Bio Hack

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Study of internal structures of plant is called ________

02. Internal Structure don't show adaptation to diverse environment. T/F
03. In tissues, cell may have different origins but common functions. T/F


04. Specialised regions of active cell division are called

05. Greek word _______ means "divided".
06. Meristems which produce primary tissue are called _______
07. Identify the diagrams and its labellings of both.


08. Some "left behind" cells from Shoot apical meristems, constitute the _______
09. Example of primary meristems (2)
10. Intercalary meristems occur in ______
11. Secondary meristems also called _______ meristem or _______ meristems.
12. Examples of lateral meristems (3)
13. Intrafascicular cambium also called
14. Dermal tissues, ground tissues and vascular tissues are formed by apical meristem. T/F
15. ________ form major components within organs.
16. Parenchyma can have these shapes ? (5)
17. Parenchyma have thick wall because they are closely packed. T/F
18. Parenchyma functions (3)
19. In most Monocot/Dicot Plants, collenchyma occurs in layers below ________
20. Cells in collenchyma are thickened by the deposition of (3)
21. Intercellular spaces may be present in collenchyma. T/F
22. Sclerenchyma provide support to petiole of leaf.
23. Sclerenchyma usually contains protoplasts.
24. Sclerenchyma are of 2 types –
25. Sclereids are found in (4)

26. 4 elements of xylem –

27. Living element of xylem is
28. _________ lack vessels in their xylem.
29. Vessels have tapering ends. T/F
30. Vessels is made of many cells called _________
31. Vessels members are not interconnected through perforations.
32. Characteristic feature of angiosperm is presence of ______
33. Xylem fibers have obliterated central lumens. T/F
34. In xylem parenchyma, cell wall is made up of cellulose. T/F
35. Xylem parenchyma store food in form of _____, and other substance like ______
36. Radial conduction of water take place by ____________ tissue.
37. Primary xylem two types –
38. In stems, protoxylem lies towards the ________ and the metaxylem lies towards ______
39. In stem, xylem arrangement is endarch/exarch.
40. In root, xylem arrangement is endarch/exarch.
41. Phloem composed of (4)
42. In gymno, ________ & ________ are replaced by _______ & ______ respectively.
43. Sieve plates are found in end/between of sieve tube.
44. Sieve element contains a nucleus. T/F
45. _________ are specialised parenchyma/collenchyma cells, which are associated with sieve tube.
46. Sieve tube and companion cells are connected by ______
47. Companion cells help in maintaining the ___________ in sieve tubes.
48. Phloem parenchyma stores _______ and other substances like _______, _______, ________.
49. Phloem parenchyma have tapering ends. T/F
50. Phloem parenchyma is absent in which types of angiosperms ?
51. Phloem fibers also called ______
52. Phloem fibers are made up of _______ chyma.
53. Phloem fibers are generally present in primary phloem. T/F
54. Phloem fibers of _____, _____, ____ are used commercially.
55. Metaphloem have bigger sieve tube than protophloem. T/F
• Simple tissues

• Complex Tissues


56. On the basis of structure and location, the 3 types of tissue system are –
57. Epidermal tissue system comprises (3)
58. Epidermis cells are sclerenchymatous. T/F
59. Cuticle prevent loss of ________
60. Cuticle is absent in ________
61. Diagram of stomata

62. In _______, guard cells are dumb-bell shaped.
63. The outer wall of guard cell is thick while in the inner wall is thin. T/F
64. Guard cells don't have chloroplasts. T/F
65. Stomatal Apparatus include (3)
66. Root hairs are unicellular/multicellular.
67. Trichomes are usually uni/multicellular
68. Trichomes help in preventing ______ loss due to ______
69. In leaves, ground tissue is called _______
70. In ___________, cambium is present between phloem and xylem.
71. Radial arrangement is seen in ______
• Various types of vascular bundles : (a) radial (b) conjoint closed (c) conjoint open




72. The outer most layer of dicot root is called ______ B
73. Innermost layer of cortex is called ______
74. Casparian strip is made up of waxy material called ______ C
75. Pericycle is thin walled. T/F
76. Pith of dicot root is large/small. D
77. Initiation of lateral roots and vascular cambium during E
secondary growth takes place in ______ G
78. Parenchymatous cell between xylem and phloem called _____ H
79. Stele constitute – I
80. Monocot root usually have more than _____ xylem C
bundles called as ______ D
81. Pith is large in monocot root. F
82. Monocot root undergo secondary growth. T/F G

83. Dicot stem have an extra layer called _________ which is parenchymatous/collenchymatous in
84. The cells of endodermis in dicot stem are rich in ______, the layer is also called __________.
85. ________ is present in the form of few semilunar patches of parenchyma/sclerenchyma.
86. Arrangement of _______ in a form of ring is the A
characteristic feature of ______ stem. B
87. Pith in dicot stem is parenchymatous. T/F B D
88. Hypodermis of monocot stem is paren/collen/sclerenchymatous.
89. Each vascular bundle is surrounded by ________ which is ______chymatous.
90. Peripheral vascular bundles are generally larger than central ones. T/F
91. Pholem parenchyma is absent. T/F
92. __________ cavities are present in vascular bundles of monocot stem.
93. Dicot leaf is ________ while monocot leaf is called _______
94. Adaxial epidermis means which cover the lower surface. T/F
95. Abaxial epidermis bear more stomata than adaxial epidermis. T/F
96. However, the amount of stomata on adaxial epidermis can
never be zero. T/F H
97. Mesophyll is made up of ____chyma. J I
98. Mesophyll have two kind of cells. Name them.
99. Palisade parenchyma is abaxially/adaxially placed.
100. In dicot/monocot, veins vary in thickness.
101. The vascular bundles are surrounded by layer of thin/thick walled bundle sheath cells.

102. In monocot leaf, mesophyll is not differentiated. T/F B
103. In _______, certain abaxial/adaxial epidermal cells
along the veins modify themselves into bulliform cells. D
104. These cells are large/small, empty/filled and E
colorful/colourless. F
105. Fxn of bulliform cell –


106. The cells of _________, become meristematic and form interfascicular cambium.
107. The cambium is more active on inner side than outer side. T/F
108. The primary xylem is crushed completely during secondary growth. T/F
109. The 1' and 2' phloem remain intact. T/F
110. A narrow band of parenchyma, which passes through the 2*xylem and 2* phloem in radial/longitudinal
direction is called __________
111. In _______ season, cambium is very active, in ______ season cambium is less active.
112. In _______ season, wider cavities containing vessels are produced.
113. Spring wood also called _____
114. Late wood also called _______
115. Low and high density wood are _____ and ______ wood respectively.
116. The two kind of alternate ring, constitue _____ used to measure _____
117. Region comprise dead elements with highly lignified walls is called ______
118. In old trees, secondary xylem is dark brown due to deposition of (6)
119. As heartwood is made of xylem, it help in conduct of water. T/F
120. _______ is ligher in colour and located peripherally.
121. Secondary growth in a dicot stem (diagrammatic) – stages in transverse views
122. Cork cambium also called _______ F F G
123. Cork cambium develops in the ______ region.


124. Phellogen is made of narrow, thin walled rectangular cells. T/F
125. Phellogen cuts off cells only on one side. T/F
126. The outer cell differeciate into _____or _____ and inner cell into ____ or _______
127. ______ deposition occur in cork.
128. The cells of 2' cortex are parenchymatous. T/F
129. _______, _____, _____ are collectively called periderm.
130. ______ is a non-technical term which means tissues outside ______
131. Bark doesn't include secondary phloem. T/F
132. Bark doesn't include 2* xylem. T/F
133. Bark formed early in the season called ____ or____ bark.
134. Bark formed at end of season called _____ or ______ bark.
135. Lenticles are _____ shaped openings.
136. Sometimes phellogen start cutting closely/widely arranged parenchymatous cells called ______
instead of cork cells and form _________ after rupture of epidermis.
137. Lenticel help in ______ exchange. A
138. In stem vascular cambium is completely 2* in origion. T/F B

• Lenticel C

139. In root, vascular cambium is completely 2* in origion.T/F D

140. In roots, vascular cambium originate from (2)
141. Secondary growth doesn't occur in roots and stems of gymnosperms. T/F
142. The wood is actually _______.

• Different stages of the secondary growth in a typical dicot root


DigaQ. 1
1. Define hormones. (NEET)
2. Liver don't produce hormones. T/F (NEET)
3. Somatostatin is released from hypothalamus. T/F
4. Hypothalamic hormones reach the pituitary gland F
through _______ (NEET) E
5. ______ is under direct neural regulation of hypothalamus. (NEET)
6. _____ is called master of master gland.
7. Hormones released from hypothalamus are - (9)

DigaQ. 2 A
8. Pituitary gland is located in a body cavity called ________
9. Pituitary gland is divided into (2) - (NEET) B
10. Adenohypophysis is divided into - (2)
11. Pars distalis secrete - (6) (NEET)
12. MSH is secreted by _________ (NEET)
13. In humans, pars intermedia is well separated from
pars distalis. T/F
14. Neurohypophysis is also called ______ store _____ C
and ______ hormones. (NEET)
15. Oversecretion of GH cause _______
16. Low secretion of GH cause _______ D
17. Excess GH secretion in ______ cause acromegaly.
18. Acromegaly can cause premature death. T/F E
19. _______ regulate growth of mammary glands and formation of milk in them. (NEET)
20. ACTH stimulates secretion of adrenaline. T/F
21. LH fxn in males is - (NEET)
22. _______ and ______ regulate spermatogenesis.
23. LH fxn in female - (2)
24. FSH fxn in female -
25. MSH act on _______
26. Oxytocin acts on smooth muscles of our body and causes relaxation. T/F (NEET)
27. Fxns of oxytocin (2) - (NEET)
28. Fxn of vasopressin - (NEET)
29. Deficiency of ADH cause - (NEET)


30. It is located on the ventral/dorsal side of forebrain. (NEET)

31. Pineal gland secrete a hormone called ______ (NEET)
32. Melatonin function is -
33. Melatonin maintains normal rhythms of body temperature. T/F
34. Melatonin also influence (4) -


35. The thyroid lobes are connected by - DigaQ. 3

36. Thyroid gland is composed of (2) -
37. T4 other 2 names are - (2)
38. _______ is essential for normal rate of
hormone synthesis on the thyroid.
39. Hypothyroidism cause enlargement of thyroid
gland, commonly called - (NEET) B X
40. Hypothyroidism during pregnancy can C
cause ______ in a child. (NEET)
41. Symptoms of cretinism are - (5) (NEET)
42. In adult women, _______ can cause the menstrual cycle to become irregular.
43. Exophthalmic goitre is also called _______ and is characterised by (4) - (NEET)
44. Grave disease is a type of hypo/hyperthyroidism.
45. Thyroid hormones functions are (7) -
46. ______ secreted by thyroid gland regulate blood calcium levels.
47. TCT is a peptide hormone. T/F

48. Humans have ___ no. of parathyroid gland.

49. PTH is a peptide/protein hormone. (NEET)
50. PTH decreases blood calcium levels. T/F (NEET)
51. Name the 3 targets of PTH and action on them.


52. Thymus is located above sternum. T/F

53. Exact thymus location is -
54. Thymus release a peptide/protein hormone called ________ (NEET)
55. Thymosins plays a major role in ________ (NEET)
56. Thymosin have no role in production of antibodies. T/F
57. Thymus is degenerated in old individuals. T/F (NEET)

DigaQ. 4

58. Adrenal glands are present in the posterior

part of the kidney. T/F
59. Underproduction of hormones by adrenal
cortex cause ________
60. Symptoms of Addison disease is (3) -
61. Catecholamines include (2) - (NEET)
62. Effects of catecholamines are - (4) B D
63. Functions of catecholamines are - (6)
64. The 3 layers of adrenal cortex are (from outer to inner) -
65. Name the hormones which each of the layers secretes -
66. Cortisol functions are (9) - (NEET)
67. Aldosterone function is reabsorption of ____ and ____ & excretion of ____ and _____
68. Aldosterone fxn is (4) -
69. Androgens from zona _______ functions are (3) -

70. Endocrine pancreas consists of __________

71. About __-__ million of Islets of Langerhans are present in a normal human pancrea, which represent
only __-__ % of pancreatic tissue.
72. Two types of cells in Islets of Langerhans are -
73. Glucagon is a peptide/protein hormone.
74. Glucagon act on ______ and stimulate - (2) (NEET)
75. Insulin is a peptide/protein hormone.
76. Insulin act on _______ and _______ (NEET)
77. Glycogenesis is stimulated by -
78. Harmful compounds like _______ form in diabetes mellitus.


79. Testis dual functions are -

80. Testis is composed of ______ and ______
81. Leydig cells are also called ______ cells.
82. ______ help in muscular growth.
83. Major stimulatory role in the process of spermatogenesis is played by -
84. Androgen has a catabolic effect on protein and carbohydrate. T/F
85. Androgen doesn't influence libido. T/F


86. Ovary produces two hormones, namely -

87. Ovary is composed of - (2)
88. The estrogen is synthesised mainly by growing follicles. T/F
89. Corpus luteum secrete ________ (NEET)
90. ______ supports pregnancy.
91. Progesterone functions (3)

92. Heart secrete _____ which increase/decrease BP. (NEET)

93. ANF cause __________
94. ____ cells of kidney produce a protein/peptide hormone called ____ which stimulate RBC production.
95. GIT 4 main peptide/protein hormones are -
96. First discovered hormone was -
97. Gastrin act on ______ and stimulate secretion of -
98. Secretin act on _____ and stimulate secretion of -
99. CCK act on ______ and ______ and stimulate secretion of -
100. GIP act on _____ and fxn -
101. Several other non-endocrine tissues secrete hormones called _______
102. ______ are essential for repairing tissue.
103. Name all the hormones that help in erythropoiesis (4) -


104. Steroids hormones ex are - (4) (NEET)

105. Epinephrine is _________ derivative. (NEET)
106. Iodothyronine crosses the membrane easily. T/F
107. Secondary messengers ex (3) -
108. IP₃ full form is –
DigaQ. 1
1. Neural system is composed of "network of neurons" in - B
2. The 2 divisions of human neural system is -
3. The types of nerve fibers in PNS are -
4. The two division of PNS are -
5. Function of somatic and autonomic nervous system are -
6. ANS is divided into - E
7. Visceral nervous system is a part of -
8. It comprises of - (4) F
9. Multipolar neurons found in -
10. Bipolar neurons found in -
11. Unipolar found in - H
12. Psudounipolar found in -
13. In PNS, myelinated fibers are enveloped with _________ (NEET)
14. In CNS, myelinated fibers are enveloped with __________ J
15. Unmyelinated nerve fibers are not enclosed by schwann cell. T/F
16. At resting state, neuron is permeable to K⁺. T/F
17. Na⁺-K⁺ pump transport ___ Na⁺ out and ___ K⁺ in the cell.
18. Saltatory conduction cause fast/slow conduction.
19. Synaptic cleft may be absent in some cases. T/F
20. The 2 types of synapse are -
21. Electrical synapse is fast/slow than chemical synapse.
22. _______ synapses are rare in our systems.
23. The new potential developed by sending the neurotransmitter can be inhibitory. T/F
DigaQ. 3

B DigaQ. 2 A



24. Name the 3 cranial meninges from outside to inside.

25. Arachnoid is a thick layer. T/F
26. The 3 parts of brain are -
27. Forebrain consist of - (3)
28. The hemisphere are connected by tract of nerve
fibers called _______ (NEET)
29. The layer of cells which covers the cerebral hemisphere is called ___________
30. Cerebral cortex is white/grey matter. DigaQ. 4
31. The cerebral cortex is thrown into prominent folds. T/F A
32. The 3 areas found in cerebral cortex are - B
33. The 3 function of association area is -
34. The cerebrum wraps around _______
35. ______ is the major relay centre in the brain. X
36. Sensory and all motor signals of the brain must
pass through _______ E
37. Body temp, urge of eating and drinking is
controlled by ________ (NEET) Z GH
38. Limbic system is formed by (6) - (NEET) I
39. _______ convert short term memory to long term memory.
40. Midbrain is located between - DigaQ. 5
41. A canal called _______ passes through midbrain. B C D
42. The ventral/dorsal portion of midbrain A
consist of 4 round swelling called _______
43. The hindbrain comprises (3) - X I H F
44. The medulla contains centres which Y
control (3) - (NEET)
45. _______ have a very convoluted surface.
46. ______ forms the connection between brain and spinal cord.
47. The 3 regions which made up the brainstem is -


48. Nose receptors are _____ coated and called ______

49. The 3 kinds of cells in olfactory receptors are -
50. _______ are extensions of the limbic system.
DigaQ. 6
51. Tongue have ______ receptor.
52. The 3 types of cell in taste receptors are - B
53. Eyes are located in sockets of the skull called ______ J L
54. The 3 layers of the wall of eyeball is - (NEET)
55. Sclera is composed of which type of connective tissue ? H F
56. The anterior portion of sclera is called ______ I G
57. The choroid looks _______ in colour.
58. The choroid is thick over anterior/posterior one-third/two-third of the eyeball.
59. Choroid anteriorly form -
60. Iris is a continuation of _______
61. Pigmented and opaque structure in eye is -
62. The lens is held in place by _______ attached to ________ (NEET)
63. Structure surrounded by iris is called _______
64. The 3 layers of cells of retina from inside to outside are -
65. The 2 types of photoreceptor cells are - (NEET)
66. The light sensitive proteins are called __________
67. Twilight vision is also called _______ vision.
68. Rod contains a purplish-red protein called ____ or ____ which contain a derivative of ____ (NEET)
69. The 3 types of cones are -
70. Optic nerve enters at a point medial/lateral to and slightly above/below the posterior pole of the eyeball.
71. _________ are not present in that region and hence it is called the ________ (NEET)
72. Lateral to blind spot, there is a yellowish pigmented spot called _____ with a central pit called _____
73. Visual acuity is maximum at - (NEET)
74. At fovea, both rods and cones are densely packed. T/F (NEET)
75. Space between cornea and lens is called _________ and between lens and retina is called ______
76. Aqueous humor is thicker than vitreous humor. T/F
77. Photopigments are composed of ______ and ______ (NEET)
78. Retinal is a aldehyde/ketone of vitamin A. (NEET)
79. Light cause change in the structure of opsin/retinal.
DigaQ. 7
80. Outer ear consist of (2) -
81. Fxn of pinna -
82. Wax secreting glands are present in the skin of E
______ and _______
83. The tympanic membrane is composed of _____ F
covered with _____ outside and with _____ inside.
84. The 3 ossicles are - G
85. Stapes is attached to the round window of cochlea. T/F J I
86. Ear ossicles function -
87. Eustachian tube connect _______ with _______
88. Labyrinth have 2 parts. Name them.
89. Bony labyrinth lies inside the membranous labyrinth. T/F
90. Membranous labyrinth is filled with _______ and surrounded by _______
91. The coiled portion of labyrinth is called _______ A DigaQ. 8
92. Scala media is filled with -
93. Scala vestibuli end at ____ window.
94. Scala tympani end at _____ window.
95. Organ of corti is located on ____ membrane
which contains ___ cells which act as auditory receptor.
96. The apical/basal end of the hair cell is in contact C
with nerve fiber.
97. _____ are projected from apical part of hair cell.
98. Thick/thin elastic membrane called F
____ is present above hair cell. D E
99. Vestibular apparatus is composed of three _______ and _______
100. Otolith organs consist of (2) -
101. ______ is the sensory part of saccule and utricle.
102. The base of canal is swollen called _______
103. Ampulla contains a projecting ridge called _________
104. The projecting ridge of saccule and utricle is -
105. ______ and ______ have hair cells.
106. The crista maintains the dynamic/static balance of the body.
107. The otolith organ maintains the dynamic/static balance of the body.
108. Vestibular apparatus is important for (2) - (NEET)
109. The movement in the ______ membrane bend the hair cells, pressing them against the _________

1. Streaming of protoplasm in unicellular organism like ______ is a simple form of movement.

2. All movements are locomotion. T/F
3. In __________, cilia helps in the movement of food through cytopharynx.
4. In paramoecium, cilla doesn't help in locomotion. T/F DigaQ. 1
5. Hydra uses _______ to capture its prey.
6. The 3 types of movement are -
7. Amoeboid movement is exhibited by (2) -
8. Microtubules are involved in amoeboid movement. T/F A
9. Ex of ciliary movement in the body - (2)

10. Muscles is endo/meso/ectodermal in origin. D
11. About ___-___ % of body weight is contributed by muscles.
12. The 4 special properties of muscles are -
13. Skeletal muscles other 2 names are -
14. Visceral muscles other 3 names are - (NEET)
15. Each skeletal muscle in our body is made of ________ or _______
16. Fascicles are held together by _____________ called _____
17. Each muscle fibre is lined by ________ enclosing the _______
18. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a store house of -
19. Muscle fibre have large no of ________ also called ________
20. The dark band contains only myosin. T/F DigaQ. 2
21. The light band is called _____ or _______ A B C
22. Dark band is called _____ or ________
23. Myosin filaments are thinner than actin
filaments. T/F
24. H zone contains actin filament. T/F (NEET)
25. Z line is a elastic fiber which bisect -
26. M line is thick/thin elastic/fibrous and bisect - E
27. Functional unit of contraction is - (NEET)
28. Anatomical unit of muscle is -
29. Each actin filament is made of two ______ actins
helically wound to each other.
30. Each F actin is a polymer of monomeric ________
31. A subunit of ______ masks the active binding sites for myosin on the actin filaments. (NEET)
32. The 3 parts of meromyosin are -
33. HMM consist of _____ and _____
34. The ________ of meromyosin have an active ATPase enzyme. (NEET)
35. Mechanism of muscle contraction in explained by __________ (NEET)
36. ______ and _____ together constitute the motor unit.
37. A-band retain their length during muscle contraction. T/F DigaQ. 3 X
38. In muscles having reddish appearance, _______ A
content is high. B
39. Mitochondria is high in red/white fibers.
40. Sarcoplasmic reticulum is high in red/white fibers. B
41. _______ are called aerobic muscles.


42. Chondroitin salts are present in -

43. No. of bones in human body is - DigaQ. 4 A
44. No. of bones in axial skeleton are -
45. It comprises of (4) -
46. The skull consists of a total of ____ no. of bones. C
47. No. of cranial and facial bones respectively are - E
48. Name all the cranial bones. L
49. Name all the facial bones. G
50. The skull region articulates with vertebral column
by ________ (NEET) J
51. First vertebrae is called ______
52. 2nd vertebrae is called ______ I
53. Tell the divisions in the vertebral column and the no of bones in them.
54. Each vertebrae have _______ through which the spinal cord passes.
55. The atlas and occipital condyle form a ______ joint which help ______ movement.
56. The atlas and axis form _______ joint which help in ________ movement.
57. No bone is _____
58. Yes bone is _____
59. All mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae except ______ which have ____ no. of cervical vertebrae.
60. Total no. of ribs humans are -
61. RIbs have two articular surfaces on its ventral/dorsal end hence are DigaQ. 5
called _______ A
62. First _____ pair of ribs are true ribs.
63. True ribs are connected to sternum with the help of _________ (NEET)
64. What pair of ribs are Vertebrochondral ribs ? (NEET)
65. False ribs are also called _________
66. False ribs are joined with the help of _________ with the ____th rib.
67. What pairs are Floating ribs ? - (NEET)
68. Each limb have ____ no of bones.
69. Carpels are ___ in no.
70. Tarsals are ____ in no.
71. The longest bone in human body is - D C
72. Each half of the pectoral girdle consist of _______ and _______
73. Scapula is situated between ____ and ____ ribs. E
74. Scapula have a slightly elevated ridge called ______
75. Spine project as a flat expanded process called ______ F
76. Glenoid cavity is present above acromion. T/F
77. Clavicle articulate with ______ and ______
DigaQ. 6
78. _______ articulate with the head of humerus to form
shoulder joint. (NEET)
79. _____ is called collar bone.
80. Each coxal bone is formed by fusion of (3) - X A
81. At the point of fusion, a cavity is formed called _______
82. Pubic symphysis contains hyaline/fibrous cartilage. B
83. The 3 types of joints are - C
84. Fibrous joints are present in - (NEET) Y
85. In it, the bones are connected with the help of _______
in the form of ______ Z
86. Ex of cartilaginous joint - (2) (NEET)
87. Gliding joint ex - (NEET)
88. Saddle joint ex -
89. Joints between phalanges is a type of _______ joint.
DigaQ. 7 DigaQ. 8



90. Autoimmune disorder affecting _________ is __________ (NEET)

91. Muscular dystrophy is - (NEET)
92. Muscular dystrophy occurs mostly due to - (NEET)
93. Rapid spasm in muscle occurs due to high Ca2+ in the body fluids. T/F (NEET)
94. What is tetany ? (NEET)
95. What is arthritis ? (NEET)
96. What is the common cause of osteoporosis ? (NEET)
97. Decrease bone mass occur in -
98. What is gout ?

1. Blood consist of (2) - DigaQ. 1

2. Plasma is ______ coloured. A
3. Plasma constitutes nearly _____% of blood.
4. Proteins constitute __-__ percent of plasma.
5. Major proteins are (3) - B
6. Fibrinogen is used in - (NEET)
7. Globulins fxn - (NEET)
8. Albumins fxn - (NEET) C
9. Plasma without clotting factor is called _______ (NEET)
10. Formed elements constitute ____% of blood.
11. RBC count in a healthy man is -
12. RBC are formed in -
13. RBC are devoid of ____ in most mammals and are ____ in shape. (NEET)
14. ______ grams of haemoglobin is present in every 100 ml of blood.
15. Average lifespan of RBC is -
16. RBC are destroyed in -
17. Leucocytes are white in colour. T/F
18. WBC count is -
19. Leucocyte are short lived. T/F
20. Ex of granulocytes are - (3) F
21. Ex of agranulocytes are - (2)
22. Neutrophils are ____% of total WBC. (NEET)
23. Eosinophils % is -
24. Basophils % is -
25. Lymphocyte % is - (NEET)
26. Monocyte % is -
27. _____ and _____ are phagocytic cells which destroy foreign
organisms entering the body. (NEET)
28. Basophils secrete (3) - (NEET) H
29. _________ are involved in inflammatory reactions. (NEET)
30. ________ are associated with allergic reactions. (NEET)
31. ________ resist infections. (NEET)
32. Lymphocytes types are - (2) (NEET)
33. Platelets are also called __________ (NEET)
34. Platelets are produced from __________ DigaQ. 2
35. Normal platelet count is - (NEET)
36. Antibody is present on RBC. T/F A
37. Universal Donor is ____ N B
38. Universal Recipient is _____ C
39. Donor group of B blood group is - M D
40. The Rh antigen got its name from _______ K
41. Rh antigen is present in ___% of humans. E
42. Erythroblastosis foetalis condition can develop J
in the first child. T/F I F
43. Erythroblastosis foetalis condition develop when
mother is Rh +ve/-ve and child is Rh +ve/-ve.
44. Erythroblastosis foetalis cause _____ and _____ H
45. It can be avoided by administering ______ in
the child/mother after delivery of the first/second child.
46. Thrombin is formed from ________ with the help of enzyme ________
47. Fibrins are formed from _______ with the help of enzyme ________
48. ______ act as a cofactor during the clotting process.
49. Lymph is a colourless fluid. T/F A DigaQ. 3
50. Fat is absorbed through _______


51. Open circulatory system is present in - (2)
52. Annelids have an open circulatory system. T/F F
53. Crocodiles have ___ chambered heart D
54. In fish, the heart pumps oxygenated blood. T/F E
55. Heart is derived from endo/meso/ectoderm.
56. Heart is protected from single/double walled bag called _________
57. Pericardium enclose a fluid called _________
58. Interatrial septum is thin/thick.
59. Atrio-ventricular septum is made of thick/thin ____
60. Right chambers are divided by tri/bicuspid valves. (NEET) DigaQ. 4
61. ________ valve is also called ________ (NEET)
62. Semilunar valves are present between - (NEET)
63. A specialised cardiac musculature called _____
is also distributed in the heart. A
64. Nodal tissue present in right upper corner of D
right atrium is -
65. SAN full form is - B
66. AVN is present at _____ corner of left/right atrium.
67. The branches which give rise to minute fibres
throughout the ventricular musculature are called ____
68. ______ can generate maximum no of action X Y
potentials in nodal tissue.
69. SAN action potential generation rate is -
70. Atrial systole causes an increase in blood flow into the ventricles by ____%.
71. Time period of a cardiac cycle is ____ sec.
72. The two atria do not contract simultaneously. T/F
73. Duration of ventricular diastole is -
74. Duration of atrial diastole is -
75. Duration of joint diastole is -
76. Each ventricle pumps out ____ ml of blood which is called ________
77. Cardiac output is the total volume of blood pumped out by the heart per min. T/F
78. Heart rate of athletes is greater than normal individuals in resting state. T/F
79. Normal value of cardiac output is -
80. Stroke volume is also called _______
81. First heart sound is ____ due to -
82. Second heart sound is ____ due to -


83. The machine is called electrocardiogram which iii DigaQ. 5

is used to obtain electrocardiograph. T/F
84. The three leads are connected at ______, v
______, ______
ii iv
85. Why is the 3rd lead connected to the left ankle ? Why not the right ankle ?
86. For detailed evaluation, ____ no of leads are attached to _____ region. A
87. P wave represents ________ of the atria. (NEET)
88. QRS complex represent - F
89. T wave represent - (NEET)
90. _______ wave marks the end of systole. (NEET)
91. When does atrial repolarization occur ?
92. The 3 layers of artery and veins are -
93. The 3 layers respectively are made of -
94. _______ is comparatively thin in veins.
E DigaQ. 6
95. The two types of circulation in our body is (2) - C
96. Hepatic portal vein carries blood from _______ to _______ (NEET)

DigaQ. 7 D


97. Human heart is neurogenic/myogenic.

98. ___________ modulate moderate cardiac function through ANS.
99. Speed of conduction of action potential is decreased by sympathetic nervous system. (NEET)
100. High blood pressure leads to ________ and also affects vital organs like _____ and ______
101. BP equal or greater than _______ shows hypertension.
102. Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are same terms. T/F
103. Atherosclerosis is a subtype of arteriosclerosis. T/F
104. Atherosclerosis also called ______ is cause by deposition of (4) -
105. Angina pectoris occurs when -
106. What is heart failure ?
107. Congestion of ______ is one of the main symptoms of heart failure.
108. What happens in cardiac arrest ?
109. What happens in heart attack ?
1. Least toxic nitrogenous waste is _______ L B
2. Ammonotelic ex (3) C
3. Ureotelic ex (3) K
4. Uricotelic ex (4) J D
5. Protonephridia also called _____ are excretory structures of (4)
6. Nephridia are found in (1) I
7. Antennal glands or ______ are present in _____ like ______ E


8. Kidneys are _______ in color.
9. It is situated between _______ and _______ vertebrae. H
10. Kidney is located dorsally/ventrally.
11. Kidney dimensions (length, width and thickness) are -
12. Average weight is -
DigaQ. 2
13. Ureter, blood vessels and nerves enter through _____ A
14. Funnel shaped space is _____ which project into _____
15. The outer layer of kidney is a tough capsule. T/F B
16. Kidney is divided into 2 zones -
17. Cortex between medullary pyramids and renal column
extend and called __________ H
18. Total no of nephrons in human body is _______ G
19. Nephron 2 parts -
20. Cup like structure is __________ E
21. Glomerulus + Bowman's Capsule =
22. Only component of nephron which dips into medulla is -
23. Juxtamedullary nephrons are present in more no.
than cortical nephrons. T/F
24. Vasa recta is absent or highly reduced in cortical nephrons. T/F
DigaQ. 3
25. The 3 process for urine formation are - B A
26. On average, _____-_____ ml of blood is filtered by
the kidneys per min.
27. The filtration occurs through 3 layers. Name them. D
28. The epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule is called _____ (NEET)
29. Minute spaces between them is called ____ or ____ (NEET)
30. Protein also passes onto the lumen of the bowman's capsule. T/F
31. Glomerular filtration is called ultrafiltration because -
32. GFR normal values are - _____ ml/min i.e. _____ lit/day. E
33. JGA is formed by the cellular modification G
of _____ and ______
34. A fall in GFR activate the JG cells to release _______
35. Nearly ____ % of filtrate has to be reabsorbed
by renal tubules. (NEET) H I
36. Substances reabsorbed actively are (3) - (NEET)
37. Substances reabsorbed passively are - (NEET)
38. Tubular cells secrete which 3 things into the filtrate ?
DigaQ. 4

39. PCT is lined by __________ epithelium.
40. 70-80% of _______ and _______ are reabsorbed in PCT. (NEET)
41. PCT helps to maintain _____ and ______ of the body fluids. (NEET)
42. PCT secrete ____, _____, _____ into the filtrate.
43. Reabsorption is minimum in ascending/descending limb. (NEET)
44. What plays a significant role in maintenance of high
osmolarity of medullary interstitium ?
45. Descending limb is permeable to ______ and D
impermeable to _______ (NEET)
46. Ascending limb is impermeable to ______ but permeable to ________ (NEET)
47. Ions are only transported passively in ascending limb. T/F (NEET)
48. Conditional reabsorption of _____ and _____ take place in DCT.
49. DCT also reabsorbs _____ and selective secretion of ____, ____, ____ also occur. (NEET)
50. Large amount of water can be reabsorbed from ________

51. The countercurrent mechanism operate between vasa recta and henle's loop. T/F
52. The countercurrent is formed between the two limbs of Henle's loop. T/F
53. The countercurrent is formed between the two limbs of vasa recta. T/F
54. Osmolarity gradient in the inner medullary interstitium is from ________ mOsmolL-1.
55. This gradient is mainly cause by -
56. Kidney function is regulated by (3) -
57. ADH prevent _______
58. ADH also have constrictory effect on blood vessel. T/F
59. JG cells are activated by _____ and release ______ (NEET)
60. Renin convert ________ to ________
61. Angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II by ______ enzyme found in ______
62. Angiotensin II is a powerful _________
63. Angiotensin activate adrenal cortex to release ________
64. Aldosterone causes reabsorption of ____ and _____ from distal parts of tubule.
65. ANF decrease blood pressure by causing diuresis. T/F
66. ANF cause - (NEET)
67. _____ mechanism check RAAS mechanism.


68. An adult human excrete _____ liters of urine per day.

69. The urine pH is ___ (NEET)
70. ______ gm of urea is excreted out per day. (NEET)
71. Presence of glucose in urine means ______ and ketone means ______ are indicative of
__________ (NEET)
72. Other than kidneys, _____, ______ and ______ help in elimination of excretory waste.
73. Sweat glands eliminate (3) -
74. Sebaceous glands eliminate substances like _____, ______ and ______ through _____
75. Accumulation of urea is called ______
76. Anticoagulant ______ is used when the blood is pumped into a dialysing unit.
77. The unit contains a coiled tube made of _______ surrounded by a dialysing fluid.
78. Anti-heparin is also used in haemodialysis. T/F
79. Renal canaliculi is because of - (NEET)
80. Inflammation of glomeruli of kidney is called - (NEET)

1) The breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid is called _______

2) Glycolysis was given by _______, ______, _______
3) First step of glycolysis is catalysed by the enzyme ?
4) Net ATP and NADPH produced in glycolysis per 4 glucose molecule are _______
5) Write all the reactions of glycolysis and all the enzymes involved with cofactors & energy equivalents.
6) What are the three fates of pyruvic acid produced ?
7) Yeast converts pyruvic acid to ______ and ______
8) Write the 2 reactions and also the enzymes involved in this reactions.
9) Pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid by enzyme ________
10) In both lactic acid and alcohol fermentation, less than ____ % of the total energy is released.
11) Yeast poison themselves to death at ___ % of alcohol.


12) In which reaction pyruvate dehydrogenase is used and where is it found ?

13) Write the linking reaction between glycolysis and Krebs' cycle.
14) TCA cycle starts with the condensation of _______ with ______ and water to yield _______
15) First step of TCA is catalysed by?
16) Describe the two steps in which decarboxylation occurs.
17) In which reaction of Krebs' cycle, GTP is synthesised? (NEET)
18) Draw the whole Krebs' cycle with enzymes, coenzymes and energy equivalents produced.
19) ______ is the first member of the Krebs' cycle.
20) Krebs' cycle can be summarized as 1 reaction as –
21) What is the role of NADH in cellular respiration? (NEET)
22) ETS have ______ number of complexes. Name them.
23) Electron from Complex 1 are passed to _______
24) Reduced ubiquinone is called ________
25) Complex 4 contains (4)
26) Cyt c is attached to the inner surface of outer mitochondrial membrane. T/F
27) Cyt c act as a mobile carrier for transport of electrons between _____ and _____
28) Write the whole ETC with each and every element as
given in the NCERT diagram.

29) 5 molecules of NADH give _____ ATP.

30) ____ molecules of FADH₂ give 8 ATP.
31) For each ATP, __ H⁺ passes through the ATP synthase.
32) NADH pumps ___ H⁺ into intermembrane space.
33) ______ acts as a final e- acceptor.
34) In aerobic respiration, 1 molecule of glucose produces _____ ATP.
35) NADH oxidation is slow in fermentation. T/F
36) Fats and carbohydrate metabolism are interlinked by?
37) Which biomolecule is common in breakdown of fats, carbohydrate and protein? (NEET)
38) Define RQ.
39) RQ of carbohydrate is ____
40) RQ of fats is _____
41) RQ of tripalmitin is _____
42) RQ of protein is about ____
43) In germinating seeds, fermentation occurs. T/F
44) ATP synthase is also called _______
1. Respiration through gills is called _________ B
2. Breathing by simple diffusion occur in (3)
3. Earthworm breath by ________
4. Insects have a network of tubes called _______
5. Gills are used by (3) K
6. Frog can also respire through skin. T/F
7. Nasal chamber opens into ______ E
8. Pharynx opens through _____ into _______ G
9. _______ is called the sound box. H
10. Epiglottis prevent the food entry into _______ (NEET)
11. Trachea divides at the level of ____ thoracic vertebrae.
12. Name the structures which are supported by incomplete cartilaginous rings (5) (NEET)
13. Alveoli are irregular walled. T/F (NEET)
14. Pleura is single/double layered.
15. Pleural fluid fxn is - (NEET)
16. Conducting part end at -
17. Respiratory part is formed by (2) -
18. Fxn of conducting part is (4) -
19. The thoracic chamber is formed dorsally by ______, ventrally by ______, laterally by _____ and on
the lower side by ________
20. Type II alveolar cell secrete _______ which reduce surface tension.


21. Inspiration occurs when there is positive/negative pressure in lungs w.r.t atmosphere. (NEET)
22. Inspiratory muscles are (2) -
23. Increase in the volume of thoracic chamber in the antero-posterior axis is by _______ muscle.
24. Increase in the volume of the thoracic chamber in the dorso-ventral by _______ muscle.
25. Muscles used in forceful expiration are (2) -
26. Breathing rate of healthy human is -
27. Negative/positive pressure breathing occurs in humans.
28. Negative/positive pressure breathing occurs in frogs.
29. Which volume can't be measured by a spirometer ? X Y
30. Which capacities can't be measured by a spirometer ?
31. TV is approx. _____ ml. (NEET)
32. IRV value is ______ ml. (NEET)
33. ERV value is _____ ml. (NEET)
34. RV Value - (NEET) F B
35. IC = ______ + _______ (NEET)
36. EC = ______ + ______ (NEET)
37. FRV value is ______ - ______ ml (NEET)
38. TLC include -


39. _______ are primary sites for exchange of gases. (NEET)

40. Rate of diffusion is affected by (3) D
41. Partial pressure of O₂ in alveoli is - (NEET)
42. PP of CO₂ in alveoli is -
43. Partial pressure of O₂ in deoxygenated blood is - (NEET) DigaQ. 3
44. PP of CO₂ in oxygenated blood is - X
45. PP of O₂ in tissues in -
46. Solubility of CO₂ is _____ times higher than that of O₂. A
47. The 3 layers of the diffusion membrane are - F B

48. ___% of O₂ is transported by RBC.
49. ___% of O₂ is carried as a dissolved state in plasma. (NEET)
50. % of CO₂ carried as carbaminohaemoglobin is - (NEET)
51. % of CO₂ transported as dissolved form in plasma is - (NEET)
52. ____ % of CO₂ is carried as bicarbonate. (NEET)
53. Each haemoglobin molecule carries a maximum of 8 atoms of oxygen. T/F
54. Factors that interfere O₂-dissociation curve is - (4)
55. Conditions of left shift are -
56. Conditions of right shift are -
DigaQ. 4
57. Every 100 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver Y
____ ml of O₂ to tissues.
58. The major factor which affect pCO₂ and
haemoglobin binding is -
59. CO₂ is carried as carboxyhaemoglobin in blood. T/F
60. Carbonic anhydrase is absent in plasma. T/F
61. Every 50ml of deoxygenated blood carries ___ ml
of CO₂ to the alveoli.


62. Respiratory rhythm centre is present in -

63. Centre present in pons is _______ which can moderate the functions of ___________
64. Signals from which centre reduce the duration of inspiration ? (NEET)
65. A ___________ area situated adjacent to rhythm centre is highly sensitive to _____ and
______ (NEET)
66. Receptors in ______ and ______ present peripherally recognise CO₂ and H⁺ conc. (NEET)
67. Oxygen plays a major role in regulation of respiration. T/F
68. Difficulty in breathing causing wheezing due to inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles is called
________ (NEET)
69. Respiratory surface is decreased in _________ due to damage of _______ (NEET)
70. One of the major causes of asthma is cigarette smoking. T/F
71. Fibrosis occurs in -
72. Occupational Respiratory Disorders happen to people working in industries involved in - (NEET)
73. Examples of ORD are - (2)

1) The physico-chemical approach to study and understand living organism is ______

2) _______ discovered the triple helical structure of collagen.
3) _______ first saw and described a live cell.
4) Cell was first seen by -
5) ____________ discovered the nucleus
6) Matthias Schleiden was a German/British __________ (NEET)
7) Theodore Schwann a British/German _________. (NEET)
8) ________ proposed that the bodies of animals and plants are composed of cells and products of cells.
9) Cell theory was given by (2) -
10) ________ first explained that new cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
11) Omnis cellula-e cellula was given by -
12) Main arena of cellular activities in cell is - (NEET)
13) Prokaryotes have membrane bound organelles. T/F (NEET)
14) Microbodies are present in prokaryotes. T/F (NEET)
15) Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles. (NEET)
16) Organelles in which ribosomes are found (3) (NEET)
17) 2 non-membrane bound organelles are -
18) Centrosome help in - DigaQ. 1
19) Mycoplasmas are only ____ in length R
20) Generally bacteria length is - Q
21) The largest isolated single cell is _______ P
22) Human red blood cells are about ____ in diameter.
23) Size of virus is -
24) Size of PPLO is - (NEET 2020) O
25) Size of typical eukaryotic cell is -
26) The prokaryotic cells are represented by - (4) I
27) Eukaryotes multiply more rapidly than prokaryotes. T/F M K
28) The four basic shapes of bacteria are -
29) Cell wall is present in all except -
30) Small extrachromosomal DNA is called ______
31) Plasmid DNA confers certain unique _________
to such bacteria. Ex - (1)
32) ________ is used to monitor bacterial transformation with foreign DNA.
33) Prokaryotes have something unique in the form of ________
34) Specialised differentiated form of cell membrane called _____ is the characteristic of ______
35) Prokaryotes have a chemically complex envelope. T/F
36) The 3 layer cell envelope consist of - (NEET)
37) All the 3 layer together act as a _________
38) Staining procedure developed by ______ divide bacteria into categories (2) -
39) Loose sheath glycocalyx called _______
40) Thick and tough glycocalyx called ______
41) Cell wall fxn (2)
42) Prokaryotic membrane is structurally similar to eukaryote. T/F
43) Extension of plasma membrane 3 forms are -
44) Mesosome help in (7) - (NEET)
45) In _____, other membranous extension into cytoplasm is present called ____ which contain _____
46) Bacterial flagella 3 parts -
47) Longest portion out of 3 is -
48) Cilla is absent in bacteria. T/F
49) ______are elongated tubular structures made of a special protein.
50) _______are small bristles like fibres sprouting out of the cell.
51) Pili help to attach bacteria to rocks in streams and host tissues. T/F
52) Ribosome size - DigaQ. 2
53) Ribosome subunit in prokaryotes - A
54) Ribosome attach to single mRNA and form a chain O
called _________ or ________ (NEET) B
55) Reserve material is stored as - C
56) Inclusion bodies are bounded by membrane. T/F
57) Ex of inclusion bodies - (3) N
58) Gas vacuoles are found in (3) - E
59) Extensive compartmentalisation is seen in _______ J
60) Organelle present in animal cell but absent in plant cell is -
61) Detailed structure of the membrane was studied only after the advent of ___________
62) Cell membranes are composed of _____ with their polar
head towards the outer/inner sides. (NEET)
63) Lipid component mainly consist of __________
64) Erythrocyte of ________ has approx. ____ % protein and ____ % lipids.
65) On the basis of ___________, the 2 types of membrane proteins are -
66) Integral proteins are only partially buried in the membrane. T/F (NEET)
67) Fluid mosaic model was given by whom and in which year - (NEET)
68) The quasi-fluid nature of lipid helps in -
69) The ability to move within bilayer measure its _____
70) Fluid nature of membrane is also important A DigaQ. 3
because of fxns like (5)
71) Define osmosis.
72) Ex of active transport (1) - (NEET)
73) Cell wall is present in ___ and ___ (NEET)
74) Cell wall fxns (4)
75) Algae cell wall is made up of (4) - (NEET)
76) In other plants, it consist of (4) - (NEET)
77) The secondary wall is formed on the outer/inner side of the cell.
78) The middle lamella is a layer mainly of ___________ (NEET)
79) Fxn of middle lamella -
80) _______ and _______ may be transversed by _______ which connect the cytoplasm of
neighboring cells. (NEET)
81) Endomembrane system include (4)
82) Functions are not coordinated in the endomembrane system. T/F
83) The ER divided the intracellular space into _______ and _______
84) Endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes is called ______ (NEET)
85) In absence of ribosome, it is called _____ (NEET)
86) ______is frequently observed in the cells actively involved in protein synthesis and secretion. (NEET)
87) RER are continuous with -
88) SER fxns (2) - (NEET)
89) ________ in year______ observed densely
stained reticular structures near the nucleus.
90) Golgi bodies consist of ____- shaped _____ or _____ (NEET) DigaQ. 4
91) The sacs and cisternae are of _____-____ μm diameter. A
92) They are stalked parallel/perpendicular to each other. (NEET) C
93) ___ or ___ face is convex and ___ or ___ face is concave.
94) The cis and trans face of the organelle are entirely different. T/F
95) cis and trans face are not interconnected. T/F
96) Golgi Apparatus fxn -
97) Materials are packaged in the form of _______ (NEET)
98) Materials fuse with ____ face of golgi apparatus and
emerge from ____face. D
99) Golgi apparatus is important site of formation of ____ and _____
100) Lysosomes are formed by the process of packaging in ________
101) Lysosomes are rich in ______ enzymes. (NEET) DigaQ. 5
102) Its enzymes are optimally active at acidic/basic pH. (NEET)
103) Vacuole contain (4) (NEET)
104) Vacuole membrane is called (NEET)
105) In plant cells, vacuoles can occupy up to ____ % of the volume of the cell.
106) Tonoplast fxn -
107) Concentration of ions is higher in cytoplasm than vacuole. T/F
108) In _______, contractile vacuole is important for _______
109) In _______, food vacuoles are formed by engulfing the food particles.
110) Mitochondria are stained by ________
111) It is _____ shaped with diameter of _____μm (average ___ μm)
112) Its length is ____-_____μm.
113) The inner compartment is called _______
114) The inner membrane forms a no. of infoldings called ____ DigaQ. 6
115) Cristae fxn -
116) RNA is absent in mitochondria. T/F C E
117) Plastids are found in all plant cells and _____
118) Mitochondria is larger in size than plastids. T/F
119) 3 types of plastids are -
120) Chloroplast contains pigments (2)
121) Chromoplast have ___ soluble ___ type of pigments like (2)
122) Leucoplast are colorful/colorless plastids. Tell their fxn.
123) Potato contain which plastid -
124) Tell the 3 types of leucoplast and their function.
125) Majority of chloroplast are found in _______ cells. DigaQ. 7 A
126) Length and width are -
127) Shapes of chloroplasts are (5) - C
128) 1 chloroplast per cell is present in ________ D
129) Mesophyll cells have __-__ chloroplast per cell.
130) Matrix in mitochondria is analogous to
______ in chloroplast. F
131) The outer membrane is relatively less permeable. T/F
132) Thylakoids arrange in stacks to form ______ (NEET)
133) Thylakoid of different grana are connected by ________
134) The membrane of the thylakoids enclose a space called ______
135) Stroma contains enzymes required for the synthesis of carbohydrate only. T/F
136) It contains ssDNA. T/F (NEET)
137) Both chloroplast and mitochondria have ____ ribosomes. DigaQ. 8 A
138) They were observed by ___________ in year _____
139) They are composed of ______ and ______ (NEET)
140) Here S is _______ unit stands for _______ coefficient. (NEET)
141) Svedberg's unit directly/indirectly measure _____ and _____ of ribosome.
142) 70s ribosome subunits are ____ and ____. Tell the types of rRNA in each subunit.
143) 80s ribosome subunits are ____ and ____. Tell the types of rRNA in each subunit.
144) An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous structures present in the cytoplasm is called
________ (NEET)
145) Cytoskeleton fxn (4)
146) ____ and ____ are hair like outgrowths of cell membrane. (NEET) DigaQ. 9
147) Prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella are structurally similar. T/F
148) Cilia and flagella are not covered with plasma membrane. T/F B
149) Their core is called _______
150) Axoneme possesses a number of microfilaments F
running parallel to the long axis.T/F C
151) The axoneme have ___ no. of microtubules
arranged laterally and ____ no. located in the centre. (NEET)
152) Such arrangement is called 9 + 1 as 9 pairs are laterally D
arranged and 1 pair is centrally located. T/F E
153) The central tubules are connected by ____ and is enclosed by a ____
154) Central sheath is connected to one of the tubules of each peripheral doublets by a ________
155) Total no. of radial spokes in cilla are -
156) The peripheral doublets are also interconnected by _______
157) Both the cilium and flagellum emerge from ________ like structure called _________
DigaQ. 10
158) Centrosome contain 2 _______
159) Centrosome are surrounded by _____ called _____
160) The centrioles lie parallel/perpendicular to each other, B
which has an organisation like a ________ C
161) Arrangement is ______
162) Centriole have 9 even/uneven spaced peripheral E}
fibrils of _______ protein.
163) Each peripheral fibril is a doublet. T/F
164) The adjacent triplets are not linked. T/F
165) Central part of the centriole is called ____, which is connected with peripheral triplets by ______.
166) Hub and spokes are made of ______
DigaQ. 11
167) Centrioles form (2) (NEET)


168) Nucleus was first described by ____ in year ___ (NEET)
169) The material of nucleus was stained by acidic/basic dyes B
was given the name _______ by _______
170) The interphase nucleus have nucleoprotein fibers called D
_______ (NEET)
171) What is perinuclear space ?
172) The outer membrane remains continuous with - (NEET) DigaQ. 12
173) Movement of ______ and ______ take place through nuclear pore.
174) Nucleoplasm contains (2) (NEET)
175) Nucleoli are _______ shaped structures. (NEET)
176) Nucleoli are membrane bound. T/F (NEET)
177) Active ribosomal RNA synthesis occur in _______ (NEET) X
178) Chromatin contains non histone proteins. T/F
179) Chromatin contains (4) (NEET)
180) Human DNA is ____ m long.
181) Primary constriction is called _______ on the side of
which disc shaped structures _______ are present. (NEET)
X Y DigaQ. 13

182) Few chromosomes have staining/non staining secondary constriction.
183) The location of secondary constriction may change. T/F
184) Secondary constriction gives the appearance of a _________
185) Microbodies are not membrane bound. T/F
186) 3 examples of microbodies are -

1. The tooth is embedded in a socket of jaw bone. This type of arrangement is called ________ (NEET)
2. Diphyodont mean ? (NEET)
DigaQ. 1
3. Humans are homodont/heterodont. (NEET)
4. Dental formula of adult human - A
5. Dental formula of child - L
6. The hard chewing surface of teeth is M
made up of _______ C
7. Tongue is attached to floor by ______
8. The upper surface of tongue have small N
projections called ______
9. Common passage for food and air is - D
10. The oesophagus and trachea opens into - E O
11. ______ prevent entry of food into ______
12. The oesophagus leads to a ___ shaped structure. P
13. ___________ sphincter is present between
the oesophagus and stomach. G Q
14. 4 parts of stomach are - H R
15. Duodenum is ____ shaped. I
16. Ileum is highly coiled. T/F J
17. Pyloric sphincter is present between - K
18. Large intestine consists of (3) U
19. _______ is a blind sac and hosts some symbiotic microorganisms.
20. _________ arise from caecum. DigaQ. 2
21. Colon parts are - (4)
22. Wall of alimentary canal have layers - (4)
23. ______ is the outermost layer. B
24. Serosa is made up of thin/thick __________ C
25. The submucosal layer is formed of -
26. Mucosa forms _____ in the stomach and ____
in the small intestine.
27. Villi is supplied by a large lymph vessel called ____
28. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are modification of -
29. Gastric glands are modification of -
30. The 3 digestive glands are -
31. The 3 salivary glands are -
32. These salivary glands are present just inside the buccal cavity. T/F
33. Liver weight ________
34. Largest gland of human body is -
35. Liver have ____ (no.) of lobes.
36. The structural and functional unit of liver is -
37. Each lobule is covered by a thick/thin connective tissue sheath called _________
38. _______ and _________ form the common bile duct.
39. Hepato-pancreatic duct is guarded by ___________ (NEET)

DigaQ. 3
40. The 2 major functions of buccal cavity is - B
41. Mucus is present in saliva. T/F
42. Swallowing is also called ________
43. The saliva in the oral cavity contains electrolytes (4) - (NEET) F D
44. Enzymes in saliva are (2) - (NEET)
45. About ____% of starch is hydrolysed by salivary amylase. E
46. Optimum pH for salivary amylase is _____
47. Starch is hydrolysed into ______ in mouth.
48. Lysozyme fxn (1) -
DigaQ. 4
49. Chief cells are also called -
50. Parietal cells are also called -

51. _______ is also known as an extrinsic factor. B
52. The 3 types of glands in stomach are - (NEET) C
53. Fxn of all 3 of them is - (NEET) D
54. _______ help in absorption of extrinsic factor.
55. Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the stomach. T/F F
56. Stomach stores food for __-__ hours.
57. What is chyme ?
58. Pepsin converts protein into ________ and ________
59. _______ and _______ play an important role in lubrication and protection from HCl.
60. HCl provides an acidic pH of ____, optimal for pepsins.
61. Rennin/Renin is a proteolytic enzyme in gastric juice
of infants. (NEET)
62. Small amount of lipases/proteases are also secreted by gastric glands.
63. The pancreatic juice contain enzymes - (6) (NEET)
64. Trypsinogen is activated by _______ which is secreted by _________ (NEET)
65. Bile contains (4) - DigaQ. 5
66. Bile contains enzymes. T/F
67. Bile activates _______
68. Goblet cells are absent in the intestine. T/F B
69. Bicarbonates are released from the pancreas. T/F
70. pH ____ is needed for enzyme activation in duodenum.
71. Sub-mucosal gland example is (1) - (NEET)
72. Trypsin breaks proteins into amino acids. T/F D
73. Pancreatic amylase breaks starch to glucose. T/F (NEET)
74. Pancreatic lipase breaks fat into monoglyceride. T/F
75. Pancreatic nucleases break ________ to ________ A DigaQ. 6
76. Sucrose is made up of ______ + ______ E
77. Lactase is made up of ______ + ______
78. Succus entericus doesn't constitute mucus. T/F C F
79. The breakdown of biomacromolecules occur in G
________ region.
80. The simple substances thus formed are absorbed in ____ D H
and _______ regions of the small intestine.
81. Fxns of large intestine (2) -
82. The undigested food enter into caecum through _________ I
83. The gastro-intestinal tract is not under neural and hormonal control. T/F
84. _______ prevent the backflow of faecal matter.
85. Gross calorific value of carbs, protein and fats is -
86. Physiological value of carbs, protein and fat is -


87. Compounds absorbed by simple diffusion are (3) -

88. Compounds absorbed by facilitated transport are (2) -
89. Compounds absorbed by active transport are (3) -
90. Fatty acid and glycerol are first incorporated into _______
91. Chylomicrons are _______ coated fat globules.
92. Maximum absorption of substance takes place in ______
93. _______ is a drug which is absorbed from the mouth.
94. Absorption of alcohol take place in -
95. Drugs are not absorbed in the large intestine. T/F
96. Medicines are not absorbed in stomach. T/F
97. What is assimilation?
98. Mass peristaltic movement occurs in _______


99. Parasites of intestine are (5) -

100. The scientific names of all the parasites of Q.99 is -
101. Skin turn yellow in ________
102. Vomit centre is present in -
103. A feeling of ______ precedes vomiting.
104. Abnormal frequency of bowel movement is seen in (2) -
105. Absorption of food reduces in diarrhoea. T/F
106. Causes of Indigestion are (4) -
107. Dietary deficiencies of proteins and total food calories are widespread in - (5)
108. What deficiencies occur in marasmus?
109. Marasmus is found in infants of which age?
110. It occurs because?
111. Marasmus often happens because of which reason?
112. Features of marasmus (5) -
113. Body weight declines considerably in Marasmus. T/F
114. Growth and development of brain and mental faculties is not retarded in marasmus. T/F
115. Kwashiorkor is produced by _______ deficiency.
116. It occurs in children of ______ age.
117. It occurs because?
118. Features of kwashiorkor (5) -
119. Difference between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus is -

1. Photosynthesis is a _________ process.

2. KOH absorb _______
3. _____ performed a series of experiments revealing the essential role of air in growth of green plants.
4. Priestley discovered _________
5. Bell jar experiment was done by ________
6. Priestly used ______ plant.
7. Jan Ingenhousz showed that __________
8. Who showed that it is only the green part of the plants that could release oxygen ?
9. ___________ provided evidence for production of glucose when plants grow.
10. Who showed glucose is usually stored as starch ?
11. ________ illuminated a green alga, ________, placed in a suspension of aerobic/anaerobic bacteria.
12. The first action spectrum of sunlight was described by
13. The first action spectrum resembles roughly the absorption spectrum of chl ____ and ____
14. A microbiologist, ____________, based on his study on _______ and _______ bacteria,
demonstrated that photosynthesis is essentially a light-dependent reaction.
15. ________ proved that the O₂ evolved by the green plant comes from H₂O, not from carbon dioxide.


16. Chloroplasts align their flat surfaces parallel to the wall when given high/low light intensity.
17. There is a clear division of labour within the chloroplast. T/F
18. The membrane system is responsible for _________ and _________
19. In stroma, ______ reactions occur.
20. Identify the diagram
and missing labelling A, B & C.

21. Identify the diagram and missing labelling A, B & C.
22. Colour in leaves is due to 4 pigments.
Name them and also their colour.
23. Identify the graph. 24. Identify A & B.

25. Wavelengths at which there is maximum absorption by chlorophyll ___, also shows higher rate of
26. ______ is the chief pigment associated with photosynthesis.
27. Accessory pigments ex - (3)
28. Accessory pigment fxn (2)
29. Dark reaction is a photochemical phase. T/F
30. What four things happen in light reaction ?
31. LHC is made up of hundred of pigment bound to _______
32. LHC also called ______
33. In PSI, absorption peak is at ______ nm hence called ______
34. In PSII, absorption peak is at _______, hence called ________
35. Photosystems are named according to discovery/sequence of function.
36. Chl. a + LHC = PS T/F


37. Light reaction follows ___ scheme. (NEET)

38. The splitting of water is associated with PSI/PSII.
39. PSII is located in the inner/outer side of the membrane of thylakoid.
40. Cyclic phosphorylation occurs in the ____________ component of chloroplast.
41. I gave light at a wavelength of 690nm to a plant. Which phenomenon will be seen ?
Which PS will be functional here ? (NEET)
42. Both ATP and NADPH are synthesised in
Cyclic/Non-cyclic photophosphorylation. (NEET)
43. Stromal lamellae lack _______ and _________
44. Sequence of flow of electrons across thylakoid membrane during in non-cyclic photophosphorylation is
45. The primary acceptor of an electron, located towards the inner/outer side of the membrane
transfers its electron to an electron carrier/H carrier.
46. Relative concentration of protons in stroma and lumen is decreased by which 3 mechanisms?
47. CF1 is embedded in the thylakoid membrane. T/F
48. ______ protrudes out of the thylakoid membrane.


49. The primary acceptor molecule of CO₂ is a 2 carbon compound making a 3 carbon compound.
50. First product of C₄ pathway is ______
51. First product of C₃ pathway is ______
52. The name of acceptor molecule is __________
53. THe acceptor molecule is a ketose/aldose sugar.
54. Calvin cycle doesn't occur in C₄ plants. T/F
55. The 3 stages of Calvin cycle are
56. ________ is the most crucial step of the Calvin cycle.
57. Enzyme used in carboxylation is called ________
58. For 5 CO₂ molecules, how many ATP and NADPH will be needed to fix it ?
59. _______ is crucial for the cycle to continue uninterrupted.
60. C₄ pathway is found in plants adapted to ______ regions.
61. _______ anatomy of leaves is present in C₄ pathway.
62. In C₄ plants. _________ cells are present around vascular bundles.
63. The bundle sheath forms only one layer around the vascular bundle. T/F
64. Features of bundle sheath cells (3)
65. Ex of C₄ plant (2)
66. Hatch and Slack pathway is a non-cyclic process. T/F
67. In C₄, primary CO₂ acceptor is ______ and it is present in bundle sheath/mesophyll cells.
68. Analogue to RuBisCO in C₄ is _________
69. After OAA formation, it is converted into ______ or _______ in the mesophyll/bundle sheath cell.
70. In a bundle sheath cell, the acids are broken down into ___ carbon molecules.
71. PEP is regenerated in which cell?
72. Bundle sheath is rich in _______
73. In C₄, the Calvin pathway occurs in ______ cells.
74. Rubisco has a much greater affinity for O₂ than CO₂. T/F
75. RuBP bind with O₂ to form ____________ and ____________
76. The biological function of photorespiration is not known. T/F
77. At low CO₂ concentrations, the photorespiration will increase. T/F
78. Which 3 organelles are involved in photorespiration?


79. Blackman gave his law in the year ______.

80. Light is a frequent limiting factor in nature. T/F
81. Light saturation occurs at ______ % of full sunlight. (NEET)
82. There is a linear/parabolic/hyperbolic relation between incident light and CO₂ fixation rates at low/high
light intensities.
83. _______ is a major limiting factor for photosynthesis.
84. CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere is between _____ and _____ %.
85. Increase in conc. Upto ___ % cause increase in CO₂ fixation, beyond which it becomes damaging. (NEET)
86. C₄ plant show saturation only beyond ______
87. C₃ plant show saturation at ______
88. Examples of some greenhouse crops (2) (NEET)
89. Light reactions are temperature sensitive. T/F
90. Dark reactions are temperature controlled because _______
91. C₃ plants have greater optimum temperature. T/F (NEET)
92. Temperate plants have higher optimum temperature than tropical plants. T/F
93. _______ and _______ hormones increase photosynthesis.
94. _______ hormone decreases photosynthesis.
95. Water has a direct/indirect effect.

1) Development is the sum of the processes. Name them.

2) _______is the most fundamental and conspicuous characteristic of living organisms.
3) First step in the process of plant growth is ___________
4) Growth is determinate/indeterminate for higher plants.
5) Plants retain the capacity for unlimited growth throughout life. T/F
6) Swelling of a piece of wood when placed in water is growth or not ?
7) What is an open form of growth?
8) One single maize root apical meristem give rise to _____ no. of new cells per ______
9) Watermelons increase in size by up to ______ times.
10) The 3 phases of growth are -
11) Write 4 characteristics of meristematic cells.
12) Write 3 characteristics of cells in phase of elongation.
13) Zone of elongation can be detected by _______ method.
14) 2 characteristics of zone of maturation.
15) In W = W₀eʳᵗ, two other names of 'r' are -
16) ________help in extension growth.
17) Plant growth and further development is linked to ______ status of the plant.
18) Nutrients two fxns.
19) To form tracheary element, the cells lose ______ DigaQ.
20) They develop a very strong/weak, elastic/inelastic,
_______ compound containing 1°/2°/3° cell walls.

21) Young tree Dead mass. This is also development?
22) Heterophylly is seen in ______, _______, _______
23) Plasticity is an example of heterophylly. T/F
24) What is Plasticity? B
25) _________ show heterophyllous development
due to the environment.


26) Indole compound example - (1)

27) Adenine derivatives - (2)
28) Derivative of carotenoids - (1) (NEET)
29) Terpenes ex -(1)
30) Gases (1)
31) Ethylene is largely a promoter/inhibitor of activities.
32) Chales Darwin and his son experimented on ________ (NEET)
33) Auxin was isolated by ______ from tip of coleoptile of ______
34) Foolish seedling disease is also called ________ disease.
35) Foolish seedling disease affects which plant ? (NEET)
36) Foolish seedling disease was caused by fungus ____________
37) When rice plants were treated with sterile/fertile filtrate of Gibberella it caused bakanae disease.
38) _______ discovered Gibberlic acid.
39) From internodal segments of tobacco stems the callus proliferated only if, in addition to
______the nutrients medium was supplemented with the 4 things. Name them.
40) __________ and _________ named cytokinesis promoting substance kinetin.
41) Tell the three names of ABA.
42) _______ confirmed the release of volatile substances from ripened oranges.
• Auxin
43) (Greek word) Auxin meaning ?
44) Auxin first isolated from ______
45) Auxin are generally produced by _________ (NEET)
46) Natural Auxin (2)
47) Synthetic Auxin (2)
48) Auxin helps to initiate rooting in stem cuttings. T/F
49) Auxin promote flowering in _________
50) _______ prevent fruit and leaf drop in early stages.
51) Auxin promotes abscission of _________ and _________
52) What is apical dominance ?
53) Auxin application (4)
54) Auxin effects (4)
55) Auxin is used to kill monocot/dicot plants
56) Auxin Induce parthenocarpy ex - 1. (NEET)
57) _______ is used in tea plantations.
• Gibberellins
58) There are more than ____ Gibberellins .
59) Gibberellins are reported from ____ and ____
60) Gibberellic acid _____ was one of the first gibberellins discovered and intensively studied.
61) Some but not all GA's are acidic. T/F
62) Length of grape stalks can be increased by _______
63) Gibberellins functions (6)
64) Gibberellins are applied to apples so that they ______ and ______ in shape.
65) Define bolting -
66) Bolting by Gibberellins is done in ____, _____, _____
67) Spraying juvenile _____ with GA hastens the maturity period.
• Cytokinins
68) Cytokinins were discovered as _____ from _____ _____ fish ovum/ sperm DNA.
69) _____ do not occur naturally in plants.
70) Zeatin was naturally extracted from _____, ______ (NEET)
71) Natural cytokinins are found in ______, ______, _____ etc.
72) Cytokinin functions (6)
73) How does Cytokinin delay senescence ?
74) Cytokinin promotes apical dominance. T/F (NEET)
• Abscisic Acid
75) Abscisic acid functions (4) (NEET)
76) ABA is antagonist to - (NEET)
77) _______ is similar to adrenaline w.r.t. Function in plants and animals respectively. (NEET)
78) By inducing dormancy, ABA help the plant to withstand _______
• Ethylene
79) Ethephon is found in gas/ liquid/ solid form .
80) Ethylene is synthesized in large amounts by tissues undergoing _____ and _______
81) What is Respiratory climactic?
82) Most widely used PGR -
83) Most widely compound used as a source of ethylene is ______
84) Ethylene functions (12)
85) It hastens & fruit ripening in ______ and ______
86) It accelerates abscission in flowers and fruits. Ex--- 3
87) Ethephon is given in gaseous mixture. T/F
88) It promote female flower in ______
89) Synchronizing fruit set in _____ is done by ______

90) The two external factors that affect initiation of flowering are _____ and _____ (NEET)
91) The response of plants to periods of day / night is termed _____
92) LDP means?
93) Plant having no correlation between exposure to sunlight and induction of flowering response are
called ______
94) The site of perception of photoperiodism is
95) Hormonal substance hypothesized which is responsible for flowering is ______
96) Flowering can depend both quantitatively and qualitatively on low temperature. T/F.
97) The spring variety of ______, ______, ____ come to flower and produce grain before/after the
end of growing season.
98) Vernalization prevent _______
99) Spring varieties are planted in spring. T/F
100) Winter varieties are planted in ______ season.
101) Winter varieties are harvested around _______ season.
102) Biennial plants are not monocarpic plants. T/F
103) Ex of biennial plants (3)
104) What is Vernalization?
105) Reasons which cause seed dormancy (5)
106) Effect of inhibitory substance can be removed by subjecting the seeds to ______ condition or by
application of certain chemicals like _____ and ______
107) Changing environment conditions such as _____ and _____ are other methods to overcome seed
DigaQ. 1
1. The direct elongation of radicle leads to the
formation of ______ root. Y
2. Name the 3 root systems.
3. Tap root system ex (1) A B
4. Primary root is short lived in _______.
5. Fibrous root originate from the _______ (NEET 2019)
6. Ex of fibrous root (1)
7. Adventitious root definition -
8. Adventitious root ex (3) - (NEET 2018)
9. Fxn of roots are (4)
10. Thimble like structure covering root apex is ________ C
11. Cells of the region of meristematic activity are very big. T/F
12. They have thin walls and dense protoplasm. T/F
13. Zone responsible for the growth of the root in length is -
14. Root hair arise from ____________
15. Tap root of ______, _______ and adventitious root of _______ store food.
16. Hanging structures supporting banyan tree -
17. Stilt root example (2)
18. Stilt root arise from stem. T/F
19. In _______, pneumatophores are present which helps to get _________

DigaQ. 2 DigaQ. 3


• THE STEM DigaQ. 4

20. Stem develop from _______

21. Examples of stem modified to store food (5) -
22. They also act as an organ of perennation to tide over
unfavorable conditions. T/F
23. Stem tendrils ex (4) (NEET 2016) A B
24. Stem modified into thorns ex (2) - (NEET 2016) W
25. Some plants of arid regions modify their stem to flattened
stem ex - _______ or fleshy cylindrical ex - ________
structures called ___ (NEET 2016)
26. What are runners ?
27. Runners ex - (2)
28. What are stolons ?
29. Stolons ex (2)
30. What are offsets ? Y
31. Offsets ex (2) Z
32. What are suckers ? D
33. Suckers ex (3)
34. Pitcher plant, venus fly trap are also example
modified stem. T/F (NEET 2016)
DigaQ. 5

35. Leaf develops at a _____ and bears a _____ in its axil.

36. Leaves are arranged in a basipetal manner. T/F C
37. Parts of leaf is (3) - D E
38. ______ bear two small leaf like structures called ______
39. In ________, the leaf base expanded into a sheath covering the stem partially or wholly.
40. In some _______, the leaf base may become swollen, which is called ______
41. ______ help hold the blade to light
42. Lamina is also called _______
43. The lamina is incisioned but don't touch the midrib. The leaf is simple/compound.
44. How to differentiate between simple leaf and
compound leaflet ?
45. Types of compound leaf (2) with one ex of each. DigaQ. 6
46. Types of phyllotaxy (3) X
47. Alternate ex - (3)
48. Opposite ex - (2)
49. Whorled ex - (2)
50. Leaf tendrils ex - (1)
51. Leaf spine ex - (1)
52. Leaves store food ex - (2) A B
53. In ___________, leaves are small and short lived.
54. In it, petiole expand, become _____, synthesis food and called _______
DigaQ. 8
DigaQ. 7 B



55. When a shoot tip transforms into a flower, it is always solitary. T/F C
56. The arrangement of flower on floral axis is termed as ________ Z
57. In racemose, flowers are arranged basipetally. T/F
58. Reproductive unit of angiosperms is ______ DigaQ. 9
59. Pedicel 2 other names are - A
60. Accessory whorls are -
61. In ____ the calyx and corolla are not distinct hence called ____
62. Actinomorphic means ______ symmetry.
63. Bilateral symmetry means
64. Actinomorphic ex (3)
65. Zygomorphic ex (4)
66. Asymmetric ex (1)
67. What are bracts?
68. Ovaries are classified as hypo,epi and perigynous ovaries. T/F
69. Flowers are classified as hypo,epi,perigynous on which basis ?
70. Hypogynous flowers have inferior ovary. T/F
71. Hypogynous flower ex (3)
72. Perigynous ex (3) (NEET 2020) B
73. Epigynous ex (3) (NEET 2020)
DigaQ. 10

74. Tell the Calyx types and how the both C
types look. (same is with corolla) E
75. Corolla shapes (4) DigaQ. 11
76. Name the 4 types of aestivation. A B C D
77. Valvate ex (1) -
78. Imbricate ex (2) -
79. Twisted ex (2) -
80. Vexillary ex (2) -
81. Margins overlap each other but not in any particular direction -
82. Vexillary have many types of petals and their names ?
83. ______ is also called papilionaceous.
84. Sterile stamen is called ________
85. When stamens are attached to petals, they are called _______. Ex - ______
86. Stamens attached to perianth called _______. Ex - _____
87. When each stamens remains free,it is called polyadelphous. T/F (NEET 2016)
88. Monadelphous meaning and ex -
89. Diadelphous ex - DigaQ. 12
90. Polyadelphous ex -
91. Variation in length of filament ex (2) - (NEET 2016)
92. Ovules are attached to a cushion like -
93. Apocarpous meaning and ex -
94. Syncarpous meaning and ex - (NEET 2016)
95. Name all the types of placentation.
96. Marginal ex -
97. Axile ex (3) -
98. Parietal ex (2) -
99. Free central (2) - (NEET 2016)
100. Basal ex (2) -
101. In marginal, placenta forms a ridge along the dorsal suture of the ovary. T/F
102. False septum is formed in ______ placentation.
103. Ovules are attached to a multilocular ovary when placenta is ______
104. Placenta develop at _____ of ovary in sunflower.
105. Usually more than one ovule is attached to the ovary in basal placentation. T/F
106. Septa are completely absent in ________ DigaQ. 13


107. Fruit without fertilization called ________

108. Pericarp is differentiated into _____, _____, _____ only when it is _____ and ______
109. Drupe ex (2) (NEET 2017)
DigaQ. 14
110. Drupe fruit develop from ________ superior/inferior ovaries.
111. Mesocarp is ______ in coconut.
112. Outermost covering of seed is called ________
113. No of layers in seed coat - C
114. Outer _____ and inner _____ D
115. Developing seed is attached to the fruit through _______ X
116. Below hilum, is a small pore called micropyle. T/F
117. Endospermous seed ex (2) -
118. Non endospermous seed (2) ex - A
119. In _____ such as ______, seed coat is fused with the fruit wall.
120. In maize, seed coat is membranous. T/F C Y
121. Endosperm and embryo are separated by _________
122. Aleurone layer is made of ______
123. The cotyledon of monocot is called ______. It is ______ shaped. (NEET 2016)
124. Coleoptile enclose _______ and coleorhiza enclose _______
A DigaQ. 15 DigaQ. 16



125. Fabaceae was earlier known as ____________, a subfamily of ___________
126. _________ is commonly known as the potato family.
127. Only monocot family in NCERT is -
128. Root have ______ with nitrogen fixing bacteria ________ in Fabaceae.
129. Leaves of all the families given in NCERT are of ______ phyllotaxy.
130. Only family given in NCERT which is stipulate is _________
131. Leaf base is pulvinate in _________
132. Family of NCERT which may have pinnate leaves present are (2) -
133. Stem is erect or climber in __________
134. Hairy or glabrous stem is found in ________
135. Herbaceous, rarely woody aerial erect stem is found in ________
136. Simple, rarely pinnate leaves are found in ________
137. Palmate leaves are present in which family of NCERT?


138. The only family having racemose inflorescence is -
139. Only family having zygomorphic flower -
140. NCERT family which have unisexual flower is -
141. In Fabaceae, calyx and corolla aestivation is ______ and ________
142. In potato family, calyx and corolla aestivation is ______ and _______
143. Tepal in _________ have ________ aestivation.
144. Gamosepalous condition is in (2)
145. Androecium is attached to accessory whorls in (2) -
• Identify the family and write its floral formula
DigaQ. 17 DigaQ. 18 DigaQ. 19 DigaQ. 20

146. Stamens no in Fab, Solan, Lili are respectively _____, _____, _____
147. Didelphous, anther dithecous is present in __________
148. NCERT family having inferior ovary is -
149. Carpels in Fab, Solan, Lili are respectively ___, ___, ___ (NEET 2016)
150. Locules in Fab, Solan, Lili are respectively ___, ___, ___
151. Syncarpous family (2)
152. Swollen placenta is present in __________
153. Axile placentation family (2)
154. Fruit of fabaceae is _______
155. Fruit of Solanaceae is _________
156. Fruit of Liliaceae is _________
157. Solanaceae have non endospermous seeds. T/F
158. Only family having non - endospermous seed is -
159. Medicines found in Fab, Solan, Lili respectively are -
160. Ornamental in Fab, Solan, Lili respectively are -
161. Pulses ex (5) -
162. Food in Solanaceae (3) -
163. Food in Liliaceae (2) -
164. Fodder ex (2) -
165. Edible oil ex (2) -
166. Dyes and FIbers found in Fabaceae are -
167. Spices of Solanaceae -
168. Tobacco comes from dried leaves of ______ _______ found in family _______
169. ________ ________ yield colchicine used in ______________
DigaQ. 1
1. The human cell divides once in approximately ____ hrs.
2. _______, can progress through the cell cycle in Q
only ____ minutes.
3. Cell cycle is divided into 2 phases, Name them. D
4. The interphase lasts more than ____% of the X
duration of cell cycle. (NEET) B
5. M phase is divided into (2) - A R
6. Interphase is divided into 3 phases. Name them.
7. DNA synthesis takes place in ____ phase. (NEET)
8. There is an increase in the no. of chromosomes in
S phase. T/F (NEET)
9. In S phase, centriole duplication begins in nucleus. T/F
10. What happens in G₂ phase? DigaQ. 2
11. Onion have ___ no. of chromosomes. A
12. Heart cell do not divide. T/F
13. Cells after completing M phase enter first into G₀ phase. T/F
14. G₀ phase is also called __________
15. Cell enters G₀ phase by exiting ____ phase.
16. Cell entering the G₀ phase exit the cell cycle. T/F (NEET)

17. ______ is the most dramatic period of the cell cycle.
18. It is also called _________
19. Cytokinesis is a part of M phase. T/F
20. Name the 5 phases.
• Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase & Telophase
21. _______ is marked by the initiation of condensation of chromosomal material.
22. The end of prophase is marked by what characteristic events ? (2)
23. Each centrosome radiates out microtubules called _______
24. Two asters together with spindle fibres forms ___________
25. Cell at the end of prophase don't show - (4) (NEET)
26. What marks the start of the 2nd phase of mitosis ?
27. Chromosomes are clearly observed in which stage? (NEET)
28. What is most easily studied in metaphase? (NEET)
29. _______ serve as a site of attachment of spindle fibers (NEET)
30. Disc shaped structure at the surface of centromere are - (NEET)
31. The plane of alignment of the chromosomes at metaphase is called ________
32. Key features of metaphase is (2)
33. Migration to the opposite pole starts in _______. (NEET)
34. Key Events are (2)
35. Chromosome decondense and lose their individuality in ________
36. Nucleolus, Golgi complex and ER reform in _______ (NEET) E
37. Two daughter nuclei are formed in _______
• Cytokinesis
38. In an animal cell, this is achieved by the appearance of a ______ (NEET)
39. In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs centripetally/centrifugally.
40. Centrifugal cytokinesis occur in -
41. Formation of the new cell wall begins with the formation of a simple F
precursor, called ________
42. In some organisms, cytokinesis do not occur forming _____
eg. ________ (NEET)
43. A very significant contribution of mitosis is cell repair. T/F


• Prophase I
44. Prophase of the first meiotic division is typically shorter and
less complex when compared to prophase of mitosis. T/F
45. The 5 phases of meiosis I are - (NEET)
46. Chromosomes becomes gradually visible in _______
47. The compaction of chromosomes continues throughout_________
48. Chromosome start pairing together in _______ stage and this process is called _____ (NEET)
49. Paired chromosomes are called _________ chromosomes. (NEET)
50. Chromosome synapsis is accompanied by the formation of complex structure called ______ (NEET)
51. The complex formed by a pair of synapsed homologous
chromosomes is called a _____ or ______ (NEET)
DigaQ. 3

52. The first two stages of prophase I are relatively long-lived compared to pachytene. T/F
53. Four chromatids of each bivalent clearly appear as tetrad in -
54. Pachytene is characterised by appearance of-
55. What is a recombinant nodule?
56. Enzyme involved in crossing over is - (NEET)
57. Recombination between homologous chromosomes is completed by the end of ________
58. Beginning of diplotene is recognised by - (NEET)
59. X shaped structures called _______ are formed in - (NEET)
60. In _______, diplotene can last for months and years.
61. ________ is marked by terminalisation of chiasmata. (NEET)
62. By the end of ________, nucleolus disappears and the nuclear envelope also breaks down. (NEET)

• Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I & Meiosis II

63. Bivalent chromosomes align on the equatorial plate in ________ (NEET)
64. In Anaphase I, sister chromatids separate. T/F (NEET)
65. No replication of DNA occurs during interkinesis. T/F
66. Dyad of cell is formed in -
67. ________ are very important for the process of evolution

DigaQ. 4 D

1. Transport over long distances proceeds through the vascular system and is called _______
2. In rooted plants transport in xylem is uni/multidirectional,
3. Multidirectional transport happens in
4. PGR are transported in a strictly polarised manner. T/F


5. Diffusion is a fast/slow process.

6. Diffusion in/of solids is more likely.
7. Diffusion rates are affected by (4)
8. Smaller substance diffuse faster. T/F
9. Inhibitors react to _________
10. The ______ are proteins that forms huge pores in inner/outer DigaQ.2
membrane of the ______, _____ and _____ that allows molecules
up to size of small proteins to pass through.
11. Water channels are made up of how many different types of X
12. Saturation is not the property of facilitated diffusion. (T/F) (NEET 2013)
13. A gradient must already be present for diffusion to occur. (T/F)
14. Diffusion directly proportional to solubility of substance in
lipids. (T/F) Z
15. Facilitated diffusion is independent of ATP (T/F)
16. Na/K pump is an example of _______(active/passive)
17. Active transport uses energy to transport and pump molecules along a concentration gradient. (T/F)
(AIPMT 2000)
18. Active transport doesn't saturate. (T/F)
19. Like enzyme, the carrier protein is very specific in active transport. (T/F) (NEET 2019 Odisha)

20. Terrestrial plants take up huge amount water daily but most of it is lost to the air through
evaporation from the leaves, is called
21. Watermelon have _____% water.
22. Seeds have water in them. (T/F)
23. Most herbaceous plants have only about 10 to 15% of its fresh weight as dry matter (T/F)
24. A mature corn plant absorb ____ liters of water a day.
25. ________ plant absorbs water equal to its own weight in 5 hours.
26. The two components of water potential are _____ and ______
27. The greater the concentration of water in a system, the greater is its kinetic energy or 'water
potential'. (T/F)
28. Pure water has maximum water potential i.e. 1. (T/F) (NEET Odisha 2019)
29. Water will move from the system containing water at _____ water potential to the one having
water at ______ water potential. (NEET 2013 & AIPMT 2007)
30. Ψs is always negative. (T/F)
31. For a solution at atmospheric pressure (water potential) Ψw = (solute potential) Ψs . (T/F)
32. In plants, ______ and _______ are important determinants of movement of molecule in and out
the cell.
33. _________ is the term used to refer specifically to the diffusion of water across a differentially or
selectively permeable membrane
34. The net direction and rate of osmosis depends on both the
pressure gradient and concentration gradient. (T/F)
35. At equilibrium the two chambers should have nearly the
same water potential. (T/F)
36. If the external solution is more dilute than the cytoplasm,
it is hypertonic. (T/F)
37. Osmotic pressure equal Ψp. T/F A
38. Numerically osmotic pressure equal water potential. T/F B
39. Numerically osmotic pressure equal osmotic potential. T/F
40. Osmotic potential and solute potential is the same thing. T/F C
41. _________ occurs when water moves out of the DigaQ.4
cell and the cell membrane of a plant cell shrinks away
from its cell wall.
42. In plasmolysis, water is first lost from the vacuole,
then the cytoplasm. T/F
43. The process of plasmolysis is usually irreversible. T/F
44. The space between the cell wall and shrunken protoplast is occuping by _________
45. Flaccid cells are found in _______ solution.
46. What would be the Ψp of a flaccid cell?
47. ______ is ultimately responsible for enralgement and extension growth of cell.
48. __________ is a special type of diffusion when water is absorbed by solids – colloids – causing
them to increase in volume.
49. The classical examples of imbibition are absorption of water by seeds and dry wood. (T/F)
50. Imbibition is also diffusion since water movement is along a concentration gradient. (T/F)
51. for any substance to imbibe any liquid, affinity between the adsorbent and the liquid is also a pre-
requisite. (T/F)


52. Xylem is associated with translocation of mainly water, mineral salts, some organic nitrogen and
hormones. (T/F) (NEET 2019)
53. Pholem translocate inorganic solutes DigaQ.5
also. T/F
54. The _______ is the system of adjacent
cell walls that is continuous throughout the C D E F
plant, except at the _______ of the ____ G
in the roots X H
55. The apoplastic movement of water occurs
exclusively through the intracellular spaces and the walls of the cells. (T/F)
56. Movement through the apoplast does involve crossing the cell membrane. (T/F)
57. Mass flow of water occurs due to the ________ and __________ properties of water.
58. The ________ system is the system of interconnected protoplasts
59. Neighbouring cells are connected through cytoplasmic strands that extend through _______
60. Movement is relatively faster in symplastic pathway because of aid by cytoplasmic streaming. (T/F)
61. Movement of which organelle is seen in Hydrilla leaf due to cytoplasmic streaming ?
62. Most of the water flow in the roots occurs via the apoplast. (T/F)
63. Casparian strip have suberin/lignin. DigaQ.6 B A
64. The movement of water through the root layers is C
ultimately _______ in the endodermis.
65. The water after crossing the endodermis follow the
symplastic pathway only till leaf. T/F
66. In mycorrhizae, fungus provide (2) H
67. In mycorrhiza, the root provide (2) E G
68. Pinus seeds can germinate and establish in the absence of mycorrhizae. T/F
69. Excess water collects in the form of droplets around special openings of veins near the tip of grass
blades, and leaves of many herbaceous parts is known as ________ (NEET 2020)
70. Greatest contribution of root pressure is
71. Root pressure do not play a major role in water movement up tall trees. . (T/F) (NEET 2015)
72. Less than ____ % of water reaching the leaves is used for photosynthesis and growth.
73. Transpiration can be studied from a leaf using _______ paper.

74. Transpiration is the evaporative loss of water. T/F A

75. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaf
occurs through stomata. T/F C
76. The inner wall of guard cell is thick/thin, elastic/inelastic.
77. Transpiration maintains the shape and the structure of the plants by keeping the cells turgid. (t/f)
78. The immediate cause of the opening or closing of stomata is a change in the turgidity of the ______
79. Microfibrils made up of ________ are oriented radially/longitudinally.
80. The lower surface of a dorsiventral leaf has a greater number of stomata. (T/F)
81. In isobilateral leaf they are equal in number on both sides. (T/F)
82. Mutual attraction between water molecules called ________
83. Attraction of water molecules to polar surface called ________
84. External factors affecting transpiration (4) (NEET 2018)
85. Plant factor affecting transpiration (4) (NEET 2017)
86. When turgidity increase, inner walls become ______ shaped.
87. Transpiration driven ascent of sap is driven mainly by 3 factors. Name them.


88. Tensile strength means?
89. Transpiration maintains the shape and E
structure of the plants by keeping cells turgid. (T/F) C D
90. C4 plants are _______ times as efficient as C3 plant.
91. C4 plant loses only _______as much water as C3 plant for same amount of CO₂ fixed. T/F


92. Ions are absorbed from the soil by both passive and active transport. (T/F)
93. Transport proteins of __________ cells are control points, where a plant adjusts the quantity and
types of solutes that reach the xylem.
94. Root endodermis because of the layer of ________ has the ability to actively transport ions in one
direction only.
95. Mineral ions are frequently remobilised, particularly from older, senescing parts. (T/F)
96. Elements most readily mobilised are (4)
97. Calcium since structural component cannot be remoblised. (T/F)
98. Nitrogen travels in both organic and inorganic components. (T/F)
99. We can't say categorically that xylem transport only inorganic material and phloem transport only
organic material. T/F

100. Source and sink may be reversed depending on ________ (NEET 2019)
101. Hormones are transported through xylem/phloem.
102. The source-sink relationship is variable in food translocation. (T/F)
103. The sucrose made is first moved into sieve tube/companion cell.
104. The sugar is moved from companion cells to sieve tube through passive/active transport.
105. Cytoplasmic strands pass through holes in the ________
106. _________ is used to identify tissues through which food is transported.
107. The translocation in phloem is explained by ________ hypothesis.



1. To find the composition of elements in living tissue, we take a liver and grind it in ________ using a
mortar or pestle.
2. We strain the slurry through a _______ or ______ we would obtain two fractions.
3. Elements which are present in more % in human body than in earth crust are (5)
4. Amino acids are substituted ________
5. Acidic amino acid ex (2) -
6. Basic amino acids ex (2) -
7. Neutral amino acid ex (5) -
8. Aromatic amino acid ex (3) -
9. Zwitter means __________. This property is present in -
10. Palmitic acid has _____ carbons excluding the carboxyl group.
11. 20 carbons are present in __________
12. Glycerol is chemically __________
13. Gingelly oil has a high melting point. T/F
14. Ex of phospholipids. (2) (NEET)
15. Phospholipids are found in _______
16. Neural tissues have more complex lipids like _________ which have ______ instead of glycerol as
17. Sphingomyelin is a type of __________ which consists of _________ as head group.
18. Nitrogenous bases when attached to sugar form _________ and when attached also to ________
form nucleotides.
19. Nucleoside version of adenine is called _______
20. Nucleoside version of cytosine is called _______
21. Flavonoids are primary metabolites. T/F
22. Types of secondary metabolites are (9)
23. Example of Pigment (2)
24. Example of Alkaloids (2) (NEET)
25. Ex. of Terpenoids (2)
26. Ex of Essential Oils (2) (NEET)
27. Curcumin is a _______ type of secondary metabolite.
28. Ex of Toxins (2) (NEET)
29. Concanavalin A is a ________
30. Ex of Drugs (2) (NEET)
31. Ex of Polymeric substance (3)
32. No secondary metabolites have ecological importance. T/F
33. Compounds found in the acid soluble pool have DigaQ. 1
molecular weights ranging from ___ to ____daltons.
34. 4 Types of compounds in acid insoluble pool are - X
35. Define biomacromolecules.
36. Acid insoluble pool have molecular weight in the
range of _______ or above. B
37. Lipids are not strictly ____________
38. The acid soluble pool represent roughly the X Y
composition of ________ C
39. ________ is present 10-15 % in cell. X
40. Carbohydrates are ____% of total cell mass. Y
41. Lipids are ____% of total cell mass.
42. Nucleic acids are ____% of total cell mass.
43. Water % in cell is -


44. Protein is a homopolymer/heteropolymer.

45. Name all the essential amino acids (10)
46. Fxn of GLUT-4 is - (NEET)
47. _______ is the most abundant protein in animal world. (NEET)
48. _______ is the most abundant protein in the whole biosphere.
49. Inulin is a polymer of _______
50. In a polysaccharide chain, the right end is called the reducing/non-reducing end.
51. Cellulose forms helical secondary structures. T/F
52. Starch hold I₂ molecules in the ______
53. The starch-I₂ is _____ in color.
54. Exoskeleton of arthropods have polysaccharide called _______
55. Ex of amino sugars (2)
56. Chitin is a homo/heteropolysaccharide made of _________
57. A and G are substituted _______
58. In deoxyribose, the oxygen is removed from ___ position.
59. Right end is represented as a first/last amino acid.
60. N-terminal amino acid is the first/last amino acid.
61. Secondary structures ex (2) - Y
DigaQ. 2
62. _______ structure is absolutely necessary for
many biological activities of protein. A
63. Ex of tertiary structure (1)
64. Ex of quaternary structure (1) B
65. No. of peptide bond present in a tripeptide is - X
66. In nucleotides, the bond between phosphate and
hydroxyl is a _____ type of bond.
67. Phosphoester bond is present in DNA. T/F
68. % of T in RNA if % of C is 40%?
69. % of A in DNA if % of G is 30 %?
70. In B DNA, at each step, the strand turns ___ degrees.
71. The pitch of B-DNA is ____nm.
72. 6 base pair long DNA have ____ nm length.


73. There is no uncatalysed metabolic conversion in a living system. T/F

74. Metabolic pathways are always circular, not linear. T/F
75. Blood concentration of glucose in normal healthy individual is _______ mM.
76. Non proteinaceous enzyme ex - (NEET)
77. Difference between inorganic catalyst and enzymes?
78. Enzyme used to convert water and CO₂ to H₂CO₃ is -
79. The ES complex formation is a transient/non-transient phenomenon.
80. All other intermediate structural states are unstable. T/F
DigaQ. 3 X Y
81. When the inhibitor closely resembles the substrate in its molecular structure and inhibits the activity
of the enzyme, it is known as __________ (NEET)
82. Ex of competitive inhibition (2)
83. Factors affecting enzyme activity are - (4)
84. Name the 6 classes of enzymes with their example.
85. Name the 3 types of cofactors.
86. _________ are organic compounds and are tightly bound to the apoenzyme. (NEET)
87. _______ are organic compounds but only transiently bound. (NEET)
88. The essential chemical components of many coenzymes are ______. Ex - (1)
89. Zn is a cofactor of - (NEET)
DigaQ. 4


1. ___________, a prominent German/British botanist, demonstrated that plants could be grown to

maturity in a defined nutrient solution in complete absence of soil.
2. Technique of growing plant in nutrient solution known as ________
3. Hydroponics is successfully employed as a technique for the commercial production of vegetables such
as _______, _______, ________, ________
4. Given diagram is showing which technique-

5. More than ____elements of the 105 discovered so far are found in different plants.
6. The criteria for essentiality are - (3)
7. Macronutrients are  present in plant tissues in more than ____ mmole/Kg of dry matter.
8. Macronutrients example (9)
9. Micronutrients are present less than 10 ______ (tell the unit) of dry matter.
10. Micronutrients example (8)
11. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are mainly obtained from CO₂ and H₂O.       (T/F)
12. Beneficial elements ex (4)
13. Essential elements can be grouped into 4 categories on the basis of function. Name them.
14. Essential elements as component of biomolecules – (4)
15. Essential elements as component of energy related compounds – (2)
16. Mg²⁺ is the activator of _________ and ________
17. Activator of alcohol dehydrogenase is ________
18. Activator of nitrogenase is ________
19. Sodium plays an important role in the opening and closing of stomata. (T/F)

20. Essential element required in largest amount is _________

21. Nitrogen mainly absorbed mainly as ________ though
some are also taken as _______ or _______
22. _________ is one of the major constituents of proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones.
23. ___________ is a constituent of cell membranes, certain proteins, all nucleic acids and
nucleotides.              (NEET)
24. Phosphorus is absorbed in the form of ________ or _________
25. ________ is  required in more abundant quantities in the meristematic tissues, buds, leaves and
root tips.
26. Maintenance of the turgidity of cells is function of ________ element.        (NEET)
27. Potassium is involved in protein synthesis.          T/F
28. Maintenance of anionic-cationic balance is done by _______
29. Tell all the functions of K. (5)
30. ________ is required in meristematic and differentiating cells. (NEET)
31. During cell division, _______ is used in the synthesis of cell wall , particularly as _______ in the
middle lamella.
32. Magnesium is also needed during the formation of mitotic spindle. (T/F)
33. _______ is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
34. Magnesium is a constituent of the ring structure of chlorophyll. T/F (NEET)
35. Ribosome structure is maintained by _________
36. Plants obtain sulphur in the form of SO₃²⁻. T/F
37. Sulphur is present in two amino acids - (NEET)
38. Sulphur is main constituent of several _______, vitamins (tell 3 examples) ,________
39. Plant obtain iron in the form of Fe²⁺. T/F (NEET)
40. Iron is constituents of which proteins ? (2)
41. Zn is an activator of enzyme catalase. (T/F)
42. Iron is essential for the formation of _________
43. Manganese is absorbed in the form of _______
44. Manganese activate many enzymes involved in ________, ________, _________
45. Element used in splitting of water to liberate oxygen during photosynthesis is (NEET)
46. Activator of enzyme carboxylase is
47. Zn is also needed in the synthesis of ______ (NEET)
48. Cu is absorbed as Cu⁺ ions. (T/F)
49. Boron is absorbed as _______ or ________
50. Calcium is required for uptake and utilization of boron. (T/F)
51. Fxns of boron (6)
52. Molybdenum is obtained as ______
53. Anion cation balance is determined by Na, K, Cl.              (T/F)
54. Molybdenum is a component of several enzymes. Name them. (2)                (NEET)


55. Define critical concentration.

56. ___, ____, _____ deficiency are visible first in the senescent leaves.         (NEET)
57. ______ and ______ deficiency comes in younger leaves.
58. What happens in chlorosis ?
59. Deficiency of which elements happen in chlorosis ? (8)
60. Necrosis occurs due to deficiency of – (4)
61. Inhibition of cell division is caused due to (4)
62. Elements which delay flowering are (3)
63. How do we define toxicity of element ?
64. Appearance of brown spots surrounded by chlorotic veins is a feature of _____ toxicity.
65. Manganese compete with _____ and _____ for uptake and with _____ for binding with enzymes.
66. Mn inhibit ________ translocation to ________
67. Manganese toxicity can cause deficiency of ______, ______ and _______


68. The movement of ions is called ______

69. _______ is the most prevalent element in the living organism.
70. ________ is a limiting nutrient for both agricultural and natural ecosystems.
71. What is nitrogen fixation ?
72. In nature, lightning and ultraviolet radiation provide enough energy to convert nitrogen to _____,
_____, ______
DigaQ. 1
73. Ammonia is oxidised to nitrite by bacteria ________
and _________            (NEET)
74. Nitrite is further oxidized to nitrate with the help
of __________                (NEET)
75. The above two steps are called ___________                                   (NEET)
76. The above bacteria are chemoautotrophs/
chemoheterotrophs. (NEET)
77. Denitrifying bacteria are (2) E
78. _____ enzyme is used in biological nitrogen fixation.
79. Free living nitrogen fixing aerobic microbes are _____
and _____ while anaerobic microbe is ____  (NEET)
80. Cyanobacterial like ______ and ________
are also free living nitrogen fixers.
81. Bacillus is a symbiotic nitrogen fixer.  T/F
82. Rhizobium is a ______ shaped bacteria. DigaQ. 2
83. Rhizobium have relationship with roots of A
several legumes like (7)
84. _______ are small outgrowths on root. D
85. ________ produces nitrogen fixing nodules on
the root of non - leguminous plant.
86. Ex of non-leguminous plant.
87. Central portion of nodule is pink due to presence of ___________
88. The enzyme nitrogenase is a ______ protein which catalyze conversion of ______ to _______
89. First stable product of nitrogen fixation is ______
90. The bacteria get modified into rod shaped _______ and cause _______ and ______ cells to divide.
91. 40 moles of ATP produce ____ moles of NH3.
92. The enzyme nitrogenase is highly sensitive to aerobic conditions. T/F (NEET)
93. The nodule contains an oxygen scavenger called _________ to protect the enzyme. (NEET)
94. The energy for nitrogen fixation is taken from plant/bacteria.
95. Two ways to produce amino acids are –
96. Identify the enzyme in this reaction.
97. Two most important amides found in plants are _______ and _______
98. Amides are transported to other part by phloem. T/F
99. The nodules of soybean export the fixed nitrogen as ____
100. ________ have high nitrogen to carbon ratio.

1) Cockroaches are _____ or _____ in colour.

2) Class -
3) _______, ______, ______ coloured cockroaches are also reported in tropical/subtropical regions.
4) The size ranges from ___ inches to ___ inches.
5) They are diurnal/nocturnal carnivores/omnivores
6) Cockroaches are serious pests and vectors of many diseases. T/F
DigaQ. 1
7) Common species of cockroach is __________ D L
8) They are ___-___ cm long. E
9) The body is divisible into 3 regions ____, ____, _____ G
10) The entire body of the cockroach is covered with
______ skeleton.
11) Hardened plates forming exoskeleton are _____ (NEET)
12) ______ are found dorsally and _______ are found ventrally.
13) Tergites and sternites are joined to each other by thin/thick and flexible _____ also called _____
14) Shape of head of cockroach is _______
15) Head is formed by fusion of ___ no of segments. DigaQ. 2
16) The neck is not flexible. T/F
17) Head capsule bears a pair of __________
18) A pair of thread-like antennae arise from A
membranous sockets lying behind the eyes. T/F X
19) Antennae help in (1) B B
20) ______________ type of mouth parts C
21) Upper lip is called _______
22) Lower lip is called _______
23) Mouthparts consist of (4)
24) Hypopharynx also called _______
25) Thorax consists of 3 parts. Name them. D D
26) Neck is a short extension of ______ E
27) The first pair of wings arise from ________
28) Second pair from _______
29) Forewings are called _______. Features - (2)
30) Hindwings features (2)
31) _______ wings are used in flight.
32) Two pairs of wings are present at_____ and ______segments.
33) Abdomen of cockroach is divided into _____ segments.
34) In females, ____th is a boat shaped sternum. (NEET)
35) Genital pouch is formed by ____, ____, ____ sternum.
36) Anterior part of genital pouch contains ____, ____, ____
37) In males, genital pouch lies at _____ end of abdomen bounded dorsally by ____ and ____ terga
and ventrally by ____ sternum.
38) Male genital pouch consist of (3) DigaQ. 3
39) Anal styles are absent in males. T/F (NEET) A
40) Anal cerci are absent in males. T/F B
41) Jointed filamentous structure are _______
42) ____ segment of cockroach bear anal cerci.
43) Anal style is also called _________
44) Genital pouch consist of (2) F

45) Alimentary canal is divided into 3 regions. Name them.
46) The mouth opens into a short tubular oesophagus. T/F
47) Oesophagus opens into _____ which is used for ___________
48) Crop is followed by ______ or __________
49) Gizzard has outer layer of thick/thin circular/longitudinal muscles and thick/thin inner
cuticle forming ___ no of highly chitinous plates called ______
50) ________ help in grinding food. (NEET)
51) No of gastric caecae present in cockroach are -
52) ___-___ blind tubules called _____ or _____ caecae are present at junction of ______
and _______
DigaQ. 4
53) Hepatic caecae fxn (1)
54) Malpighian tubules are ____-____ in no. B
55) Between _______ and _______, a ____ C
coloured thick/thin filamentous ____ is present.
56) The midgut is broader than hindgut. T/F
57) Hindgut is differentiated into _____, _____, _____ E
58) Describe the path of flow of food from mouth to anus. F
59) A pair of _______ present near crop. G

60) Blood vascular system of cockroach is open/closed type. L
61) Blood vessels open into space called _______
62) Hemolymph consist of ______ and _______ K
63) Heart is differentiated into _____ shaped chambers. DigaQ. 5
With ____ on either side.
64) Blood from ______ enter heart through _______
65) Blood is pumped posteriorly to sinus again. T/F
66) The respiratory system consist of a network of ______
67) Number of spiracles ______
68) Exchange of gases at tracheoles take place by _______
69) Spiracles are regulated/not regulated.

70) Excretion by 4 things -
71) Each tubule is lined by _______ and ______cells
72) Malpighian tubule absorb ____________ and convert them
into _______ (NEET)
73) Cockroach is ureotelic/uricotelic.
74) Ganglia are joined by _________________ on dorsal/ventral side.
75) No. of ganglia in abdomen -
76) No. of ganglia in thorax -
77) The brain is represented by __________ ganglion.
78) Supraesophageal ganglion supplies nerves to
________ and _________
79) The compound eyes are situated in the ventral/dorsal surface of head.
80) Name 5 sense organs of cockroach.
81) Each eye consists of ______ hexagonal ommatidia.
82) Cockroach have _____ type of vision in which there is more/less sensitivity and more/less resolution.

DigaQ. 6 DigaQ. 7

83) Testes lie on medial/lateral side between the ____ abdominal segments.
84) Name the structures that sperm passes through its journey from testes to outside.
85) Male gonopore is situated ventral/dorsal to anus.
86) A characteristic ________ shaped gland is present in the __th - ___th abdominal
segments which function as an accessory reproductive gland.
87) The external genitalia are represented by ______________ or __________
88) Phallomere are made of ________
89) Phallomere are symmetric/asymmetric structures.
90) Sperms are glued together in the form of bundles called ___________
91) The female reproductive system lies laterally in ___-___ abdominal segments.
92) Oviduct unite to form _______ which opens into __________
93) Spermatheca are present in females. T/F
94) They are present in segment ___.and opens into ________
95) The fertilized ovule is capsuled in _______
96) Ootheca color (2) and length is
97) Ootheca are dropped or glued to a suitable surface, usually a crack with _____ and _____
98) On average, females produce ______ ootheca each containing _______ eggs.
99) Function of collateral glands.
100) Development of P. americana is ___________, meaning -
101) The nymphs look very much like adults. T/F
102) The nymph grows by moulting ____ times.
103) The next to last nymphal stage have _________
104) Cockroach don't transmit bacterial diseases. T/F
DigaQ. 1
1. Cells are compactly packed. T/F
2. 2 types of epithelial tissues are –
3. Simple epithelial fxn (3)
4. Compound epithelium fxn (1) X Y
5. Squamous epithelium have regular boundaries. T/F
6. Squamous fxn and found in (2)
7. Cuboidal have single/double layers of ____ like cells. Z
8. Cuboidal ex (2) and fxn (2)
9. The epithelium of PCT of nephron in kidney has microvilli. T/F
10. The columnar epithelium nuclei are located towards the free surface. T/F
11. Found at (2) and fxn (2) D
12. Ciliated epithelium is only formed by columnar epithelium. T/F
13. Found at (2)
14. Glandular epithelium is a specialised form of _______ and
______ epithelium.
15. Glands can be unicellular. T/F
16. Ex of unicellular gland –
17. Exocrine glands secrete (5)
18. Main fxn of compound epithelium is
19. places where compound epithelium is present (5)
20. All cells in epithelium are held together with little DigaQ. 2
intercellular material. T/F
21. Three junctions found in epithelial tissues are –
22. Tight junctions fxn – A
23. Adhering junctions fxn –
24. Gap junction fxn – B

DigaQ. 3


25. In all connective tissue except ______, the cells secrete fibers of structural proteins called ______
or ______
26. The fibers provide 3 things to the tissue. Name them.
27. Matrix is formed by ___________
28. 3 classification of connective tissue is –
29. Loose Connective Tissue ex (2)
30. ______ tissue is present beneath the skin.
31. Areolar tissue contains (3)
DigaQ. 4 X DigaQ. 4 Y

32. _______ act as a support framework for epithelium. DigaQ. 5
33. Adipose tissue store _____
34. ________ and ______ are compactly packed in dense
connective tissue.
35. It is further divided into (2)
36. In dense regular, _______ fibers are present in between
many parallel/perpendicular bundles of fibers.
37. Tendon attach ______ to _____ (NEET) A
38. Ligament attach ______ to ______ (NEET) X
39. Dense irregular is present in –
40. Ex of specialised connective tissue (3)
41. The intercellular of material cartilage resists compression. T/F
42. Cells of this tissue is called _______
43. Cartilage is present at (5)
44. Bones are pliable. T/F
45. Bones are rich in ________ and _________ B
46. Bone cells are present in spaces called _______
DigaQ. 6 A DigaQ. 6 B DigaQ. 6 C



DigaQ. 7 X DigaQ. 7 Y DigaQ. 7 Z



47. Skeletal muscles also called _______ or _______

48. Smooth muscles have ______ ends and don't show ______. (NEET)
49. ________ hold the smooth muscle fibers together.
50. They are bundled together in a _____________ DigaQ. 8
51. Smooth muscles are voluntary. T/F (NEET)
52. _______ are present at some fusion points which allow A
all the cells to contract as a unit in cardiac cells.
53. ______ protect and support the neurons. B
54. Neuroglia make up more than _____% of the volume
of neural tissue in our body. C
55. Our heart contains all the 4 types of tissue, i.e. D
epithelial, connective, muscular, neural. T/F
Story Behind This Idea
These notes are not normal notes, instead they are actually called "Biohacks".

Story behind this note taking technique –

This kind of note taking was accidently discovered by me (Parth Goyal, NEET 2019 AIR 223 Holder,
Biology 345/360 Scorer) during my class 12th.

I was horrible in learning biology. It used to be the hardest subject for me, as my memory was not good
and I used to forget things faster. One day my teacher said me to make Assertion/Reason questions
from NCERT for preparation for AIIMS entrance (at that time AIIMS used to held its different exam). I
initially found this idea boring and time consuming. But one day I thought that why not to make other
kind of questions which are easier to make and consume less time, like T/F, fill in the blank & one
word questions. I tried this idea, and it came out to be the best thing I ever did for myself!

After starting this kind of note taking, my biology marks went too high (I scored 345/360 in NEET)
and also I got so much time left that I cleared JEE also, with NEET!! Yes it is true! I scored 99.45%ile in
Jee Mains & AIR 5364 in JEE Adv.

Later I came to know that I was using two modern scientifically proven study techniques, 1st was
active recall, and the 2nd was spaced repetition. Learn about these on internet. You can also visit my
youtube channel for NEET related study techniques and strategies.

Using this technique, you can revise even big big chapters of biology (that too quality revision) in just
15-20 min without leaving a single imp point. Yes it saves that much amount of time!! Thousands of
students have used my this techniques and got selection, you will find many on my Instagram stories.
@parthvegan :)

Using this, you will cover whole NCERT and will also not have to waste time reading useless big
paragraphs of NCERT. Me and my designer have invested 8-10 hrs in each and every biohacks, trying
to make it as best as possible. With these biohacks, you have me in it :)

All the best!

Parth Goyal
Features of the New
Biohack Notes
1) 100% NCERT Covered – All the important facts of NCERT are covered.
Only theory not important from an exam point of view is omitted.

2) PYQs highlighted in Red

3) DigaQs – These are “pikachu” like cute questions which will pop-up in between making the PDF
aesthetic! It contains all important diagrams with their labelling removed.

4) Essence of Biohack (Active Recall) – Instead of reading NCERT theory again and again for revision
(which is a boring process to be true), asking questions from it is better because it will make us more
focused and make the revision process fun and faster!

5) More active recall than ever – I have discovered a new trick to make you more attentive than ever. I
have seen that people give more attention to things when they notice something “weird” or opposite than
“normal”. I can’t tell you about it fully, but yaa I can give a hint, questions are framed in such a way that
you will have to think twice before answering and hence no passive reading can take place!

6) Short questions so that revision can be fast - like take an example, “____ no of spiracles are present
in cockroach” is converted to “____ no of spiracles”. It will be obvious to you that this question is about
cockroach (because it will be in cockroach biohack) But this small reduction in no of words in each
question successively will save a lot of time and will cause bullet-train superfast revision!

7) Some relevant out of NCERT Questions are also included

8) Mnemonics integrated with answer

10) Info compressed so that notes takes less pages to print

11) Clean and beautiful design of PDF

12) These PDFs are made by myself, a topperwho discovered this technique, so they are the best!

How to Use ?
You can use these notes for revision (that too in an active recall manner, that's why they are best!) &
also after the first read for question practice (spaced repetition).

1) _______ is called the Darwin of 20th century.

2) Ernst Mayr was born at ________, Germany/England.
3) Ernst Mayr is known for
4) Increase in ______ and ______ are twin characteristics of growth.
5) Growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive in ____
6) Living organism grow intrinsically/extrinsically.
7) Growth is a defining property of living organism. T/F
8) Reproduction is a defining property of living organism. T/F
9) In ______, true regeneration is seen.
10) Fragmentation is seen in ____. ________. _______.
11) In ________, growth is synonymous with reproduction.
12) _______, ________ don't reproduce.
13) Define Metabolism
14) An isolated metabolic reaction outside the body, performed in a test tube is non living. T/F
15) Metabolism is a defining feature of living organisms. T/F
16) Isolated metabolic reactions are living reactions. T/F
17) Isolated metabolic reactions are non living things. T/F
18) Cellular organisation is a defining feature. T/F
19) Tell all the defining features of living organisms. (3)
20) Most obvious and technically complicated feature on living organism is ______ (NEET)
21) Photoperiod affects reproduction in animals. T/F
22) Only organism which is aware of himself is _______ because it have _________
23) Properties of tissues are present in the constituent cells. T/F
24) Properties of tissues arise due to –
25) Number of species known and described range between _____-_____ million/billion. (NEET)
26) Agreed principles and criteria for plants are provided by ______
27) Animals are named by ________
28) Founder of Taxonomy is
29) Carolus Linnaeus gave ________ (NEET)
30) Biological names are generally in _____ and written in ______
31) Specific epithet starts with a small letter. T/F
32) Classification is based on some easily observable characters. T/F
33) What is a taxa ?
34) "Wheat", "Human", "animal", they all are taxa. T/F
35) Basis of modern taxonomic studies are (5)
36) The process of classification is called ________
37) 4 processes which are basic to taxonomy are –
38) Earlier classification were on the basis of ______
39) 'systema' means systematic arrangement of organism. T/F
40) Linnaeus title of publication was (NEET)
41) Systematics take into account evolutionary relationships between the organisms. T/F


42) The taxonomic groups are distinct biological entities and not merely morphological aggregates. T/F
43) Name the taxonomic categories from highest to lowest.
44) Solanum genus include which three species?
45) Panthera include which 3 species?
46) Potato scientific name
47) Brinjal scientific name
48) Makoi scientific name
49) Felis genus include?
50) Families are characterized on the basis of _________ and _________ features of plant species.
51) Family Solanaceae contains genera (3)
52) Family of leopard is
53) Felidae contains genus ____ and _____
54) Suffix of family is ______ in plants and ______ in animals.
55) Suffix of order is _______ in plants.
56) Order polymoniales contains family ________ and _________ based on ______ characters.
57) Carnivora is a order. T/F
58) It include family _______ and _______
59) Mammalia contains order ________ and ________
60) As we go lower in taxa, number of common characteristics increase. T/F
61) Family and order of housefly? (NEET)
62) Genus, family and order of wheat?
63) Family and order of humans? (NEET)
64) Family and order of mango? (NEET)


65) Definition of Herbarium?

66) _______ is serve as a quick referral system in taxonomic studies.
67) Herbarium sheet carry label providing info about 7 things. Name them.
68) What are botanical gardens?
69) Each plant label indicate its _______ name and ______
70) Kew is located in _______
71) Name three famous botanical garden and where they are situated.
72) In museum, insects are preserved after _______, ________ and ________
73) How are larger animals preserved?
74) Museums have collection of skeleton of animals too. T/F (NEET)
75) Zoological parks help us to learn about animal ______ and ______
76) Key is used to identify plant only. T/F
77) Keys are based on ______ generally in a pair called _______
78) Each statement in the key is called a ______
79) Separate taxonomic keys are not required for each taxonomic category. T/F
80) Keys are ________ in nature.
81) _________ contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a given area.
82) Manuals are useful for –
83) Monographs contain
84) What is Catalogue ?
1) ______ was the earliest to attempt a scientific basis of classification.

2) Aristotle classified plants into _____,_____ and______

3) He divided animals into ____ no of groups, one with ______ and one those did not.

4) Monera cell wall is made up of _______ and ________

5) All protists don't contain a cell wall. T/F

6) Loose tissue body of organisation is present in _______

7) Monerans cannot be saprophytic. T/F

8) Holozoic mode of nutrition is present in _______ kingdom,

9) The Animalia kingdom contains saprophytic animals. T/F

10) Whittaker gave 5 kingdom classification in ______ year.

11) Criterias used by Whittaker for classification was (5) (NEET)

12) Earlier Chlamydomonas and Spirogyra were placed together under _______

13) Kingdom ______ has brought together ________ and ________ (having cell wall) with

______ and ______ (lacking cell wall). (NEET)

14) Phylogenetic means ? (NEET)

15) _______ are the sole members of kingdom monera.

16) 4 categories based on shape -

17) Bacterial structure is very complex, yet they are very simple in behavior. T/F

18) The ________ shows the most extensive metabolic diversity. (NEET)

19) Vast majority of bacteria are autotrophs. T/F

DigaQ. 1



20) _________ bacteria live in some of the most harsh habitats

21) Name the 3 divisions of archaebacteria and their habitat. (NEET)

22) Archaebacteria differs from others by having _________. (NEET)

23) The reason for the survival of archaebacteria in extreme conditions is ?

24) _______ are present in the gut of ruminants. (NEET)

25) Methanogens are chemoautotrophs/chemoheterotrophs.

DigaQ. 2
26) Eubacteria have rigid cell wall. T/F

27) Eubacteria, if motile, contains cilia. T/F

28) Cyanobacteria is also called ________ have ______ A

type of chlorophyll.
29) Cyanobacteria can't be filamentous. T/F (NEET)

30) Cyanobacteria can be colonial. T/F

31) The colonies of cyanobacteria are surrounded by ________

32) They form ______ in polluted water.

33) Some can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialised cells

called _________

34) Ex of bacteria containing heterocyst are (2) (NEET)

35) ____________ bacteria oxidise various inorganic substances

such as _____, _____, ______ for energy. (NEET)

36) ___________ play a great role in recycling of nutrients like (4)

37) ____________ bacteria are most abundant in nature. (NEET)

38) Nostoc is a filamentous/unicellular cyanobacteria. (NEET)

39) _________ are helpful in making curd from milk, production of antibiotics. (NEET)

40) Heterotrophic bacteria help in fixation of nitrogen in roots. T/F

41) Name the 4 well known diseases caused by bacteria and their causative agent. (NEET)

42) Bacteria produce spores in favorable conditions. T/F

43) In bacteria, a primitive type of sexual reproduction is also present. T/F

44) 3 ways through which bacteria reproduce -

45) 3 ways through which bacteria do sexual reproduction -

46) _________ completely lack cell wall. (NEET) DigaQ. 3
47) Mycoplasma cannot survive without oxygen. T/F (NEET)

48) __________ are the smallest living organism. (NEET) C

49) Mycoplasma are never pathogenic. T/F (NEET)

50) All ________ are placed under Protista. (NEET)

51) Groups under protista are (5)

52) Members of protists are primarily _______

53) This kingdom forms a link with other kingdoms. T/F

54) This group include ______ and _______ (NEET)

55) They are found only in marine water . T/F

56) They are microscopic and are planktons. T/F (NEET)

57) What are planktons ?

58) Most of them are _________

59) The cell wall form two thick/thin overlapping shells, which fit together as in a _______ (NEET)

60) The walls are embedded with _____ and thus the walls are destructible/indestructible. (NEET)

61) What is diatomaceous earth ? (NEET)

62) Diatomaceous earth is used in (3).

63) _______ are chief producers of oceans. (NEET)

DigaQ. 4 - A

64) They are mostly marine/free water and ________

65) They appear of 5 colour - (Rang birange :))

66) The cell wall has ___________ in the outer surface.

67) They have 2 cilla. T/F

68) Both the flagella are perpendicular to each other. T/F

69) Red dinoflagellates ex (1)

70) Red tides occur due to -

71) Red tides are good for marine fishes. T/F

72) Majority of them are marine/fresh water.

73) Are found in stagnant water T/F.

74) Instead of cell wall, they have ______ which is rich in _______

75) Euglenoids have a flexible body. T/F

76) Euglenoids have one single long flagella. T/F

77) Pigments of euglenoids are identical to those present in ________

78) They are permanent autotrophs. T/F

79) Ex - (1)

80) Slime moulds are __________ protist.

81) Under suitable/unsuitable conditions, they form a

DigaQ. 4 - C
aggregation called _________

82) Plasmodium may spread over several feet. T/F

83) During favorable conditions, the plasmodium

differentiates and forms fruiting bodies bearing spores at their tips. T/F

84) The spore possess true/false walls.

85) The spores are dispersed by _______

86) All protozoans are _________

87) Protozoans live as _______ or _______

88) _______ are believed to be primitive relatives of animals.

89) 4 major groups of protozoans are -

DigaQ. 4 - D
90) Habitat of ameboid protozoans. (3)

91) They capture their prey by ________ (NEET)

92) They have _____ shells on their surface.

93) Ex of ameboid parasite (1)

94) Habitat of flagellated protozoans (2)

95) Flagellated protozoans ex (1) and the disease it cause -

96) Ciliated protozoans have cavity called ______

97) Ex - (1)

98) Sporozoans have a ______ spore like stage.

99) Sporozoans ex (1) and the disease it cause –

100) Fungi are cosmopolitan. T/F

101) The fungi kingdom only contains multicellular organisms. T/F

102) Their bodies contains long, ______ like structures called ______

103) The network of hyphae is called _______

104) What are coenocytic hyphae ?

105) The cell wall is composed of ______ and ________ (NEET)

106) Fungi are also parasitic. T/F

107) Symbionts ex (2)

108) Rep by vegetative means by (3)

109) Rep by asexual means by spores called _______or _______or_______

110) Sexual rep by (3)

111) The spores are produced in _______

112) Sexual cycle involves 3 steps -

113) Dikaryophase is present in (2)

114) In dikaryon cell, 2n condition is present. T/F

115) Basis of division of the kingdom is (3)

DigaQ. 5 - A
116) Phycomycetes can't be obligate parasites on plants. T/F

117) Mycelium is aseptate/septate and ______

118) Asexual rep by (2)

119) These spores are end/exogenously produced in ________

120) A ______ is formed by fusion of two gametes.

121) Gametes are of 3 types -

122) Ex (3)

123) _______ is a parasitic fungi on mustard.

DigaQ. 5 - B
124) Commonly known as ______

125) Yeast scientific name is ___________ (NEET)

126) Modes of nutrition seen are - (4)

127) Mycelium branched/unbranched and septate/aseptate.

128) Asexual spore are -

129) Conidia are produced on endo/exogenously.

130) Conidia on germination produce ________

131) Sexual spore name ______ and produced endo/exogenously.

132) Sexual spore produced in _____ which are ____ like.

133) These asci are arranged in different types of fruiting bodies called _______

134) Ex (3)

135) ________ is used extensively in biochemical and genetic work. (NEET)

136) ______ and _______ are edible. (NEET)

DigaQ. 5 - C
137) Commonly known forms are _______, ______ or _______ (NEET)

138) Ex of parasitic basidiomycetes. (2)

139) Mycelium branched/unbranched and septate/aseptate.

140) Asexual spores are generally found. T/F

141) Vegetative rep by ________ is common.

142) Sex organs are present. T/F

143) Sexual reproduction is present . T/F

144) Plasmogamy occur through ______

145) The resultant structure is ________ which ultimately give rise to _______

146) Karyogamy and meiosis occur in _______

147) Basidiospores are endogenously/exogenously produced on ______

148) Basidia are arranged in fruiting bodies called ________

149) Ex (3) (NEET)

150) Commonly known as ________ (NEET)

151) They are imperfect fungi because - (NEET)

152) Reproduce by spore called _______

153) Mycelium features (2) (NEET)

154) Mode of nutrition is (3) (NEET)

155) They help in mineral cycling. T/F (NEET)

156) Ex (3)


157) Ex of insectivorous plant (2).

158) Ex of a parasitic plant. (1)

159) Animals stores food as _____ or _____

160) All plants are eukaryotic chlorophyll containing organisms. T/F


161) In the Whittaker classification, he didn't include ________ organisms.

162) Virus have ____________ structure outside the living cell.

163) "Virus" means _______ or ________

164) ___________ gave virus its name.

165) _________ recognised in year ____ certain microbes as causal agents of mosaic disease of

tobacco. (NEET)

166) ___________ saw that extract from infected plants cause infection in healthy plants

hence called the fluid _______ in year ______ (NEET)

167) ____ (year) showed that viruses could be crystalilsed. (NEET)

168) Virus crystal consist largely of ________

169) Virus are not obligate parasite, they can be helpful too. T/F

170) Virus can contain both RNA and DNA. T/F

171) A virus is in short a ____________

172) Virus infecting plant have ______ genetic material.

A B DigaQ. 6 - X
173) Virus infecting animals have ______ genetic material.
174) Bacteriophages means ?

175) Genetic material of bacteriophages is C

176) The protein coat is made up of _______ (NEET)

177) These capsomeres are arranged in _____ or _____ D

geometric forms.

178) Viral diseases in humans ex. (5)

179) In plants, viral diseases are (5)

180) Viroids were discovered by ______ in _____ year.

181) Viroids are bigger than virus. T/F (NEET)

182) It is a free RNA/DNA. (NEET)
DigaQ. 6 - Y
183) It lacks a protein coat. T/F

184) The RNA of viroid was of high molecular weight. T/F (NEET)

185) _______ are mis-folded proteins.

186) Prions cause __________ in cattle and its analogous variant _________ in humans.

187) Algal component of lichen is called _______ and fungal is called _______

188) Fxn of algal and fungal component respectively are -

189) Lichen are very good indicators of ________. They don't grow in ______ (NEET)
1) Whittaker proposed 5 kingdom classification in year ______

2) The earlier systems of classification used only ____________characters such as _____, _____,

________ etc.

3) Earlier system was based mainly on __________ or on _________ given by Linnaeus.

4) Earlier system given by Linnaeus were natural/artificial because

5) Artificial system gave equal weightage to ________ and ________.

6) Sexual characters and more easily influenced by environment then vegetative characteristics. T/F

7) Natural system also consider internal features like - (4)

8) Natural classification was given by ________ and _________.

9) Natural system was based on __________ among the organism.

10) At present, natural system of classification is accepted. T/F

11) Classification based on evolutionary relationship is ______

12) __________ taxonomy is carried out using computers.

13) Hundreds of characters can be considered at the same time in _________

14) Cytotaxonomy is based on - (3)

15) _________ uses chemical constituents of plants to resolve confusion.

16) Algae are ___________ in structure.

17) Algae are not found in marine environment. T/F

18) Example of animal associating with algae –

19) Colonial form of algae example (1)

20) Filamentous form example (2)

21) Marine form ex (1)

22) Algae don't reproduce by sexual method. T/F

23) Vegetative reproduction in algae is by _________

24) Most common asexual spore of algae is ________

25) Zoospores are ciliated. T/F

26) Flagellated isogametes for sexual reproduction found in (1)

27) Non flagellated isogametes are found in (1)

28) Example of anisogamous conditions (1)

29) Ex. Of oogamous condition (2)

30) Identify the diagram and tell the labelling A and B

31) Identify the diagram

32) Identify the diagram and also identify the labelling A, B, C, D.


33) Identify the diagram and also identify the labelling A, B.

34) Identify the diagram and also identify the labelling A, B. C.


35) Identify the diagram and also identify the labelling A.

36) Identify the diagram and also identify the labelling A, B.


37) At least _____% of total CO2 on earth is fixed by algae.

38) However they are not able to increase the level of dissolved oxygen

in their surroundings, instead they increase the BOD. T/F

39) They produce energy rich compounds. T/F

40) There are ____ species of marine algae used as food, examples are (3)

41) Certain marine/fresh water______ and _____ algae produce ________(water holding substance)

eg. _______ & ________.

42) Algin and carrageen are produced by _______ and

_________ algae respectively.

43) Agar is obtained from ________ &_______ is used to grow _______ and in preparation of

_______ & _________

44) Chlorella is multicellular. T/F

45) Chlorella is rich in ________ used by space travelers.

46) Commonly called __________

47) Plant body maybe of 3 forms. Name them.

48) They have dominance which two pigment ?

49) Chloroplast in green algae can't be ribbon shaped. T/F

50) Shapes of chloroplast in green algae (5)

51) Storage body located in chloroplasts are called ________

52) Pyrenoids don't contain protein. T/F

53) Green algae cell wall is made of inner layer of ______ and outer layer of _______

54) Vegetative rep take place by ______ or _______

55) Asexual reproduction take place by non flagellated spores. T/F

56) Green algae are only isogamous and anisogamous in nature. T/F

57) Examples (5)

58) Phaeophyceae are found particularly in marine habitat. T/F

59) Filamentous form found in (1)

60) Profusely branched forma are _____ which may reach height of _____ m.

61) Pigments present (4)

62) Brown algae can be olive green. T/F

63) The colour vary from olive green to brown depending upon the amount of __________, which is a

type of _________pigment.

64) Food is stored in the form of ______ or _______.

65) The vegetative cells have a ________ wall covered from outside by ______

66) The plant body is attached to substratum by ________ and has a stalk called _______

67) Leaf like photosynthetic organ called _________

68) Vegetative rep by ________

69) Asexual rep by uni/biflagellate __________ which are _____ shaped.

70) Here zoospores have one/two, equal/unequal and medially/laterally attached flagella.
71) Gametes are ________ shaped and bear one/two cilla/flagella medially/laterally attached.

72) Example (5)

73) Red due to presence of pigment _______

74) Majority are fresh water. T/F

75) They are found mostly in great depths of oceans and not at lighted areas. T/F

76) Food is stored as ___________ which is similar to ________ and __________ in structure.

77) Vegetative rep by ________

78) They reproduce asexually by biflagellate zoospores. T/F

79) Sexually by non-motile gametes. T/F

80) In _________, there are complex post fertilisation events.

81) Sexual rep in red algae may be isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous. T/F

82) Examples (4)

83) Identify the diagram and labellings. 84) Identify the diagram and labellings.




85) Identify the diagram and labellings. 86) Identify the diagram and labellings.



87) Are called _________ of plant kingdom.

88) These plants are dependent on _________ for sexual reproduction.

89) They usually occur in well-lit areas. T/F

90) They play important role in _____ on bare rocks/soils.

91) They are attached to substratum by _________

92) Rhizoids may be unicellular or multicellular. T/F

93) Bryophytes have true root, stem and leaves. T/F

94) The main plant body of bryophytes is called _________

95) The male sex organ of bryophytes is called ________ and produce uni/biflagellate antherozoids.

96) The female sex organ is _________ shaped and is called __________

97) Bryophytes are of great economic importance. T/F

98) Peat is provided by __________ which is a moss/liverwort.

99) Peat is used for trans-shipment of non-living materials because of their capacity to hold water. T/F

100) First organism to colonise rocks are ________ and __________.

101) Bryophytes are of great ecological importance. T/F

102) Mosses prevent soil erosion. T/F

103) Plant body of liverwort is ______ structure.

104) The thallus is dorsiventral/isobilateral.

105) Asexual rep takes place by _______ or by specialised structure called ________

106) Gemmae are green/white, uni/multicellular, asexual/sexual buds which develop in small receptacles

called __________

107) The sporophyte is differentiated into 3 parts. Name them.

108) Spores are produced in the __________

109) Gametophyte consist of two stages, first stage is ______ and second is _______

110) Features of protonema stage (4)

111) Leafy stage develops from primary/secondary protonema as a medial/lateral bud.

112) Leafy stage has _______ arranged leaves.

113) They are attached to soil through uni/multicellular and unbranched/branched rhizoids.

114) Protonema stage bears sex organs. T/F

115) Vegetative rep by __________ and _________

116) Antheridia and archegonia are produced at the base of the leafy shoot. T/F

117) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than moss. T/F

118) _________ have elaborate mechanism of spore dispersal.

119) Examples (3)

120) Pteridophyta include ______ & _______

121) Pteridophytes are used in medicinal purpose. T/F

122) Pteridophytes are used as soli binders. T/F

123) First terrestrial plants to possess vascular bundles is

124) Pteridophytes flourish in well lighted conditions. T/F

125) Pteridophytes have true root, stem and leaves. T/F

126) Example of species possessing microphylls (1)

127) Example of species possessing macrophylls (1)

128) Leaf like appendages are called

129) Strobili also called _______ are present in (2)

130) Spores give rise to conspicuous/inconspicuous, unicellular/multicelluar, thalloid gametophyte called


131) They need _______ for fertilisation, hence they are restricted to narrow geographical regions.


132) They have antheridia and archegonia. T/F

133) Example of heterosporus plants. (3)

134) The female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte for variable periods. T/F

135) The development of zygote to young embryos take place in ________ (NEET)

136) This event is precursor of _________ (NEET)

137) Classes and their examples

138) Identify the diagram and labellings.
139) Identify the diagram and labellings.



140) Identify the diagram. 141) Identify the diagram.


142) "Gymnosperms" means _________

143) Ovules are not enclosed in a ________

144) In gymno, ovules remains exposed even after fertilisation. T/F

145) ______ is also called the giant redwood tree. (NEET)

146) Gymnosperms have generally ______ roots.

147) Mycorrhiza is found in ______

148) In Cycas, _______ roots are found in association with ________ (NEET)

149) Unbranched stem found in (1)

150) Branched stem found in (2)

151) In cycas, ________ types of leaves persist for few years. (NEET)

152) The leaves of gymnosperms are well adapted to withstand extreme temperature, humidity and wind.


153) In conifers, needle like leaves are present. T/F

154) Water loss is further prevented by _________ and _________

155) The gymnosperms are both hetero and homosporous. T/F (NEET)

156) Sporophylls are arranged spirally. T/F

157) Sporophylls form ______ or ________, ______

158) Male strobili is also called ______ and bear ______ and ______

159) Megasporangia also called ________

160) Female strobili also called ________

161) Pinus is monoecious. T/F (NEET)

162) Cycas is monoecious. T/F (NEET)

163) MMC is differentiated from ______

164) Nucellus + Envelope which protect it =

165) MMC divided mitotically/meiotically.

166) Ovules are born on ________

167) Female gametophyte is retained within megasporangium. T/F

168) In _________, male and female gametophyte don't have independent existence. T/F

169) Identify the diagram..

170) Identify the diagram.

171) Identify the diagram and labellings.


172) Smallest plant in the world–
173) Largest plant in the world –

174) Largest Angiosperm –

175) Stamen consists of two parts. Name them.

176) Tetra or pentamerous flowers are found in ________

177) Female sex organ in a flower is _______

178) Pistil divided into (3)

179) ______ event is unique to angiosperms.

180) Identify A in the given diagram diagram


181) Haplontic life cycle ex (3)

182) Diplontic life cycle ex (3)

183) Haplo-diplontic ex (5)

DigaQ. 1
1. All members of Animalia are multicellular - T/F

2. Cellular level of organization present in ____

and its feature ____

3. Feature of the level of organization in Cnidaria


4. Organ level organization is in _______ A B

5. Level of organization of nematode/round worm/Aschelminthes DigaQ. 2

6. Platyhelminthes has digestive system True/False B B

7. Open type circulatory system______

8. Asymmetry definition imp

9. Define radial symmetry

10. Diploblastic example

11. Mesoglia present in______

12. Define coelom
13. What is pseudocoelom DigaQ. 3
- A or B, B

and its organisms

14. Coelentrates are acoelomates T/F

15. Notochord is derived from______

16. Earthworm segmentation_______

17. Notochord is formed dorsally always T/F

18. Sponges have a water transport or______system

19. Water enter in central cavity in porifera via _____,

And moves out via ______

20. Porifera are acoelomates T/F

21. Central cavity of sponges also called______

22. Digestion is intercellular/intracellular A B

23. Skeleton made of _____and____

24. Wrt. to sex they are ________

25. Sexual reproduction present/absent

26. Fertilisation is______ and development is_______

27. Sycon other name_______

28. Spongilla is a ________ habitat sponge.

29. Bath sponge other name ________ C

DigaQ. 5

30. They are mostly marine/freshwater

31. Cnidaria name is derived from________

32. Cnidocytes contain stinging capsule called _____

33. Cnidoblasts are present on______

34. Cnidoblasts are used for ____(3)

35. Mouth is present on _______

36. Digestion is-intracellular/extracellular

37. Some cnidarians ex_________have a skeleton

composed of calcium carbonate C D

38. Polyp is motile/sessile and cylindrical/umbrella shaped DigaQ. 6

39. Polyp ex (2)

40. Medusa is_______shaped Ex_________

41. _________exhibits alteration of generation(also

called _________ (NEET 2015)

42. All examples of coelenterates with common names (5)

43. Medusae forms polyp______and polyp form medusae via______

DigaQ. 7

44. Also called___________ and___________

45. Exclusively marine phylum are___________

46. The body of ctenophora have _______no. of external

rows of ciliated/flagellated______

47. Digestion is intracellular/extracellular

48. Sexes are not separate in ctenophore True/False

49. Reproduction takes place sexually/asexually/both

50. Fertilization is external/internal

51. Write fertilization method of all phylum

52. Ex of ctenophore (2)

DigaQ. 8

53. Their body is_____________

54. _______And _______are present in parasitic forms

55. ______helps in osmoregulation and excretion.

56. sexes are separate True/False

57. Planaria posseses__________ (NEET 2019)

58. Ex of platyhelminthes (NEET 2019 ODISHA)


59. why nematoda is named roundworms?

60. Habitat of roundworms

61. Alimentary canal has well developed_________

62. Female are larger than male T/F (they are dioecious)

63. Examples with common names (3)


DigaQ. 10
64. They are _________segmented and _______symmetry

65. Longitudinal and circular muscles are possessed by


66. Nereis habitat

67. Nereis posses _________ which help in swimming.

68. Nereis is dioecious/monoecious

69. Earthworm and leeches are dioecious/monoecious

70. Closed circulatory system is present in annelids/arthropods

71. _____________helps in osmoregulation and excretion

72. Double dorsal nerve cord True/False

73. ____________fraction of all named species are arthropods

74. The body of arthropods is covered by ________ DigaQ. 11

and have _________ (NEET 2016) B

75. The body consists of (3)

76. Respiratory organs of arthropods are (4)

77. Circulatory system open/closed

78. Sensory organs of arthropods (3)

79. Malpighian tubules function___________

80. Mostly ovo/vivi/ovo-vivi parous

81. Lac insect other name___________

82. Vectors (3)

83. Gregarious pest___________ (NEET 2020).

84. Living fossil________________


• MOLLUSCA DigaQ. 12

85. They can be terrestrial T/F

86. Body is segmented/unsegmented

87. Body is divided into ___________ and ___________

88. A soft/hard and __________ layer of skin forms a


______ over the visceral hump

89. The space b/w ________ and ______ Is called

the mantle cavity in which feather like________ are present (NEET 2019)

90. Function of gills (2)

91. Anterior head region has sensory _________

92. The mouth contains a _______like rasping organ

for feeding called________

93. Ex with their common names (8) (NEET 2019) B

DigaQ. 13


94. They have a endoskeleton/exoskeleton of calcareous_____

95. Echinodermata name means_________

96. Only adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical T/F (NEET 2020)

97. Mouth is on lower (ventral) / upper (dorsal) side ?

98. Most distinctive feature of echinodermata is_________and its function________ (3)

99. Excretory system is present/absent

DigaQ. 14
100. Ex of echinodermata (5) (NEET 2019)

101. Hemichordata have a rudimentary structure in ______region

called ________

102. The body is composed of___________, _________ B

and ____________

103. Circulatory system is open/closed

104. Excretory organ and respiratory organ of hemichordates C

105. Ex of hemichordates

106. All phylum that are oviparous

107. All phylum that show external fertilization A B

DigaQ. 15

108. Chordates are classified by having (5) (NEET 2017) D

109. Vertebrates have how many classes?

110. Name the 3 subphylum of chordate (NEET 2020).

DigaQ. 16

111. Protochordates include

112. __________are exclusively marine

113. In Urochordata notochord is present only in___________

114. Ex of urochordates (3)

115. Ex of cephalochordate (1)

116. The notochord of vertebrata is replaced by

cartilaginous/bony/both vertebral column

117. Write the division of subphylum vertebrata

118. All living members of the class cyclostomata are ecto/endo parasites on fish

119. Cranium is present in agnatha

DigaQ. 17
120. The body of cyclostomates are devoid of ____ & ____

121. For respiration they have ___________

122. Cranium and vertebral column are cartilaginous/bony

123. Larva of cyclostomata undergoes metamorphosis T/F

124. Cyclostomates are marine /freshwater but migrate for spawning to marine/freshwater

125. Cyclostomes die in marine/freshwater

126. Ex of cyclostomes (2) (NEET 2015) DigaQ. 18

127. Chondrichthyes are marine/freshwater A

128. Mouth is located ventrally/terminal

129. Notochord persist through life

130. Operculum present/absent

131. _____________scales are present

132. Teeth are modified _________which are directed forward/backward

133. Due to absence of _________they have to swim constantly

DigaQ. 19
134. Electric organs is possessed by__________ (AIPMT 2014) A B

135. Poison sting is present in _____________ (NEET 2020)

36. In males, ___________bear claspers

137. They are vivi/oviparous

138. Ex (4)

139. Body of both osteichtyes and chondrichthyes is streamlined T/F

140. Both osteichtyes and chondrichthyes are cold blooded

(poikilothermous) T/F

141. Mouth is ventral/ terminal

142. They have __________pairs of gills which are covered by ____ on each side (NEET 2020)

143. Skin have _________/_______scales

144. Air bladder is present/absent

145. Fertilisation is external/internal

146. Ovi/vivi parous and development direct/indirect

147. Ex (7)
DigaQ. 20

148. All amphibian have 2 pair of limbs

149. Body is divisible into _______ and ________

150. Amphibian have scales

151. __________, _______, __________open into

common chamber called cloaca

152. Respiration by (3)

153. Ex (5)

154. _________represents the ear

155. Heart is __________chambered and they are cold/warm blooded

156. Fertilisation is external but still oviparous T/F

157. Reptiles are named so bcz _________

158. All reptiles are terrestrial

159. Their body is covered by ________and ______ Skin with epidermal _______ or ______

160. Reptiles have external ear T/F

161. ___________ and ___________shed their scales as __________

162. Ex (10)

163. Heart is _______ chambered, but in crocodiles it is _________chambered (NEET II 2016)

164. They are poikilotherms, oviparous T/F (NEET 2018)

DigaQ. 21

165. Forelimbs are modified into______________

166. Hind limbs have scales and are modified for walking, swimming, clasping

167. The digestive tract have additional chambers _______ and ________

168. Skin is dry without glands except the ________gland at the base of the tail.

169. Ex (7)

170. Pneumatic bones are present

171. Heart is _____________ chambered and ________blooded

172. Respiration is by lungs and ________ Connected to lungs supplement respiration

DigaQ. 22

• MAMMALIA DigaQ. 23

173. external ears or ________ are present

174. Oviparous mammals___________ (NEET II 2016)

175. Ex (14)

176. Skin has hair, and 2 pair of limbs are present

177. Respiratory system first seen in

178. Circulatory system first seen in

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