Poe raGatd
NOVEMBER 24-26, 2022 24-26, 2022
Conference & Exhibition on
REC mtd iy
RS aND= 22
NOVEMBER 26-26, 9028
NDE for Ol & Gas and chemical processing Industries
Ciland Gas and Chemical industries continue their fight against the menace of corrosion and other degradation mechanisms which
thwart safety, reliability an integrity of their Plant Assets and hence impacting their overall business sustainablity. With the
challenging operating margins, ageing assets and continual enhanced focus on safety and reliability, one has to incessantly strive
towards developing and embracing newer emerging NDE technologies, over and above continua usage of the conventional and
‘existing advanced NDE's, This PCTuill provide the audience an overview of the advanced and emerging NDE technologies with
special focus on the real-world problems as seen in typical Oil and Gas and Chemical Industies. The relevant Subject Matter Experts
have been invited to provide an overview of technologies and share their experiences as case studies in actual plant conditions
These talks will be focused on applications to our industry, thelr pros/cons, challenges and what lies ahead for us! This session wil
be able to provide a unique opportunity for the participants to learn from experiences of SME's and interact face-to-face to extract
the best from these experts which can be applied onto the field for ensuring safer and reliable assets. Over and above these, show-
‘easing of some of these newer and advanced technologies will be on display by the service provider/NDE specialists, fort
Participants to get closer to and understand the actual technology application beter
‘The broad topics coveredin this PCTinclude:
+ Overview of the O&G Refining and Petrochemical Industry
-Materals, Damage Mechanisms and the'r consequences
+ Special Applicationsina large Petrochemicals and Refinery Complex Role ofin-situ metallographyin asset management
+ HOMC an emerging NDE techniques Basics, capabilities, imitations and challenges
+ Refining and Petrochemical - Practices & Challenges with available NDE's
+ $€Cand Residual stress measurement
(Overview and developmentsin conventional/advanced NDE's viz Thermography, AET, ECT, PAUT
+ CaseStudies on actual plant/site related critical Issues and Unique NDE solutions
Mr. U. Anand Mr. Amish Jani
U Anand is the Head ~ Relibi
Static Equipment at Reliance
Industries Limited. A graduate in
Science from University of Chennai
followed by graduation in
Metallurgical engineering. from
A Indian Institute of Science, Bengalura
Close to 30 years of experience in
‘managing the integrity of assets in
large to very large Petrochemical and
‘Amish Jani, is the CoE Corrosion
Engineering — Static Equipment
Reliability, at Reliance Industries
Limited. A Graduate in Metallurgical
Engineering from The MS University
Baroda, he has more than 26 years of
fich experience in managing the
integrity of Static Assets in large to
very large Petrochemicals and
Refinery complexes. He is passionate
Refineries, He has a deep understanding of design of static
equipment and degradation mechanisms in typical refinery
and Petrochemical plants. Hehas vast experience in application
ff conventional and advanced NDE's for in service inspection
of assets. He also drives development of new and advanced
NDE methods by collaborating with academia and Industry
He has a vision to bring in the next generation technology in
INDE for process plants that willbe on-line and realtime.
about and has deep understanding of Material Selection,
Metallurgy, Inspection and Corrosion/degradation
mechanisms of Static Equipment in typical Refinery and
Petrochemical Plants, Through his vast experience, he further
passionately engages and spearheads development of new
land emerging NDEs forin-servce inspection of plant assetsby
collaborating with academia, institutes and eminent entities in
hydrocarbon industry. He endeavours towards his vision of
‘Moving from Damage resolution to Data Driven Pro-active
and Predictive Corrosion Risk Management" by embracing
‘Advanced Emerging NDE's along wth Digital Analytics and
Solutions!ND= 22
NOVEMBER 26-26, 9028
Dataanalyics, ALSUMLfor NDE
In recent years, the terms AML have become synonymous to automation or giving assistance to us in decision making.
Innovations in the field voice detection, computer vision, medical imaging, and other domains are driving the usage of these
technolagies forward. The impact of these technologies is showing great promise where there is large amount of data. NDE with
‘multiple modalities of inspection generates significant amount of data and should leverage these latest methods to improve our
inspection process, Anumiber ofacademics and professionals have begun using AV/MILn the field of NDE, Going forward AY/ML will
change the way we collect data, calibrate, analyse, recreate, and repor in NDE. These are exciting times, and businesses can adapt
and use AV/ML by understanding the benefits and drawbacks, The purpose ofthis preconference tutorial isto help practitioners
comprehend the details of AYML so they reap the benefits of implementing in their respective businesses. This tutorial will be
beneficial to NDT professionals, practising engineers in NDE, Research scholars, Students and Young professionals to learn and
‘engage with this developing technology.
Broad Topics tobe covered:
+ T0r:Introduction to AYML
+ Data reparation, Augmentation and Role of simulations:
+ Validation of AI& ML-Understanding Metrics
Case studies: Application NDE such as VI, RT, UT, AE, EC, Thermography etc.
+ Casestudies: Applications in various industieslke ol and gas, Aerospace, heavy industry etc
+ Casestudies: Technologies relevant to NDT like medical, visual media ete,
+ Initiatives from national and international NOT societiesin AT& ML
+ Indianstart-upsin AML
Role of AI& MLinNDE4O
Facuity includes highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in AML and leveraging these techniques in NDE
modalities. Faculty members represent a broad spectrum of organizations which include prestigious academic institutes such as
[T's Institutes of international repute, R&D organizations and OEM's
Mr. Vams!
Mr. Krishna Mohan Reddy
Pa krishna Mohan Reddy has over 25
% years of experience in NDT across a
5 Nariety of roles. These include
Mr. Vamshi Kommareddy, works as a
Senior Engineer at Material Systems
land Inspection Lab at GE's Research
Centre in Bangalore, India. He
obtained his BTech in Aerospace
Engineering from IIT Kharagpur and
IMS from Center for NDE, low State
Inspection Services, R&D, Software
development and entrepreneurship.
He has aB Tech degree in Mechanical
Engineering and a Masters in
Machine Design from IT Roorkee University = USA in Engineering
with focus on Fracture Mechanics. He Mechanics. His areas of interest
has carried out research at IT Madras include Optics, Ultrasound,
in the field of Superplastic Forming. He led the design &
installation of the Superplastc forming facility at VSSC and
received CDC National award for consultancy services. He was
2 researcher atthe Institute for Non Destructive Testing, ZF,
Fraunhofer Society& University of Saarorucken, Germany
during 2002-2006. He developed the technique of Sampling
Phased Array and has over 8 patents in this domain. He co:
founded ETPS for Engineering and NDT Services in 1994. He
co-founded Lucid Software in 2000 and has been its CEO since
2005. As part of Lucid, he has been working on Automation of
Inspection Data Analysis including AI/ML tools. He has been
associated with ISNT for decades and is presently on the Board
(0f Directors of ASNT India Section
Radiography, Numerical modelling and Systems development.
He has nearly 20 years of experience in R&D, inspection
technique development for applications in aerospace, power,
cil & gas and wind turbine inspection, He is also certified ASNT
level Il in Ultrasound and Radiography. He has 10+ patent
applications filed with USPTO and 25+ publications in national
and international conferences and Journals.TUTORIAL 3
NDE for Manufacturing industries
Rao a eae Ree ae
in significant changes and challenges in the manufacturing processes in almost al the sectors viz, Nuclear, Aerospace, Defence,
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the increasing stringent quay norms for each industry segment and eventually across segment for an overall improvement. This
Pre-conference workshop aims to bring you a comprehensive understanding about the NDE requirements and solutions which
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The broad areas that willbe coveredin this program include:
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INDE challenges during the manufacturing ofthese components
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+ Advanced UT techniques asa boon for manufacturing industry
Relevance of NDE for controlling the quality during thisphase of building Atmanirbhar Bharat
The lectures willbe delivered by highly qualified and well known NDE experts with vast experience from reputed organisations in
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This program will be highly beneficial to NDE professionals, practicing engineers, researchers, academicians, students, QA/QC
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faculty and delivers invited talks on NDT, Welding
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Advisor ‘Me. V. Manoharan
Chairman Dr. Deepesh Vimalan
Course Directors Mt U. Anand
Me. Amish Joni
Mc Krishna Mohan Reddy
Me. Vamahi Koma Reddy
(Tutorial only)
ISNT Member Re dire Kiet
% 5,000.00 Me Rovismor Verma
a Dr. Jaykumar Vora
Ser Dr. Rakesh Chaudhari
% 6,000.00
= 1,000.00 BANK DETAILS
Aamittonce trom indo
REGISTRATION FEES Bank ‘State Bank of Indio
(Tutorial + Conference) GS.T. Rood, industrial Estate
ISNT Member ‘Account No 38499539214
% 15,000.00 ICR Code 00002072
ISNT Non-Member Remittance from Abroad
= 17,500.00 fork Site Bok of no
Boneh Sting Bone No-€6,
Students GS food das Ete
Sein Conn 8082,
% 7,000.00 ‘coun Neo seap9szvzta
Ise Code SN0004327
ate -10% 05 Adee cK Code SBININa@227
COO ee ons
Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing (ISNT) er ar aa)
ete 3, Garment Complex en aoa
era CCL
T 044-2250 0412 / 4203 8175