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Userguide Guppy Show Master

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Guppy Show Master Userguide

Table of contents
........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Main Window ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Prepare New Show overall ............................................................................................................................. 4
3 Prepare New Show Trioshow ......................................................................................................................... 6
4 Prepare New Show Pairshow ......................................................................................................................... 7
5. Enter the entries ............................................................................................................................................ 8
6 Input New Breeder ....................................................................................................................................... 10
7 Sort the Entries ............................................................................................................................................. 11
8 Prepare the tanks and the judges................................................................................................................. 16
9 Prepare SQL database .................................................................................................................................. 19
10 Importing the judges results....................................................................................................................... 20
11 Create reports............................................................................................................................................. 21
11 Printing the reports .................................................................................................................................... 23
12 Tankcards and webmasters reports ........................................................................................................... 24

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This is the userguide for the Guppy Show Master software based on MS Access 2010.

The userguide will tell you all about how to use the software during a show, step by step.

The userguide is an example that includes all kind of scenarios and not all will be relevant for all kind of

The pictures are marked with numbers and the text below is written for those numbers.

Text written in normal font, is relevant quick info.

Text written in italic font is a deeper explanation of the actual part.

Text written with a yellow background is very important text that you must not ignore.

You can always find the newest version of this manual, the software and the installationguide on the IKGH
forum on www.ikgh.org

Hedehusene, Denmark 24. January 2018

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1 Main Window

When you open the program, you will meet the main window.

1: Click the little arrow and select what kind of language you want to use.

All reports will be in English, but the program itself and your tankcards with the results will be on the
selected language, since you are the user of the program and the tankcards will mostly be seen by local

2. When you have selected your language, press “Start”.

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2 Prepare New Show overall

When you have pressed the start button, you will see this window.

1: If you have used the program before, you have to clean up every table in the Access database. To do
that, you click these buttons.

Most of the database is separated in Trio and Pair, so you have to observe the texts in the windows. When
you clik the buttons, you delete everything and can not restore it, so be sure you don’t do it by accident.

When you download the database, it is a clean empty version, where you don’t have to activate the clean
up buttons.

2: If you are also having a club championship or a national championship at the same time as a normal Trio
or Pairshow, you have to activate the field or fields you want. In this example, we are doing it all.

3: You always have to select if it is a Trioshow or a Pairshow or both.

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If you are having an EC Trioshow and a national championship for pairs, you select Trio and Pair (and check
“National championship” if you want to, but this is not nessesary). Club championship and National
championship simply sort the final scores after your local clubname or countrycode. You can have all 4 kind
of shows i.e. EC Trioshow, Non EC Pairshow, Club championship during the EC Trioshow, National
championship during the non EC Pairshow etc. etc.

4: Select club lets you select your clubs code. This will put your logo on all reports and tankcards and is used
to sort Club championship. You always have to select clubcode.

5: Select Country lets you select your country code. This will be used to sort results for National
championship. You always have to select countrycode (see code below).

6: When you have selected kind of shows and put country- and club code in the fields, click here to put it in
the system.

7: Go to next page.

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3 Prepare New Show Trioshow

Because we selected Trioshow, the page we go to, will be for the Trioshow. If we only selected Pairshow,
we would go directly to Pairshow.

In the example we chosed IGMX as the arranging club, so on this page, we see IGMX in the first line. This
can only be changed by selecting another club on the previous page.

The text below will be presented on the frontpage of the report at the end.

1: Enter the relavant data for the Trioshow. Please use this kind of setup to make all our reports in IKGH
look like the same, but of course fill it out whit your own relevant data.

2: Enter the name and clubs of the Show manager and the Observer.

3: Enter the names of the 5 judges.

4: Enter the judges country codes. The fields “Number” can not be changed, but is only used for you, to see
what number the judges have during the judging.

5: Go to previous page if you forgot something.

6. Go to next page.

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4 Prepare New Show Pairshow

This is where we prepare the Pairshow.

1: Enter the relavant data for the Pairshow. Please use this kind of setup to make all our reports in IKGH look
like the same, but of course fill it out whit your own relevant data.

2: Enter the name and clubs of the Show manager and the Observer.

3: Enter the names of the 5 judges. These can be different from the trio judges.

4: Enter the judges country codes. The fields “Number” can not be changed, but is only used for you, to see
what number the judges have during the judging.

5: Go to previous page if you forgot something.

6. Go to next page.

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5. Enter the entries

Now it’s time to enter all the participants entries.

1: Here you write entry number as you put them in the computer. If you have 300 tanks, start your entering
with 301. We sort the tanks later, so DO NOT use right numbers yet, unless you already know what tank
you want your entry in. When you have made your entry (here number 301) write 301 on your fish bucket,
to keep it easier for yourself later.

2: Use the small arrow to find the breeder of your entry. If you i.e. look for Lyksgaard Anne DSG, click the
arrow, write “l” and then “y” and you will be just on Lyksgaard. This is a smart and fast search function to
use with all your entries.

3: If the breeder does not exists or have changed club, use this button (see chapter 6 Input New Breeder).

4: Enter the code of the entry. If the entry is i.e. 5-4-2/0 just write 5 4 2. You don’t need to write “0” in the
fourth window.

5: Select if it’s a Trio or a Pair. This have to be selected.

6: If the fish is going to be on auction after the show, this field must be marked. If the fish is not for auction,
there must be no marking.

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When you are finished with all your entries, your list should look something like this.

As you can see, we have remembered to use higher numbers than the tanks available, to make sorting

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6 Input New Breeder

If we have to enter a new breeder, or change an existing breeder.

1: Enter the Lastname in the empty field (if it’s a new breeder not on the list).

2: Enter the firstname in the empty field (if it’s a new breeder not on the list).

3: Enter the clubname as the code of the club.

4: If the breeder has no club or it is a club not in IKGH, please write “independant”.

5: When you are finished, close the window with this button.

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7 Sort the Entries

When all entries are entered, it’s time to sort the fish.

1: Normally we sort after standard – body – colour – colour2. Click the small arrows and select sort by
highest or lowest. You can try sorting as much as you like, nothing is locked yet.

2: If you have both trios and pairs, you really want to sort them, to keep them apart.

3: This button is used for the new coding (see next page).

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When you look at this picture, you can see the show is sorted with pairs and trios separated and each group
is sorted by standard – body – and colours

In the first row you see the numbers we created from the beginning and the next row is full of 0’s

1: When you are happy with your sorting, click the button “Create new numbers”.

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As you can see, you will now be informed, that you are making changes in the tables. Confirm with Yes. This
kind of confirmation will you see later in the software also. NEVER just use the ENTER button, because
sometimes “NO” is preselected. Always use your mouse to be sure you click “YES”.

What happens now, is that the numbers we used at the entries, will be copied to the next row.

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1: In the left row “Tank” you must now enter
the new correct tank numbers, starting with 1
in the first line, 2 in the next etc etc. You have
to do this manually because the system sorts
the tanks with unique numbers, to avoid two
tanks with the same number. This is why we
started to enter the entries with a higher
number than tanks available.

At the end all your entries will now have the

correct numbers.

2: Print the list for sorting.

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You will now have a printed list, that will show you in what tanks to put your entries. As you can see, the
original registration 301 (the very first entry) is going to be placed in tank number 9. The list is sorted after
the original entry number and not the new tanknumber, because you probably have all your entries nicely
lined up on the table. This is why it was a very good idea to write the original entry number on the buckets
of each entry.

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8 Prepare the tanks and the judges

Now it’s time to prepare the tanks and judges.

1: If you are having a trioshow, click trio. The same goes

for pairs. Of course you can also have both kind of
shows. This will prepare some files in the access
database, used later in the judging. The program will give
you a popup, to tell you that you are making changes in
the tables and how many entries you are activating.
Accept and click yes.

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2: We need some tankcards on the tanks, so the judges can see what they are judging. Again it goes for
both trios and pairs.

As you can see, the cards are nicely sorted as you did ealier.

Remember to select the tankcards for trios, pairs or both.

3: Judges list is a list for the judges, to use for changes or just information.

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If the judges have changes to the coding or disqualifies entries, they can write it here, for you to change in
the database later.

4: Observers list.

As you know, the observer has to fulfill some things during the show, a thing we should take more
seriously. After all everybody wants a correct show.

Click the button “Observers list” and you will get 3 pages in your printer.

5: Go to next page to prepare the SQL database.

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9 Prepare SQL database

On this page we will prepare the SQL database. The SQL database contains all the results from the judges
tablets. If this is not the first time you use this program, there will be data in your SQL database that you
have to remove manually, to avoid doublets (see the section about SQL handling).

1: If you are having a trioshow, click these two buttons to prepare the tanks and codes in the SQL.

2: If you are having a pairshow, click these two buttons to prepare the tanks and codes in the SQL.

3: If you are having a trioshow, click these five buttons to transfer data to the trio judges tablets.

4: If you are having a trioshow, click these five buttons to transfer data to the pair judges tablets.

Now the judging can start.

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10 Importing the judges results

During the judging, you can import the judges results and check how far the judging is going.

1: Here you can see how many entries each trio judge still need to judge.

2: Here you import from the trio judges 1-5.

3: Here you import from the pair judges 1-5.

4: Here you can see how many entries each pair judge still need to judge.

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11 Create reports

When all the judges are finished, it’s time to generate all the reports

1: If you have old reports in your system, please delete them first, by clicking this button.

2: If you have any disqualified entries, please register then´m here (see next picture).

3: Click here to generate the results for all the breeders.

4: Click here to generate the results for the winners.

5: Click here to generate the standardwinners.

Of course it is the same for pairshows on the right side

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If you have disqualified entries:

1: Write the tank number that is disqualified.

2: The name of the breeder will come here automatic.

3: Use the arrow to select the reason of disqualification.

If you have had an earlier show with disqualifications, you will need to delete those now and before you
create the rest of the reports.

1: Click each line to make the row pointer black and click your delete button on your keyboard.

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11 Printing the reports
Now it’s time to print out a lot of paper reports, so remember to power up your printer.

This is the print page for all trio related.

In the left coloumn you have the EC show, in the middle you have your National championship and on the
right you have your club championship.

The left coloumn prints out all entries.

National championship only prints the entries with the same country code as you stated in the very
beginning – in this case “D” for Germany.

Club championship only prints the entries with the same club code as you stated in the very beginning – in
this case “IGMX”.

When you print, you simply push all the buttons one by one and watch your printer spits out a lot of paper.

Diplomas will generate a pdf file and save it in your documents on your harddisc since we don’t want to
print out all the entries.

You are welcome to email the diplomas to IKGH webmaster to get them on the website, so every
participant can print out their own copy.

The same goes for the page with pairs.

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12 Tankcards and webmasters reports

We finally reached the last page in the program. Again the things are separated in trios and pairs

1: Print the auctionlist if you are having an auction. The list contains tanknumber, standard, score, breeder.
If you did not check “Auction” when you created the entry, it will not show on this page.

2: Create the final tankcards with the detailed scores. These cards will be made in the language you selected
at the beginning, since most of the publics probably will be from your country. You have to click this button
before you go to step 4. Be alert, this is using computer power and takes several seconds due to a lot of

3: By clicking this button, two things will happen. First there will be generated a resultfile in Excel and saved
on your harddrive (probably in your documents folder) and secondly your mailprogram will open with the
file attached, ready to mail to webmaster. If you don’t have internetconnection now, just close your mail
again and send it later with all the pdf results.

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4: Click here to generate 7 reports and the tankcards in pdf. When you are at your internet, please mail all 7
reports and the tankcards and the Excelfile you made before to IKGH webmaster. Then it will all be on the
IKGH website soon.

Below you see the kind of files you need to mail to wemaster. This example contains both trios and pairs.

Now you are finished and you can close the program.

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