Pelion Es - M&e 2022-2023
Pelion Es - M&e 2022-2023
Pelion Es - M&e 2022-2023
Department of Education
Region IV-A
The Department of Education (DepEd) hereby establishes the Basic Education
Monitoring and Evaluation 3 Framework (BEMEF) to ensure that the agency’s plans,
policies, systems and processes are geared towards the achievement of organizational
outcomes. It sets the performance measures for the agency where all operating units are
expected to contribute. This framework shall also guide DepEd bureaus, services, regional
and schools division offices, schools, and learning centers in developing their respective
M&E plan. It also define the roles and responsibilities of DepEd operating units in the M&E
system and processes. Indeed, Monitoring and evaluation is essential in any department for
determining whether a plan were actually being implemented or not and serves as a basis
in every school either its PAP’s (Project, Activities and Programs) is effective or not.
Pursuant to Republic Act (RA) 9155 or the ‘’Governance of Basic Education Act of
2001’’ and RA 10533 or the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. Pelion Elementary
School implements programs, projects and activities to ensure access to and improve the
quality of basic education. Moreover, Pelion Elementary School has it’s plan as stated in
our School Annual Implementation Plan for 2022-2023 to be accomplished during the
school year. As part of Department of Education we plans and implements program that are
beneficial to our learners, internal and external stakeholders and for our institution as well.
This M & E helps us to determine when a program is on track and when changes maybe
Pelion Elementary School aims to accomplished the following for the S.Y.
a. Increase enrolment and maintain zero drop-out rate.
b. Increase literacy and numeracy rate and improve overall MPS in all subject
This Monitoring and Evaluation Plan covers Pelion Elementary School programs,
projects and activities to be accomplished or implemented for the S.Y. 2022-2023.
Generally, it will be beneficial to our learners, teachers, stakeholders and our institution as
well. The timeline covers the current school year wherein the allotted time, budget and
activities are stated on our submitted Annual Improvement Plan (AIP 2022-2023). The
upshot from this M & E will truly useful as we can replicate what’s working and let go of
what’s not with our programs, projects and activities in the school we are serving.
The collected data will be then keep and organized by the assigned team and will be
serve as basis for future planning.
A. Pre-Monitoring Activities:
Composition of Committee/Team
List of SPT
Organized committee
Orientation for the assigned task.
Focus group discussion
Newsletter for documentation.
B. Monitoring Activities
Collection of survey and consolidation of interviews
Outline similar concerns of the respondents
Suggestions for improvement by the Team members
C. Post-Monitoring Activities
Recommendation for PPAs improvements
Open forum with the assigned team
Listed all data needed for adjustments
Decision-making for the status of PAP’s.
Minutes of Summary
Came up with the agreed decision on the improvements/adjustment to be
To ensure collaboration and accountability of results among the members of each team,
the table shows the names of team members with their roles and responsibilities who
should act accordingly so as to reach the successful M&E process.
Roles Responsibilities
Chairman: - Supervises the entire process of M&E to realize the objectives
of PPAs
Anarose A. Foliente
- Provides directions and technical assistance to the M&E
- Work with the teams in setting the parameters of the M&E
- Creates harmonious relationship with the teams
Asst. Chairman: - Assist the M&E Teams with the Chairman in their activities
Lealyn T. Mendoza - Collect, organize and keep the entire documents/ minutes of
the conduct of M & E
Jan King I. Bosque -Suggest and recommend ways to improve PPAs results
Brgy. Councilor for DepEd
Team Lead: Arlie D. -Lead the Team in the entire RESILIENCY AND
4 Peñaverde M&E process in achieving the WELL-BEING
-keep the Teams updated on the ESF- Enhancing
schedule of M&E stages, School Facilities
-Identify the PAPs to be
monitored and evaluated EPSON- Engage in
-Inspires and motivates the team Procurement of
members to perform their given Supplies and Other
tasks with a heart. Necessary Materials
Asst. Team Lead: -Assist in the activities of the
Lealyn T. Mendoza M&E members with the WINS- Wash in
Chairman, School
-Provide copy of the tool to each
member, RISK- Relay
-Keep the entire minutes of the Information for the
process, Safety of our Kiddos
-Prepare the report and
documentation/ newsletter. ESP- Engaging
Members: -Cooperate in the data-gathering Stakeholders
Richel S. Carizo process using M&E tool Participation
The table shows the Program/Project and the date of monitoring for each activities.
STETCH- Seminars and Trainings Jan. 19-20, March 16-17, June 15-16,
3 Enhances Teachers Competence 2023 2023 2023
(Team Holistically
ESF- Enhancing School Facilities Jan. 19-20, March 16-17, June 15-16,
4 2023 2023 2023
(Team EPSON- Engage in Effective Jan. 19-20, March 16-17, June 15-16,
Resiliency) Procurement of Supplies and Other 2023 2023 2023
Necessary Materials
SEAL- Supply fund for Electricity Jan. 19-20, March 16-17, June 15-16,
and Load 2023 2023 2023
The data gathered from the consolidated results with the use of unified and
customized M & E tools will be tabulated using appropriate statistical treatment such as
percentage, ranking and weighted mean. The results will be organized and presented using
graphs and tables for an easy interpretation and analysis of data.
The results from the data collected will serve as a basis for comparison from the
previous result of PAP’s to determine either the planned program activities and projects are
to be continued, modified or totally eliminated in the next school year planning.
Each team leader will be responsible in processing and presenting the collected data
in a round table discussions of the results during the post implementations of PPAs.
A. Monitoring Tool/s
a. Unified Monitoring & Evaluation Tool by SGOD
B. Evaluation Tool/s
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) will serve as the primary source of
fund for the implementation of PPAs. Other sources of fund to support PPA’s in the school
were came from the General PTA fund, canteen fund, alumni association, LGU and from
other private individuals as shown in the table below:
Appendix A
Instructions: Each team will select indicators that are applicable to their assigned scope.
The consolidated results will be reported and presented by the team leaders to the
chairman of the overall committee.
Purpose: This M&E tool is crafted to unify the basic requirements of the different projects,
activities, and programs (PAPs) under the SGOD’s functional sections/units. This may be
used in consonance with existing tools for each PAP of the Department of Education or the
Division Office.
Instructions: Based on the given indicators per PAP under observation, please put a check
mark to the appropriate column if the requirement is either met [yes], partially met [partly
yes], or unmet [no], with reference to available means of verification (MOVs). To add further
details or notes to the response for each indicator, the evaluator may input on the Remarks
PAPs implementation.
39 The school has validated School-
Based Management (SBM) level of
40 The school has recorded some issues
on enrolment and other concerns on
Appendix B
Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for ACCESS
Title of PPA: ________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Instructions: Please determine objectively the scale that describes your observation on the
status of implemented project by checking inside the appropriate column.
5 4 3 2 1
(Completely (Mostly (Partially (Irregularly (Totally Not
Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed)
There is an assign team to
monitor and evaluate the
The team members are aware of
the objectives of the PPA
The specific objectives of the
program/project are met
The roles and responsibilities of
each member of the team are well-
defined and understood
There is allocated budget for the
implementation of
program/project as reflected in
the approved AIP and WFP
The processes/activities in the
implementation of PPA are
implemented as scheduled
The gathered data are complete
and enough to measure the
progress of PPA such as number
of enrollees, PARDO and BMI
There are printed enrollment
forms, infographics, leaflets,
flyers, and tarpaulins for
information dissemination drives
Significant findings:
____ Terminate.
Monitored and evaluated by: (Please affix signature above the name)
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
School Head
Appendix C
Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for EQUITY
Title of PPA: ________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Instructions: Please determine objectively the scale that describes your observation on the
status of implemented project by checking inside the appropriate column.
5 4 3 2 1
(Completely (Mostly (Partially (Irregularly (Totally Not
Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed)
There is an assign team to
monitor and evaluate the
The team members are aware of
the objectives of the PPA
The specific objectives of the
program/project are met
The roles and responsibilities of
each member of the team are well-
defined and understood
There is allocated budget for the
implementation of
program/project as reflected in
the approved AIP and WFP
The processes/activities in the
implementation of PPA are
implemented as scheduled
The gathered data are complete
and enough to measure the
progress of PPA in terms of the
number of out of school youth,
bullying and other abuses against
Significant findings:
Monitored and evaluated by: (Please affix signature above the name)
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
School Head
Appendix D
Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for QUALITY
Title of PPA: ________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Instructions: Please determine objectively the scale that describes your observation on the
status of implemented project by checking inside the appropriate column.
5 4 3 2 1
(Completely (Mostly (Partially (Irregularly (Totally Not
Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed)
There is an assign team to
monitor and evaluate the
The team members are aware of
the objectives of the PPA
The specific objectives of the
program/project are met
The roles and responsibilities of
each member of the team are well-
defined and understood
There is allocated budget for the
implementation of
program/project as reflected in
the approved AIP and WFP
The gathered data are complete
and enough to measure the
progress of PPA
The processes/activities in the
implementation of PPA are
implemented as scheduled
Significant findings:
____ Terminate.
Monitored and evaluated by: (Please affix signature above the name)
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
School Head
Appendix E
Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for RESILIENCY AND WELL-BEING
Title of PPA: ________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Instructions: Please determine objectively the scale that describes your observation on the
status of implemented project by checking inside the appropriate column.
5 4 3 2 1
(Completely (Mostly (Partially (Irregularly (Totally Not
Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed) Observed)
There is an assign team to
monitor and evaluate the
The team members are aware of
the objectives of the PPA
The roles and responsibilities of
each member of the team are well-
defined and understood
The specific objectives of the
program/project are met
There is allocated budget for the
implementation of
program/project as reflected in
the approved AIP and WFP
The line-up repairs and
procurements are implemented as
The is available and complete data
on NSBI, GSEP, action research
conducted, and other teachers’
personal and professional
engagement as basis for M & E
There is a collaboration between
and among the leader and
members of the team regarding
the progress of PPA
There are well-defined strategies
in implementing the PPA
The PAP is implemented without
class interruption
The PAP produces favorable
outcomes and impacts that lead to
smooth school operations through
on time payment of basic services
rendered at school
The proper procurement processes
are observed
The liquidation report is
submitted on time and posted on
the transparency board
There is an evident of involvement
of internal and external
stakeholders in the
implementation of PPA
There are available documents
and other MOVs that show the
success implementation of PAP
Significant findings:
Decision: Please check one.
____ Continue as planned.
____ Continue with the suggestions and modifications.
____ Hold off for the school year.
____ Terminate.
Monitored and evaluated by: (Please affix signature above the name)
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
School Head
Signature Over Printed Name of School Head
Date: ________________
Signature Over Printed Name of PSDS
Date: ________________