CO-2 Tutorial Problems
CO-2 Tutorial Problems
CO-2 Tutorial Problems
POSET and Hasse Diagram
Tutorial Problems
1. Draw the Hasse diagram using the relation, “divisibility’ on the set {1,
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}.
2. Construct the Hasse diagram for ({1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}, “≤”).
3. Draw the Hasse diagram using the relation, “Set inclusion” on the set P
(S), where S = {a, b, c, d}.
Tutorial Problems
1. Construct the Hasse Diagram for (P (S), ⊇), where P (S) is the power set
of a set S and also Verify whether it is Lattice or not.
Rules of Inference, Predicate Logic and Quantifiers
1. Verify whether the following compound statement is a tautology or not, using truth
table [(pV(q ∧r)] ∨ ¬[(pV(q ∧r)]
2. Determine (p ↔ q) and [(p→q ) ∧ (q→p)] are logically equivalent or not
S.T. (~r→s) follows logically from the premises p→r, ~p→q, q→s