BRG 01 Int

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1 Unknowingly Rich

Did you know that you have a great treasure?

It was given to you by God himself, and its purpose is to make you happy. We are talking about
the Holy Scriptures.
Why should the Bible be considered a treasure?
Because it contains 31,000 promises and valuable advice for the home, young people, and education.
It encourages, comforts, and strengthens us. It tells us “Fear not” 360 times.
The Bible is also called:
The Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, the Holy Book, the Divine Letter, the Book of Books.
(Your answer here)
1. What does God reveal in the Bible? Amos 3:7._________________________________
The word Bible means “a set of books.” There are a total of 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament and 27
in the New Testament.


2. How was the Bible given to men? 2 Timothy 3:16.
The Holy Scriptures were ___________________________________________by God.
3. Who inspired men’s thoughts? 2 Peter 1:21.___________________________________
4. Therefore, what can we call the Bible?
1 Thessalonians 2:13.____________________________________________________
5. What evidence exists that tells us the Bible was inspired by God?
a) The harmony of its message, although it was written by more than 40 authors over a period of
1600 years, it presents a unified message. These men came from different walks of life. They were:
kings, prime ministers, doctors, fishermen, shepherds, prophets.
b) Its historical accuracy, proven by archaeology.
- Numerous discoveries in the Middle East confirm Biblical history amazingly.
- Cities such as Lachish, Tel Hazor, Megiddo, Nineveh and many others, whose locations were
unknown, have been excavated by archaeologists.
c) More than 2,300 prophecies accurately fulfilled:
- It is interesting what the prophecies mention about empires such as Babylon, Tyre, Sidon, Egypt,
and nations like that of the Jewish people.
- It contains predictions about scientific advances. It mentions cars and airplanes, the laws of
gravity, the weight of air, the earth’s roundness, etc., contrary to the knowledge of the time.
- Via various prophetic chains in the Book of Revelation, the political and religious history of about
2,000 years is told. We are told why Hitler and Napoleon lost the war, who will rule the world,
the cause of the current world crisis, etc.
- There are 333 prophecies about a single man, which were written centuries before He was even
d) The purity of its message. An example being the Ten Commandments.
e) The people who were converted by it.
6. Who is its central figure?
The Bible’s central figure is a wonderful person: Jesus Christ.
- He is mentioned under more than 200 names to highlight His virtues.
- 333 prophecies pointed to His life and ministry before He was even born.
- The New Testament describes the fulfillment of these prophecies.


7. What do we obtain through Bible study? 2 Timothy 3:15.__________________________
8. What is it for? 2 Timothy 3:16-17.____________________________________________
9. What does the Bible offer us?
a) Romans 15:4. _____________________ b) Jeremiah 15:16. __________________________
10. To help us understand its virtues, what is the Bible compared to and why?
a) Light. Psalm 119:105. It __________________________ our path.
b) A sword. Hebrews 4:12. It ________________________ us against error.
c) Bread. Matthew 4:4. It ___________________________our spiritual life.
d) Fire and a hammer. Jeremiah 23:29.
Fire ______________________ and a hammer_______________________.
e) Milk. 1 Peter 2:2. It helps us ______________________________spiritually.
f) A mirror. James 1:23. It _________________________________us our defects.
g) A letter. It ____________________________________________to us about His love.


1. How should it be studied? Acts 17:11._________________________________________
2. What should we be willing to do? John 7:17.____________________________________
3. Which method is more effective: just reading or studying topics, comparing one passage
with another? Isaiah 28:10.________________________________________________
4. Is it advisable to receive Bible instruction from others? Matthew 28:20.______________
5. What should we do before we study? James 1:5.________________________________

12. Was the Bible overcome by the many persecutions it suffered? Isaiah 40:8.
The Word of God remains ________________________________________________________ .
13. What was Jesus’ advice? John 5:39._________________________________________
14. What is one who studies God’s Word considered? Revelation 1:3.__________________

My decision: I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and I intend to ‹study it each day.
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