Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Lecture 4
It's a complex of protective reactions, which helps organisms to maintain antigenic peculiarities and
cellular homeostasis during contacts with the external environment
Indicate the factors, phenomena, and structures of the immune response system which prevent
the antigen getting into the internal environment of the organism.
Non specific (innate immunity) → acts against various antigens and genetically determined and is
characteristic for species
Specific (adaptive immunity) → Reactions are specific against antigen and immune response is
acquired by individuals during its contact with various antigens. It can be humoral or cellular.
A complex of vascular reactions in the CT to the exogenous and endogenous injurious agents. injury
can be caused by → biological factors (microorganism), chemical and physical factors and necrosis.
Mechanical →
Plasma factors (produced by liver) → Acute phase proteins, complement system, kinin system,
coagulation factors
Rubor: Redness
Tumor: Swelling
Dolor: Pain
Symptoms →
Rubor: Redness
Tumor: Swelling
Dolor: Pain
Causes → Viruses (blisters in herpetic infection), or physical agents ex) high temp or skavsår. Or
catarrhal inf. in mucous membrane in respiratory tract ex) sneezing
What are the most common etiological factors (causes) of fibrinous inflammation?
Occurs when greater vascular permeability larger molecules such as fibrinogen pass the vascular
barrier and fibrinogen is converted to fibrin.
Outcome →
What components do form purulent exudate and what are the forms of purulent inflammation?
Causes → Pyogenic bacteria (*pus forming bacteria) ex) staphylo & streptococcus and Neisseria
meningitidis & gonorrhoeae.
Empyema → Purulent inf. in preformed cavities, pus is only accumulating and not destroying.
- Abscessus can drain through the fistula, if it's in the brain the patient will die but if it's in the
subdermal area/ muscles it will lead to healing.
- If the abscessus is large it will lead to formation of CT or scar.
- If the purulent inf. spreads to bloodstream it can lead to sepsis
- When its chronic purulent inf. It can lead to amyloidosis.
Haemorrhagic features can have other types of inflammation (serous, fibrinous) when there are
other pathological states affecting small vessels; It can be due to vit. C deficiency, thrombocytopenia
Causes → viruses (influensa, sneezing w blood), bacterial toxins (antrax, pestis); medicines (if using
anticoagulant or antiaggregants) increases the possibility for the inflammation.