7PR 6360002 349198711863 0199
7PR 6360002 349198711863 0199
7PR 6360002 349198711863 0199
Last Pay Pay 0 Grade Pay (in 0 MSP 0 Classification 240 Group Pay 0
details* case of 6th Allowance
Notional Pay Pay 29200 Pay Level 5 MSP 5200 Classification 240 Group Pay 0
details as on Allowance
Gallantry Award
Service Disability element War Injury element Normal rate of family Enhanced rate of
pension/Service Pension family Pension
Pension from 01.01.2016 (as Per OROP) 20067 0 0 12041 20067
Additional pension 80 years 4013 0 0 2408
on attaining age of
85 years 6020 0 0 3612
90 years 8027 0 0 4816
95 years 10034 0 0 6020
100 years 20067 0 0 12041
1.In case pension now revised happens to be less/more than existing pension drawn by the pensioner/family pension,this e-ppo may
not be acted upon and the case may please be refered to O/o JT.CDA(AF) for information.
2.Details of NOK(next of kin) given in original/corr PPO,issued earlier will remain same in case the same is not replicated in this PPO.
3.Payment of Pension,Enhanced /Normal rate of Ordinary Family Pension, Disability Element / War Injury Element, Gallantry Awards,if any
,CAA,FMA etc shall be payable as per applicable orders and for the period notified in original or subsequent PPO.
4.Pension as per Notional pay/OROP which ever is beneficial is notified.
5. In case of Pre 01.01.1986 retirees/death cases, Last Pay details mentioned above is notional pay as on 01.01.1986.
6. Dearness relief shall also be payable subject to terms and condition as hitherto fore.
#7. Pension revised in this PPO shall be payable after deducting commuted portion of pension made earlier, if not restored after completion of
15 years from the date of payment of Capitalized value of pension.
8. Dearness relief shall also be payable subject to terms and condition as hitherto fore.
#9. The basic concept of calculation of pension w.e.f 01.01.2016. is (Notional Pay+Group pay(if any)+MSP+Class Allowance(if any))/2 or
pension entitlement as per OROP(whichever is beneficial)
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