CO-2 Tutorial Problems

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Relations and Functions

Tutorial Problems
1. Let S be the set of all lines in 3 dimensional space. A relation ’R’ is defined
on S by “l R m if and only if l lies on the plane of m” for l, m ∈ S. Examine
if R is (i) reflexive, (ii) symmetric,(iii) transitive. Give your conclusion.
2. Let R1 be the relation defined on the set of real numbers are such that as (a,
b) belongs to R1 if and only if 1+ab > 0 for all (a, b) belongs to R1. Illustrate
that R1 is reflexive, symmetric but not transitive.
3. A set of integers, a relation R is defined by xRy if and only if x-y is divisible
by 4, then verify R is an equivalence relation. Let R and S be the following
relations on A = { 1, 2 ,3 } and R = { (1,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,1), (3,3)} and
S = { (1,2), (1,3), (2,1), (3,3)}. Find (a) R  S
(b) R-1R,
(c) S2 = S o S.
4. A relation R defined from a set A={2,3,4,5} to the set B={3,6,7,10} as follows
If (X,Y) belongs to R then “X divides Y”. Write R as a set of ordered pairs
and also find R-1.
5. Show that the relation R is an equivalence relation in the set
A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } given by the relation R = { (a, b)|a-b| is even }.

POSET and Hasse Diagram
Tutorial Problems
1. Draw the Hasse diagram using the relation, “divisibility’ on the set {1,
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}.
2. Construct the Hasse diagram for ({1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}, “≤”).
3. Draw the Hasse diagram using the relation, “Set inclusion” on the set P
(S), where S = {a, b, c, d}.
Tutorial Problems
1. Construct the Hasse Diagram for (P (S), ⊇), where P (S) is the power set
of a set S and also Verify whether it is Lattice or not.

2. Determine whether the following Posets which are represented in Hasse

diagrams are lattices or not.
Propositional logic and Logical Equivalences
Tutorial Problems
1. Construct the truth tables for the following
i. {(p Ʌq)V(~p Ʌ r)} v (q Ʌ r)
ii. [ (pVq) Ʌ (~r) ]↔ (q→r)
2. Prove the following are tautologies
i. (p ∧q) → (p → q)
ii. ¬(p → q) → p
iii. [(pVq) ∧¬(¬p∧(¬qV¬r))] V(¬p∧¬q) V(¬p∧¬r)

3. Verify [p→(q∨r)] ≡ [(p→q ∨(p→r)].

Rules of Inference, Predicate Logic and Quantifiers

1. Verify whether the following compound statement is a tautology or not, using truth
table [(pV(q ∧r)] ∨ ¬[(pV(q ∧r)]
2. Determine (p ↔ q) and [(p→q ) ∧ (q→p)] are logically equivalent or not
S.T. (~r→s) follows logically from the premises p→r, ~p→q, q→s

3. Determine whether the conclusion C,follows logically from the premises

H1: ~pVq , H2 : ~(qɅ~r) , H3: ~r, C: ~p

4. Draw the logic circuit of ¬p ∨(p ∧q)

Rules of Inference, Predicate Logic and Quantifiers

1. Test the validity of the following argument:

If two sides of a triangle are equal, then two opposite angles are not
Two sides of a triangle are not equal.
Therefore, the opposite angles are not equal.
2. Show that the premises “It is not sunny this afternoon and it is colder
than yesterday,” “We will go swimming only if it is sunny,” “If we do not
go swimming, then we will take a canoe trip,” and “If we take a canoe
trip, then we will be home by sunset” lead to the conclusion “We will be
home by sunset.”
3. Express each of these statements using quantifiers.
a) All dogs have fleas.
b) There is a horse that can add.
4. Let P(x) , Q(x), and R(x) be the statements “x is a professor,” “x is ignorant,”
and “x is vain,” respectively. Express each of these statements using
quantifiers; logical connectives; and P(x) , Q(x), and R(x), where the domain
consists of all people and verify the validity of the argument.
No professors are ignorant.
All ignorant people are vain.
No professors are vain.
Model and Solving Recurrence Relations
Tutorial Problems
1. Obtain the solution to the recurrence relation an = 7an−2 - 6an−3 with the
initial conditions a0= -1, a1= 0, and a2 = 3.
2. Determine the solution of the recurrence relation an = 5an−1-4an-2 +2n.
when a1 = 3 and a2 = 4.
3. Determine all solutions of the recurrence relation an = 3an−1 + 10an−2 +
4. A bank pays 6% (annual) interest on savings, compounding the interest
monthly. If Bonnie deposits $1000 on the first day of May. Model it as a
recurrence relation and determine the worth of this deposit a year later.
5. A plant is such that each of its seeds when one year old produces 8-fold
and produces 18-fold when two year old or more. A seed is planted and
as soon as a new seed is produced it is planted. Taking yn to be the
number of seeds produced at the end of the nth year, then model it into
a recurrence relation in yn and solve it.

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