ExcelR Solutions IBM Certificate

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1/16/22, 11:35 AM ExcelR Solutions

This is to certify that

Ajay Arun Wankhede

has completed all courses in the learning path
Certificate Program in
Certificate Program in Data Science using Machine Data Science using
Machine Learning with
Learning with R and Python R and Python consists of
the following courses:
Text Analytics 101
a learning path on excelr.skillsnetwork.site
Powered by IBM Developer Skills Network

Issued by
ExcelR Solutions

Issued on:
January 16, 2022
Rav Ahuja Ram Tavva
Program Director Authenticity of this certificate can be validated by going to: Director
Skills Network, IBM https://excelr.skillsnetwork.site/certificates/fb63e1fa-79c9-46d7-926c-a6b0a448ea7a ExcelR Solutions

https://excelr.skillsnetwork.site/certificates-backend/certificates?username=AjayWankhede&slug=certificate-program-in-data-science-using-machine-learning-with-r-and-python 1/1

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