Case Study of Head Injury Siji
Case Study of Head Injury Siji
Case Study of Head Injury Siji
F.Y. M.Sc. Nursing
Roll No-16.
Name of the patient : Mukesh Shantilal Prajapati
Age : 32 Years Sex : Male
Marital status : Married.
Date of Admission : 6-02-2014. Time : 8.54 am am
Indoor No : 876828
Ward : Trauma ICU.
Resident Address : Sector no 12, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Religion : Hindu.
Education : 10 std.
Diagnosis : head injury
Operation if any : Tracheostomy done.
Name of Doctor : Dr. Jaydeep Gadhvi.
Occupation : shop keeper
Monthly Income : Rs. 3000=00 per month.
Weight : 54 Kg.
Health Habit :
- Smoking : Yes
- Tobacco chewing : No
- Alcohol Consumption : No
- Vegetarian / Non-vegetarian : No
Mukeshbhai was asymptomatic before 1 day. He got head injury by slipping of
motorcycle on the date 5-02-2014 at 9.00 am and he developed following signs and
History of loss of consciousness
History of vomiting once
History of convulsion
Injury to occipital region and hematoma over their
Bleeding from ear
back side of head and become unconscious, bleeding from ear was present and also
he develop vomiting and convulsion. Than he shifted at near hospital at mandasor
and took treatment from their. Doctor advised his relative to refer higher centre for
further investigation and for better treatment on date 6-2-2014. He transfer from
mandsor hospital to civil hospital Gandhinagar on date: 6-2-2014 at 9.00 am and
admitted in civil hospital Gandhinagar in trauma ICU.
There was no any past history of major illness like T.B, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus,
No H/o Vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, Abdo.lump haemoptysis, Trauma, hematuria
Name of Family Relationship Illness in Family
Sr.No. in Education
Members With patient Members
1 Mukeshbhai Shantilal 32 Self Head injury Secondary education
2 Santoshben Mukeshbhai 25 Wife No 5th std.
3 Laxmiben Mukeshbhai 9 Daughter No Studying in 3rd std.
4 Ashaben Mukeshbhai 6 Daughter No Studying 1st std.
5 Lokesh Mukeshbhai 4 Son No
Pulse: 88 /min. Regular Regular Irregular Low volume Bounding
Water hammer
Respiration: 20 /min. Normal Normal Tachypnea Crackle
BP: 122/82 mm of Hg.
Subjective data
Objective Data
1. Assaulted injury
2. Gun shot injury
3. Fall down from height
4. Blowing Injury
5. Motorbike injury
6. Road traffic accident
7. Dying in water during swimming
8. Any types of accidental injury
9. Boxing injury
10.Sports injury
11.Hit by some one
Globulin - 3.5-5.00 mg/dl
- 2.3-3.3 mg/dl
X-ray chest NAD - Lungs clear.
- No cavity
- BVM Normal
ECG WNL - Rate : 60-100/min
- P : Height<2.5mm
- Width< 2.5mm
- QRS: < 0.10 Sec.
- Depth & width of
Q wave : <0.04mm
Due to head injury
Cerebral hemorrhage
Cerebral hematoma
Ischemia to particular part of brain
All signs and symptoms of head injury develop like vomiting, giddiness
1. CSF drain from the ear or from the nose ABSENT
2. Evidence of various cranial nerve injury PRESENT
3. Blood behind the tympanic membrane PRESENT
4. Bleeding from the ear or nose PRESENT
5. Periorbital ecchimosis(Bruise around the eye) ABSENT
6. Later , a bruise over the mastoid process (Battle’s PRESENT
7. Vision change from optic nerve damage PRESENT
8. Hearing loss from auditory nerve damage PRESENT
9. Nausea and vomiting PRESENT
10 Headache due to intracranial pressure increase ABSENT
11. Loss of the sense of smell from olfactory nerve PRESENT
12 Squite or fixed , dilated pupil and loss of some eye PRESENT
movement s
from Occulomotor nerve damage
13. Vertigo caused by damage from otolits in the inner ear ABSENT
14 Nystagmus from damage to the vestibular system ABSENT
15 Skull fracture due to direct blow on skull PRESENT
16 Unconsciousness for few seconds,minute,hours or PRESENT
(Rupture of a cerebral blood vessel with bleeding into the brain tissue or spaces
surrounding the brain). The result is an interruption in the blood supply to the brain,
causing temporary or permanent loss of movement, thought, memory, speech, or
A cerebral contusion is a more severe cerebral injury in which the brain is bruised with
possible surface hemorrhage. The patient is unconscious for a considerable period. The
symptoms as would be expected are more marked. The patient may lies motionless, the
pulse is feeble, the respiration shallow, and skin cold and pale. Often there is involuntary
evacuation of bowels and the bladder. The patient may be aroused with effort but soon
slips back in to unconsciousness .The Blood Pressure and the temperature are subnormal
and the picture is somewhat similar to that of shock.
A skull fracture is a break in the continuity of the skull caused by trauma. It may occur
with or without damage to the brain. The presence of a skull fracture usually means that
there was considerable force on impact. Skull fracture are classified as open or closed. In
an open fracture, the dura is torn, and in closed fracture the dura is not torn.
1. Maintain the airway and exchange of air-hypoxia and Hypercapnia can increase
brain swelling and cell damage.
Keep the patient in a lateral recumbent, prone or semi prone position with to
one side, after making certain that, there is no cervical spine injury. Prone
position facilities drainage from the tracheobronchial tree and minimizes
aspiration of nasopharyngeal and gastric secretions.
Cleared the respiratory passage by means of suctioning.
Ensured adequate oxygenation and humidification.
Obtained portable x-ray of lateral cervical spine and ruled out that no cervical
spine injury or fracture.
Assisted in endotracheal intubation first and later on assisted in tracheostomy
procedure and started oxygen from tracheostomy tube6-8 liter per minute.
Utilize assisted ventilation if necessary. Keep ready the assisted ventilator for
emergency ventilation.
2. Controlled hemorrhage and shock.
Looked for extra cranial source of bleeding e.g., Abdomen, thorax, long bone
fracture, scalp injury, and there was a hematoma on the back side of head rt.
Lateral side of occipital.
Marked intracranial injury and bleeding from ear also present.
Brain injury is present, CTBRAIN SUGGESTED in two points injury noted
and mentioned contusions.
3. Determined the based line condition of the patient.
Assessed level of responsiveness by GCS AND REVISED TRAUMA
SCORE which was
Speech absent - 1
Motor localized pain - 5
Eye opening absent -1
13-15 ----4 10-29----- 4 > 90---- 4
9-12 ----3 > 30 ----- 3 76-89 --- 3
6-8 ---- 2 6-9 ------ 2 50-75 --- 2
3-5 ----- 1 1-5 ----- 1 1-49 ---- 1
0 ---- 0 0 ----- 0 0 ---- 0
Determined the presence of vomiting and bleeding from ear.
Evaluated the pupil which was fixed and semi dilated and not reacting to
Measured vital signs which was
Pulse - 88/minute
Blood pressure-- 120/80 mm of Hg
Resp.rate --20/minute
Temp. ----- 98.6 F
Spo2 ---- 95
Evaluated for signs of raising intracranial pressure which was deterioration
in level of responsiveness here patient is unconscious and condition of patient is
deteriorate , also pulse is increase and no reacting pupil,ans also tracheostomy is
done and patient is on the oxygen therapy 6-8 liter per minute.
Assessed for injury to other organs system which was not present only brain
injury and fracture skull are present.
5. Utilized intracranial monitoring for recognition of increased intracranial
Hypertension and to help guide therapy
6. Maintained an opened airway and ensure maximum respiratory functions.
Checked spo2—continuously which was 95 %
Oxygen started by tracheostomy tube 6-8 liter per minute
Gave pron position to patient.
Turned the position of patient frequently side to side.
7. Observed ,evaluated and carried out repeated clinical examination done
Makes specific documentation of clinical findings.
Quality of breathing breathing is little fast.
Change in respiratory pattern increased rate
Pupil reaction and size-Semi dilated and not reacting to light.
Obtained CT-BRAIN to determine intracranial pathology.
Started intravenous fluids INj.-DNS 2 Paints.
Kept patient nil by mouth.
Catheterization done and maintain urine out put chart.
8. Treated shock for that
Maintain prone position of patient.
Gave intravenous fluid like INj. R.L.2 paint.
Gave injection Epsolin 50 mg 8 hourly for control of seizures.
Gave head low position
Covered the patient with blanket.
Watch for gastrointestinal complication.
9. Carried out rehabilitation techniques.
Positioned the patient correctly to prevent contracture.
Put all extremities through rang of motor exercises
Keep the skin dry, clean and free of pressure to prevent pressure sores.
Gradually increase physical and mental activity.
3. First clear the airway, breathing , and circulation then
4. start oxygen therapy 100 % 15 liter /minute
5. Auscultation of chest for air entry every 8 hourly
6. Maintain i/o and u/o chart daily
7. Gave i/v fluids antibiotics, analgesics. anticonvulsive drugs as per doctors order
8. Vital signs taken and recorded(TPR and B.P.1 hourly)
9. Suction: Remove mucus, saliva, fluid and vomited material from mouth.
10. Maintain fluid and nutritional balance
Intravenous fluid
Blood transfusion if require
11. Elevate the head of the bed to a 30 degree angle.
12. NBM if patient is not able to eat or drink
13. Tracheostomy done so care of tracheostomy tube .
14. Suction done frequently
15. Oral hygiene (Mouth care).Maintain healthy oral mucus membrane.
16. Maintain corneal integrity
17. Preventing urinary retention by catheterization and do catheter care
18. Promoting bowel function.
19. Change the position frequently (Two hourly)
20. maintain safety by providing side rails
21. Promoting sensory stimulation by instructing patient daily once time about time,
place and person.
22. Supporting the family.
23. Attaining self care.
24. Monitoring and maintaining potential complication.
Medical treatment of the patient with a head injury may include diuretics to reduce
cerebral edema, which reaches maximum levels 3 to 5 days after cerebral infarction.
Anticoagulants may be prescribed to prevent further development or propagation of the
thrombosis or embolization from elsewhere in the cardiovascular system. Antiplatelate
medications may be prescribed because platelets play a major role in thrombus formation
and embolization.
To assess the patient condition by the various methods explained by the nursing
To identify the needs of the patient
To demonstrate an effective communication and interaction with the patient.
To select a theory for the application according to the need of the patient
To apply the theory to solve the identified problems of the patient
To evaluate the extent to which the process was fruitful.
Here the Orem’s theory of self care is used as the clients activities of normal self care are
only limited to a short span of the disease condition. There are no long term deficits that
the client will be facing. By giving adequate support the client will be able to deal with the
health needs herself. Here the term defined according to the clients condition is:
Self care – Practices of activities that individual initiates and perform on their own
behalf in maintaining life, health and well being.
-For the client: The normal grooming, bathing, maintenance of hygiene, breathing,
protecting from injuries of environment e.g. mosquitoes, unhygienic area etc. was
performed without help. But now client is unable to do it due to the deficit in
performing activities of daily living.
Self care agency – is a human ability which is "the ability for engaging in self care"
-conditioned by age developmental state, life experience sociocultural orientation
health and available resources.
-The client has attained the role of a father. She is taking care of family.
Therapeutic self care demand – "totality of self care actions to be performed for
some duration in order to meet self care requisites by using valid methods and
related sets of operations and actions"
- For the client: he is suffering from unconciousness, weakness, unable to carry out
activities of daily living. These needs are temporary and have to be met by the
1. Universal
Health deviation
Associated with life processes and the maintenance of the integrity of human
structure and functioning
Common to all , ADL
Identifies these requisites as:
Maintenance of sufficient intake of air ,water, food
Provision of care associated with elimination process
Balance between activity and rest, between solitude and social interaction
Prevention of hazards to human life well being and
Promotion of human functioning
The client: he needs assistance in two fields of universal self care requisites and
developmental self care needs.
Health deviation self care of the client:
Requires being aware of the pathological condition of head injury
Adjusting to the role of the head of family
To maintain good immunity level .
Taken vital signs Ineffective airway The gal of the One of the most important nursing Attains/maintain effective
Which was clearance and patients may goal in the management of the airway clearance,
Pulse 88/ minute ventilation related include patient with a head injury is to ventilation and brain
Resp.Rate to hypoxia attainment of a establish and maintain an oxygenation.
20/minute patent airway adequate airway Achieve normal
B.P.120/80 mm Keep unconscious patient in a blood gas values.
of hg position that Facilitates drainage of Has normal breath
Spo2 90 % oral secretion , with the head of sounds on
Checked the bed elevated about 30 auscultation.
breathing degrees to decrease venous Mobilizes and clears
patrerns pressure secretions.
Which shows Establish effective suctioning
difficulties and Guard against aspiration and
also fluid respiratory insufficiency.
secretion also Monitor arterial blood assess to
present . assess adequate of ventilation
Monitor the patient on mechanical
Restlessness High risk for Prevention of The patient is assessed to ensure Avoids injury
due to hypoxia, violence related to injury that the airway is adequate and Shows lessening agitation
fever and pain or disorientation, the bladder is not distended and restlessness.
full bladder. restlessness and .Likewise , bandages and casts Is oriented to time place
Observed the brain damage. should be checked for and person.
signs of head constriction.
injury, Bleeding Protect the patient from self injury
from ear GCSis and dislodging of body tubes side
7/15 and revised rails are rapped and the patients
trauma hands may be wrapped in mitts.
score10/12. Allowed freedom of movement and
promotes patients safety.
Environmental stimuli should be
kept to minimum by keeping the
room quite, limiting visitors
,speaking calmly
Provide adequate lighting facility to
minimize hallucination.
The skin is lubricated with oil or
emollient lotion to prevent irritation
due to rubbing against the sheet.
If incontinence is the problem do
General physical Altered thought Improved Neurologist plans a program and Shows cognitive
examination process related to cognitive initiates therapy or counseling that progression.
done .in which result of head functioning is design to help the patient reach Demonstrate lessoning of
patient is not injury maximum potential. inappropriate behaviours.
conscious. Cognitive rehabilitation activities Shows improve
He got injury to are directed at redeveloping the memory.
brain and also patient’s ability to devise new Verbalizes realistic
skull fracture problem solving strategies. plans.
present . The retraining is carried out over
an extended period and includes
the use of computer training
programme, video game, sensory
stimulations and reinforcement.
Patient is Fluid volume Fluid and Serial study of blood and urine Achieves satisfactory fluid
unconscious and deficit related to electrolyte electrolytes and osmolarities are and electrolyte balance.
not able to take disturbances of balance carried out because head injury Demonstrate serum
fluid orally. consciousness may be accompanied by disorders electrolytes within normal
He is not able to and hormonal of sodium regulation. Sodium range.
talk not able to dysfunction. retention may last several days, Has no clinical sign of
walk & not able followed by sodium diuretics. dehydrations or over
to open eye. Endocrine dysfunctions are hydration.
evaluated by monitoring serum
electrolyte, glucose values, and
intake and out put.
Urine is tested regularly for
A record of daily weight is kept
,especially if the patient has
hypothalamic involvement and
must be observed for the
development of diabetes incipidus
Checked Client’s vital signs
Client given medications, oral hygiene maintained, all nursing care
Functional test is normal
Checked Vital Signs
Provided care of hygiene
T’stomy suctioning was done
Oxygenation is been given.
Checked Vital signs
Oral care is given.
Checked Vital signs
Intake-output chart maintained
Medications were continued
Checked Vital signs
Intake-output chart maintained
Range of motion exercises
Injury prevention
Doing for/Enabling
Being with
Maintaining Belief
Maintaining Belief
Helped the parents of child to understand the disease condition, holding themselves in
high esteem, maintaining a hope. Helping to final solution
Expressed being with child.
Encouraging parents and child in the process of knowing. Explanation about disease
condition, Personal hygiene etc.
Being with
Being with the parents and sharing their feelings, psychological support and clarifying
Doing for
Checking the vital signs, providing bath, changing dressing, protecting the child from
Helping to cope the situation and Encouraged early ambulation and resoring health as
much as possible.
Injury to the head involve trauma to the scalp, skull, and brain. Head injuries are
among the most frequent and serious neurologic disorders, and have reached
epidemic proportions as a result of traffic accident. As estimated 1000,000 persons
die annually from head injury and more than 700,000 have injuries severe enough
to require hospitalization.
At the time of admission the condition of patient is not good. Patient was
unconscious and GCS was 7/15 Revised trauma score 10/12 .Ct brain s/o
contusion in brain at various two side, also depressed skull fracture was present ,
bleeding from ear was present . So my patient Mr.KUKESHBHAI’S general
condition is poor.
1. Lillian sholtis Brunner and Doris smith suddarth;”The Lippincott manual of
Nursing practice;”3rd edition, J.B.Lippincott Company,
Philadelphia: 1982, Page no. 712-714, 745-747.