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The contribution of theory to practice in monetary

policy: recent developments

Carl E. Walsh∗

Preliminary draft: Feb. 2006

...monetary policy, just like other fields of human activity, always involves (in
part) a mismatch between accumulated learning and the need to take specific
policy actions. (Issing 2001)

1 Introduction

Monetary theory and the practice of monetary policy have long informed one another —
this two way interaction is in perhaps its healthiest state in the last forty years. It is an

interaction that has greatly interested Otmar Issing (e.g., Issing 2001) and one to which
he has been an insightful contributor. My focus is on recent additions to accumulated
learning, in Issing’s words, that have provided insights to those who are faced with the need

to take specific policy actions. Today’s productive exchanges between academic and policy
economists derive in large part from the use of a common class of models. New insights from
these models are shaping policy discussions and practices. In contrast to the models used

Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz. Email: [email protected]. Prepared
for Monetary Policy: A Journey from Theory to Practice: An ECB Colloquium held in honour of Prof.
Otmar Issing, Frankfurt, 16-17 March 2006. I would like to thank, without implicating, Glenn Rudebusch
for helpful conversations.

by academic economists in the 1970s and 1980s, with their underlying skepticism about
the ability of systematic policy to have beneficial real economic effects, a major task in
monetary theory today is that of contributing to the design and analysis of systematic rules
to reduce the costs of inflation and business cycle fluctuations.
The work on policy rules and systematic policy behavior represents a sweeping change
from the vision for monetary economics set out by Lucas and Sargent in 1978. They correctly
pointed out that “...[equilibrium methods] will focus attention on the need to think of policy
as the choice of stable rules of the game, well understood by economic agents. Only in such
a setting will economic theory help predict the actions agents will choose to take. (Lucas
and Sargent 1978 (1981, p. 317)). But they then drew the conclusion that

.. the government countercyclical policy must itself be unforeseeable by private

agents...while at the same time be systematically related to the state of the
economy. Effectiveness, then, rests on the inability of private agents to recognize

systematic patterns in monetary and fiscal policy. (Lucas and Sargent 1978)

If policy effectiveness rests on the “inability of private agents to recognize systematic

patterns,” there is little reason for economists to investigate optimal systematic policies.
Contrast this with the recent view expressed by Woodford:

...the central bank’s stabilization goals can be most effectively achieved only to

the extent that the central bank not only acts appropriately, but is also under-
stood by the private sector to predictably act in a certain way. The ability to
successfully steer private-sector expectations is favored by a decision procedure

that is based on a rule, since in this case the systematic character of the central
bank’s actions can be most easily made apparent to the public. (Woodford 2003)

While Woodford also emphasized rules, he stresses that it is the ability of private agents

to discern systematic policy actions that contributes to the effectiveness of monetary policy.

This recognition has breathed new life into the study of optimal policy design and explains
why the research interests of academic and central bank economists have converged. Mon-
etary theory has again become relevant for monetary policy.1 The evolution of theory from
the perspective offered by Lucas and Sargent to the one provided by Woodford is central
to understanding why theory has, over the past fifteen years, had a much greater impact
on practice than previously.
I will focus on four areas in which recent advances in monetary theory have relevance

for the practice of monetary policy: understanding the monetary transmission mechanism,
designing policy rules, dealing with uncertainty, and assessing the welfare gains from optimal
policy. I begin, however, with brief comments on the use of dynamic stochastic general

equilibrium (DSGE) models that integrate optimizing behavior with nominal rigidities.

2 The DSGE approach

Twenty years ago, the canonical academic paper in monetary economics employed a simple,
linear rational expectations model to analyze monetary policy issues. Key components
of the model were likely to be a Lucas supply function relating deviations of output from
potential to surprise inflation and some variant of an IS-LM model to link the money supply,
treated as the instrument of policy, to aggregate demand. Exogenous stochastic shocks were

typically appended to both the supply and the demand relationships. These models made
no pretense at empirical veracity, and they were far removed from the models used in central
Of course, earlier models employed by central banks also implied that systematic policy mattered. These
models, though, “started from curves” and the equilibrium conditions of the models were not derived from
the underlying decision rules of households and firms. Thus, the models were open to the Lucas critique,
reducing their attractiveness as frameworks for conducting policy experiments. In contrast, the modern
approach leads to models in which equilibrium conditions are based on well-specified decision problems
faced by the households, firms, and even policy makers. The form these decision problems take depends on
the environment the model builder specifies, but the objective is to develop models immune to the Lucas
critique, able to match importance characteristics of macro data, and within which one can conduct policy

banks for providing actual policy advice. Policy makers viewed these models as unhelpful
and academics viewed central bank models as crippled by the Lucas critique.
The contrast with today’s canonical paper in monetary economics is striking. A modern
paper would be based on a dynamic, stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model in which
optimizing agents — households and firms — interact in an environment characterized by nom-
inal rigidities. These models provide laboratories in which one can address normative issues
of optimal policy design. As a consequence, an explosion in policy-relevant research has
taken place, one in which both academic economists and central bank research economists
are active participants. To take just two recent examples of this interplay, the Reserve
Bank of New Zealand sponsored a workshop on “Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium

(DSGE) models” in August 2005 and the Federal Reserve held a Conference on “DSGE
Modeling at Policy making Institutions: Progress and Prospects” in December 2005. Both

these events involved academics and central bank economists, reflecting the prevalence of
DSGE modeling approaches inside and outside of central banks.2 Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler
(1999) pointed to the development of DSGE models with nominal rigidities as one of the

two factors leading to the revival of interest in the study of monetary policy design. The
other factor they cited was new empirical evidence suggesting the importance of monetary
factors in accounting for cyclical fluctuations. I would add a third; the treatment of the

interest rate rather than the quantity of money as the instrument of policy, a shift that
made monetary theory much more relevant from the perspective of policy makers.

The current generation of DSGE models have contributed to policy in several important
ways (see Galı́ 2001). First, they offer new insights into the transmission process of mone-
tary policy. Second, they force model builders to think more carefully about the underlying
sources of economic disturbances, and this has led to a better appreciation that the simple
The common approaches taken by academic economists and central bank economists is a point empha-
sized by McCallum (1999).

dichotomy between demand shocks and supply shocks is not helpful for policy analysis.
Instead, one must understand the nature of the disturbances and whether they lead to in-
efficient fluctuations. Third, these models provide model-consistent measures of the output
gap relevant for policy. Fourth, these models provide grounds for welfare-based policy, giv-
ing new insights into the costs of inflation and the appropriate objectives of stabilization
The DSGE modeling approach is now wide spread among central bank researchers,
and several central bank’s have adopted DSGE models for use in policy analysis, affecting
directly the practice of monetary policy. Parameters in these models are not arbitrary but
characterize the economic environment faced by private sector decision makers. Economic

theory can often, though not always, provide guidance as to the values of these parameters.
This allows the models to be calibrated, a feature that can be particularly important in

situations in which major structural changes have occurred that limit the informativeness
of macro time series for estimating policy models.3 However, these models are reaching
the stage where they are being taken to the data and are able to match quarterly business

cycle data in ways that increase our confidence that they can serve to generate the type
of short-run projections that are central to the monetary policy decision process. Central
bank economists have been among the leaders in developing and estimating DSGE models

(e.g., Smets and Wouter 2003).

For example, some aspects of the Forecasting and Policy System (FPS) model of the Reserve Bank of
New Zealand are calibrated rather than estimated.

3 Forward-looking expectations and the monetary transmis-

sion mechanism

Some of the most important insights from recent research have been into the role forward-
looking expectations play in affecting the monetary transmission process and the implica-
tions this has for both policy design and central bank communications.
At least since the 1950s and the work of Friedman and Modigliani and Brumberg,
economists have recognized the importance of forward-looking behavior. What is new in
the models currently employed for policy analysis is the role played by forward-looking
expectations in the adjustment of prices and wages. Standard models in which firms set
prices that may remain unchanged for some time naturally imply that firms must be forward
looking, assessing not just the current economic environment but the outlook for the future
as well.

It is because forward-looking expectations matter that the systematic behavior of the

central bank plays a critical role in determining the real effects of monetary policy, as

only the systematic part of policy will affect future expectations. This lesson is one that
has clearly influenced how central banker’s think about monetary policy. To quote just
one, Mervyn King (2005) has stated that “Because inflation expectations matter to the

behaviour of households and firms, the critical aspect of monetary policy is how decisions
of the central bank influence those expectations.” He even goes so far as to quote Michael
Woodford that “very little else matters.”

There are many ways in which a consideration of forward-looking expectations is vital

for understanding key elements of policy design, but let me highlight two: the gains from

commitment and the role of transparency.

3.1 Commitment

As Lucas and Sargent emphasized, one must think of policy in terms of stable rules, but
central banks must not only follow rules, they must be seen to be doing so. That is, the
ability of a central bank to commit to a rule is critical. Recent developments in monetary
theory have provided new insights into the gains from credibility and policy commitment.4
Earlier analysis of time inconsistency and the gains from commitment focused on un-

derstanding the average inflation bias that might arise under discretion. In that framework,
the underlying source of the inflation bias was an unrealistically ambitious policy goal for
economic activity. If the central bank would only focus correctly on stabilizing the output
gap, the inflation bias would disappear and so would the distinction between discretion and

Today, we understand better that even in the absence of an average inflation bias,
there are gains from commitment. By anchoring future inflation expectations through a
commitment to a low inflation target, central banks can improve the trade off they face
between inflation and output gap volatility.
The gain from commitment arises because the central bank potentially has two instru-
ments at its disposal — the current short-term interest rate and private sector expectations

of future inflation. In a discretionary environment, only the first instrument can be used. If
both instruments can be employed, the central bank can achieve better outcomes. Specifi-

cally, less output gap volatility is associated with any given level of inflation variability.
Of course, a central bank can only affect future expectations systematically if it is cred-
ible. And, just as recent theory has provided new insights into the gains from commitment,
it has also illustrated the form that commitment policies take in practice. For example,
when policy actions affect the economy with a lag, policy must be forward-looking; policy
See Bernanke (2004) for a discussion of what economists have learned about credibility since the Volcker

in such an environment is characterized as inflation-forecast targeting. But forward-looking
behavior by the private sector leads optimal monetary policy to be backward looking. This
introduces an inertia into policy that would be absent in a discretionary environment. Con-
ditioning current policy on the past is a means of honoring past commitments. Private
agents will believe the central bank’s promises about future policies only if it has delivered
on past promises.
There is a great deal of empirical evidence that central banks actually do display inertial
behavior, but debate exists over how to interpret this behavior. Does it simply reflect
attempts by central banks to honor past commitments? Or does it reflect simply sluggish
behavior by central banks? Regressions of policy interest rates that included the lagged

interest rate always find large and statistically significant coefficients on the lagged rate.
This is often interpreted to mean that central banks engage in partial adjustment, moving

the policy rate only gradually towards the desired rate. However, inertial behavior under
optimal commitment is not equivalent to partial adjustment — it is the desired rate itself
that depends on past policies. Rudebusch (2005) argues that the Fed does not engage in
partial adjustment behavior. Instead, the apparent inertia in the federal funds rate results
from, as Rudebusch puts it, “slow accretion of information relevant to the setting of the
policy interest rate by policymakers.”

Regardless of the eventual explanation for policy inertial in practice, recent theory has
given us new insights into both the gains from commitment and the form commitment

polices take.

3.2 Transparency

If forward-looking expectations are important for the monetary transmission process, trans-
parency about future policy is crucial in ensuring consistency between the central bank’s

intentions and private sector expectations. Yet despite this, few central banks are com-

pletely transparent about future policy. The Federal Reserve, while cutting rates in 2000
and raising them in 2005 and 2006, provided signals to the market about the future direction
of rate changes. And the inflation reports of the Norges Bank now provide future interest
rate projections along with inflation and output gap projections. But most central banks do
not provide explicit interest rate projections and, until recently, several based output and
inflation projections on constant interest rate paths that were clearly not meant as forecasts
of future interest rates.
Modern theory gives insights, however, into how transparency can help achieve what are
the central bank’s primary objectives. Central banks increasingly recognize the importance
of communication so that the public understands the systematic nature of policy. This

recognition has played a large part in motivating the greater transparency with which
policy is now conducted (Issing 2005a). Eijffinger and Geraats (2005) provide an index

of transparency for a set of developed economies that includes some inflation targeters
(Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, and the UK) as well as non-targeters (Japan,
Switzerland, and the US). They find that between 1998 and 2002, transparency increased
for virtually all the central banks they studied. Even the Federal Reserve, which has so far
resisted calls to establish a formal inflation target, has moved to make its policy practices
more transparent.

But, as Otmar Issing has noted that “Transparency is not an end in itself: a central
bank is not established with the primary objective of communicating with the public”

(Issing 2005a). Transparency can improve the ability of monetary policy to achieve its
goals by ensuring that private market expectations are consistent with the aims of central
bank policy. In the forward-looking new Keynesian model that has seen wide-spread use
for monetary policy analysis, the effectiveness of monetary policy depends on the ability of
policy to affect expectations about the future path of interest rates (Woodford 2003). A
transparent policy, one that reduces uncertainty about future policy actions, can improve

the trade off between output and inflation objectives and increase the effectiveness of policy.
This contrasts strongly with the analysis of transparency in models from the 1970s through
1990s in which policy could only be effective if it were opaque and able to surprise private
Transparency is not unambiguously desirable, however. Recent research has dropped
the assumption of common information that characterizes most models and investigated
the role of central bank announcements when private agents and the central bank have
diverse and imperfect information.5 Because the central bank announcements are public
information, information shared by all, private agents may overreact to it. If central bank
announce forecasts that are subject to error, these forecast errors may introduce undesirable
volatility into the economy as private agents overreact to the public nature of central bank
announcements. This does capture a concern of policy makers. For example, in discussing
the release of FOMC minutes, Janet Yellen expressed the view that “Financial markets
could misinterpret and overreact to the minutes.” (Yellen 2005). So, while conclusions from
this literature are not yet firmly established, it provides a further example of how work in
monetary theory is tackling directly issues that are of relevance to monetary policy makers.

4 Policy rules

John Taylor desires the credit for reviving academic interest in policy rules. In 1993, he
demonstrated that a simple reaction function expressing the Fed’s policy instrument as a
function of an inflation gap and an output gap could track the actual path of the federal

funds rate surprisingly well (Taylor 1993). This finding opened up new avenues of research
in both theory and practice. Economists began exploring the extent to which the behavior

of other central banks could be captured by simple rules, the characteristics of optimal
The basic theory is due to Morris and Shin (2003). For an application in a standard new Keynesian
model of monetary policy, see Walsh (2005c).

simple rules in both theoretical, calibrated, and estimated models, and the comparative
performance of simple rules and optimal rules.
Monetary theory has offered a number in insights concerning policy rules that have
proven relevant for practice.

4.1 The Taylor Principle

The use of forward-looking models of inflation determination renewed interest in assessing

the restrictions on policy that were necessary to guarantee a determinant equilibrium. In
general, determinacy is ensured under interest rates rules that follow the Taylor Principle,

responding more than one-for-one to deviations of inflation from target. The Taylor Princi-
ple is the means through which modern central banks provide a nominal anchor and ensure
low and stable inflation.

Optimal policy is often described in terms of a description of “how a central bank

would respond to any conceivable shock in the future...” (King 2005). This sounds like
a daunting task, but in fact, policy can be expressed, not in terms of reactions to hard

to shocks, but as reactions to a small number of macro variables. In fact, the analysis of
policy rules that ensure determinacy has lead to a recognition that policy must respond to

endogenous variables, not solely to exogenous shocks. This represents an important shift
from earlier research. This earlier literature emphasized the role of policy in responding to
exogenous shocks. Monetary theory today has shown how such policies are not consistent

with determinacy. Policy must react to endogenous variables. Since shocks are generally
unidentified, research on optimal responses to endogenous variables such as inflation and
output has lead to findings that are much more relevant for policy makers.

4.2 Learning and Learnability

While the Taylor Principle was initially viewed as a necessary requirement for determinacy,
it has also been shown to play a role in determining whether a rule is learnable (Bullard and
Mitra 2002). A policy rule is learnable if private agents can learn the fundamental, rational
expectations equilibrium of the model under simply learning dynamics. Learnability is
important; with the ability of policy makers to achieve their stabilization goals contingent

on the public’s understanding of the systematic aspects of policy, it is necessary that the
private sector be able to learn correctly about the central bank’s rule.
Of course, the central bank must also take into account the fact the private sector is

learning. Gaspar, Smets, and Vestin (2005) have shown that if the private sector learns
adaptively, simple policy rules can lead to explosive behavior. As they put it, central

bankers must engage in ‘sophisticated’ policy that acknowledges the learning behavior of
the private sector.
It is not just the private sector that is learning; policy makers too are learning about the

economy. Optimal learning models generally imply some experimentation, a recommenda-

tion unlikely to win support among policy makers. However, Cogley, Colacito, and Sargent
(2005) have shown that the gains from policy experimentation are small, and they conclude

that central bankers should learn but not experiment.

4.3 Instrument rules versus targeting rules

Another area in which theory has demonstrated its relevance to practice has been in the
analysis of policy rules. There are many ways policy rules can be expressed. For example,
a Taylor rule is an instrument rule; it describes the setting of the policy instrument as a
function of a small set of macro variables. In contrast, a targeting rule represents “a condi-
tion to be fulfilled by the central bank’s target variables (or forecasts thereof)” (Svensson

2004). A targeting rule does not involve exogenous shocks; the condition to be maintained
involves only the central bank’s target variables.
Targeting rules are common among inflation-targeting central banks.6 For example, a
statement to the effect that policy will aim to ensure the x-period ahead inflation forecast
equals the inflation target is an implicit statement of a targeting rule. Such a rule may or
may not reflect an optimal policy.
Optimal targeting rules are first-order conditions. Thinking of policy in terms of such

first order condition is natural. From the perspective of understanding how central banks
behave, starting from the presumption that they have well defined objectives and set policy
optimally to achieve those objectives is consistent with the approach economists take to

studying private sector behavior.

There is at least one example of a central bank that employs a targeting rule — the

Norges Bank. In their January 2005 Inflation Report, the Norges Bank list several criteria
a future interest rate path should meet. The first is basically the Taylor Principle. Let
me quote from the second: “..the inflation gap and the output gap should be in reasonable

proportion to each other until they close. ... If both gaps are positive, for example, a path
with a higher interest rate would be preferable, as it would bring inflation closer to the
target and contribute to more stable output developments.” This provides a description of

a targeting rule. Under discretion, it corresponds to the optimal targeting rule in a simple
model with a quadratic loss function in inflation and the output gap. As is well known,

the first-order condition under discretion in this case implies that the output gap and the
inflation gap should move in proportion to one another, and they should be of opposite
There are two problems with the targeting rule criterion described by the Norges Bank.
Svensson (2004) noted that a Google search on “‘targeting rules’ monetary” produced 1700 results in
April 2003 and 2100 in August 2004. A similar search in January 2005 resulted in 16,800 hits.

First, this rule is model specific. Alternative models of the monetary transmission mecha-
nism or alternative formulations of policy objectives will not lead to such a simple targeting
Second, this rule ignores the gains from commitment — it fails to exploit the expectational
channel of policy. The optimal targeting rule under commitment relates inflation to the
change in the output gap so that a positive inflation gap should not be accompanied by
a rising output gap. Both inflation and the output gap could be positive, a long as the
output gap is falling towards zero. The optimal targeting rule under commitment also
displays inertia (Woodford 2003). The policy called for under the rule depends on past
outcomes in a way that reflects the desirability of delivering on past promises.

Because targeting rules are model specific, they have not seen wide adoption. Central
banks prefer simple rules, and, as the next section discusses, this preference may arise from a

desire for robustness in the face of the uncertainty. However, the use of simple rules has been
criticized, particularly by Svensson (2003, 2004), who highlights four problems with simple
instrument rules: 1) they exclude important state variables; 2) commitment to a simple
rule does not allow for any subsequent improvement in the rule as “new information about
the transmission mechanism, the variability of shocks, or the source of shocks arrives”; 3)
“commitment to a simple instrument rule does not provide any rules for when discretionary

departures from the simple instrument rule are warranted” — as such, they are not sufficient
descriptions of good monetary policy; and 4) no central bank has announced an explicit

commitment to a simple rule.

All of these are serious criticisms, though simple rules also have their defenders (McCal-
lum and Nelson 2004). As an alternative to such rules, Svensson makes two proposals. The
first, which he labels commitment to a general targeting rule, requires the central bank to
announce, and commit to, a specific objective function. His second proposal is that central
banks commit to a specific targeting rule, essentially an expression for the policy instrument

derived from the first order condition for the central bank’s optimal policy.
Unfortunately, each of these proposals is subject to the many of the same criticisms
levied at simple rules. Committing to an objective function would require the central bank
to state, explicitly, how willing it is to trade-off inflation for output gap fluctuations. But
one of the key insights provided by Woodford (2003) is that how policy objectives should be
balanced depends on the structure of the economy. As information about the transmission
process changes, as structural change in the economy takes place, commitment to a general
targeting rule would not allow the central bank to alter its preferences. In the face of
structural change that affects the costs of inflation, it is likely to be easier for the central
bank to alter its instrument rule than to alter its publicly announced objectives. Even when

an objective function is announced, as Svensson notes “In practice, the loss function is not
specified in this detail, and the central bank has some discretion over the translation of the

stated objectives into a loss function.” But how much discretion? And what are the rules
for governing the departures? These questions are left unanswered. Finally, no central bank
has announced an explicit loss function.
At this point, it seems both instrument rules and targeting rules have useful roles to play
in policy analysis. But the debate over instrument and targeting rules serves to illustrate
the real contribution modern monetary economics has made to issues of direct relevance for

the practice of monetary policy.

5 Uncertainty

....while the academic profession has made tremendous progress in analyzing risk
in well-defined stochastic economies, the “Knightian” uncertainty that confronts

central bankers and sometimes markets is of an all together different dimension.

(Issing 2002)

I put forward an approach to monetary policy making under uncertainty that
involves two main components: first, a firm reliance on the fundamental and
robust results of monetary economics; second, a pragmatic attitude to policy
implementation, which takes in due consideration lessons from central banking
experience. (Issing 2005b)

Recently, economists have taken new looks at optimal monetary policy under uncer-

tainty. Work by Levin and Williams (2003), Hansen and Sargent (2003), Giannoni and
Woodford (2003), Svensson and Williams (2005) and many other have produce new in-
sights and new perspectives on optimal policy in the face of uncertainty.
Giannoni and Woodford (2003) have emphasized that optimal targeting rules, because
they involve only target variables, are independence of the specific stochastic behavior of
economic disturbances. Optimal policy responses to inflation and output gap movements

are the same regardless of whether shocks tend to be transitory or highly persistent.7 The
Giannoni and Woodford approach, however, involves only additive uncertainty in settings

in which certainty equivalence holds. This is clearly only a small subset of the forms of
uncertainty policy makers face, and economist have developed methods for dealing with
more general forms of uncertainty. Two of the most important sources of uncertainty are

observational uncertainty and model uncertainty.

5.1 Observational uncertainty

Observational uncertainty is the uncertainty faced by policy makers due to their limited
ability to observe accurately the contemporaneous state of the economy. Observational

uncertainty arises from data uncertainty and from the fact that quantities our theory implies
Their result, however, is model specific. If lagged inflation appears in the inflation adjustment equation,
for example, the optimal targeting rule will involve expectations of future inflation. To form forecasts of
future inflation, the central bank must know the process followed by the distrubances.

should play a critical role in policy decisions are not directly measurable. The output gap
illustrates both sources of this problem.
Policy decisions must be made using real-time data. The importance of real-time date
for understanding, and reconstructing, the environment in which actual decisions are made
is critical. Orphanides (2003) has shown, for example, how the failure to correctly assess
changes in trend growth during the 1970s contributed to serious policy mistakes in the U.S.
Researchers have investigated how outcomes under simple rules are affected by observational
uncertainty. Simple rules that respond to output gap changes, so-called difference rules,
appear to be more robust to data uncertainties than standard Taylor rules (Orphanides
and Williams 2002, Walsh 2003), and the Norges Bank employes such a difference rule as

one of its alternative simple rules used to construct projections.

Data uncertainty is not the only source of observational uncertainty. Equally important

is the role of unobservable theoretical quantities in optimal policy design. For example, new
Keynesian models imply central banks should focus on inflation and the gap between output
and the flexible-price equilibrium output level, or between actual output and the welfare-
maximizing output level. Neither the flexible-price nor the welfare-maximizing output levels
are observable. Recently, a new generation of estimated DSGE models offer the possibility of
measuring these theoretical quantities. Doing so forces model builders, and policy makers,

to think carefully about the nature of economics disturbances and their implications for
economic welfare.8

5.2 Model uncertainty

Several insightful new approaches to model uncertainty have been pursued by monetary

economists. These approaches have emphasized the need to find policy rules that are robust
See Walsh (2005b).

to various aspects of model mis-specification.9
The notion that policy may be more robust if based on a systematically distorted model

of the economy is a key implication of the approach to robust control explored by Hansen
and Sargent (2003). The robust control approach proceeds from the assumption that the

central bank has a model of the economy that is believed to be a reasonable approximation
to the true model, but the policy makers also knows that this approximating model may
be subject to mis-specification. Rather than viewing the set of possible mis-specifications

as purely random, the policy maker assumes “nature” is an evil agent who will choose
the mis-specification that makes the policy maker look as bad as possible. In such an
environment, optimal policy aims to minimize the worst-case outcome that could arise.

In a number of cases that have been analyzed, the worst-case model is characterized by
increased persistence; the dangers of underestimating the degree of persistence appear to

be greater than those of overestimating persistence.

From the perspective of policy strategies, the use of a distorted model has several prob-
lems. Basing forecasts on a model that the policy maker knows is distorted would make it
more difficult to communicate the rationale behind policy actions. Robust control has been
criticized on the grounds that worst-case outcomes are likely to be low probability events.
As a consequence, a robust policy is, from a Bayesian perspective, too heavily influenced
by such events.
An alternative approach is to seek policy rules that perform well across a range of possi-

ble models, even if the rule is not optimal for any one model. In exploring this approach, for
example, Levin and Williams (2003) have shown that policy rules designed to be optimal in
backward-looking models are much more robust than rules optimized for forward-looking

models. Thus, somewhat paradoxically, the expectations channel is important for under-
standing the monetary transmission channel, but it should not be relied on by a central
McCallum (1988) has long argued for assessing the robustness of rules across different models.

bank that desires its policies to be robust.
Seeking a rule that does well across a range of models is often done heuristically, without
grounding the analysis in an explicit Bayesian assessment of the probabilities associated
with the alternative models. When Bayesian approaches have been adopted, there has been
a tendency to focused on specific sources of uncertainty while ignoring others. Recently,
Svensson and Williams (2005) have proposed a general approach to optimal policy design
under uncertainty, an approach that can simultaneously handle forms of data, coefficient,
and model uncertainty. In fact, Svensson and Williams (2005, p. 11) claim that “Generally,
aside from dimensional and computational limitations, it is difficult to conceive of a situation
for a policymaker that cannot be approximated in this framework.” However, their approach

does require exact knowledge of the probability distribution over different models at each
date t and the transition matrix that describes how these probabilities evolve over time.

While these probabilities can be estimated, current theory is still far from addressing “the
‘Knightian’ uncertainty that confronts central bankers”, to quote Issing again.

5.3 Communicating uncertainty

In practice, central banks have always recognized the uncertainties they face. However,
what has changed markedly in recent years are the ways this uncertainty is communicated
to the public. Several central banks have followed the lead of the Bank of England in
producing fan charts as a method for communicating the range of inflation outcomes that

could occur. In practice, these fan charts reflect only the uncertainty arising from the
additive and exogenous disturbance terms that appear in the forecasting model. A much
more important source of uncertainty is undoubtedly model uncertainty, and theory is

beginning to develop new methods that will allow central banks to incorporate forms of
model uncertainty into the construction of fan charts. For example, the work of Svensson
and Williams (2005) provides techniques for deriving optimal policy and forecast fan charts

that can incorporate many forms of uncertainty. These fan charts both communicate the
extend of uncertainty to the public and focus policy makers on distribution forecast inflation
targeting in which policy is chosen so that the distribution of future inflation and output
gap projections look good.

6 Welfare and policy objectives

Recent developments in monetary theory have obtained important new insights into the
costs of economic fluctuations, the benefits of stabilization policies, the conditions under
which price stability is optimal, and the objectives of optimal policy. These developments
are a natural consequence of the DSGE modeling approach. By specifying clearly the
preferences of the economic agents in the model and the environment in which they operate,
DSGE modeling has made it feasible to investigate the implications of policy for the welfare
of the agents in the economy.
Lucas (2003) has argued that the welfare gain from improved macroeconomic stabi-
lization policies is small. As he puts it, “The potential gains from improved stabilization
policies are on the order of hundredths of a percent of consumption, perhaps two orders
of magnitude smaller than the potential benefits of available ‘supply-side’ fiscal reforms.”
The implication is that the energy directed towards fine-tuning stabilization policy is mis-

directed. Recent work in monetary theory, however, work closely associated with Mike
Woodford, has demonstrated that focusing solely on consumption volatility misses impor-
tant welfare costs associated with inflation. These costs are distinct from the traditional
shoe-leather costs common to monetized economies with positive nominal interest rates.
The recent literature has focused on the way non-zero inflation distorts the signals provided
by the price system when non-synchronized price adjustment across firms leads to an ineffi-
cient dispersion of relative prices. One attractive aspect of this result is that it captures an

older but not formally modeled view that inflation reduces the ability of the price system to
allocate resources efficiently. Similarly, staggered wage adjustment causes inefficient relative
wage dispersion when wage inflation is non-zero.
When the distortions due to relative price and wage distortions are accounted for, the
potential gains from stabilization policy appear to be much larger than Lucas obtained.
For example, employing an estimate DSGE model of the US with wage and price rigidities,
Levin, Onatski, Williams, and Williams (2005) find that the welfare costs of business cycles
are equivalent to a 2.6 percent reduction in steady-state consumption under the historical
policy rule. Even under the optimal Ramsey policy, these costs are still a sizable 2 percent of
steady-state consumption. Thus, theory is providing new understanding of the importance

of well-designed monetary policies. Interestingly, most of these costs are the result of
nominal wage rigidities, and a robust policy rule in their model is one that stabilizes nominal

These new perspectives on the costs of inflation provide support from theory for the
practice followed by many central banks of focusing on core inflation. Core inflation typically
removes sectors with volatile prices such as food and energy from the overall price index.
This leaves core inflation as a better measure of inflation in the sticky-price sectors of the
economy, and these are the sectors that generate the largest welfare costs due to inflation.

The linkages between economic structure and policy objectives in modern theory has
one important implication for policy makers who employ a range of models in evaluating

alternative polices. Different models will imply different consequences for welfare of infla-
tion and real economic fluctuations. The importance of price stability relative to reducing
real volatility will depend on the model’s assumptions about the form of and rationale for
nominal rigidities. In general, the common practice of employing a constant measure of
welfare and evaluate it using several different economic models is internally inconsistent.
Objectives will depend on the central bank’s model (or models).

Central banks have been less transparency about objectives than about other aspects
of policy. None have publicly revealed their loss function. This shows good judgment on
the part of central bankers. We do not know enough, and our models are too simple, to
take the welfare implications too literally. Despite the importance of the labor market and
wage behavior for the costs of fluctuations, standard models are only now incorporating
unemployment in new work integrating the modern theory of unemployment with DSGE
models with nominal and real rigidities.10 Other work has began to investigate the extent

to which the appropriate response to the distributional costs of business cycles is a social
insurance program rather than macro stabilization (e.g., Costain and Reiter 2005). Cur-
rent policy models also do not incorporate micro-founded financial markets that reflect the
informational imperfections that help shape these markets. As theory moves away from
simplistic financial structures, we will probably gain new insights into the role of money in

the design of monetary policy.

By offering new understandings of the costs of fluctuations, the appropriate objectives
of policy, and the potential benefits of well-conceived and designed monetary policies, hope-
fully, theory will continue to be relevant for the practice of monetary policy.

7 Conclusions

The critical requirement....is an ongoing fruitful dialogue between monetary the-

ory and monetary policy. (Issing 2001)

Today, the dialogue Issing called for is active and fruitful. Central banks employ DSGE
models for policy analysis. Policy makers think in terms of rules. They recognize the value
of credibility and commitment. They try to reduce uncertainty in markets by providing

information about the likely future path of interest rates. All these characteristics of the
For example, see Trigari (2004), Walsh (2005a), Gertler and Trigari (2006).

modern practice of policy have been grounded in recent developments in monetary theory.
And academic economists are focusing their analysis on issues that are of interest to and of
practical relevance for policy makers.
I have tried to highlight a few of the topics that recent theory has investigated and that
are relevant for policy makers. The role of forward-looking expectations, the importance
of credibility and transparency, the design of systematic policy rules, new approaches to
studying policy under uncertainty, and new insights into the welfare costs of inflation and
real fluctuations are areas in which theory is relevant for practice. Some of the lessons from
recent theory do qualify as, to quote Issing again, among “the fundamental and robust
results of monetary economics” which can provide the foundation on which policy makers

can ground their “pragmatic attitude to policy implementation.”

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