Local Media8442823191121160261
Local Media8442823191121160261
Local Media8442823191121160261
Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school students aware of the development stage that they are in for them to better understand themselves and the significant people around them as
they make important career decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in personal development. Using the experiential
learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant
concepts, theories, and tools in different areas in psychology.
Culminating Performance Standard: Make a career plan based on his/her personal goal, and external factors influencing career choices.
What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?
Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Highest Thinking Skill to
developing the Highest Thinking
Skill to Assess
Most Flexible
Content Performance
Content Essential Assessment
Standards Standards Complete KUD Most Essential KUD Enabling
Topics RBT Level Activities Flexible Learning
(FAA) Strategies (FLS)
Quarter 1-Week 1
The learners shall
be to conduct self The learners...
The exploration and explain that
Challenges explain that
simple disclosure K knowing oneself
of Middle knowing oneself
can make a person can make a person
and Late accept his/her
Adolescence accept his/her u evaluating
strengths and strengths and
limitations and limitations and
dealing with others dealing with others
better better