A Shifting Landscape

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Policy Brief

2020 December


• Second to habitat loss, the illegal wildlife trade (IWT)

A Shifting Landscape:
is driving the world’s most threatened species closer to
extinction. It also poses grave risks to human health. Rethinking Illegal
• Rising demand for wildlife, their by-products and
derivatives, sold as pets, status items, curios, and
Wildlife Trade and
medicinal ingredients, has exploded the trade into a
multi-billion dollar industry, estimated to be worth up the Law
to $10 billion–$23 billion per year, making it the fourth
most lucrative global crime after drugs, arms, and human
trafficking (UNODC).

• Home to one of the greatest concentrations of species

found nowhere else in the world, the Philippines has
become an important source, transit, and destination
point for global IWT. Context
• In the Philippines, IWT is estimated to be worth 50 The Philippines is one of the world’s 17 mega-diverse countries,
billion pesos a year (roughly equivalent to $1 billion, which which collectively host two-thirds of the earth’s biodiversity.
includes the market value of wildlife and its resources,
It harbors one of the highest concentrations of unique wildlife
their ecological role and value, damage to habitats
species in the world. Yet, it is also a biodiversity hotspot with
incurred during poaching, and loss in potential ecotourism
revenues. high levels of threats from habitat loss, invasive alien species
(IAS), climate change, pollution, and overexploitation. Habitat
• Almost 20 years after the passage of the Republic loss and IWT are two of the biggest threats to species survival.
Act (RA) 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation The country’s archipelagic coastline makes it extremely
and Protection Act of 2001, legislators have filed Bills in
vulnerable to the expanding reach of transnational organized
both Houses of Congress to address gaps and needs in
crime syndicates.
wildlife conservation and protection, and to respond to
the growing IWT crisis, among others.
The global IWT, now the fourth largest illegal trade worldwide
• The Philippine wildlife law enforcement community behind only illegal drugs, arms, and human trafficking, pushes
has witnessed the growing scale and sophistication of thousands of species toward extinction, threatens national
wildlife crimes, with increasing incidents of apprehensions
security, and poses grave risks to human health. Over the last
of syndicated taking of wildlife in large quantities with
decade, the Philippines has become an important source,
international connection. There is broad consensus
among diverse stakeholders involved in wildlife transit and destination point for IWT, estimated to be worth
management, conservation, and protection on the need ₱50 billion a year (roughly equivalent to $1 billion), which
to develop a more stringent legal framework, improve includes the market value of wildlife and its resources, their
enforcement mechanisms, and strengthen inter-agency ecological role and value, damage to habitats incurred during
cooperation against IWT.
poaching, and loss in potential ecotourism revenues.

• Senate Bills 2078 (Villar) and 2079 (Zubiri) on the Recognizing its scale and impact on biodiversity and
Revised Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection
Act of 2021 have been filed. The Senate Bills feature sustainable development, the Philippine government has
amendments related to enforcement, penalties, and passed legislation, created inter-agency groups to combat
wildlife trafficking as a distinct and separate offense, and wildlife trafficking, organized capacity-building activities across
also noted the link between IWT and pandemics. Similar
the law enforcement chain, and initiated awareness campaigns.
bills are pending in the House of Representatives.
Almost 20 years after the Republic
Act 9147 or the Wildlife Resources
Senators Villar and Zubiri filed Senate Bills 2078 and 2079, respectively, on the
Revised Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2021.
A chronology of Philippine Wildlife Legislation
Conservation and Protection Act
of 2001 (hereinafter referred to This Policy Brief looks at the chronological development of the country’s wildlife
as the Wildlife Act) took effect legislation in the last century, summarizes the report on the review of RA 9147 The Philippine wildlife legislation has come a long way in the last century, from protecting mostly
in the Philippines, the wildlife law initiated by the DENR – Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) in 2017, and game animals to protecting all wildlife species regardless of location, conservation status, and origin.
enforcement community witnessed provides policymakers and advocates with the salient features of the proposed The following chronology highlights important legislative milestones in wildlife conservation and
an evolution of wildlife crimes Senate Bills, entitled “Revised Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection protection.
exacerbated by globalization. Act of 2021,” which seek to close legal loopholes in the 20-year old law.
Open borders and better transport
infrastructure permitted access
of IWT syndicates to previously
remote areas, while the Internet
An Act to Protectgave
unprecedented access to new
Flowers markets.
and Plants in the The ENIPAS Act brought the total number of
Philippine Islands and protected areas to 244, covering 7.76 million
to Prescribe Conditions hectares, composed of 107 legislated, 13
under which they may be proclaimed, and 24 remaining initial
In recent years, concerns were
Collected, Kept, Sold, components. These figures represent the
raised on the increasing incidents
for Other country’s terrestrial and territorial waters
that are considered the most critical areas for
of apprehensions of well-equipped, 1932 wildlife conservation and protection.

organized, and syndicated violators RA An Act Providing for the

3915 Establishment of National
dealing with wildlife in relatively Parks, Declaring such Parks as
Game Refuge and for Other
large quantities with international Purposes
connection. Many believed that
while these successful operations 1904 1916 1932 1975 1992 2018
RA An Act to Regulate the ACT NO. An Act for the ACT NO. An Act to Protect Wild RA An Act Declaring the RA National Integrated RA An Act Declaring Protected
are known and highlighted, many 1148 Use of Public Forest 2590 Protection of 3983 Flowers and Plants in the 6147 Monkey-Eating Eagle as 7586 Protected Areas 11038 Areas and Providing for Their
and Forest Reserves in Philippine Islands and to Protected Bird
similar violations remain pervasive and the Philippine Islands
Game and Fish
Prescribe Conditions under
Systems Act of 1992 Management, Amending for
This Purpose Republic Act No.
undetected. which they may be Collect- 7586, Otherwise Known as the
ed, Kept, Sold, Exported, "National Integrated Protected
and for Other Purposes Areas System (NIPAS) Act of
1992" and for Other Purposes
In response to the increasing level of
IWT, the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR), 1900s 1910s 192os 1930s 1970s 1990s 2000s 2010s
along with various law enforcement
entities and stakeholder groups,
conducted a series of meetings and
1907 1929 1932 1975
consultations with the end in view
of drafting proposed revisions to An Act to Provide for
the Protection of ACT NO.
An Act to Prohibit the
Cutting of Tindalo, Akle or
An Act Prohibiting the
Killing, Hunting, Wounding COMMON-
Forestry Reform Code
of the Philippines
further enhance the current Wildlife Animal Life in the 1798 Molave Trees under Certain 3572 or Taking Away of Bubalus
ACT NO. 73 705
An Act Providing for the
Philippine Islands Conditions, and to Penalize mindorensis, commonly
Act. Island-wide consultations were Violations Thereof known as the Tamaraw Conservation and RA
conducted in Mindanao, Visayas, and 1978 Protection of Wildlife 9147
Revised Forestry Code Resources and Their
Luzon, while specialized groups such of the Philippines PD NO. Habitats, Appropriating
as law enforcers, plant enthusiasts, and 1559
Funds Therefor and for
wildlife practitioners also participated Other Purposes
in separate meetings held for the
purpose. This process produced a draft Created the Parks and Wildlife Division,
responsible for the management of parks,
Amendatory Bill which was submitted range, wildlife, and recreational areas.
by the DENR to Senator Cynthia Villar
and Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri for
co-sponsorhip. On 02 March 2021,

2 / Co n text / 3
Despite a more stringent legal and regulatory
framework and the country’s compliance with
wildlife-related treaties, the illegal wildlife
trade continues at an alarming pace.

Gains and Gaps might not necessarily result in killing, but nonetheless are
detrimental to wildlife. Most of these noteworthy additions
Relative Increase in Fines and Penalties

in Conservation have no equivalent in previously existing laws. These Some of the penalties provided in the Wildlife Act are much Prompted by the fast-evolving nature of wildlife
crimes, the DENR - BMB initiated a review of the
include: (1) the prohibition to inflict injury that impairs higher when compared with the other laws, ranging from
and Protection the reproductive system; (2) unauthorized introduction five days to twelve years of imprisonment and/or P200.00
Wildlife Act in 2017, seeking to take stock of its
implementation. Some of the gaps in policy and
and reintroduction of wildlife resources; (3) gathering of to P1,000,000.00. implementation include the following:
active nest, host plants, and the like; and (4) maltreating or
RA 9147 or the Wildlife Act is a groundbreaking law in the effecting other injuries.
history of the Philippine wildlife legislation, strengthening Designated and Authorized the Creation of • No measures to address the growing threat of IAS.
the policy environment of the State to manage, protect, and
Administrative Structures Responsible for
conserve the country’s wildlife resources and their habitats.
• No mention of “by-products and derivatives”
in the illegal acts, such as “trading of wildlife” and
The law expanded coverage of legal protection to all Table 1. Comparison of Fines and Penalties Imposed “transporting of wildlife.”
wildlife and empowered relevant agencies to regulate more through Various Wildlife Legislations The jurisdiction of the DENR, the Department of
effectively by providing mandates and clear basis for their
Agriculture (DA), and the Palawan Council for Sustainable • Penalties do not serve as a sufficient deterrent.
respective regulatory and enforcement functions.
Development (PCSD) is clear-cut and the roles and
functions of each are well-defined. The DENR has
• Penalties do not correspond to the gravity of
PENALTY PENALTY each offense.
jurisdiction over all terrestrial species, all marine and
Expanded Coverage of Legal Protection for Act No. 2590 Fine of 100 pesos Fine of 100 pesos freshwater turtles, tortoises, all wetland species, crocodiles, • Enforcement powers are generally weak and
Philippine Wildlife amphibians, and dugongs. The DA has jurisdiction over lacking detail in the legislation.
Act No. 3983 Fine not less than 10 Fine of not more
declared aquatic critical habitats, all aquatic resources
Compared with previous wildlife legislations, the Wildlife pesos than 200 pesos or
including all fishes, aquatic plants, invertebrates, and • Ambiguities or vague language in the penal
imprisonment of not provisions.
Act is more comprehensive as it covers all wildlife species, all marine mammals, except dugongs. The PCSD has
more than 30 days
including those exotic species which are traded, maintained,
or propagated in the country.
or both jurisdiction over all species of wildlife found in the Province • Resources for enforcement operations are scant
of Palawan, whether terrestrial or marine. compared with the number of possible violations.
PD 1219 Imprisonment of not Imprisonment of
less than 60 days not less than 6 years • Proper operation of designated Wildlife Rescue
or a fine of not more Centers is challenging due to limited space,
Clear Basis for Regulating Wildlife-Related than 6,000.00 pesos Authorization to Establish National personnel, and funding support.
Activities by Agencies Wildlife Research and Rescue Centers in
PD 705 Fine of not less than Fine of 20,000.00
Support of Wildlife Management and Policy • Implementation of the Wildlife Act can be
The collection, possession, transport, export, and other 500 pesos pesos heightened by revising and incorporating new
Implementation provisions to enhance and clarify the law, and by
relevant undertakings related to the use, propagation,
Not less than 100 raising public awareness.
maintenance, and disposition of wildlife, are identified, pesos and denial of The full and effective implementation of any policy often
defined, and regulated by the Wildlife Act. Responsible permit for 3 years requires not only administrative but physical infrastructure.
agencies/structures are adequately designated and identified.
The Wildlife Act authorizes the establishment of National
RA 9147 Fine of 200 pesos or Fine of 1,000,000.00
Wildlife Research and Rescue Centers in support of wildlife
(Wildlife Act) imprisonment of 5 or imprisonment of
days 12 years management and policy implementation.
Expanded List of Prohibited Acts Detrimental
to Wildlife RA 11038 Fine of 200,000.00 Fine of 5,000,000.00
(ENIPAS Act) pesos and pesos and
Unlike precursor legislations, prohibitions under the Wildlife imprisonment of 1 imprisonment of not
year more than 12 years
Act are not limited to killing or taking but include acts that

4 / G a i ns and Ga p s / 5
The DENR – BMB initiated to amend the Wildlife Act in 2017 with the
aim of effectively preventing and deterring IWT through clear and more
comprehensive provisions and imposition of stronger penalties.


Control and Management of Invasive Alien
Species and Introduction from the Sea
Plantilla Positions for Law Enforcement with
Authority to Carry Firearms
The threat of extinction of wildlife species in the Philippines
The draft Bill endorsed by the DENR to the Senate has 54 The DENR, DA, PCSD, and BMG are mandated to control Authority is vested in the DENR, DA, PCSD, and BMG to
is still not far behind despite national legislations and
sections divided into six chapters. The main highlight of the and manage all invasive alien species (IAS), jointly establish create permanent positions for Wildlife Law Enforcement
existing international commitments. From 2010-2020,
draft is the state policy to address and end the large-scale, a list of IAS, and formulate a National Invasive Alien Species Officers, or to designate their existing permanent
more than 67,500 wildlife specimens (live, parts, and
transnational, and organized crime of wildlife trafficking, the Strategy and Action Plan (NISSAP). In addition, wildlife, employees as Enforcement Officers. Enforcement Officers
derivatives) worth at least PhP248M were confiscated from
recalibration of penalties, and provision of administrative their by-products and derivatives, may be exported to or are authorized to enforce wildlife and other environmental
523 suspected law violators through joint operations of law
adjudication. Also included in the draft is a section on IAS imported from another country, or introduced from the sea, laws, and are authorized to carry their agency’s badge and
enforcement agencies. At least 153 criminal complaints/
where agencies are given the mandate to manage, control as may be authorized by these agencies. government firearms in the conduct of their duties.
cases have been filed in various courts, of which 29 criminal
and if necessary, eradicate them.
cases have been resolved and 47 criminals convicted. This
gives a glimpse of the scale of IWT that threatens wildlife
The problems brought about by the entry of IAS, the Administrative Adjudication Powers
species in the country. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation
continuing destruction of habitats, violation of wildlife laws,
and weak law enforcement are causing devastating impact The DENR, DA, PCSD, and BMG are given the power to
The DENR – BMB initiated to amend the Wildlife Act in This provision protects enforcers and the agency against
on the country’s wildlife population. Concerned agencies exercise administrative adjudication in all cases of violations
2017 with the aim of effectively preventing and deterring Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP)
need personnel, new tools, and additional support to enable and may cause the confiscation, forfeiture, and final
IWT through clear and more comprehensive provisions when enforcing the Wildlife Act. Legal actions filed to
them to carry out their mandated responsibility. disposition of all wildlife, its by-products and derivatives,
and imposition of stronger penalties. Consultations harass, vex, exert undue pressure, or stifle any legal recourse
were completed leading to the finalization of a draft that as well as tools and conveyances. These agencies may also that any person, institution, or the government has taken
Below are the salient features of the draft amendatory bill: impose fines and other penalties, and cite in contempt
was sponsored in the 17th Congress by Representative or may take in the enforcement of the Wildlife Act shall be
Josephine Ramirez-Sato as House Bill (HB) 8320. those who mislead, evade, or refuse to cooperate in the treated as a SLAPP suit.
With support and assistance from the DENR-ADB/GEF The Crime of Wildlife Tracking as a Distinct
Project on Combating Environmental Organized Crime in and Separate Offense
Bangsamoro Government Jurisdiction*
the Philippines (IWT Project), the DENR-BMB continued Roles of Other National Agencies and Local
Wildlife Tracking is committed when: a) three or more over Wildlife Resources in the Bangsamoro
its work on the amendments. Government Units (LGUs)
individuals cooperate and work together in illegally Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Building on HB 8320 and several multi-stakeholder and collecting, killing, transporting, trading of wildlife, their In addition to the mandated roles and functions as
experts’ consultations nationwide (Luzon, Visayas, and by-products and derivatives; b) it is for the purpose of may be provided in this Act and other laws, rules and In accordance with Republic Act No. 11054 or the Organic
Mindanao), a draft amendatory Bill was prepared and exporting to or importing from another country; c) it regulations, National Agencies, Instrumentalities, including Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim
endorsed by DENR to Senator Cynthia Villar (Senate involves 100 or more specimens of threatened species or Government Owned and Controlled Corporations and Mindanao (BARMM), which vests jurisdiction over
Committee Chair of Environment and Natural Resources) 200 or more specimens of non-threatened species. LGUs shall assist and support the DENR, DA, PCSD, and natural resources found in the Region to the Bangsamoro
and Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri (Principal author of current BMG in the implementation and enforcement of this Act. Government (BMG), the management, protection, and
RA 9147) for co-sponsorhip. In celebration of the annual LGUs shall require the presentation of duly issued permits control of wildlife resources found in BARMM is given to
World Wildlife Day 2021, Senators Villar and Zubiri filed Wildlife trafficking penalty ranges and/or clearances from DENR, DA, PCSD, or BMG as the BMG.
Senate Bill Nos. 2078 and 2070, respectively, on the Revised from 12 years and 1 day to 20 years and a pre-requisite for the issuance or renewal of business
Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of permits and other applicable local government permits and
a fine of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos
2021. clearances for all business and activities involving wildlife.
(P200,000.00) to Two Million Pesos
*Applies only to Senate Bill 2078

6 / P o l i c y R ecomme n dat i o n s / 7
The passage of any legislation is only
the beginning of a long process of
attaining the objectives which the
law seeks to achieve.

Establishment of Forensic Laboratories Recalibrated Penalties for Trading, Provides for Separate Offense if the Violation Involves
Possession, and Transport of Wildlife More than One Species
In addition to the establishment of National Wildlife LOOKING AHEAD
Research and Rescue Centers, forensic laboratories may Penalties for trading, possession, and transport of wildlife In cases where more than one wildlife species is collected, hunted,
also be established or designated for the conduct of can be as high as eight years of imprisonment and/or fines possessed, transported, or otherwise involved in connection
forensic analyses and other related capabilities for wildlife
law enforcement. In this regard, partnerships with experts
of up to P1,000,000. with the violation of this Act, each wildlife species involved shall
constitute a separate and distinct count of violation of this Act.
• The amendment to the Wildlife
Act, coupled with strong and consistent
from academic and research institutions and the private Compared to RA 9147, the draft bill recalibrates the environmental law enforcement, can be an
sector shall be established. penalties with the highest imposable penalties as follows: Each separate distinct count of violation shall be prosecuted and effective strategy in propelling the advocacy
penalized separately, regardless of intent, unity or connections of for wildlife conservation and protection.
the acts resulting into the violation.
• Features must be added to enable the
law to respond and adjust to changing
Table 2. Recalibrated Penalties for Trading, Possession, and Transport of Wildlife Imposition of Maximum Penalty realities brought about by the advancement
of technology and continuing evolution and
The number of specimens involved in the violation is now sophistication of violators of the law.
considered in the imposition of the maximum penalty. Under the
draft, if more than one (1) specimen of a critically endangered
• Beyond strengthening law enforcement
(a) killing and/or destroying wildlife 6 years and 1 day to 12 years and/or a fine of One 6 years and 1 day to 12 years and/or a fine of response, communities who live in close
species hundred thousand pesos (100,000.00) to One Six hundred thousand pesos (P600,000.00) species, or more than five (5) of specimens of an endangered proximity to wildlife should be engaged to
million pesos (1,000,000.00) to Two Million (P2,000,000.00) species, or more than eight (8) specimens of a vulnerable species, become partners in tackling wildlife crime at
or if more than fifteen (15) specimens of other protected wildlife the source.
(e) trading or attempting to trade, Imprisonment of 2 years and 1 day to 4 years and/ From 6 years and 1 day to 8 years and a species are involved, the maximum penalty shall be imposed.
wildlife or a fine of Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) to fine of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos • Efforts to raise public awareness on the
Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) (P300,000.00) to One Million Pesos scale and impacts of IWT on biodiversity, the
The maximum penalty shall also be imposed on repeat offenders,
(P1,000,000.00) economy, and livelihoods can help reduce
and also when the violation involves the inducement of indigenous demand for illegally traded wildlife, their
(f) collecting, hunting or possessing Imprisonment of 2 years and 1 day to 4 years and/ From 6 years and 1 day to 8 years and a peoples. parts, and derivatives.
wildlife or a fine of Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) to fine of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos
Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) (P300,000.00) to One Million Pesos • The passage of any legislation is only the
(P1,000,000.00) beginning of a long process of attaining the
Introduces the Concept of Cost Recovery, objectives which the law seeks to achieve. For
(i) transporting of wildlife Imprisonment of 6 months and 1day to 1 year and a From 6 years and 1 day to 8 years and a Reparation, and Restoration of Affected this to happen, the law has to be understood
fine of Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to One fine of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos Resources and supported by the people. It must also be
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) (P300,000.00) to One Million Pesos implemented or enforced effectively, which
(P1,000,000.00) no doubt is within the power of the State.
In addition to the fine and imprisonment that may be
imposed, the offender shall also pay all reasonable costs
incurred by the State resulting from the said violation. The
costs may include expenses for transport, maintenance, and
proper disposal of the seized wildlife.

The offender shall likewise be liable to pay the resource

economic value, proven to have been lost or suffered as a
result of the violation and to indemnify the State for the
cost of restoration of the affected resource.

8 / P o l i c y R ecomme n dat i o n s / 9
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10 / R ef er en c es / 11
Republic Act 10175 Also Known as An Act Defining Cybercrime, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No. 6734, Entitled “An Act
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