Fractals and Economics
Fractals and Economics
Fractals and Economics
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Article Outline
Definition of the Subject
Examples in Economics
Basic Models of Power Laws
Market Models
Income Distribution Models Fractals and Economics, Figure 1
Future Directions Fractured pieces of plaster fallen on a hard floor (provided by H.
Bibliography Inaoka)
P( r) D c0 r˛ : (5)
The reversed logic also holds, namely for any power law
distribution there is a fractal configuration or a scale-in-
variant state.
In the case of real impact fracture, the size distribution
of pieces is experimentally obtained by repeating sieves of Fractals and Economics, Figure 2
various sizes, and it is empirically well-known that a frac- Sierpinski gasket
tured piece’s diameter follows a power law with the expo-
nent about ˛ D 2 independent of the details about the
material or the way of impact [14]. This law is one of the for any fractal phenomena including shapeless quantities.
most stubborn physical laws in nature as it is known to In such cases the power law exponent is the most impor-
hold from 106 m to 105 m, from glass pieces around us to tant quantity for quantitative characterization of fractals.
asteroids. From theoretical viewpoint this phenomenon is According to Mandelbrot’s own review on his life the
known to be described by a scale-free dynamics of crack concept of fractal was inspired when he was studying eco-
propagation and the universal properties of the exponent nomics data [26]. At that time he found two basic prop-
value are well understood [19]. erties in the time series data of daily prices of New York
Usually fractal is considered geometric concept intro- cotton market [24]:
ducing the quantity fractal dimension or the concept of (A) Geometrical similarity between large scale chart and
self-similarity. However, in economics there are very few an expanded chart.
geometric objects, so, the concept of fractals in economics (B) Power law distribution of price changes in a unit time
are mostly used in the sense of power law distributions. interval, which is independent of the time scale of the
It should be noted that any geometrical fractal object unit.
accompanies a power law distribution even a determinis-
tic fractal such as Sierpinski gasket. Figure 2 shows Sier- He thought such scale invariance in both shape and
pinski gasket which is usually characterized by the fractal distribution is a quite general property, not only in price
dimension D given by charts but also in nature at large. His inspiration was cor-
rect and the concept of fractals spread over physics first
log 3 and then over almost all fields of science. In the history of
DD : (6)
log 2 science it is a rare event that a concept originally born in
economics has been spread widely to all area of sciences.
Paying attention to the distribution of length r of white tri- Basic mathematical properties of cumulative distribu-
angles in this figure, it is easy to show that the probability tion can be summarized as follows (here we consider dis-
that a randomly chosen white triangle’s side is larger than tribution of non-negative quantity for simplicity):
r, P( r), follows the power law,
1. P( 0) D 1 , P( 1) D 0.
˛ log 3 2. P( r) is a non-increasing function of r.
P( r) / r ; ˛DDD : (7)
log 2 3. The probability density is given as p(r) drd P( r).
As for power law distributions there are three peculiar
Here, the power law exponent of distribution equals to the
fractal dimension; however, such coincidence occurs only
4. Difficulty in normalization. Assuming that P( r) D
when the considering distribution is for a length distribu-
c0 r˛ for all in the range 0 r < 1, then the nor-
tion. For example, in Sierpinski gasket the area s of white
malization factor c0 must be 0 considering the limit
triangles follow the power law,
of r ! 0. To avoid this difficulty it is generally as-
log 3 sumed that the power law does not hold in the vicinity
P( s) / s ˛ ; ˛D : (8) of r D 0. In the case of observing distribution from real
log 4
data there are naturally lower and upper bounds, so this
The fractal dimension is applicable only for geometric difficulty should be necessary only for theoretical treat-
fractals, however, power law distributions are applicable ment.
446 Fractals and Economics
5. Divergence R 1of moments. As for moments defined by telling non-stationary situation is to check the power law
hr n i 0 r n p(r)dr, hr n i D 1 for n ˛. In the exponent of S( f ) / f 1Cˇ in the vicinity of f D 0, for
special case of 2 ˛ > 0 the basic statistical quantity, 0 > ˇ the time series is non-stationary.
the variance, diverges, 2 hr2 i hri2 D 1. In the Three basic examples of fractal time series are the fol-
case of 1 ˛ > 0 even the average can not be defined lowings:
as hri D 1.
6. Stationary or non-stationary? In view of the data anal- 1. White noise. In the case that fx(t)g is a stationary inde-
ysis, the above characteristics of diverging moments pendent noise, the autocorrelation is given by the Kro-
is likely to cause a wrong conclusion that the phe- necker’s function, C(T) D ıT , where
nomenon is non-stationary by observing its averaged (
1; T D 0
value. For example, assume that we observe k samples ıT D
fr1 ; r2 ; : : : ; r k g independently from the power law dis- 0; T ¤ 0:
tribution with the exponent, 1 ˛ > 0. Then, the sam-
ple average, hri k 1k fr1 C r2 C C r k g, is shown to The corresponding power spectrum is S( f ) / f 0 . This
diverge as, hri k / k 1/˛ . Such tendency of monotonic case is called white noise from an analogy that super-
increase of averaged quantity might be regarded as a re- position of all frequency lights with the same amplitude
sult of non-stationarity, however, this is simply a gen- make a colorless white light. White noise is a plausible
eral property of a power law distribution. The best way model of random phenomena in general including eco-
to avoid such confusion is to observe the distribution nomic activities.
2. Random walk. This is defined by summation of a white
directly from the data. Pt
noise, X(t) D X(0) C sD0 x(s), and the power spec-
Other than the power law distribution there is another im- trum is given by S( f ) / f 2 . In this case the autocor-
portant statistical quantity in the study of fractals, that is, relation function can not be defined because the data is
the autocorrelation. For given time series, fx(t)g, the auto- non-stationary. Random walks are quite generic mod-
correlation is defined as, els widely used from Brownian motions of colloid to
market prices. The graph of a random walk has a frac-
hx(t C T)x(t)i hx(t)i2 tal property such that an expansion of any part of the
C(T) ; (9)
hx(t)2 i hx(t)i2 graph looks similar to the whole graph.
3. The 1/f noise. The boundary of stationary and non-
where h i denotes an average over realizations. The au- stationary states is given by the so-called 1/f noise,
tocorrelation can be defined only for stationary time series S( f ) / f 1 . This type of power spectrum is also widely
with finite variance, in which any statistical quantities do observed in various fields of sciences from electrical
not depend on the location of the origin of time axis. circuit noise [16] to information traffics in the Inter-
For any case, the autocorrelation satisfies the following net [53]. The graph of this 1/f noise also has the fractal
basic properties, property.
1. C(0) D 1 and C(1) D 0
2. jC(T)j 1 for any T 0.
Examples in Economics
3. R 1 Wiener–Khinchin theorem holds, C(T) D
In this chapter fractals observed in real economic ac-
0 S( f ) cos 2
f d f , where S(f ) is the power spectrum
defined by S( f R) hbx( f )b
x( f )i, with the Fourier trans- tivities are reviewed. Mathematical models derived from
form, b
x( f ) x(t)e2 i f t dt. these empirical findings will be summarized in the next
In the case that the autocorrelation function is charac- As mentioned in the previous chapter the very first ex-
terized by a power law, C(T) / T ˇ , ˇ > 0, then the ample of a fractal was the price fluctuation of the New
time series fx(t)g is said to have a fractal property, in the York cotton market analyzed by Mandelbrot with the daily
sense that the autocorrelation function is scale-indepen- data for a period of more than a hundred years [24]. This
dent for any scale-factor, > 0, C(T) / C(T). In the research attracted much attention at that time, however,
case 1 > ˇ > 0 the corresponding power spectrum is there was no other good market data available for scientific
given as S( f ) / f 1Cˇ . analysis, and no intensive follow-up research was done un-
The power spectrum can be applied to any time se- til the 1990s. Instead of earnest scientific data analysis arti-
ries including non-stationary situations. A simple way of ficial mathematical models of market prices based on ran-
Fractals and Economics 447
P(> I) / I ˇ ; ˇ D 1: (10)
R 2 1 e 2 : (12)
stand why fractals appear so frequently, we firstly need to p(x) D W(R)p R (x)dR
make simple toy models of fractals which can be analyzed 0
completely, and then, based on such basic models we can
˛C1 1
make more realistic models which can be directly compa- Dp 2
˛ / jxj˛1 ; (13)
rable with real data. At that level of study we will be able to
2 (1 C x 2 ) ˛C1
ity density is then given as Another entropy approach to the power laws is to gen-
Z1 eralize the entropy by the following form [56],
1 ˛
p(x; ˛) D eix ejj d : (15) R
1 p(x)q dx
For large jxj the cumulative distribution follows the power Sq ; (19)
law, P(> x; ˛) / jxj˛ except the case of ˛ D 2. The
stable distribution with ˛ D 2 is the Gaussian distribution. where q is a real number. This function is called the q-en-
The most important property of the stable distribu- tropy and the ordinary entropy, Eq. (15), recovers in the
tion is the generalized central limit theorem: If the distri- limit of q ! 1. Maximizing the q-entropy keeping the
bution of sum of any independent identically distributed variance constant, so-called a q-Gaussian distribution is
random variables like X n in Eq. (14) converges in the limit obtained, which has the same functional form with the
of n ! 1 for some value of ˛, then the limit distribution T-distribution, Eq. (12), with the exponent ˛ given by
is a stable distribution with the characteristic exponent ˛.
For any distribution with finite variance, the ordinary cen- ˛D : (20)
tral limit theory holds, that is, the special case of ˛ D 2. For 1q
any infinite variance distribution the limit distribution is
This generalized entropy formulation is often applied
˛ ¤ 2 with a power law tail. Namely, a power law realizes
to nonlinear systems having long correlations, in which
simply by summing up infinitely many stochastic variables
power law distributions play the central role.
with diverging variance.
the power law is obtained, This steady distribution exists when hlog jb(t)ji < 0
Mlog 1 and f (t) is not identically 0. As a special case that b(t) D 0
x x0
P( x) D : (18) with a finite probability, then a steady state exists. It is
x0 proved rigorously that there exists only one steady state,
In other words, a power law distribution maximizes the and starting from any initial distribution the system con-
entropy in the situation where products are conserved. verges to the power law steady state.
To be more precise, consider two time dependent ran- In the case hlog jb(t)ji 0 there is no statistically
dom variables interacting each other satisfying the rela- steady state, intuitively the value of jb(t)j is so large that
tion, x1 (t) x2 (t) D x1 (t 0 ) x2 (t 0 ), then the equilibrium x(t) is likely to diverge. Also in the case f (t) is identically
distribution follows a power law. 0 there is no steady state as known from Eq. (21) that
Fractals and Economics 455
log jx(t)j follows a simple random walk with random noise where N is the total number of sites and f j (t) is the injected
term, log jb(t)j. mass to the site j.
The reason why this random multiplicative process The characteristic function, Z(; t) hex j (t) i,
produces a power law can be understood easily by consid- which is the Laplace transform of the probability density,
ering a special case that b(t) D b > 1 with probability 0.5 satisfies the following equation by assuming uniformity,
and b(t) D 0 otherwise, with a constant value of f (t) D 1.
In such a situation the value of x(t) is 1 C b C b2 C C b K Z(; t C 1)
with probability (0:5)K . From this we can directly evaluate N 2 1 1
the distribution of x(t), D Z(; t)2 C Z(; t) C he f j (t) i :
b KC1 1
P D 2KC1 i: e: The steady state solution in the vicinity of D 0 is ob-
(24) tained as
log 2
P( x) D 4(1 C (b 1)x)˛ ; ˛D : p
log b Z() D 1 h f i1/2 C : (27)
As is known from this discussion, the mechanism of From this behavior the following power law steady distri-
this power law is deeply related to the above mentioned bution is obtained.
transformation of exponential distribution in Sect. “Trans- 1
formation of Basic Distributions”. P( x) / x ˛ ; ˛D : (28)
The power law distribution of a random multiplicative
By introducing a collision coefficient depending on the
process can also be confirmed experimentally by an elec-
size of particles power laws with various values of expo-
trical circuit in which resistivity fluctuates randomly [38].
nents realized in the steady state of such aggregation with
In an ordinary electrical circuit the voltage fluctuations
injection system [46].
in thermal equilibrium is nearly Gaussian, however, for
a circuit with random resistivity a power law distribution
holds. Critical Point of a Branching Process
Consider the situation that a branch grows and splits with
probability q or stops growing with probability 1 q as
Aggregation with Injection
shown in Fig. 24. What is the size distribution of the
Assume the situation that many particles are moving ran- branch? This problem can be solved in the following way.
domly and when two particles collide they coalesce mak- Let p(r) be the probability of finding a branch of size r,
ing a particle with mass conserved. Without any injection then the next relation holds.
of particles the system converges to the trivial state that
only one particle remains. In the presence of continuous p(r C 1) D q p(s)p(r s) : (29)
injection of small mass particles there exists a non-trivial sD1
statistically steady state in which mass distribution follows
a power law [41]. Actually, the mass distribution of aerosol
in the atmosphere is known to follow a power law in gen-
eral [11].
The above system of aggregation with injection can
be described by the following model. Let j be the discrete
space, and x j (t) be the mass on site j at time t, then choose
one site and let the particle move to another site and parti-
cles on the visited site merge, then add small mass particles
to all sites, this process can be mathematically given as,
<x j (t) C x k (t) C f j (t) ;
ˆ prob D 1/N
x j (tC1) D x j (t) C f j (t) ; prob D (N 2)/N
f j (t) ; prob D 1/N
Fractals and Economics, Figure 24
(25) Branching process (from left to right)
456 Fractals and Economics
Multiplying y rC1 and summing up by r from 0 to 1, It is known that for small positive the statistically steady
a closed equation of the generating function, M(y), is ob- distribution x is well approximated by a Gaussian like the
tained, case of thermal fluctuations. For close to 1 the fluctua-
tion of x is very large and its distribution is close to a power
X law. In the limit goes to 1 and the distribution converges
M(y)1Cq D q y M(y)2 ; M(y) y r p(r) : (30)
to Eq. (28), the aggregation with injection case. For inter-
mediate values of the distribution accompanies a fat tail
Solving this quadratic equation and expanding in terms of between Gaussian and a power law [49].
y, we have the probability density,
x j (t C 1) D (1 )x j (t) ;
Fractals and Economics, Figure 25
x k (t C 1) D x k (t) C x j (t) : (33) An example of fractal tiling
Fractals and Economics 457
1 X
t jC1 D j t jk C g j ; (41)
X1 X1
U(2n ) log(2n )
XD nC1
D D1Clog 2 1:69 ; (45)
2 nD0
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