a single file. The red classification laser
(635 nm) interrogates internal dye to identify bead regions. The green reporter laser (532 nm) interrogates fluorescent reporter to measure
analyte concentration.
Figure 3. Immobilized magnetic beads illuminated with LED’s and imaged using CCD technology.
The use of magnetic beads confers a number of ben- Advantages of bead based multiplex
efits, including ease of separation and suitability for detection over conventional methods
automation. Once coated with ligand molecules, the
magnetic beads are useful for the capture and separation ELISA
of a variety of targets. Unwanted sample constituents The xMAP technology is frequently compared to the tra-
such as large or fibrous particulates or a viscous sample ditional ELISA technique, which is limited by its ability
matrix may be washed away following a simple magnetic to measure only a single antigen. The inability of tradi-
separation step. Overall, the highly efficient magnetic tional ELISA to multiplex presents additional limitations
separation eliminates potentially interfering molecules, in sampling volume, cost and labour (Table 1). While the
allowing sensitive detection of targets (Figure 6). basic concepts of detection are similar between ELISA
10 2.5 1.25 0.63 0.31 0.16 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.01 .005
0 10,000
Total protein, µg
Western blot of total HSP27 (COS-7 cell lysate) 0
5 3 1
10 2.5 1.25 0.6 0.3 0.16 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.01 .005
Total protein, µg
Bio-Plex total HSP27 assay (COS-7 cell lysate)
sample matrices to be tested, and the utility of the test Over the years, the power and ease-of-use of Bio-
results should also be taken into consideration. Plex® software has delivered dominant market share in
Immunoassay standard curves are inherently non- xMAP instruments; as a result, most xMAP researchers
linear. As such, a minimum of six non-zero standard use Bio-Plex® to get the answers they need.
points assayed in duplicate is recommended to ensure
the robustness of an assay. The concentration–response Declaration of interest
relationship is most often fitted to a 4- or 5-parameter
logistic model. The author is an employee of Bio-Rad Laboratories.
Bio-Rad, Bio-Plex® multiplex immunoassays are
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