Labor and Delivery
Labor and Delivery
Labor and Delivery
Stage of Expulsion
- Begins with complete cervical
dilation (monitor fetal heart rate
at least every 15 minutes) and
ends with delivery of fetus
- Signs: crowning, effacement
(thinning and shortening of the
- Cervix dilation: 10 cm
- Length of stage: 1-2 hours
- Nursing Responsibilities:
o Position comfortably
o Encourage to empty
Placental Stage
- Begins immediately after fetus is
born and ends when the placenta
is delivered
- Length of stage: 10 minutes- 1
- Signs of placental separation:
o Sudden gushing of blood
o Lengthening of the cord
o Uterine fundus is firm
- Nursing Responsibilities:
o Perineal cleaning Labor dystocia/ Prolonged labor
o Applying of perineal pads - Failure to progress in labor
o Administration of - Reasons why this could happen:
oxytocin o Can relate to the cervix
not dilating enough
o baby’s head not engaging
with the mother’s pelvis
o differences between the
sizes of the baby’s head
and mother’s pelvis
o contractions not
sufficiently strong and
frequent to push the baby
Uterine Atony
- occurs when the uterus doesn’t Non- Sonographic Methods for
contract properly during and after determining Gestational Age:
childbirth Naegele’s Rule
- Signs of uterine atony: profuse Last menstrual period + 1 year + 7
bleeding, fundus relaxed, and days – 3 months
hypotension Uterine Size
Supine Hypotension - 12 weeks gestation: uterus
palpable just above the pubic
- A condition experienced by a symphysis
pregnant client when lying on her - 16 weeks gestation: fundus of the
back, irregular heart rate, uterus palpable at the midpoint
hypotensive, and apprehensive between the umbilicus and the
Placenta Previa pubic symphysis
- 20 weeks gestation: fundus
- Hemorrhage resulting from the palpable at the level of the
low implantation of the placenta umbilicus
on the interior uterine wall - After 20 weeks: the pubic
- Common in multiparous women symphysis to fundal height in cm
- Cause is unknown should correlate with the week of
- Diagnosed through ultrasound gestation
Abruptio Placenta
- Placenta separates prematurely
from the uterine wall
- The baby can stop receiving
adequate oxygen therefore a
medical emergency
Amniotic Fluid:
10 weeks: 30 ml
20 weeks: 350 ml
37 weeks: 850- 1000 ml
Golden yellow color- may indicate ABO