Thrasher Pike
Thrasher Pike
Thrasher Pike
WHEREAS, Rocky Chambers requested that the County Commission consider said petition
and notice has been published in a newspaper in general circulation in Hamilton County that the
County Commission will hold a public hearing on December 21, 2022, concerning the passage of
this Resolution as required by law, and such hearing having been held.
Approved: ☐
County Clerk
Approved: ☐
County Mayor
1 message
Hi. My name is Courtney Boyd and I am very concerned about the plans for the rezoning of property 1901 Thrasher Pike
and an unaddressed property in the 7600 block of Hixson Pike. The case number is 2022-0241 and 0242. The purchaser
of this property plans to build 109 rental homes on this property. This will have a single exit onto a 2 lane, busy road,
which is Thrasher Pike. This means there is a potential for 200+ more cars to be entering and exiting a small section of
this road. This also puts a strain on Middle Valley Elementary with the potential of 100+ students needing a spot. Part of
this land is also in a Greenbelt area, which is designated as green space by the state. I urge you to reconsider allowing
Rise Properties and Rocky Chambers to build 109 rental homes in a small space.
Thank you,
Courtney Boyd… 1/1
11/7/22, 8:44 AM City of Chattanooga Mail - 1901 Thrasher Pike
2 messages
I am writing in regards to The November 14 Planning Commission meeting specifically New Business items 14 and 15
on your agenda.
I am currently a home owner in the Thrasher Landing subdivision. Our neighborhood sits adjacent to 1901 Thrasher
Pike where said re-zoning is proposed. We have lots of small children who play in the streets and consider this a safe
place to live.
I have learned that the developer plans on building 109 R-1 rental homes and a special permit for building a Planned
Unit Development, which to my understanding can include a mixture of single family homes, townhomes and
condominiums. PUDs require a minimum of 5 acres of land, which the property in concern is less than 4 acres. First of
all, this too small for townhomes, and we don't want this in our backyard! The intersection at Thrasher Pike and Hixson
Pike has had multiple disastrous wrecks and we have cars and motorcycles that drive
over 100MPH down Thrasher in
front of our neighborhood. Building this many rental homes/townhomes on a small stretch of road will cause a safety
hazard and crime to go up. I am asking that you deny the re-zoning these two lots of land, which will most definitely put
the safety of our children at risk and de-value this great community. WE DO NOT WANT RENTALS IN OUR
Gregory Dooley
Staff has received your comments and will forward them to the Planning Commission. As a reminder, the meeting is
scheduled for Nov. 14, 2022 at 1:00 pm at the Hamilton County Courthouse. The meeting can be streamed
on youtube too. Let me know if you have any questions.
[Quoted text hidden]
Cassie Cline
Senior Planner
P: 423-643-5928
W:… 2/2
10/31/22, 8:04 AM City of Chattanooga Mail - Case no: 2022-0241 & 0242
1 message
'Angela Masterson' via @rezoning <[email protected]> Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 9:13 PM
Reply-To: Angela Masterson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
We oppose the rezoning of the unaddressed property in the 7600 blk of Hixson Pike and 1901 Thrasher Pike. We
already have a drainage problem that is affecting our properties on Thrasher Pike now from the last new development.
How will the water drain from the new development?
The letter from you was postmarked on Oct 25, 2022. Your letter to us stated that we had to have our written comments in
by October 7, 2022. Mrs. Rema Masterson at 1885 Thrasher Pike
Thank you,
Angela Masterson
Rema Masterson
Mary Hendricks… 1/1
11/3/22, 9:50 AM City of Chattanooga Mail - Comments on November 2022 zoning Meeting
2 messages
We are opposed to approval of these two applications in the County 8 district for the following three reasons:
1. Riverine habitat R5UBH is located on the 1901 Thrasher Pike property. An Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit (ARAP)
has not been obtained and approved concerning any alteration to this wetland.
2. The application indicates that there would be 109 lots in the development with a single access road to Thrasher Pike.
Assuming an average of two cars per residence, that would be an additional 218 vehicles plus related commercial traffic
(e.g., delivery and construction vehicles) using Thrasher Pike. Thrasher Pike is already a very busy highway. In
addition, the proposed access road to Thrasher Pike is in close proximity to Evan Way. An addiitonal access point (e.g. to
Headlyn Dr) would help alleviate the traffic issues.
3. The addition of a significant number of students from the subdivision has the potential to overwhelm the Middle Valley
Elementary School.
Hixson, TN 37343
Staff has received your comments and will forward them to the Planning Commission. As a reminder, the meeting is
scheduled for Nov. 14, 2022 at 1:00 pm at the Hamilton County Courthouse. The meeting can be streamed
on youtube too. Let me know if you have any questions.
[Quoted text hidden]
Cassie Cline
Senior Planner… 1/2
11/3/22, 9:50 AM City of Chattanooga Mail - Comments on November 2022 zoning Meeting
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