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For Solo Alto or Baritone Saxophone
with Piano Accompaniment
Sandy Feldstein & Larry Clark
The Yamaha-Advantage'
ook 1 - page12.—Cane performed after page 12 ofthe Yamaha Advantage Book 1, A 5 (al 8 / BS lb yf
Alto Saxophone/Baritone Saxophone
4 $
apt 0 2005 by aman Mase
Niigata hyn ene
83 ‘mgs rceved cg pra as. wor. yamahaadvantage.comArietta
Sandy Feldstein & Larry Clark
Can be performed after page 12 of The Yamaha Advantage Book 1.
CD Track #1
Program Notes
[ARIETTA isan original composition by Sandy Feldstein and Larry Clark that is specifically written to give
beginning instrumentalist an opportunity to play a solo with piano accompaniment. The piece uses only the
first 6 notes learned in most band methods and no rhythm more dificult than a quarter note. The irical
nature of the piece however will challenge beginning players as they develop thelr tone quality and phrasing
capabilities, Keeping the piece gentle and smooth will help to improve the performance of this solo.
Formand Analysis,
Understanding the form of apiece of music is essential for proper interpretation and performance. tis also a
reat help ifyou want to memorize the composition.
Measures 1-4 Introduction
5-12 A
21-28 A
37-44 A
45-49 Coda
Performance Suggestions
‘The piano introduction in measure 1-4 set the tempo and style ofthe plece. Play all ofthe notes with a full.
beautiful tone and connect all of the notes together a much as possible. At measure 5 the solo begins on the
melody and its important to play the halfnate in measure 6 full value until the rest on the downbeat of
measure 7. Complete the four bar phrase in measure 8 with a quick breath onthe breath mark. Try notto
Cheat the value ofthe half note and take your breath in a litle time as possible. Continue this connected and
smooth quality throughout the entire solo. Try to add some gentle rising and falling ofthe dynamics during,
teach phrase. At first try moving up dynamically as the notes go higher andthen bring down the dynamics as
the notes go lower. This wll make your performance much more musical. Make the piano and forte dyma
very contrasting but always play with a good full tone no matter what the dynamic level.
‘About the Composers
Sandy Feldstein was born In Brooklyn, New York on September 7, 1940. He has been a leading force in the
‘school music publishing business and has published more than 600 works that ae used by young musicians
all over the world, He s the co-author of The Yamaha Advantage.
Larry Clark was born in Clearwater, Florida on September 20, 1963. He has written music mainly for band and
orchestra. His compositions and arrangements are some ofthe most performed pieces in the repertoire. He is
the co-author of The Yamaha Advantage.Can be performed after page 12 ofthe Yamaha Advantage Book 1.
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