Fire Department-Based Ambulance: August 27, 2007 Paul Cohen, Town Manager
Fire Department-Based Ambulance: August 27, 2007 Paul Cohen, Town Manager
Fire Department-Based Ambulance: August 27, 2007 Paul Cohen, Town Manager
Thank You to: - Fire Chief Jack Parow - Police Chief Jim Murphy - Finance Director Kerry Speidel - Assistant to the Town Manager Kellie Hebert For Their Contributions in Analyzing the Alternatives for Ambulance Transportation Services.
High-Quality Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Care Public Safety: Have All Five Fire Stations Open to Provide Effective Response Time for Fire and Medical Emergencies
Fire-Based Ambulance
Two Transport Ambulances One At Center Station & Other At West Fire Station Hire Five Additional Firefighter/EMTs New Fire Captain Oversees Operations Transport Patients to Hospital
Mutual Aid
Establish Mutual Aid Agreements with Westford, Tewksbury, Billerica, & Carlisle. Seek to Establish Mutual Aid Agreements with Private Ambulance Providers. Chelmsford Would Respond to Mutual Aid Requests From Other Communities.
Switch to Attached Financial Spreadsheets
Can This Be Done with Only Five Additional Firefighter/EMTs? Yes, because the additional staffing levels provide the necessary personnel to staff the ambulance. Comparable towns such as Tewksbury & North Andover operate with 12 Firefighter/EMT Minimum Staffing Levels.
What is the cost to increase the minimum staffing to 12 personnel? This cost is exceeds $100,000. Funding for the additional staffing levels would come from the projected $250,000 in net revenue from ambulance operations.
Why DoesnThe Town Award an Ambulance t Contract to the Highest Bidder? Town Counsel has advised that the anti-kickback provisions of the US Social Security Act prohibit the solicitation or receipt of, or the offering or payment of, compensation (or remuneration as the statute calls it) in exchange for referrals for services for which payment may be made, in whole or in part, under a Federal health care program such as Medicare or Medicaid.
Why doesnthe Town consolidate the t number of fire stations? A recently completed analysis performed by the MMA Consulting Group concludes that the Town needs to maintain its five fire stations to provide an effective response time for fire and medical emergencies.
What about the cost for pension and retired health insurance for the five new Firefighter/EMTs? The contribution levels of newly hired employees into the pension system essentially covers their future pension costs. As for retired health insurance costs, these costs would not be incurred for about 30 years. Ituncertain what this s nationhealth care system will be at that time. s
What About the Additional Liability? The Town already responds to all medical emergency calls and has liability insurance coverage. There is no additional premium if the Town were to provide ambulance transportation service.
Would there be additional Workers Compensation insurance costs? Police and Firefighters are not covered under Workers Compensation insurance, but are covered by MGL Chapter 41, Section 111F which provides for no loss of pay if injured on duty. The Town has an insurance policy for injured on duty medical costs and lost time. The Town already responds to medical emergency calls.
How will ambulance billing take place? The Town would contract with a vendor that is experienced in municipal ambulance billing services. The fee is estimated to be 4% of funds collected and is included in this analysis.
Could a Fire-Based Ambulance Service be Operational By January 1? Yes, the Town could purchase a new ambulance off the State bid list and receive the vehicle within a few weeks. Existing Firefighters are already trained as EMTs.
Closing Thought
Finally, we believe that the most important element of emergency rescue is a well-trained and professional First Response team. The Town should never lose sight of the fact that it is the immediate response of our EMT-trained firefighters, police officers and ambulance personnel in those first few minutes of an emergency medical situation which can literally determine life or death. During the highly publicized and politicized course of our study, this has remained the central focus of our committee. Ambulance Study Committee Final Report June 26, 1995