Psy3182 - Career Plan
Psy3182 - Career Plan
Psy3182 - Career Plan
Incorporating what you have learned from the Friday and Saturday classes, your field
interviews, and your reports on careers in psychology, formulate a personal career plan,
including career goals and action commitments.
Think about where you want to be in your career 3 years from now (your short-term
career goal) and 10 years from now (your long term career goal). Formulate action steps
and commitments that will enable you to reach both of these goals. [You can work
backward by asking yourself “Can I do this tomorrow?" If not, "What would I have to do first?"]
· Your goals should be “smart goals.” [SMART goals are Specific, Measureable, Attainable,
Relevant, and Timely (have timeframes with deadlines).]
· Your action plans must specify the date by which you will complete these action
· You must include HOW you will use your thesis and field placement to accomplish your
career goals.
2. How I will use my field placement to further both my short and long term career goals
(5 points):
I hope to secure a field placement at either a Youth Campaign Coordinator for STOPAAPIHATE
or as a Reading Buddy with the Marin County Free Library. I will use my field placement to
further my career goals in the healthcare field by broadening my views on different
socioeconomic groups and minority populations. If I secure a placement at Windchime, I can
build upon my Nursing clinical work and gain further experience in the realm of elder population
health. If I secure a place with STOPAPPIHATE, I can work closely with the immigrant
population and groups of different cultures and gain insight into their views on healthcare.
3. How I will use my senior thesis to further both my short and long term career goals (5
I will conduct my thesis on the impact of AAPI hate on the Asian American, Native Hawaiian,
Pacific Island populations, focusing on the effects of hate crimes on mental health and
accessing resources.
4. Action Plans with deadlines (for completing these action commitments), listed in
sequential order for both short and long-term career goals. List at least 5 action
commitments for each. (10 points)