Final Journal Reflection

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The last requirement of the Capstone Project prior to your presentation is to reflect on the

process by writing a final journal reflection on your process and final product addressing the
following questions. You will need to answer ALL required questions WITH DETAILED

Final Capstone Reflection Journal Entry

The Capstone is a unique and demanding challenge. In completing it, what did you learn
about your subject? Your skill set? Yourself?
Somethings that I learned from doing this Capstone Project was that coding a video was way
harder that I imagined it would be and led to me changing my game so that it would be slightly
easier for me to code and be able to actually finish the game instead of having a very
incomplete game that is out of my skill range. Although it was very difficult and time consuming,
I got through it with the help of my mentor and with to only get better at creating game and
coding so in the future I may be able to code more complex games that are able to reach a
larger audience. For my YouTube channel, I learned that I am getting more consistent in terms
of editing, for example, being able to sync clips with the music more precisely and efficiently. My
editing skills improved quite a bit and can see myself looking to improve even more in the future
as I plan on continuing this passion of mine in the future.

How is your project relevant to you, the school or the community-at-large?

One of the biggest reason to why this project is reverent to me is because I see it as a step into
the real world in terms of coding and since I decided to go into a computer science program in
post-secondary, I took this project as an opportunity to see whether coding was really what I
wanted to pursue in my life. Another reason why it was relevant to me is because video editing
is one of my greatest passions and I wanted to share it to more people than just my friends. Not
only do I love creating videos, but sharing it to the community around me and receiving
feedback on what I could do better next time.

What impact if any did your Capstone project have?

My Capstone Project impacted me quite heavily as it gave me confirmation that the computer
science field is what I wanted to pursue, but also that I had a long way to go in terms of coding
ability. However, this project probably won’t have much effect on the community as since the
game I created is not very interesting, I doubt that it will reach my intended audience but will be
a stepping stone for me to be able to create advanced and refined games that one day I hope to
be able to make and present to the world in order to make a positive impact on the community.
On the other hand, my YouTube channel did have an impact on the community, specifically
within the Valorant community as that is the game displayed in my videos. Even though I don’t
know what most people think when they watch my videos, my friends tell me that the videos I
upload are quite good as it draws their attention and has them watching till the end. They often
tell me to upload more often which I wish I could, but am unable to as I am in a busy time in my
life right now.

Thinking about the whole process and your finished product, what are you most proud
I am most proud of the fact that I not only created and finished a game, but did my project on
something that I truly had a passion for even though I believed was going to be too hard for me
and I wouldn’t be able to finish in time. Although I ended up altering my original idea, the main
idea was still presented and I am quite proud that I, someone who has 0 experience in game
development, created a fully playable game with little to no bugs.

What was a difficulty you encountered and how did you solve the problem?
One difficulty that I encountered was being unable to create some code for complex mechanics
within my game that led to me changing some aspects of the game so it could function without
those mechanics. When I realized that I would not be able to learn how to code these
mechanics in time, instead of stressing and having an unfinished, glitchy game, I decided that it
would be a better decision to just change the game as a whole and remodel it to be able to be
playable without those mechanics which in the end saved me from having an unfinished game
to present.

What is one thing about your finished project you wish you could change? Why?
One thing I wish I could change is the fact that I cannot use many of the cooler, more polished
effects offered by the editing software as I own only the free version. If I did have access to the
paid version, I would without a doubt use many more effects to make my videos unique from the
rest to be able to reach a more diverse audience and impact the community even more.

What advice would you give to a student who will be completing their Capstone Project
next year?
Start as early as possible. This is something that I wish I knew when starting my Capstone as
due to time constraints, I was not able to learn more complex codes that would have enabled
me to create the mechanics that I originally planned out.

What source from your research helped you the most? (or least?).
I think the YouTube helped me the most as it was the platform I used to research and learn how
to code in C# and be able to create a game that was playable. I used not one, but many videos
that talked about different techniques and how to use certain lines of code for certain
mechanics. Without YouTube I doubt that I would have gotten anywhere with my game.
What is one thing about your approach to your project that you wish you could change?
I would change my procrastination at the start as without it, I may have been able to create a
game that is closer that what I designed at the start which would have been much more
interesting than the game that I actually created. You may think and might actually be able to
finish your project even if you procrastinate, but it is always better to finish earlier so you can fix
any problems that appear and so that after completing your project, you can see if there is
anything you can add/remove/modify about your project to improve it. Even if I ended up
changing my project, if I had done it earlier it would have given me more time to think about the
mechanics of my altered game and include some more simple mechanics to my game that
would have made it more enjoyable and polished.

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