An Instructional Designer's Notebook: Ti o N Al

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An Instructional


How to Become

an Instructional Designer

Step 1. Study ID Models, Theories, and Strategies

SAM (Successive Approximations Model)
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction
Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model
The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Merrill’s Principles of Instruction

Step 2. Explore the Psychology Behind

Learning Behaviors
Andragogy learning
Transformational learning
Experiential learning
Individualized (Centric) learning

Step 3. Get a 30-day iSpring Suite Max

Free Trial →

Step 4. Create eLearning Samples and Put

Together an ID Portfolio
An engaging eLearning sample

An outstanding ID portfolio

Step 5. Learn From Other Instructional

Designers’ Experiences
Read instructional design books

Watch instructional design YouTube channels

Follow instructional design blogs and websites

Step 6. Get Ready for the Job Interview

Prepare to answer 11 interview questions

Step 7. Keep Up With Instructional Design

and eLearning Trends


How to Launch an eLearning Project

1 Define the learning objective
What do you want to achieve with eLearning? The more specific

the goal, the more likely you are to make it happen.

2 Choose the right training tools

As a rule, companies use one or both of these two types of tools: 


a course authoring tool and a learning management system (LMS).

3 Define a budget and an action plan

Develop a budget and an action plan, which you’ll need to present to your

senior managers. Be convincing when explaining how eLearning can

drive the business.

4 Prepare the learning content

Ideally, you should have a one-year eLearning development plan.

Initially, however, it’s enough to create a single course as a test.

5 Run a pilot eLearning project

Ask a small group of employees to take the course to define the

difficulties in using your LMS and see if your course is effective.

6 Motivate employees to learn

Keep your staff engaged with interactive multimedia and participation,

provide feedback and recognition, and share success stories.

7 Evaluate eLearning effectiveness

Assess your employees’ knowledge regularly, gather feedback on what
should be improved, and monitor how their work performance is changing.

Tips and tricks

Best Practices for Creating

Engaging eLearning for HTML5
Analyze all content and ask SMEs questions prior to production in order to
reduce the amount of rework.

Know your target audience (ages, locations, etc.) and keep that in mind
when creating your learning project: you must relate to your audience.

Design an overall template and vision of the project (colors, font scheme,
and 5-10 basic page types for quick creation).

Chunk presentation into 5-10-minute bite-sized components for easy

retention and digestion of material.

Integrate all content into templates and use the optimization needed for
the target audience (mobile data, etc.).

Stimulate engagement: interactivity, animation, exploratory content, and


Quality assurance: check your work on different devices and browsers.

Presented by Michael Cerantola

(KnowledgeOne) in collaboration with iSpring


How to Create an eLearning Course

1 Define training goals and objectives
This is about the results you want to achieve after your learners have

completed a course. Answer this question: “What should a learner BE

ABLE TO DO after finishing the training?”

2 Plot your course

Keeping the objectives in mind, divide your course into modules.

3 Create a storyboard
Establish a blueprint that outlines the placement of text, visuals,

interactions, navigation, and other elements that will be used in the course.

4 Write a script
Write the text a learner will see on the slides and create a narration script

if you’re going to include a voice-over in your course.

5 Define the design

Use your company brand book to communicate your brand across

your course, or create your own style guide if there isn’t one yet.

6 Prepare graphics and media

Find or create all the necessary graphics that align with your

design style and videos. Record a voice-over if needed.

7 Author your course

Assemble a course with an authoring tool like iSpring Suite. Building a

course with iSpring is the same as creating a PowerPoint presentation:

add a new slide, insert the text, add images or video, and repeat.

8 Share the course with your learners

Upload your course to your learning
management system (LMS) and Scan this

assign it to your learners. QR code to read

a complete guide.


What to Verify to Assess

the Quality of a Course
Course goals and objectives are clearly stated

Contents or a course map have been created

The time needed to take the training is stated

The function of each button in the course is explained

There is no information that can be removed without causing

a loss in meaning

A maximum of 3 fonts and colors are used in the course’s design

Images/screenshots are of sufficient quality, and the information

they contain is clearly visible

The course is designed using a single unified style

There are compelling examples that show how to apply the new knowledge

Practical tasks help consolidate the learning material

The course looks perfect both on desktop and mobile devices

The course has a final test or assessment


How to Manage 

Your eLearning Project

Develop an eLearning project plan

Define project milestones, specify what resources you’ll need for each
milestone, and set deadlines.

Gather your resources

Get all the human resources (designers, course developers, etc.)
and tech tools (an authoring tool, an LMS, etc.) that you need for

your project.

Develop the course

Organize your staff to create the course while ensuring that 

all the processes occur on time, within budget, and to standard.

Beta test your course

Organize a trial run by assembling a group of learners who will
take the entire course and provide feedback on the content

and overall user experience.

Finalize the project

Arrange a project close-out meeting, where you both
celebrate your wins and discuss what can be improved.

Scan this QR code to

download a free eLearning
Project Plan template.

Must-Read Books on
Instructional Design
Continue your list of eLearning bestsellers

Read Title/Author Rating

Design for How People Learn 

(Voices That Matter), by Julie Dirksen
Find the golden mean between providing
knowledge and stimulating interest.

The Accidental Instructional Designer:

Learning Design for the Digital Age, 

by Cammy Bean
Learn best ID practices, read case studies, and
discover the most common mistakes to avoid when
designing an eLearning program.

Map It: The hands-on guide to strategic

training design, by Cathy Moore
Learn to distinguish between cases that need
training and those that need something different to
make the eLearning content you design more
engaging and effective.

The Mom Test: How to talk to customers

and learn if your business is a good idea
when everyone is lying to you, by Rob
Learn how to get a subject matter expert talking, what
questions to ask, and how to avoid one-word responses.

Must-Read Books on Instructional Design

Read Title/Author Rating

What I wish I knew before becoming an

instructional designer, by Dr. Luke Hobson
Follow the guide to become an instructional
designer and advance in the ID field.

iSpring Suite 10: The Essentials, 

by Kevin Siegel
Learn how to use all the features of a powerful
authoring tool in just one day.

Check out
more books.

Tips and tricks

7 Tips on How to Be a Successful

Instructional Designer by

Dr. Luke Hobson

Just starting out in instructional design? Take advice from Dr. Luke Hobson,

the author of What I wish I knew before becoming an instructional designer.

Develop human skills. The majority of the things in instructional

design is working with people.

Get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid of new experiences.

Embrace them and try to get the most out of them.

Accept that you don't have all the answers. You have the opportunity
to go and find out. Connect with others, and then bring that back.

Take action. Don't just buy 5 books or watch 20 YouTube videos on

eLearning. At some point, stop consuming content and start doing.

Show learners the end goal. When learners know what they will
achieve, they’ll get motivated. And if they don’t understand the

purpose of your course, they won’t follow through.

6 Prepare a Plan B, Plan C, and even E sometimes. And be ready if

none of them work.

Be a lifelong learner. You have to enjoy learning. It’s important that
you enjoy teaching yourself, because that's what's going to help you.

You basically need to be able to take all this content and then make

something that's then going to teach another person.

Check out the podcast 

with Dr. Luke Hobson.

PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts

For Windows

Send an object 

Duplicate an object Ctrl D Ctrl Shift
to the front

Send an object 

Group items together Ctrl G Ctrl Shift
to the back

Ungroup items Ctrl Shift G Select all objects Ctrl A

Grow an object Shift Select another object ab


e ts
T x

Make selected 
 Copy formatting 

Ctrl Ctrl Shift C
text bold only

Paste formatting 

Apply italic formatting Ctrl I Ctrl Shift

Apply underline
Ctrl U Find and replace text Ctrl
formatting b


Center the paragraph Ctrl E Ctrl Shift
the font size

Left align the paragraph Ctrl L Ctrl Shift
the font size
Right align

Ctrl Insert a hyperlink Ctrl

the paragraph

Navigation Slideshow
Move the selected slide or Start a slideshow 

Ctrl F5
section forward in order from the first slide
Move the selected slide Start from 

Ctrl Ctrl F5
or section back in order the current slide

Add a new slide Ctrl M Zoom in/out Ctrl

Duplicate a slide Ctrl D End the slideshow Esc


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directions on how to create videos and don’t forget
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Let’s recap

If you learn something new and want to master it, apply it.

Get in touch with industry leaders to boost your expertise.

Use LinkedIn and Facebook to keep up with your new contacts.

Challenge yourself every day! It’s fun and motivational.

Mix up learning with practice to become a better professional.

Join the iSpring community to take training to the next level.

If you can’t find a solution, ask for expert advice.

We are here to help with

your eLearning initiatives.
Get in touch! →

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