Affidavit Right To Travel
Affidavit Right To Travel
Affidavit Right To Travel
Archie: Birchfield,
SWORN deposes and says:
I, Archie: Birchfield, possess full Sui Juris and Unalienable Powers by Virtue of my Divine connection to
the living Creator (God), My harmonization with Divine Universal Law, my Mitochondrial DNA genetic
construct, and my ancient ancestral bloodline.
That I have researched extensively the organic laws of the United States of America Republic, including
two hundred years of American Jurisprudence Case law (i.e. common law), and now affirm that I have
upon all public walkways and highways, and transport my personal and Allodial property duly conveyed
unhindered by ANY private, corporate or statutory law, or Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
regulation or so called requirement.
My unalienable powers to travel are guaranteed by the Great Binding Law Gayanashgwa; The Treaty of
Marrakesh 1786; the unincorporated free association of the United States of America Republic for of
government aka as the United States of America in General Congress Assembled; The United States in
Congress assembled belonging to the Ab Antiquo Family of Nations; The Articles of Association
founded on October 20, 1774; The Articles of Confederation, which was agreed on November 15, 1777
and was ratified on March 1, 1781; “A Declaration'' of July 4, 1776, which led to the adoption of the
Constitution of the United States of America Republic, and upheld by many court decisions in support
of that right. I more explicitly RESERVE, ASSERT and DEFEND that right.
This AFFIDAVIT is tender upon demand of a driver’s license, registration of proof of insurance as part
of the official record of ANY ensuing action and must be introduced as evidence in said action.
That I, Archie: Birchfield, do NOT under ANY circumstances utilize the public highways for commercial
purposes. I am NOT a 14th Amendment legal “person” engaged in interstate commerce, nor do I derive
income from travel and transport of goods. I am NOT a “driver” nor am I a “operator” of a “motor
vehicle”. The driver’s license is for motor vehicles involved in commerce only. My private, self-propelled
contrivance/carriage is NOT involved in commerce, therefore, it is NOT a “motor vehicle”. The
corporate State of Diamond Department of Motor Vehicle code does not disclose the true intent and
purpose of the statutes, though a “motor vehicle” is adequately and clearly defined in the United Stated
Codes (USC).
“The privilege of using the streets and highways by the operation thereon of motor carriers for hire can
be acquired only by permission of license from the state or its political subdivision.” Black’s Laws
Dictionary, 5th ed. Page 830.
I cannot in good faith apply for an accept a Driver’s license, as I would be committing PERJURY, I
would have to SWEAR under OATH that I am a member of, citizen of, franchise of, or resident (agent)
of [fiduciary, surety for] the corporate State of New York and Georgia, when the already established
facts by affidavit have evidenced that I am NOT a member of, citizen of, franchise of, or resident.
I am NOT effectively connected with a trade of business in the corporate monopoly of the United States
government whether federal, State, county or municipal. I am NOT a resident “U.S. Citizen” however, I
am Citizen of several States of the United States of (for) America Republic; a Sui Juris American
Sovereign, and a National of the USA. I am present in a foreign jurisdiction to both the corporate state
and federal governments. I have NOT knowingly or willingly waived ANY of my Unalienable Powers.
American case law has clearly adjudicated that ….” The right of the citizen to travel upon the public
highways and to transport his/her property thereon either by carriage or automobile, is not a mere
privilege which a city for State may prohibit or permit at will, but a common right which he/she has
under the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Thompson v. Smith, 154b SE 579.
Even the legislator has no power to deny to a Sui Juris National the right to travel upon the highway,
transport his/her property in the ordinary course of his business or pleasure, though this right may be
regulated in accordance with the public interest and convenience. [“regulated means traffic safety
enforcement, stop lights, signs the public etc...”] - Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago, 169 NE 22.
Therefore, I have determined and hereby affirm by affidavit and under oath, by virtue of my declared
Sui Juris, and American jurisprudence case law, that I am NOT required to have government
permission to travel, NOT required to have a driver’s license, NOT required to have vehicle registration
of my personal property nor to surrender the lawful title of my duly conveyed property to the State as
security against government indebtedness and the undeclared federal bankruptcy of 1933. ANY
administrative rule, regulation or statutory act of ANY state legislator or judicial tribunal to the contrary
is unlawful and clearly unconstitutional, thus NULL and VOID. American case law has clearly
adjudicated that “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved there can be no rule making or
legislation which would abrogate them” Miranda v. Arizona 384 U.S.
“The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted in a crime.” Miller v. U.S. F 2d
486, 489.
“There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of his exercise of constitutional rights.”
ANY action involving a citation of ticket issued confiscation, impoundment or search and seizure of my
private property by a police officer or ANY other public servant or employee which carries a fine of jail
time is a penalty or sanction, thus converting a right into a crime. ANY citation of the ticket is thus
NULL and VOID. Under every circumstance without exception, government officials must hold the
Constitution for the United States of (for) America (1791) supreme over ANY other laws, regulations or
order. Every police (executive) officer or judicial officer has sworn an oath to protect the lives, property
and rights of the Citizens of the United States of America Republic under the supreme law of the land.
ANY Act to deprive these Sui Juris National of his/her Constitutional protected rights is a direct
violation of their oath of office, a felony and a federal crime.
“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state Legislators,
and all executive and judicial officers both of the United States and of the several states, Shall be bound
by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution of the United States of America.” U.S Constitution,
Article 6 ANY action by a police (executive) officer, officer of the court, public servant or government
official to assert unlawful authority under the “color of law” and/or Admiralty/ Maritime jurisdiction on
land. This will be construed as a direct and willful violation of my Sui Juris and unalienable status
which have been imbued by my Divine connection to the living Creator (God). In addition, to commit
such acts is an infringement upon my constitutional protected rights. Violators will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of American Jurisprudence, including Private International Administrative Remedy and
“Public officials are not immune from suit when they transcend their lawful authority by invading
rights.” AFLCIO v. Woodward, 406 F2d 137 t.
“Whoever under the color of law, statute. Ordinance regulation or custom, willfully subjects and
inhabitant of any state, Territory, or District to the deprivation of NAY rights, privileges or immunizes
secured or protected by the Constitution of laws of the United States… shall be fined not more than
$1,000.00 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both…” 18 USC & 242.
This AFFIDAVIT also certifies that I have previously completed and passed a test measuring my
competence to safely control a motorized vehicle upon the public highways within the United States of
(for) America Republic. I have also met or exceeded all commonsense requirements concerning the
“rules of the road” and the ability to maneuver a mechanized land vessel in a safe and responsible
Pursuant to Title 28 USC & 1746 (1) and executed “without the United States”, I affirm under penalty of
perjury under the laws of the United States of (for) America Republic that the foregoing is true and
correct, to the best of my overstand
ing and informed knowledge, and further deponent saith not.
Archie: Birchfield,
Secured Party Creditor
Holder-in-due-Course for the Common Law Copyrighted