Astm A53 A53m 20
Astm A53 A53m 20
Astm A53 A53m 20
Designation: A53/A53M - 20
This slandard has been approved for use by agendes of the U.S. Department of Defense.
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
Com sition, max. 0/o
Carbon Manganese Phosphol\Js Sulfur Copper' NickelA ChromiumA Mol~bdenumA VanadiumA
T~pe S (seamless EiEe)
Grade A 0.258 0.95 0.05 0.045 0.40 040 0.40 0.1 5 0.08
Grade B 0.30c 1.20 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08
T~ee E (electric-resistance-welded)
GradeA 0.25 0.95 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08
Grade B 0.30c 1.20 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08
Type F (furnace-welded pipe)
Grade A 0.30 8 1.20 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08
A The total composition for these five elements shall not exceed 1 .00 °/o.
"For each reduction of 0.01 °/o below lhe specified carbon maximum, an increase of 0.06 o/o manganese above the specified maximum will be permitted up to a maximum
of 1.35 %.
~or each reduction of 0.01 % below the specified carbon maximum, an increase of 0.06 % manganese above the specified maximum will be pennitted up to a maximum
of 1.65 %.
6.2 If the analysis of either pipe does not confonn to the 7.2 Bend Test:
require1nents given in 'fable l , analyses shall be nlade on 7 .2.1 For pipe NPS 2 [DN 50] or smaller, a sufficient length
additional pipes of double the original number from the same of pipe shall be capable of being bent cold through 90° around
lot, each of which shall confonn to the specified require1nents. a cylindrical 1nandrel, the dia1neter of which is twelve ti1nes the
specified outside diameter of the pipe, without developing
7. Mechanical Properties cracks at any portion and without opening the weld.
7. I Tension Test: 7 .2.2 If ordered for close coiling, the pipe shall stand being
7 .1.1 For tension tests other than transverse weld tension bent cold through 180° around a cylindrical 1nandrel, the
tests, the yield strength corresponding to a pennanent offset of dia1neter of which is eight times the specified outside diameter
0.2 % of the gage length or to an extension of 0.5 % of the gage of the pipe, without fai lure.
length under load, the tensile strength, and the elongation in 2 7 .2.3 Double-extra-strong pipe over NPS 1 \f4 [DN 32) need
in. or 50 111111 shall be determined, and the tension test results not be subjected to the bend test.
shall conform to the applicable tensile property require1nents
7.3 Fl.attening Test:
given in Table 2 .
7.3.J T he flattening test shall be made on welded pipe over
7 .1.2 For transverse weld tension tests, the tensi le strength
NPS 2 [DN 50) in extra-strong weight or lighter.
shall be detennined, and the tension test results shall confonn
7.3.2 Sea111less Pipe:
to the applicable tensile strength require1nent given in Table 2.
7.3.2. l Al though testing is not required, pipe shall be
7.1.3 Electric-resistance-welded pipe NPS 8 [DN 200) or
capable of nleeting the flattening test require1nents of Supple-
larger shall be tested using two transverse test specin1ens, one
mentary Require1nent SI , if tested.
taken across the weld and one taken opposite the weld.
7 .1.4 Transverse tension test speci1nens shall be approxi- 7.3.3 Electric-Resistance-Welded Pipe:
1nately 1112 in. [38 nun] wide in the gage length and shall 7.3 .3. 1 A test specimen at least 4 in. (100 mm] in length
represent the full wall thickness of the pipe fro1n which the test shall be flattened cold between parallel plates in three steps,
specin1ens were cut. with the weld located either 0° or 90° from the line of direction
of force a5 required by or, whichever is
applicable. Du ring the first step, which is a test for ductility of
TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements
the weld, except as allowed by 7.3.5, 7.3.6, and 7.3.7, no cracks
Grade A Grade B or breaks on the inside or outside surface at the weld shall be
Tensile strength, min, psi [MPal 48 000 (330) 60 000 [415) present before the distance between the plates is less than two
Yield strength, min, psi [MPa) 30 000 [205) 35 000 [240)
Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm A .B A.B thirds of the specified outside diameter of the pipe. As a second
step, the flattening shall be continued as a test for ductility
A The minimum elongation in 2 in. [50 mm) shall be that detennined by the
following equation: away from the weld. During the second step, except as allowed
e = 625000(1940] A 0·•tu0·• by 7.3.6 and 7.3.7, no cracks or breaks on the inside or outside
surface away from the weld shall be present before the distance
between the plates is less than one third of the specified outside
e = minimum elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm in percent, rounded to the nearest
percent, diameter of the pipe but is not less than five times the specified
A = the lesser of 0.75 in. 2 [500 mm2] and the cross-sectional area of the wall thickness of the pipe. During the third step, which is a test
tension test specimen, calculated using the specified outside diameter of
for soundness, the flattening shall be continued until the test
the pipe, or the nominal width of the tension test specimen and the
specified wall thickness of the pipe, with the calculated value specin1en breaks or the opposite walls of the test specimen
rounded to the nearest 0.01 in.2 (1 mm 2 ], and meet. Evidence of laminated or unsound 1naterial or of incom-
U = specified minimum tensile strength, psi [MPa). plete weld that is revealed by the flattening test shall be cause
"See Table X4.1 or Table X4.2, whichever is applicable, for lhe m1n1mum for rejection.
elongation values that are required for various combinations of tension test
specimen size and specified minimum tensile strength. 7.3 .3.2 For pipe produced in single lengths, the flattening
test specified in 7 .3.3. l shall be 1nade using a test specimen
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University of Michigan (University of Michigan) pursuanr to License Agreement. No forther reproductions authorized.
~ A53/A53M-20
caken from each e nd of each lengch of pipe. The cescs from each discretion of the manufacturer. to perform che hydrostatic cesr
end shall be made alternately wich the weld at 0° and at 90° on pipe with plain ends. wich threads o nly. or with threads and
from the line of direction of force. couplings; and it shall also be pennissi ble to test pipe in eicher
7 .3.3.3 For pipe produced in multiple lengchs, che flattening single lengths or multiple leng ths.
rest specified in shall be made as follows:
NoTE 4-Thc hydrosmtic te~t pressures given herein are inspection test
(I) Test specimens taken from. and representative of, the pressures. arc not intended a~ a ba~is for design. and do not have any dirccc
fronc end of the firsc pipe intended to be supplied from each rclacionship to working prcs~urc~.
coil , che back end of th e last pipe intended to be supplied from 8.3 The minimum hydrostatic test pressure required to
each coil, and eac h side of any incermediate weld stop location
satisfy the requirements specified in 8.2 need not exceed 2500
shall be flartened w ich the weld located at 90° from the line of
psi [ l 7 200 kPaJ for pipe NPS 3 lDN 80] or smaller, or 2800
direction of fo rce.
ps i [ 19 300 kPa] for pipe larger than NPS 3 [DN 80]; however,
(2) Test speci1nens taken from pipe at any two locations
the nianufacturer has the option of using higher test pressures.
intermediate to the front end of the first pipe and the back end
For all sizes of seamless pipe and electric-resistance-welded
of the last pipe intended to be supplied fron1 each coil shall be
pipe, the hydrostati c test pressure shall be nlaintained for at
flartened with the weld located at 0° fro1n the line of direction least 5 s.
of force.
7 .3.3.4 For pipe th at is to be subseq uently reheated through- 9. Nondestructive Electric Test
ou t its cross secti on and hot forn1ed by a reducing process, the
manufacturer shall have the option of obtaining the flartening 9.1 Type E Pipe:
test specin1ens required by or, whichever is 9.1.1 Except for pipe produced on a hot-stretch reducing
app licable, e ither prior to or after such hot reducing. m.ill, the weld seam of each length of electric-resistance-
7.3.4 Co11ti1111011s-Welded Pipe-A test specimen ac lease 4 welded pipe NPS 2 lDN 50) o r larger shall be tested with a
in. (100 1n1n] in length shall be flanened cold between parallel nondestructive electric test in accordance with Practices E2 I 3,
plates in three steps. The weld shall be located ac 90° from che E273, E309, or E570. Each lengch of electric-resistance-
line of direction of force. During the first seep, which is a test welded pipe NPS 2 lDN 50] or larger and produced on a
for duc1ili1y of the weld, except as allowed by 7.3.5, 7.3.6, and hot-stretch-reducing mill shall be tested wich a nondestructive
7 .3. 7, no cracks or breaks on the inside, oucside, or end electric test that inpsects the full volume of the pipe in
surfaces al the weld shall be present before che di stance accordance with Practices E2 l 3, E309, or E570.
between che plates is less chan three fourchs of the specified 9.1.2 Ultrasonic and Electro111agnetic Inspection-Any
outside diameter of the pipe. As a second step, the flartening equipn1ent utili zi ng the ultrasonic or electron1agnetic principles
shall be continued as a rest for ductility away from the weld. and capable of continuous and uninterrupted iuspection of the
During the second Step, except as allowed by 7.3.6 and 7.3.7, weld sean1 shall be used. The equipn1ent shall be checked with
no cracks or breaks on the inside, outs ide, or end surfaces away an applicable reference standard as described in 9 . J.3 at least
fro1n th e weld shall be presen t before the di stance between the once every workin g turn or not 1nore than 8 h to den1onstrate
p lates is less than 60 % of the specified outs ide diameter of the its effecti veness and the inspection procedures. The equipn1ent
pipe. During the third step, which is a test for soundness, the shall be adjusted to produce well-defined indications when the
flartening shall be co ntinued until the test specimen breaks or reference standard is scanned by the inspection unit in a
the opposite wa lls of the test speci1nen meet. Evidence of nianner sin1ulating the inspection of the product.
lan1inated or un sound mate rial or of incomplete weld chat is 9.1.3 Reference Standards-The length of the reference
reveal ed by the flattening test shall be cause for rejection. standards shall be delennined by the pipe 1nanufacturer, and
7.3.5 Surface imperfections in the test specimen before they shall have the san1e specified dia.1neter and thickness as
flattening, but revealed during the first step of the flattening the product being inspected. Reference sta ndards shall contain
test, shall be judged in accordance with the finish requirements n1ac hin ed nolches, one on the inside surface and one on the
in Section 12 . outside surface, or a d rilled hole, as shown in Fig. l , at the
7.3.6 Superficial ruptures as a result of surface imperfec- option of the pipe manufacturer. The notches shall be parallel
cions shall not be cause for rejection. to the weld sea1n, and shall be separated by a di stance sufficient
7.3.7 For pipe w ith a D-to-t ratio less chan IO, because the to produce two separate and distinguishable signals. The 1ls-in.
strain i1nposed due to geometry is unreasonably high on che [3.2-mm] hole shall be drilled th rough the wall and perpen-
inside surface at the 6 and 12 o ·clock locations. cracks at such dicular lo the surface of the reference standard as shown in Fig.
locations shall not be cause for rejection. 1. Care shall be taken in the preparation of the reference
standard to ensure freedom from fins or other edge roughness,
or distortion of the pipe.
8. Hydrosta tic Test
8. 1 The hydrostati c test shall be applied, without leakage Non, 5-The cali bration standard~ shown in fig. I are convenient
s~andards for calibration of nondestn1ctive testing eq~ipment. The d imen-
through the weld sea m or the pipe body. sions of such standards are not 10 be conslrued as the mi nimum s izes of
8.2 Plain-end pipe shall be hydrostatically tested to the imperfections detectable by such e.1u ipn1ent.
applicable pressure given in Tab le X2.2, and threaded-and- 9. 1.4 Acceptance Li111i1.s-Table 3 gives the height of accep-
coupled pipe shall be hydrostaticall y tested to the applicable tance li mit signa ls in percent of the height of signals produced
pressure given in Table X2.3. It shall be permissible, at the by reference standards. l1nperfections in the weld seam that
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University of Michigan (University of' Michigan) pursuant to License Agrcemc111. No l\Jrthcr rcproduc1ions au1horizcd.
~ A53/A53M - 20
lO ~ c, t 1 5~
- V/TTl:l Ml N OF
0.0 12: 0.002 In.
[0.3 ~ 0. 05 rnrn]
Teal Lengltl
AlfO Ul.'IAASONlC - 2 In. [50 """1) MAX
at FUii Oeptjl
-I 1-11, In.
- LJ
II (l .2 own)
TABLE 3 Acceptance Limits The ultrason.ic testing referred to in this specification
Type Notch Size of Hole Acceptance is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant
in. mm longitudinally or circumferentially oriented imperfections;
S ignal, 0/o
however, different techniques need to be en1ployed for the
N 10, V10 v. 3.2 100
detection of differently oriented imperfections. Ultrasonic test-
B, p 80
ing is not necessarily capable of detecting short, deep imper-
produce a signal greater than the acceptance limit signal given The eddy current examination referenced in this
in Table 3 shall be considered a defect unless the pipe specification has the capability of detecting significant
manufacturer can demonstrate that the imperfection does not discontinuities, especially of the short abrupt type.
reduce the effective wall thickness beyond 12.5 % of the The flux leakage examination refe1Ted to in this
specified wall thickness. specification is capable of detecting the presence and location
9.2 Type S Pipe-As an alternative to the hydrostatic test at of significant longitudinally or transversely oriented disconti-
the option of the 1nanufacturer or if specified in the purchase nu.ities. The provisions of this specification only require
order, the full body of each sea1nJess pipe shall be tested with longitudinal calibration for flux leakage. Different techniques
a nondestructive el.ectric test in accordance with Practice E2 13, need to be employed fo r the detection of differently oriented
E309, or E570. In such cases, each length so furnished shall imperfections.
include the n1andato1y marking of the letters "NDE." Except as The hydrostatic test referred to in 8.2 has the
allowed by, it is the intent of this nondestructive electric capability of finding imperfections of a size permitting the test
test to reject pipe with i1nperfections that produce test signals fluid to leak through the tube wall and nlay be either visually
equal to or greater than those produced by the applicable seen or detected by a .loss of pressure. Hydrostatic testing is not
calibration standards. necessarily capable of detecting very tight through-the-wall
9.2. l If the nondestructive elect1ic test has been perforn1ed, imperfections or imperfections that extend an appreciable
the lengths shall be marked with the letters "NDE." The distance .into the wall without con1plete penetration.
certification, if required, shall state Nondestructive Electric A purchaser .interested in ascertaining the nature
Tested and shall indicate which of the tests was applied. Also, (type, size, location, and orientation) of .in1perfections that are
the letters NDE shall be appended to the product spec.ification capable of being detected in the specific application of these
number and grade shown on the certification. examinations is directed to discuss this with the nlanufacturer
9.2.2 The followi ng information is intended to facilitate the of the tubular product.
use of this specification: 9.2 .3 For ultrasonic testing, the calibration reference
9.2.2. l The calibration standards defined in 9.2.3 through notches shall be at the option of the 1nanufacturer, and shal I be
9.2.5 are convenient standards for calibration of nondestructive any one of the three common notch shapes shown .in Practice
testing equipinent. The dimensions of such standards are not to E2 13. The depth of notch shall not exceed 12.5 % of the
be construed as the n1inimun1 sizes of .imperfections detectable specified wall thick11ess of the p.ipe or 0.004 in. [O.l 111111],
by such equ.ipn1.en t. wh.ichever is the greater.
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University of Michigan (University of Michigan) pursuanr to License Agreement. No forther reproductions authorized.
~ A53/A53M - 20
9.2.4 For eddy current testing, the calibration pipe shall It shall be permissible to evaluate test signals pro-
contain, at the option of the n1anufacturer, any one of the duced by visual imperfections in accordance with the provi-
following calibration standards to establish a minimtun sensi- sions of Section 12. A few exan1ples of such .impe1fections are
tivity level for rejection. straightener marks, cutting chips, scratches, steel die stamps,
9.2.4. 1 Drilled Hole-The calibration pipe shall contain stop marks, or pipe reducer ripple.
three holes spaced 120° apart or four holes spaced 90° apart, 9.2.7 The test n1ethods described in Section 9 are not
sufficiently separated longitudinally to enstu·e separately dis- necessarily capable of inspecting the end portion of pipes. This
tinguishable responses. The ho.Jes shall be drilled radially and condition is referred to as end effect. The length of the end
completely through the pipe wall, care being taken to avoid effect shall be deternlined by the manufacturer and, if specified
distortion of the pipe while drilling. Dependent upon the in the purchase order, reported to the purchaser.
nonlinal pipe size, the caJjbration pipe shall contain the
following hole: 10. Permissible Variations in Weight (Mass) and
NPS ON Diameter of Drilled Hole
:S 15 0.039 in. 11.0 mm) 10.1 \Veight (Mass)-The weight (mass) of the pipe shall
> h:S 1 V4
1 >15 s 32 0.055 in. 11.4 mm!
>1 1/4 :S 2 >32 :S 50 0.071 in. [1.8 mm]
not vary more than :!: 10 % from its specified weight (mass), as
>2 :!i 5 >so :!i 125 0.087 in. [2.2 mm] derived by rnultiplying its measured length by its specified
>5 > 125 0.106 in. [2.7 mm] weight (mass) per unit length, as given in Table X2.2 or Table Transverse Tangential Notch-Using a round tool or X2.3, or as calculated using the relevant equation in ASME
file. with a 1/4 in. (6 mn1] dian1eter, a notch shall. be filed or B36. lOM.
milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitu- NOTE 6-For pipe NPS 4 [DN 100) o r smaller, the weighc (mass)
dinal axis of the pipe. The notch shall have a depth not tolerdnce is applicable to the weightS (masses) of the customary li fts of
exceeding 12.5 % of the specified wall thickness of the pipe or pipe as produced for shipment by the 1ni1J. For pipe larger than NPS 4 [DN
0.0 l 2 in. [0.3 mm], whichever is the greater. 100], where individua l lengths are weighed, che weight (1nass) tolerance is
applicable to the individual lengths. Longitudinal Notch-A notch 0.031 in. [0.8 mm] or
less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to the 10.2 Dia1neter- For pipe NPS l l/2 [DN 40] or sn1aller, the
pipe axis on the outside surface of the pipe, to a depth not outside dian1eter at any point shall not vary 1nore than + '164 in .
exceeding 12.5 % of the specified wall thickness of the pipe or [0.4 mm] from the specified outside diameter. For pipe NPS 2
0.012 in. (0.3 nun], whichever is the greater. The length of the [DN 50] or larger, the outside diameter shall not vary more
notch shall be compatible with the testing method. than + l % fro111 the specified outside diameter. Co1npatibility-The calibration standards in the cali- 10.3 Thickness-The nlini1nun1 wall thickness at any point
bration pipe shall be con1patible with the testing equipment and shall be not 1nore than 12.5 % under the specified wall
the method being used. thickness. The n1inin1un1 wall thickness on inspection shall
9.2.5 For ftux leakage testing, the longitudinal calibration confonn to the requiren1ents given in Table X2.4.
reference notches shall be straight-sided notches machined in a
radial plane parallel to the pipe axis. For specified wall 11. End Finish
thicknesses less than 0.500 in. [12.7 111111), outside and inside 11.1 If ordered with plain ends, the pipe shall be furnished
notches shall be used. For specified wall thicknesses equal to or to the following practice, unless otherwise specified.
greater than 0.500 in. [12.7 mm], only an outside notch shall be 11.1.l NPS 1 112 [DN 40} or S111a/ler-Unless otherwise
used. The notch depth shall not exceed J2.5 % of the specified specified in the purchase order, end finish shall be at the option
wall thickness, or 0.012 in. (0.3 mm], whichever is the greater. of the manufacturer.
The notch length shall not exceed 1 in. [25 nm1), and the notch ll.1.2 Larger than 1VPS Jl/2 [DN 40]:
width shall not exceed the notch depth. Outside diarneter and Pipe of standard-weight or extra-strong weight, or
inside diameter notches shall be located sufficiently apart to in wall thick11ess less than 0.500 in. [ 12.7 1nm], other than
allow separation and identification of the signals. double extra-strong weight pipe, shall be plain-end beveled
9.2.6 Pipe containing one or n1ore in1perfections that pro- with ends beveled to an angle of 30°, +5°, -0°, measured from
duce a s.ignal equal to or greater than the signal produced by the a line drawn perpendicular to the axis of the pipe, and with a
calibration standard shall be rejected or the area producing the root face of 1/ 16 in. :!: 1/ 32 in. [1 .6 mm :!: 0.8 mm].
signal shall be rejected. Pipe with a specified wall thickness greater than
9 .2.6.1 Test signals produced by i1nperfections that cannot 0.500 in. [ 12.7 mrn], and all double extra-strong weight pipe,
be identified, or produced by cracks or crack-like shall be plain-end square cut.
imperfections, shall result in rejection of the pipe, unless it is l l .2 If ordered with threaded ends, the pipe ends shall be
repaired and retested. To be accepted, the pipe shall pass the provided with a thread in accordance with the gaging practice
same specification test to which it was originally subjected and and tolerances of ANSI B 1.20.1. For standard-weight pipe NPS
the remaining wall thickness shal l not have been decreased 6 [DN 150) or sn1aller, refer to Table X3. I for threading data.
below that pernlitted by the specification. It shall be permis- For standard-weight pipe NPS 8 [DN 200) or larger and all
sible to reduce the outside diarneter at the point of grinding by sizes of extra-strong weight pipe and double extra-strong
the amount so removed. weight pipe, refer to Table X3.2 for threading data. Threaded
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University of Michigan (University of Michigan) pursuanr to License Agreement. No forther reproductions authorized.
0 A53/A53M - 20
pipe NPS 4 [DN 100] or larger shall have thread protectors on measured as the gap between the lowest point of the dent and
the ends not protected by a coupling. a prolongation of the original contour of the pipe. Cold-formed
dents deeper than Vs in. [3 n1m] shall be free of sharp-bottomed
11.3 If ordered with couplings, one end of each length of
pipe shall be provided with a coupling nlanufactured in gouges: it shall be permissible to remove the gouges by
grinding, provided that the remaining wall thickness is within
accordance with Specification A865/A865M. The coupling
specified limits. The length of the dent in any direction shall
threads shall be in accordance with the gaging practice of ANSI
not exceed one half the specified outside diameter of the pipe.
BJ .20. J. The coupling shall be applied handling-tight, unless
power-tight is specified in the purchase order. Couplings are to 13. Number of Tests
be made of steel. Taper-tapped couplings shall be fun1ished on
13. 1 Except as required by 13.2, one of each of the tests
all threaded pipe NPS 2 1/2 [DN 65] or larger. For pipe s1naller
specified in Section 7 shall be n1ade on test specimens taken
than NPS 2 1/2 [DN 65], it is regular practice to fun1ish
fron1 one length of pipe fron1 each lot of each p ipe size. For
straight-tapped couplings for standard-weight pipe and taper-
continuous-welded pipe, each lot shall contain no more than 25
tappecl couplings for ex tra-stro ng and double extra-strong
tons [23 Mg] of pipe for pipe sizes NPS 1\/2 [DN 40] and
weig ht pipe. l f taper-tapped couplings are required for
sn1aller, and no more than 50 tons [45 Mg] of pipe for pipe
standard-weight p ipe srna lle r than NPS 2 1/2 [DN 65), it is
sizes larger than NPS I \/2 [DN 40]. For seamless and electric-
reconlmended that line pipe threads in accordance with API
resistance-welded pipe, a lot shall contain no more than one
Specification SB be ordered. The taper-tapped couplings pro-
heat, and at the option of the manufacnirer shall contain no
vided on line pipe in such s izes rnay be used on 1nill-threaded
more than 500 lengths of pipe (as initially cut after the final
standard-weight pipe of the san1e size.
pipe-forming operation, prior to any further cutting to the
required ordered lengths) or 50 tons [45 Mg] of pipe.
12. \Vorkmanship, Finish , and Appearance
13.2 The number of flattening tests for electric-resistru1ce-
12. l The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient num- welded pipe shall be in accordance with 7.3.3.? or,
ber of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable whichever is applicable.
assurance that they have been properly evaluated with respect
to depth. 13.3 Except as allowed by 9.2, each length of pipe shall be
subjected to the hydrostatic test (see Section 8).
12.2 Surface irnperfections that penetrate more than 12.5 %
of the specified wall thi ckness or encroach on the nlinin1um 14. Retests
wall thickness shall be considered defects. Pipe with defects 14. I Except for flattening tests of electric-resistance-welded
shall be given one or more of the following dispositions: pipe, if the results of a n1echanical test for a lot fail to conform
12.2.1 The defect shall be removed by grinding, provided to the applicable requirements specified in Section 7, the lot
that the reinaining wall thickness is within specified limits, shall be rejected unless tests of additional pipe fro1n the
12.2.2 Type S pipe and the parent n1etal of Type E pipe, affected lot of double the nun1ber originally tested are subse-
except within \/2 in . [ 13 n11n] of the fusion line of the quently made and each such !'est conforn1s to the specified
electric-resistance-weld sean1, are pennitted to be repaired in requirements. Only one retest' of any lot will be pennitted. Any
accordance w ith the welding provisions of 12.5. Repair weld- individual length of pipe that conforn1s to the test requirements
ing of Type P pipe and the weld sea1n of Type E pipe is is acceptable. Any individual length of p ipe that does not
prohibited . confonn to the test requiren1ents niay be resubntitted for test
12.2.3 The section of pipe containing the defect shall be cut and wi ll be considered acceptable if tests take n from each pipe
off within the lin1its of requirement on length, or rejected. end conforrn to the specified requi ren1ents.
12.3 At the purchaser's discretion, pipe shall be subjected to 14.2 Electric-Resistance-Welded Pipe Produced in Single
rejection if surface defects repaired in accordance with 12.2 are Lengths-l f any flattening test result fai Is to conform to the
not scattered, but appear over a large area in excess of what is requiren1ents specified in 7.3.3, the affected single length shall
considered a workmanlike finish. Disposition of such pipe shall be rejected unless the failed end is subsequently retested using
be a matter of agreement between the manufacn1rer and the the same weld orientation as the failed test and a satisfactory
purchaser. test result is obtained before the pipe's length is reduced by
12.4 For the ren1oval of imperfections and defects by such testing to less than 80 % of its length after the initial
grinding. a smooth curved surface shall be maintained, and the cropping.
wall thickness shall not be decreased below that pennitted by 14.3 Electric-Resistance-Welded Pipe Produced in Multiple
this specificat ion. lt shall be pern1issible to reduce the outside Lengths- lf any flattening test result fails to conform to the
diameter al the point of gri nding by the amount so removed. requirements specified in 7.3.3, the affected multiple length
12.5 Weld repair shall only be permined with the approval shall be rejected or flattening tests shall be made using a test
of the purchaser and in accordance with Specification A530/ specimen taken from each end of each individual length in the
A530M. failed multiple length. For each pipe end, such tests shall be
made with the weld alternately at 0° and 90° from the line of
12.6 The fini shed pipe shall be reasonably straight. direction of force. l ndividual lengths are considered acceptable
12.7 The pipe shall conta in no dents greater than I 0 % of if the test results for both pipe ends confonn to the specified
the pipe diarneter or 1/.i in. [6 mm], whichever is smaller, require rnents.
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~ A53/ A53M - 20
15. Test Methods by dividing the total weight (mass) of zinc on the given surface
15.1 The test speci111eus and the tests required by this (outside or inside) by the area of the surface coated (outside or
specification shall conform to those described in the latest issue inside).
of Test Methods and Definitions A370. 17.3 Weight (Mass) per Unit Area of Coating Test-The
15 .2 Each longitudinal tension test specin1en shall be taken weight (111ass) per unit area of zinc coating shall be deternuned
from a pipe end and shall not be flattened between the gage by stripping tests in accordance with Test Method A90/A90M.
marks. 17 .4 Test Speci111ens- Test speci m.e ns for detenni nation of
15.3 Test specimens for bend tests and flattening tests shall weight (111ass) per unit area of coating shall be cut approxi-
be taken frorn pipe. Test specimens for flattening tests shall be mately 4 in. (100 mm] in length.
smooth on the ends and free frorn burrs. 17 .5 Nuniber of Tests-Two test specimens for the determ.i-
15.4 Tests shall be conducted at room temperature. nation of weight (mass) per unit area of coating shall be taken,
one from each end of one length of galvanized pipe selected at
16. Lengths random from each lot of 500 lengths, or fraction thereof, of
each size.
16.1 Unless otherwise specified, pipe lengths shall be in
accordance with the following regular practices: 17 .6 Retests-If the weig ht (111ass) per unit area of coating
16.1.1 Except as allowed by 16. J.2 and 16. 1.4, pipe lighter o f any lot does not conforn1 to the require1nents specified in
than extra-strong weight shall be in single-rando111 lengths of 17 .2 , retests of two additional pipes fro111 the san1e lot shall be
16 to 22 ft [4.88 to 6.71111), with not 111ore than 5 o/o of the total 111ade, each of which shall confonn to the specified require-
nu111ber of threaded lengths fun1ished being jointers (two ments.
pieces coupled together). 17 .7 If pipe ordered under this specification is to be
16. l.2 For plain-end pipe lighter than extra-strong weight, it galvanized, the tension, flattening, and bend tests shall be made
shall be pen11issible for not 111ore than 5 % of the total nu1nber on the base material before galvanizing, if practicable. If
of pipe to be in lengths of 12 to 16 ft [3.66 to 4.88 111). specified, results of the m.e chan.ical tests on the base material
16.1.3 Pipe of extra-strong weight or heavier shall be in shall be reported to the purchaser. If it is impracticable to make
rando111 lengths of 12 to 22 ft (3.66 to 6.71 111), except that it the mechanical tests on the base material before galvanizing, it
shall be perrnissibl.e for not n1ore than 5 % of the total of pipe shall be permjssible to 1nake such tests on galvanized samples,
to be in lengths of 6 to 12 ft [1.83 to 3.66 111). and any flaking or cracking of the zinc coating shall not be
16.1.4 For extra-strong weight or lighter pipe ordered in considered cause for rejection. If galvanized pipe is bent or
double-random lengths, the rnini111um lengths shall be not le-s s otherwise fabricated to a degree that causes the zinc coating to
than 22 ft [6.71 111) and the 1nini111u111 average length for the stretch or compress beyond the limit of elasticity, some flaking
order shall be not less than 35 ft [10.67 111). of the coating is acceptable.
16.l.5 For pipe heavier than extra-strong weight ordered in
lengths longer than s ingle random, the lengths shall be as 18. Inspection
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 18.1 The inspector representing the purchaser shall have
16.l.6 If pipe is furnished threaded and coupled, the length entry, at all tin1es while work on the contract of the purchaser
shall be 111easured to the outer face of the coupling. is being perforn1ed, to all parts of the 111anufacturer's works
that concerD the n1anufacture of the pipe ordered. The 1nanu-
17. Galvanized Pipe
facturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities to be
17. l Galvanized pipe ordered under this specification shall satisfied that the pipe is being fun1ished in accordance with this
be coated with zinc inside and outside by the hot-dip process. specification. All tests (except product analysis) and inspectiou
The zinc used for the coating shall be any grade of zinc shall be 1nade at the place of n1anufacture prior to ship1nent,
confornung to Specification B6. The galvanized pipe shall be unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to
free fron1 uncoated areas, blisters, flux deposits, and gross interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works.
dross inclusions. Lu111ps, projections, globules, or heavy de-
posits of zinc which will interfere with the intended use of the 19. Rejection
111aterial will not be pennitted. 19.1 The purchaser is permitted to inspect each length of
17 .2 Weight (Mass) per Unit Area of Coating-The weight pipe received fro111 the manufacturer and, if it does not 1neet the
(mass) per unit area of zinc coating shall be not less than 1.8 requirements of this specification based upon the inspection
ozlft2 [0.55 kg/m 2 ) as detennined from the average results of and test method as outlined in the specification, the length shall
the two specimens taken for test in the manner prescribed in be rejected and the 1nanufacturer shall be notified. Disposition
17 .5 and not less than l.6 ozlft2 (0.49 kg/m2 ] for each of these of rejected pipe shall be a matter of agreement between the
specimens. The weight (mass) per unit area of coating, ex- manufacturer and the purchaser.
pressed in ounces per square foot (kilograms per square metre] 19.2 Pipe found in fabrication or .i n .installation to be
shall be calculated by dividing the total weight (mass) of zinc, unsuitable for the intended use, under the scope and require-
inside plus outside, by the total area, inside plus outside, of the ments of this specification, shal l be set aside and the 1nanufac-
surface coated. Each specimen shall have not less than 1.3 turer notified. Such pipe shall be subject to n1utual investiga-
ozlft2 (0.40 kg/m2 ] of zinc coating on each surface, calculated tion as to the nature and severity of the deficiency and the
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~ A53/A53M - 20
forming or installation, or both, conditions involved. Disposi- 21.3 Heat nun1ber, lot nu1nber, run nun1ber, or a comb.ina-
tion shall be a rnatter for agreement. tion thereof shall be marked at the option of the manufacturer,
unless specific marking is specified in the purchase order. The
20. Cct tificatio11 locano11 oi such n1adbng shall be at the opt1011 ol the
20.1 The manufacturer or supplier shall, upon request, manufacturer.
furnish to the purchaser a certificate of compliance stating that 21.4 Any additional information desired by the manufac-
the material has been rnanufactured, sampled, tested, and
turer or specified in the purchase order.
inspected in accordance with this specification (including
year-date), and has been found to meet the requirements. 21.5 For pipe NPS I 1/2 [DN 40] and sn1aller that is bundled.
it shall be permissible to mark the required infonnation on a tag
20.2 Test Report-For Types E and S, the 1nanufacturer or
securely attached to each bundle.
supplier shall furnish to the purchaser a che1nical analysis
report for the elements given in Table I . 2 l.6 If pipe sections are cut into shorter lengths by a
processor for resale as pipe, the processor shall transfer the
20.3 EDT-A certificate of compliance or test report printed
complete identification, including the name or brand of the
from, or used in, electronic form from an electronic data
1nanufacturer, to each un111arked cut length, or to 111etal tags
interchange (EDT) transmission shall be regarded as having the
securely attached to unmarked pipe bundled in accordance with
san1e validity as a counterpa11 printed in the ce11ifier's facility.
the requiren1ents of 2 l.5. The sa111e 1naterial designation shall
The use and format of the EDT document are subject to
be included with the infonnation transferred, and the proces-
agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer or
sor's narne, trademark, or brand shall be added.
21.7 Bar Coding-In addition to the require1nents in 21. J,
NOTB 7- EDI is the compmer to computer exchange of business
2 J.5, and 21.6, bar coding is acceptable as a supplen1entary
information in a s tandard format such as ANSI ASC X 12.
identification 1nethod. It is reconunended that bar coding be
20.4 Notwithstanding the absence of a signature, the orga- consistent with the Auto1notive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
nization sub1nitting the certificate of con1pliance or test report standard prepared by the Primary Metals Subconunittee of the
is responsible for its content. AIAG Bar Code Project Tean1.
21. Product Marking
22. Gover nment Procurement
21.l Except as allowed by 21.5 and 21.6, each length of
pipe shall be legibly 1narked in the following sequence to 22.1 If specified in the contract, the pipe shall be preserved,
show: packaged, and packed in accordance with the require1nents of
21.l.l Manufacturer's name or .mark, MJL-STD-163. The applicable levels shall be as specified in
21. l .2 Specification nu1nber (year-date not required), the contract. Marking for ship111ent of such pipe shall be in
accordance with Fed. Std. No. 123 for civil agencies and
Nor~ 8-Pipe that compl ies with multiple compatible specifications MJL-STD-129 or Fed. Std. No. 183 if continuous marking is
1nay be marked with the appropriate designation for each specification.
required, for nlilitary agencies.
21.1.3 Size (NPS and weight class, schedule number, or
specified wall thickness; or specified outside diameter and 22.2 Inspection-Unless otherwise specified in the contract,
specified wall thickness), the rnanufacturer is responsib le for the perforrnance of all
21.1.4 Grade (A or B), inspection and test requirem.e nts specified herein. Except as
21.1.5 Type of pipe (F, E, or S), otherwise specified in the contract, the n1anufacturer shall use
21.1.6 Test pressure, seamless pipe only (if applicable, in its own or any other suitable facilities for perforn1ing the
accordance with Table 4), inspection and test requiren1ents specified herein, unless oth-
21.1.7 Nondestructive electric test, seamless pipe only (if erwise disapproved by the purchaser in the contract or purchase
applicable, in accordance with Table 4), order. The purchaser shall have the right to perform any of the
inspections and tests set forth in this specification where
21.2 Unless another 111arking fonnat is specified in the deemed necessary to ensure that the pipe conforms to the
purchase order, length shall be 1narked in feet and tenths of a specified requiren1ents.
foot, or 1netres to two decin1al places, dependent upon the units
to which the pipe was ordered. The location of such 1narking 23. Packaging and Package Mar king
shall be at the option of the rnanufacturer.
23.1 If specified in the purchase order, packaging, marking,
TABLE 4 Marking of Seamless Pipe and loading for sh.ipn1ent shall be in accordance with those
Hydro NOE Marking
procedures recommended by Practices A 700.
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~ A53/A53M - 20
The following supplen1entary requirements shall apply only when specified in the purchase order.
The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test than is provided in the supplementary
requirement. Subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer, retest and retreatment
provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.
St . Flattening Test, Seamless Pipe S 1.4 Superficial ruptures as a result of surface imperfections
SI. l A test specirnen at least 21/2 in. [60 nun] in length shall shall not be cause for rejection.
be flattened cold between parall.el plates in two steps. During S l.5 For pipe with a D -to-t ratio less than l 0, because the
the first step, which is a test for ductility, except as allowed by strain in1posed due to geometry is unreasonably high on the
SI .3, S 1.4, and S 1.5, no cracks or breaks on the inside, outside, inside surface at the 6 and 12 o'clock locations, cracks at such
or e nd surfaces shall be present before the distance between the locations shall not be cause for rejection.
plates is less than the value of H calculated as follows: S 1.6 One test shall be 1nade on test speci1nens taken fro111
H = (1 +e)1!(e +1!D) one length of pipe from each lot of each size. A .lot shall
contain no more than one heat, and at the option of the
manufacturer shall contain no more than 500 lengths of pipe
H - distance between flattening plates, i.n. (min],
(as initially cut after the final pipe-forming operation, prior to
e - defonnation per unit length (constant for a given grade
of steel, 0.09 for Grade A, and 0.07 for Grade B), any further cutting to the required ordered lengths) or 50 tons
t - specified wall thickness, in. [n1n1), and [45 Mg] of pipe.
D - specified outside diameter, in. [mm] S 1.7 If the results of a test for a lot fail to conform to the
The H values have been calculated for standard-weight and applicable requirements, the lot shall be rejected unless tests of
extra-heavy weight pipe from NPS 21/2 to NPS 24 [DN 65 to additional pipe from the affected lot of double the number
DN 600], inclusive, and are given in Table X2. l. originally tested are subsequently n1ade and each such test
SI .2 During the second step, which is a test for soundness, confonns to the specified requirements. Only one retest of any
the flattening shall be continued until the test specirnen breaks lot will be permitted. Any individual length of pipe that
or the opposite sides of the test specin1en n1eet. Evidence of confonns to the test requirements is acceptable. Any individual
laminated or unsound material that is revealed during the entire length of pipe that does not confonn to the test requ iren1ents
flattening test shall be cause for rejection. may be resubmitted for test and will be considered acceptable
SI .3 Surface imperfections in the test specimen before if tests taken fro1n each pipe end conform to the specified
flattening, but revealed during the first step of the flattening requirements.
test, shall be judged in accordance with the finish requirernents
in Section 12.
(Nonmandatory Information)
Xl.l Type F, Furnace-Butt-Welded Pipe, Continuous- longitudinal butt joint wherein coalescence is produced by the
Welded Pipe-Pipe produced in multiple lengths from heat obtained from resistance of the pipe to the flow of electric
coiled skelp and subsequently cut into individual lengths, current in a circuit of which the pipe is a part, and by the
having its longitudinal butt joint forge welded by the mechani- application of pressure.
cal pressure developed in rolling the hot-formed skelp through
a set of round pass welding rolls. X l.3 Type S, Sea111less Pipe-Pipe made without a welded
seam. It is manufactured by hot working steel and, if necessary,
Xl.2 Type E, Electric-Resistance-Welded Pipe- Pipe pro-
by subsequently cold finishing the hot-worked tubular product
duced in single lengths, or in 1nultiple lengths fro1n coiled
to produce the desired shape, dimensions, and properties.
skelp and subsequently cut into individual lengths, having a
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University of Michigan (University of Michigan) pursuanr to License Agreement. No forther reproductions authorized.
~ A53/A53M - 20
4 100 4.500 (11 4.3) 0 .237 (6.02) 1.811 (46.0) 2.067 (52.5)
0 .337 (8.56) 2.228 (56.6) 2.489 (63.2)
20 500 20.000 (508) 0 .375 (9.52) 3. 758 (95.5) 4.521 (114 .8]
0.500 (12.70] 4.740 (120.4) 5.632 (143.1)
24 600 24.000 (610) 0 .375 (9.52) 3.869 (98.3] 4.686 (119 .0]
0500 (12.70) 4.918 (124.9) 5.890 (149.6)
A Special order only.
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE X2.2 Dimensions, Weights (Masses) per Unit Length, and Test Pressures for Plain-End Pipe
Specified Nominal Weight (Mass)
NPS DN Outside
Wall Thickness, per Unit Length, Plain Weight Class Schedule No. Test Pressure, A psi (kPa)
Designator Designator Diameter,
in. (mm) End, lb/ft (kg/m)
in. (mm]
Grade A Grade B
'I• 6 0.405 (10.3) 0.068 (1 .73) 0.24 (0.37) STD 40 700 (4800) 700 (4800)
0.095 (2.4 1) 0.31 (0.47) XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900)
11. 8 0.540 (13.7) 0.088 (2.24) 0.43 (0.63) STD 40 700 (4800) 700 (4800)
0.119 (3.02) 0.54 (0.80) XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900)
o/a 10 0.675 (17.1] 0.091 (2.3 1J 0.57 (0.84) STD 40 700 (4800) 700 (4800)
0. 126 (3.20) 0.74 (1 .10) XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900)
'h 15 0.840 (21.3) 0.1 09 (2.77] 0.85 (1.27] STD 40 700 (4800) 700 (4800)
0. 147 (3.73) 1.09 (1 .62) XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900)
0.1 88 (4.78) 1.31 (1.95) 160 900 (6200) 900 (6200)
0.294 (7.47) 1.72 (2.55) xxs 1000 (6900) 1000 (6900)
:y. 20 1.050 (26.7) 0.113 (2.87) 1. 13 (1.69) STD 40 700 (4800) 700 (4800)
0. 154 (3.91 J 1.48 (2.20) XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900)
0.2 19 (5.56) 1.95 (2.90) 160 950 (6500) 950 (6500)
0.308 (7.82) 2.44 (3.64) xxs 1000 (6900) 1000 (6900)
1 25 1.315 (33.4) 0.1 33 (3.38) 1.68 (2.50) STD 40 700 (4800) 700 (4800)
0. 179 (4.55) 2.17 (3.24) XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900)
0.250 (6.35) 2.85 (4.24) 160 950 (6500) 950 (6500)
0.358 (9.09) 3.66 (5.45) xxs 1000 (6900) 1000 (6900)
11A 32 1.660 (42.2) 0.140 (3.56) 2.27 (3.39) STD 40 1200 (8300) 1300 (9000)
0. 19 1 [4.85) 3.00 (4.47) XS 80 1800 (12 400) 1900 (13 100)
0.250 (6.35) 3.77 (5.61 J 160 1900(13 100) 2000 (13 800)
0.382 (9.70) 5.22 (7.77) xxs 2200 (15 200) 2300 (15 900)
1'h 40 1.900 (48.3) 0.145 (3.68) 2.72 (4.05) STD 40 1200 (8300) 1300 (9000)
0.200 (5.08) 3.63 (5.41 J XS 80 1800 (12 400) 1900 (13 100)
0.281 [7. 14) 4.86 (7.25) 160 1950 (13 400) 2050 (14 100)
0.400 (1 0.16) 6.41 (9.56) xxs 2200 [15 200) 2300 [15 900)
2 50 2.375 (60.3) 0.154 (3.91 ) 3.66 (5.44) STD 40 2300 (15 900) 2500 (17 200)
0.218 (5.54) 5.03 (7.48) XS 80 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.344 (8.74) 7.47 (1 1.11) 160 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.436 (11 .07) 9.04 (13.44) xxs 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
2'h 65 2.875 (73.0) 0.203 (5. 16) 5.80 (8.63) STD 40 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.276 (7.0 1) 7.67 (1 1.41) XS 80 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.375 (9.52) 10.02 (1 4. 90) 160 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.552 (14.02) 13.71 (20.39) xxs 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
3 80 3.500 (88.9) 0.1 25 (3. 18) 4.51 (6.72) 1290 (8900) 1500 (1000)
0.1 56 (3.96) 5.58 (8.29) 1600 (11 000) 1870 (12 900)
0. 188 (4.78) 6.66 (9.92) 1930 (13 330) 2260 (15 600)
0.216 (5.49) 7.58 (1 1.29) STD 40 2220 (15 300) 2500 (17 200)
0.250 (6.35) 8.69 (1 2.93) 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.281 (7. 14) 9.67 (14.40) 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.300 (7.62) 10.26 (1 5.27) XS 80 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.438 (11.13) 14.34 (21.35) 160 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.600 (1 5.24) 18.60 (27.68) xxs 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
3 'h 90 4.000 (10 1.6) 0.125 (3. 18) 5.18 (7.72) 1120 (7700) 1310 (19 000)
0. 156 (3.96) 6.41 (9.53) 1400 (6700) 1640 (11 300)
0.188 (4.78) 7.66 (1 1.41) 1690 (11 700) 1970 (13 600)
0.226 (5.74) 9.12 (1 3.57) STD 40 2030 (14 000) 2370 (16 300)
0 250 (6.35) 10.02 (1 4. 92) 2250 (15 500) 2500 (17 200)
0.281 (7. 14) 11.17 (1 6.63) 2500 (17 200) 2500 (17 200)
0.318 (8.08) 12.52 (18.63) XS 80 2800 (19 300) 2800 (19 300)
4 100 4.500 (114.3) 0.125 (3.1 8) 5.85 (8. 71) 1000 (6900) 1170 (8 100)
0.156 (3.96) 7.24 (1 0.78) 1250 (8600) 1460 (10 100)
0.188 (4.78) 8.67 (12.91) 1500 (10 300) 1750 (12 100)
0.2 19 (5.56) 10.02 (1 4.91) 1750 (12 100) 2040 (14 100)
0.237 (6.02) 10.80 (16.07) STD 40 1900 (13 100) 2210 (15 200)
0.250 (6.35) 11.36 (1 6.90) 2000 (13 800) 2330 (16 100)
0.281 (7.14) 12.67 (18.87) 2250 (15 100) 2620 (18 100)
0.312 (7.92) 13.97 (20. 78) 2500 (17 200) 2800 (19 300)
0.337 (8.56) 15.00 (22.32) XS 80 2700 (18 600) 2800 (19 300)
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE X2.2 Continued
Specified Nominal Weight (Mass)
NPS ON Outside
Wall Thickness, per Unit Length, Plain Weight Class Schedule No. Test Pressure.A psi [kPa)
Designator Designator Diameter,
in. [mm) End, lb/ft [kg/m)
in. [mm]
Grade A Grade B
0.438 (11 .13) 19.02 (28.32) 120 2800 (19 300) 2800 (19 300)
0.531 (13.49) 22.53 (33.54) 160 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
0.674 (17.12) 27.57 (41.03) XXS 2800 (19 300) 2800 (19 300)
5 125 5.563 (14 1.3) 0.1 56 (3.96) 9.02 (13.41) 10 10 (7000) 1180 [8100)
0. 188 (4.78) 10.80 (16.09) 1220 (8400) 1420 (9800)
0.2 19 (5.56) 12 .51 (18.61) 1420 (9800) 1650 [ 11 400)
0.258 (6.55) 14.63 (21. 77) STD 40 1670 [ 11 500) 1950 (13 400)
0.281 (7. 14) 15.87 (23.62) 1820(12 500) 2120 (14 600)
0.312 (7.92) 17.51 (26.05) 2020 (13 900) 2360 (16 300)
0.344 (8.74) 19.19 (28.57) 2230 (15 400) 2600 (17 900)
0.375 (9.52) 20.80 (30.94) XS 80 2430 (16 800) 2800 [19 300)
0.500 (12.70) 27 .06 (40.28) 120 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
0.625 (15.88) 32.99 (49. 11) 160 2800 (19 300) 2800 (19 300)
0.750 (19.05) 38.59 (57.43) XXS 2800 (19 300) 2800 (19 300)
6 150 6.625 (168.3) 0.188 (4.78) 12.94 (19 .27) 1020 (7000) 1190 (8200)
0.219 (5.56) 15.00 (22.31J 1190 [8200) 1390 (9600)
0.250 (6.35) 17.04 (25.36) 1360 (9400) 1580 (10 900)
0.280 (7.11) 18.99 (28.26) STD 40 1520 (10 500) 1780 (12 300)
0.312 (7.92) 21 .06 (31.32) 1700 (11 700) 1980 (13 700)
0.344 (8.74) 23.1 0 (34.39) 1870 (12 900) 2180 (15 000)
0.375 (9.52) 25.05 (37.28) 2040(14100) 2380 (16 400)
0.432 (10 .97) 28.60 (42.56) XS 80 2350 (16 200) 2740 (18 900)
0.562 (14.27) 36.43 (54.20) 120 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
0. 719 (18 .26) 45.39 (67.56) 160 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
0.864 (21.95) 53.2 1 (79.22) xxs 2800 [19 300) 2800 [19 300)
8 200 8.625 (2 19.1J 0.188 (4.78) 16 .96 (25.26) 780 (5400) 920 (6300)
0.203 (5.1 6) 18.28 (27.22) 850 [5900) 1000 (6900)
0.219 (5.56) 19.68 (29.28) 9 10 [6300) 1070 (7400)
0.250 (6.35) 22.38 (33.31J 20 1040 (7200) 1220 (8400)
0.277 (7.04) 24.72 (36.31) 30 1160 [7800) 1350 (9300)
0.312 (7.92) 27.73 (41.24) 1300 (9000) 1520 (10 500)
0.322 (8.1 8) 28.58 (42.55) STD 40 1340 (9200) 1570 (10 800)
0.344 (8.74) 30.45 (45.34) 1440 (9900) 1680 [ 11 600)
0.375 (9.52) 33.07 (49.20) 1570 (10 800) 1830 (12 600)
0.406 (10.31) 35.67 (53.08) 60 1700 (1 1 700) 2000 (13 800)
0.438 (11 .1 3) 38.33 (57.08) 1830 (12 600) 2130 (14 700)
0.500 (12.70) 43.43 (64.64) XS 80 2090 (14 400) 2430 (16 800)
0.594 (15.09) 51 .00 (75.92) 100 2500 [1 7 200) 2800 (19 300)
0.719 (18.26) 60.77 (90.44) 120 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 [19 300)
0.812 (20.62) 67.82 (100.92) 140 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
0.875 (22.22) 72.49 (107 .88) xxs 2800 [19 300) 2800 [19 300)
0.906 (23.01J 74.76 (1 11.27) 160 2800 (19 300) 2800 (19 300)
10 250 10.750 (273.0) 0. 188 (4.78) 21.23 (31 .62) ... 630 (4300) 730 [5000)
0.203 (5. 16) 22.89 (34.08) 680 [4700) 800 (5500)
0.2 19 (5.56) 24.65 (36.67) 730 (5000) 860 (5900)
0.250 (6.35) 28.06 (41. 75) 20 840 [5800) 980 (6800)
0.279 (7.09) 31 .23 (46.49) 930 [6400) 1090 (7500)
0.307 (7.80) 34.27 (51.01J 30 1030 (7100) 1200 (8300)
0.344 (8.74) 38.27 (56.96) 1150 [7900) 1340 (9200)
0.365 (9.27) 40.52 (60.29) STD 40 1220 (8400) 1430 (9900)
0.438 (11 .1 3) 48.28 (71.87) 1470(10100) 1710 [ 11 800)
0.500 (12 .70) 54.79 (81.52) XS 60 1670 (1 1 500) 1950 (13 400)
0 594 (15.09) 64.49 (95.97) 80 1990(13 700) 2320 (16 000)
0.719 (18 .26) 77.10 (1 14.70) 100 2410 [1 6 600) 2800 (19 300)
0.844 (2 1.44) 89.38 (133.00) 120 2800 (1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
1.000 (25.40) 104.23 (155.09) xxs 140 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
1.125 (28 .57) 115.75 (172.2 1) 160 2800 (1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
12 300 12. 750 (323.8) 0.203 (5. 16) 27.23 (40.55] 570 (3900) 670 [4600)
0.2 19 (5.56) 29.34 (43.63) 620 (4300) 720 (5000)
0.250 (6.35) 33.41 (49.71) 20 710 [4900) 820 (5700)
0.281 (7. 14) 37.46 (55.75) 790 [5400) 930 (6400)
0.312 (7.92) 4 1.48 (61.69) ". 880 (6100) 1030 (7 100)
0.330 (8.38) 43.8 1 (65. 18) 30 930 [6400) 1090 (7500)
0.344 (8.74) 45.62 (67.90) 970 (6700) 1130 [7800)
0.375 (9.52) 49.61 (73.78) STD 1060 (7300) 1240 (8500)
0.406 (10.31) 53.57 (79. 70) 40 1150 (7900) 1340 (9200)
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE X2.2 Continued
Specified Nominal Weight (Mass)
NPS ON Outside
Wall Thickness, per Unit Length, Plain Weight Class Schedule No. Test Pressure.A psi [kPa)
Designator Designator Diameter,
in. [mm) End, lb/ft [kg/m)
in. [mm]
Grade A Grade B
0.438 (11 .13) 57.65 (85.82) 1240 (8500J 1440 (9900J
0.500 (12.70) 65.48 (97.43) XS 1410 (9700J 1650 [11 400)
0.562 (14.27) 73.22 (108.92J 60 1590 (1 1 000) 1850 (12 800J
0.688 (17.48) 88.71 (132.04J 80 1940 [1 3 400J 2270 (15 700J
0.844 (21.44) 107.42 (159.86J 100 2390 [1 6 500) 2780 (19 200)
1.000 (25.40) 125.61 (186.91 J XXS 120 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
1.125 (28.57) 139.81 (208.00J 140 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 [19 300)
1.312 (33.32) 160.42 (238.68J 160 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300J
14 350 14.000 (355.6J 0.210 (5.33) 30.96 (46.04J 540 [3700J 630 [4300)
0.219 (5.56J 32.26 (47.99) 560 [3900) 660 (4500)
0.250 (6.35J 36.75 (54.69) 10 640 (4400) 750 [5200)
0.281 (7. 14J 41.21 (61.35) 720 [5000J 840 (5800)
0.312 (7.92J 45.65 (67.90) 20 800 [5500J 940 (6500J
0.344 (8.74J 50.22 (74.76) 880 [6100J 1030 (71 OOJ
0.375 (9.52J 54.62 (81.25J STD 30 960 [6600) 1120 [7700)
0.438 (11 .1 3) 63.50 (94.55) 40 1130 (7800) 1310 (9000)
0.469 (11 .91) 67.84 (100.94J 1210 (8300J 1410 (9700)
0.500 (12.70J 72.16 (107.39J XS 1290 (8900J 1500 (10 300J
0.594 (15.09) 85.1 3 (1 26.71J 60 1530 [1 0 500J 1790 (12 300)
0. 750 (19.05J 106.23 (158. 1OJ 80 1930 [1 3 300J 2250 (15 500)
0.938 (23.83) 130.98 (194.96J 100 2410 (1 6 600) 2800 (19 300)
1.094 (27.79J 150.93 (224.65J 120 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300J
1.250 (31 .75J 170.37 (253.56J 140 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300J
1.406 (35.71 J 189.29 (281 .?0J 160 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300)
2.000 (50.80J 256.56 (381.83J 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300J
2.125 (53.97) 269.76 (401.44J 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300)
2.200 (55.88J 277.51 (413.01 J 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300J
2.500 (63.50J 307.34 (457.40J 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300)
16 400 16.000 (406.4J 0.219 (5.56J 36.95 (54.96J 490 (3400J 570 [3900J
0.250 (6.35J 42.09 (62.64J 10 560 (3900) 660 (4500J
0.281 (7. 14J 47.22 (70.30J 630 [4300J 740 (5100)
0.312 (7.92J 52.32 (77.83J 20 700 [4800J 820 (5700J
0.344 (8.74J 57.57 (85.71J 770 [5300) 900 (6200)
0.375 (9.52J 62.64 (93.17) STD 30 840 [5800) 980 (6800)
0.438 (1 1.13J 72.86 (108.49J 990 (6800J 1150 (7900J
0.469 (11 .91J 77.87 (1 15.86J 1060 (7300J 1230 (8500J
0.500 (12.70) 82.85 (1 23.30J XS 40 1120 [7700J 1310 (9000)
0.656 (16.66) 107.60 (160.1 2J 60 1480 [1 0 200J 1720 (11 900J
0.844 (21 .44J 136.74 (203.53J 80 1900 (1 3100J 2220 (15 300)
1.031 (26.1 9) 164.98 (245.56J 100 2320 (1 6 000) 2710 (18 700)
1.219 (30.96J 192.61 (286.64J 120 2740 (1 8 900J 2800 (19 300)
1.438 (36.53J 223.85 (333.1 9J 140 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
1.594 (40.49J 245.48 (365.35J 160 2800 (1 9 300J 2800 (19 300)
18 450 18.000 (457J 0.250 (6.35J 47.44 (70.60) ... 10 500 [3400) 580 [4000J
0.281 (7.1 4J 53.23 (79.24J 560 [3900) 660 (4500)
0.31 2 (7.92J 58.99 (87.75J 20 620 [4300J 730 (5000)
0.344 (8.74J 64.93 (96.66J 690 [4800J 800 (5500J
0.375 (9.52J 70.65 (105. 1OJ STD 750 [5200) 880 (6100)
0 406 (10.31) 76.36 (1 13.62J 810 [5600J 950 (6500J
0.438 (11 .1 3J 82.23 (122.43J 30 880 [6100) 1020 (7000J
0.469 (11 .91J 87.89 (130.78J 940 (6500J 1090 (7500J
0.500 (12.70) 93.54 (139.20J XS 1000 (6900J 1170 [8100)
0.562 (14.27J 104.76 (155.87J 40 1120 (7700J 1310 (9000J
0.750 (19.05J 138.30 (205.83J 60 1500 [1 0 300J 1750 (12 100)
0.938 (23.83) 171.08 (254.671 80 1880 11 3 OOOJ 2190 (15 100)
1.156 (29.36) 208.15 (309.76J 100 2310 (1 5 900) 2700 [18 600)
1.375 (34.921 244.37 (363.64J 120 2750 11 9 000) 2800 (19 3001
1.562 (39.67) 274.48 (408.45J 140 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 [19 300)
1 781 (45.24) 308.79 (459.59J 160 2800 [1 9 300J 2800 (19 300)
20 500 20.000 (508J 0.250 (6.35J 52.78 (78.55) 10 450 (3100) 520 (3600(
0.281 (7. 14J 59.23 (88.19J 510 [3500J 590 (4100J
0.312 (7.92J 65.66 (97.67J 560 [3900J 660 (4500J
0.344 (8.74J 72.28 (107.60J 620 [4300J 720 (5000J
0.375 (9.52J 78.67 (1 17.02J STD 20 680 [4700J 790 (5400J
0.406 (10.31J 84.04 (126.53J 730 [5000J 850 (5900J
0.438 (11 .1 3J 91 .59 (136.371 790 15400) 920 (6300)
0.469 (11 .91J 97.92 (1 45.70J 850 (5900J 950 (6500J
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE X2.2 Continued
Specified Nominal Weight (Mass)
NPS ON Outside
Wall Thickness, per Unit Length, Plain Weight Class Schedule No. Test Pressure.A psi [kPa)
Designator Designator Diameter,
in. [mm) End, lb/ft [kg/m)
in. [mm]
Grade A Grade B
0.500 (12.70) 104.23 (155. 12) XS 30 900 [6200) 1050 (7200)
0.594 (15.09) 123.23 (183.42) 40 1170 [8100) 1250 (8600)
0.812 (20.62) 166.56 (247.83) 60 1460 (1 0100) 171 0 [11 800)
1.031 (26.19) 209.06 (311.17) 80 1860 [1 2 800) 2170 (15 000)
1 281 (32.54) 256.34 (381 .53) 100 2310 [1 5 900) 2690 (18 500)
1.500 (38.1 OJ 296.65 (44 1.49) 120 2700 [1 8 600) 2800 (19 300)
1. 750 (44.45) 341.41 (508. 11) 140 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 [19 300)
1.969 (50.01 J 379.53 (564.81 ) 160 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
24 600 24.000 [610) 0.250 (6.35) 63.47 (94.46) 10 380 [2600) 440 [3000)
0.281 (7. 14) 71.25 (106.08) 420 [2900) 490 (3400)
0.31 2 (7.92) 79.01 (1 17.51 ) 470 (3200) 550 (3800)
0.344 (8.74) 86.99 (129.50) 520 [3600) 600 (4 100)
0.375 (9.52) 94.71 (140.88) STD 20 560 [3900) 660 (4500)
0.406 (10.31) 102.40 (152.37) 610 [4200) 710 (4900)
0.438 (11 .1 3) 110.32 (164.26) 660 [4500) 770 (5300)
0.469 (11 .9 1) 117.98 (1 75.54) 700 (4800) 820 (5700)
0.500 (12.70) 125.61 (186.94) XS 750 [5200) 880 (6100)
0.562 (14 .27) 140.8 1 (209.50) 30 840 [5800) 980 [6800)
0.688 (17.48) 17 1.45 (255.24) 40 1030 (7100) 1200 (8300)
0.938 (23.83) 231 .25 (344.23) 14 10 (9700) 1640 (11 300)
o.969 (24 .61J 238 .57 (355.02) 60 1450 (1 0 000) 1700 [ 11 700)
1.219 (30.96) 296.86 (44 1.78) 80 1830 [1 2 600) 2130 (14 700)
1.531 (38.89) 367.74 (547.33) 100 2300 [1 5 900) 2680 (18 500)
1.812 (46.02) 429.79 (639.58) 120 2720 [1 8 800) 2800 (19 300)
2.062 (52.37) 483.57 (719.63) 140 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
2.344 (59.54) 542 .64 (807.63) 160 2800 [1 9 300) 2800 (19 300)
26 650 26.000 (660) 0.250 (6.35) 68.82 (102.42) 350 [2400) 400 [2800)
0.281 (7.1 4) 77.26 (1 15.02) 390 [2700) 450 (3100)
0.312 (7.92) 85.68 (127.43) 10 430 [3000) 500 (3400)
0.344 (8.74) 94.35 (140.45) 480 (3300) 560 (3900)
0.375 (9.52) 102.72 (152.80) STD 520 [3600) 610 (4200)
0.406 (10 .3 1) 111.08 (165.28) 560 [3900) 660 (4500)
0.438 (11 .1 3) 119.69 (178.20) 610 [4200) 710 (4900)
0.469 (11 .9 1) 128.00 (190.46) 650 [4500) 760 (5200)
0.500 (12 .70) 136.30 (202.85) XS 20 690 (4800) 810 (5600)
0.562 (14 .27) 152.83 (227.37) 780 [5400) 910 (6300)
A The minimum test pressure for outside diameters and wall thicknesses not listed shall be computed by the formula given below. The computed test pressure shall be
used in all cases, except as follows:
( 1) For specified wall thicknesses greater than the heaviest specified wall thickness listed in this table for the applicable specified outside diameter, the test pressure
shall be the highest value listed for the applicable specified outside diameter and grade.
(2) For pipe smaller than NPS 2 [ON 50) with a specified wall thickness less than the lightest specified wall thickness listed in this table for the applicable specified outside
diameter and grade.
(3) For all sizes of Grade A and B pipe smaller than NPS 2 [ON 50), the test pressures were assigned arbitrarily. Test pressures for intermediate specified outside
diameters need not exceed those given in this table for the next larger listed siz e.
P = 2$dD
P = minimum hydrostatic test pressure, psi (kPa),
S = 0.60 times the specified minimum yield strength, psi [kPa],
t = specified wall thickness, in. (mm), and
D = specified outside diameter, in. [mm).
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE X2 .3 Dimensions, Weights (Masses) per Unit Length, and Test Pressures for Threaded and Coupled Pipe
Nominal Weight
Specified (Mass) per Unit
NPS DN Outside Weight Schedule
Wall Thickness, Length, Threaded Test Pressure, psi [kPa]
Designator Designator Diameter, Class No.
in. (mm] and Coupled, lb/ft
in. [mm]
Grade A Grade B
1f4 8 0 540 (13.7] 0.088 [2.24) 0 43 (0.63) STD 40 700 [4800) 700 (4800)
0.119 (3.02) 0.54 [0.80) XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900]
% 10 0675 (17.1 ) o.091 12.31 J 0.57 [0.84) STD 40 700 [4800) 700 (4800)
0.126 (3.20) 0.74 [ 1.10] XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900]
'h 15 0.840 (21.3] 0.1 09 (2.77) 0.86 [ 1.27] STD 40 700 (4800) 700 (4800]
0.1 47 (3.73) 1.09 [ 1.62] XS 80 850 (5900) 850 (5900]
0.294 (7.47) 1. 72 (2.54) xxs 1000 [6900) 1000 [6900)
3.t.. 20 1.050 [26.7) 0.113 (2.87) 1.14 (1.69) STD 40 700 [4800) 700 [4800)
0.154 (3.91) 1.48 [2.21) XS 80 850 [5900) 850 [5900)
0.308 [7.82) 2.45 [3.64) xxs 1000 (6900) 1000 (6900)
1 25 1.315 (33.4) 0.1 33 [3.38) 1.69 [2.50) STD 40 700 (4800) 700 [4800)
0.1 79 (4.55) 2. 19 [3.25) XS 80 850 [5900) 850 (5900)
0.358 (9.09) 3.66 [5.45] XXS 1000 (6900) 1000 (6900]
11/4 32 1 660 (42.2) 0.140 [3.56) 2 28 [3.40) STD 40 1000 (6900) 1100 [7600)
0.1 91 (4.85) 3.03 [4.49] XS 80 1500 (10 300] 1600 (11 000)
0.382 [9.70) 5.23 [7.76) xxs 1800 [12 400) 1900 (1 3 100)
11h 40 1.900 (48.3] 0.145 (3.68) 2. 74 [4.04] STD 40 1000 (6900) 1100 (7600]
0.200 (5.08) 3.65 [5.39) XS 80 1500 (10 300) 1600 (11 000)
0.400(10.16) 6.41 [9.56) xxs 1800 [12 400) 1900 (1 3 100)
2 50 2.375 (60.3) 0.154 (3.91) 3.68 (5.46) STD 40 2300 (15 900) 2500 (1 7 200)
0.218 (5.54) 5.08 [7.55) XS 80 2500 (17 200) 2500 [ 17 200)
0.436 (11.07] 9.06 [ 13.44] xxs 2500 (17 200] 2500 (1 7 200)
2 1h 65 2.875 (73.0) 0.203 (5.16) 585 (8.67] STD 40 2500 (17 200) 2500 [ 17 200)
0.276 (7 .01 I 7. 75 [ 11.52] XS 80 2500 (17 200] 2500 (1 7 200)
0.552 (14.02) 13. 72 [20.39] XXS 2500 (17 200] 2500 (1 7 200)
3 80 3.500 (88.9] 0.216 (5.49) 7.68 [ 11.35) STD 40 2200 (15 200] 2500 (1 7 200)
0.300 (7 .62) 10.35 [ 15.39] XS 80 2500 (17 200] 2500 (1 7 200)
0.600 [ 15.24) 18.60 [27.66) xxs 2500 [17 200) 2500 [17 200)
3 'h 90 4.000 [ 101 .6) 0.226 [5.74) 9.27 [ 13.7 1) STD 40 2000 (13 800) 2400 [1 6 500)
0.318 [8.08) 12. 67 [18.82) XS 80 2800 (19 300) 2800 [1 9 300)
4 100 4.500 [1 14.3) 0.237 [6.02) 10.92 [ 16.23) STD 40 1900 [13 100) 2200 [ 15 200)
0.337 (8.56) 15 20 [22.60) XS 80 2700 (18 600) 2800 [1 9 300)
0.674 (17.12) 27.62 [41.09] XXS 2800 (19 300] 2800 (1 9 300)
5 125 5.563 (1 4 1.3) 0.258 (6.55) 14.90 [22.07] STD 40 1700 (11 700] 1900 (1 3 100)
0.375 (9.52) 21.04 [31.42] XS 80 2400 (16 500] 2800 (1 9 300)
0.750 (19.05) 38.63 [57.53) xxs 2800 (19 300) 2800 [1 9 300)
6 150 6.625 (1 68.3) 0.280(7.11) 19.34 [28.58) STD 40 1500 (10 300) 1800 (1 2 400)
0.432 (10.97] 28.88 (43.05) XS 80 2300 (15 900) 2700 (1 8 600)
0.864 (21 .95) 53. 19 [79.1 8) XXS 2800 (19 300) 2800 [1 9 300)
8 200 8.625 (2 19.1J 0.277 [7.04) 25.53 [38.07) 30 1200 (8300) 1300 (9000)
0.322 (8.18) 29.35 (43.73) STD 40 1300 (9000) 1600 [11 000)
0.500 (12.70) 44.00 [65.41] XS 80 2100 (14 500] 2400 (1 6 500)
0.875 (22.22) 72.69 (107.94) xxs 2800 (19 300) 2800 [1 9 300)
10 250 10.750 (273.0) 0.279 (7 .09) 32.33 [48.80] 950 (6500) 1100 (7600]
0.307 (7.80) 35.33 (53.27) 30 1000 (6900) 1200 (8300)
0.365 [9.27) 4 1.49 [63.36) STD 40 1200 (8300) 1400 [9700)
0.500 (12.70) 55.55 [83.1 7) XS 60 1700 (11 700) 2000 [ 13 800)
12 300 12. 750 (323.8) 0.330 [8.38) 45.47 [67.72) 30 950 (6500) 1100 [7600)
0.375 (9.52) 51 28 [76.21 ) STD 1100 (7600) 1200 [8300)
0.500 (12.70] 66.91 [99.4] XS 1400 (9700) 1600 (11 000)
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE X2.4 Table of Minimum Permissible Wall Thicknesses on Inspection for Pipe Specified Wall Thicknesses
NOTE I - The following equation, upon which this table is based, shall be applied to calculate minimum permissible wall thickness from specified wall
r., X 0.875 = I,,.
r., specified wall thickness, in. f1n1n], and
t,,, = minimum permissible wall thickness, in. [mm] .
The wall thickness is expressed to three [l\vo] decimal places, the fourth [third] decimal place being canied forward or dropped in accordance \Vith
Practice E29.
NOTE 2- This table is a 1naster table covering wall thicknesses available in the purchase of different classifications of pipe, but it is not 1neant to imply
that all of the \Valls listed therein are obtainable under this spec ification.
Specified Wall Minimum Specified Wall Minimum Specified Wall Minimum
Thickness (IJ, Permissible Wall Thickness (15 ), Permissible Wall Thickness (15 ), Permissible Wall
in. [mm] Thickness on in. (mm] Thickness on in. [mm] Thickness on
Inspection (Im), Inspection Uml. Inspection Um),
in. [mm) in. (mm) in. [mm)
0 .068 (1.73) 0.060 (1.52) 0.294 (7.47) 0.257 (6.53) 0.750 (19.05) 0.656 (16.66)
0.088 (2.24) 0 077 (1.96) 0.300 (7 .62) 0 262 (6.65) 0.812 (20.62) 0 7 10 (18.03)
0.091 (2.3 1 J 0.080 (2.03] 0.307 (7.80) 0.269 (6.83) 0.844 (21.44) 0.739 (18.77)
0 .095 (2.4 1) 0.083 (2.11) 0.308 (7.82) 0.270 (6.86) 0 .864 (21.94) 0.756 (19.20)
0 .109 (2.77) 0.095 12.41 I 0.312 (7.92) 0.273 (6.93) 0.875 (22.22) 0.766 (19.46)
0. 113 (2.87) 0 099 (2.51 ) 0.318 (8.08) 0.278 (7 .06) 0.906 (23.01) 0 793 (20.14)
0.119 (3.02) 0. 104 (2.64] 0.322 (8.18) 0 .282 (7.16) 0.938 (23.82] 0.821 (20.85)
0 .125 (3.18) 0.109 (2.77) 0.330 (8.38) 0.289 (7.34) 0.968 (24.59) 0.847 (21 .51)
0. 126 (3.20) 0.1 10 (2.79) 0.337 (8.56) 0.295 (7.49) 1.000 (25.40) 0.875 (22.22)
0 .133 (3 .38) 0 .116 (2.95) 0.343 (8. 71) 0.300 (7.62) 1.031 (26. 19] 0.902 (22.91)
0 .140 (3 .56) 0. 122 (3. 10) 0.344 (8.74) 0.301 (7.65] 1.062 (26.97] 0.929 (26.30)
0 .145 (3 .68) 0. 127 (3.23) 0.358 (9.09) 0.313 (7.95) 1.094 (27.79) 0.957 (24.31)
0. 147 [3 .73) 0. 129 (3.28) 0.365 (9.27) 0.319 (8.10] 1. 125 (28.58) 0.984 [24.99)
0 .154 (3 .9 1) 0.1 35 (3.43) 0.375 (9.52) 0.328 (8 .33) 1.156 (29.36) 1.012 (25.70)
0. 156 (3.96) 0 136 (3.45) 0.382 (9.70) 0.334 (8.48) 1.219 (30.96) 1 067 (27.08)
0. 179 (4.55) 0.157 (3.99) 0.400 (10.1 6) 0.350 (8.89) 1.250 (31 .75) 1 094 (27. 79)
0 .187 [4.75) 0. 164 [4.17] 0.406 [1 0.31 ] 0.355 [9.02] 1.281 (32.54] 1.121 [28.47]
0 .188 [4. 78) 0. 164 (4. 17) 0.432 (10.97) 0.378 (9.60) 1.312 (33.32) 1.148 (29.16)
0. 191 (4.85) 0 167 (4.24) 0.436 (11 .07) 0.382 (9.70) 1343 (34.11) 1 175 (29.85)
0 .200 (5.08) 0. 175 (4.44] 0.437 (11 . 1OJ 0.382 (9.70) 1.375 (34.92) 1.203 (30.56)
0 .203 (5.16) 0.1 78 (4.52) 0.438 (11 . 13) 0.383 [9.73] 1.406 135.71 J 1.230 [31.24)
0 .216 [5.49) 0. 189 (4.80) 0.500 [1 2.70) 0 .438 (11. 13) 1.438 (36.53] 1.258 (31.95)
0 .218 [5.54) 0. 191 [4.85) 0.531 [1 3.49] 0 .465 (11.81 ) 1.500 (38.10) 1.312 [33.32)
0 .219 (5.56) 0. 192 (4.88) 0.552 (1 4.02) 0.483 (12.27) 1.531 (38.89] 1.340 (34.04)
0 .226 (5.74) 0.1 98 (5.03) 0.562 (14.27) 0.492 (12.50) 1.562 (39.67] 1.367 (34. 72)
0 .237 (6.02) 0.207 (5.26) 0.594 (15.09) 0.520 (1 3.21 ) 1.594 (40.49) 1.395 (35.43)
0.250 (6.35) 0 2 19 (5.56) 0.600 (1 5.24) 0.525 (1 3.34) 1.750 (44.45) 1 531 (38.89)
0 .258 (6.55) 0.226 (5.74) 0.625 (1 5.88) 0.547 (1 3.89) 1.781 (45.24) 1.558 (39.57)
0 .276 (7.0 1) 0.242 (6.15) 0.656 (16.66) 0.574 (14.58) 1.812 (46.02) 1.586 (40.28)
0 .277 [7 .04) 0.242 [6.15] 0.674 [1 7. 12) 0.590 [ 14.99) 1.968 (49.99) 1.722 [43.74)
0.279 [7.09) 0 244 (6.20) 0.688 (17.48) 0.602 (1 5.29) 2.062 (52.37) 1 804 (45.82)
0.280 (7.1 1) 0.245 (6.22) 0.719 (1 8.26) 0.629 (15.98) 2 .344 (59.54) 2.051 (52.1 OJ
0.281 (7.1 4) 0 246 (6.25)
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~ A53/ A53M - 20
- - - - - N~ ------+-A
FIG. X3.1 Dimensions of Hand Tight Assembly f or Use with Table X3.1
TABLE X3. 1 B asic Threading Data for Standard -Weig ht Pipe, NPS 6 [ON 150] or Sm aller
Nc:ne I-All dimensions in ch is table are nominal and subject to mill tolerances.
NOTB 2-The caper of threads is 3/4 in.Jfc [62.5 mm/m] on the diameter.
Pipe Threads Coupling
NPS DN Specified Number per End of Pipe to Effective Total Pitch Diameter Specified Length, Hand Tight
Designator Designator Outside inch Hand Tight Plane, Length, Length, in. [mm) at Hand Outside min., in. [mm] Stand-Off
Diameter, in. [mm) in. [mm) Tight Plane, Diameter, (Number of
in. [mm) in. (mm) in. (mm] Threads)
D L, Lz L. E, w NL A
v. 6 0.405 (10.3) 27 0.1615 (4.102 1) 0.2638 0.3924 0.37360 0.563 [ 14.3) :v. (19) 4
[6.7005) (9.9670) (9.48944)
y, 8 0.540 (13.7] 18 0.2278 (5.7861 ) 0.4018 0.5946 0.49163 0.719 [1 8.3) 1 Ya (29) 5 !12
(1 0.2057) (15.1028) (12.48740)
o/s 10 0.675 (17.1) 18 0.240 (6.096) 0.4078 0.6006 0.62701 0.875 (22.2] 1Ya (29) 5
(10.3581) (15.2552) (15.92605)
1/2 15 0.840 (21.3) 14 0.320 (8.128) 0.5337 0.7815 0.77843 1.063 (27.0] 1'h (38) 5
(13.5560) (19 .8501) (19.77212)
:y. 20 1.050 (26.7) 14 0.339 (8 .611) 0.5457 0.7935 0.98887 1.31 3 (33.4) 1•1.. (40) 5
[ 13.8608) (20.1549) [25.1 1730)
1 25 1.315 (33.4) 11'h 0.400 (10.160) 0.6828 0.9845 1.23863 1.576 (40.0) 1 "¥1• (49) 5
(17.3431) (25.0063) (31.46120)
114 32 1.660 (42.2) 11 'h 0 .420 [10.668) 0 .7068 1.0085 1.58338 1.900 [48.3) 2 (50) 5
(17.9527) (25.6159) (40.21785)
1 'h 40 1.900 (48.3) 11'h 0.420 (10.668) 0.7235 1.0252 1.82234 2.200 (55.9) 2 (50) 51/2
(18.3769) 126.040 1I (46.28744)
2 50 2.375 (60.3) 11'h 0.436 (11.074) 0.7565 1.0582 2.29627 2. 750 (69.8) 211•• (52( 51/2
[19.2151) (26.8783) [58.32526)
2'h 65 2.875 (73.0) 8 0.682 (1 7 .323) 1.1376 1.5712 2.762 16 3.250 (82.5) 31/1 • (78) 51/2
[28.8950) (39.9085) (70.15886)
3 80 3.500 (88.9) 8 0.766 (19.456) 1.2000 1.6337 3.38850 4.000 (101.6) 33/10 (81) 51/2
(30.4800( (4 1.4960) (86.06790)
3 'h 90 4.000 (101.6) 8 0.821 (20.853) 1.2500 1.6837 3.88881 4 .625 (1 17.5] 36/10 (84) 51/2
(31.7500) (42.7660) [98.775n)
4 100 4.500 (114 .3) 8 0.844 (21.438) 1.3000 1.7337 4.38713 5.000 (127.0) 37/15 (87) 5
(33.0200) (44.0360) (111 .4331OJ
5 125 5.563 [141.3) 8 0.937 [23.800) 1 4063 1 8400 5.44929 6.296 (159.9) 3 11/ 15 (94) 5
(35.7200) (46.7360] I138.4 12001
6 150 6.625 (168.3) 8 0.958 (24.333) 1.5125 1.9462 6.50597 7.390 (187.7] 3 16/io (100) 6
(38.4175) [49.4335) (165.25 164)
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~ A53/A53M - 20
i-- - - - Nt- - - - -- •A
t--- t.. - - 0
FIG. X3.2 Dimensions of Hand Tight Assembly for Use with Table X3.2
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TABLE X3.2 Basic Threading Data for Standard-Weight Pipe, NPS 8 (ON 200] or Larger, and all Sizes of Extra-Strong and
Double-Extra-Strong Weight Pipe
0 ~ NOTE I-The taper of threads is ·Y. in. /ft [62.5 mm/ m] on the diameter.
" Pipe Threads Coupling
~ !:'c.'.
'O NPS ON Specified Num- End of Effective Total Pitch Specified Length, Hand nght
~ "'
~ Desig- Desig- Outside ber Pipe to Length , Length, Diameter Outside min, Stand-Off
~ =- nator nator Diameter, per Hand Tight in. [mm) in. [mm) at Hand Diameter, in . [mm) (Number
-"' "'
in. [mm] Inch Plane, Tight Plane, in. [mm] of
0 s:,;,. in. [mm) in. [mm) Threads)
g· 0 D L, L2 L• E, w NL
(17.1 )
(2 1.3)
0. 1615
(8.1 28)
(1 0.3581 J
[1 3.5560)
0 .3924
0.78 15
(15. 1028)
(1 5.2552)
[1 9.850 1)
0.491 63
[ 12.48740)
[ 19.772 12)
(4 1)
(4 1)
3 0 U'I
"'",.- o/4 20 1.050 (26.7) 141h 0.339 (8.611J 0.5457 (13.8608) 0.7935 (20.1549) 0.98887 (25.1 1730) 1.313 (33.4) 21/e (54) 3
0 1
[10. 160)
0 .9845
(3 1.46120)
(40.2 1785)
~ 11/2 40 1.900 (48.3) 111/2 0.420 (1 0.668) 0.7235 (18 .3769) 1.0252 (26.0401) 1.82234 (46.28744) 2.200 (55.9) 2¥· (70) 3 (,.)
2 50 2.375 (60.3) 11 112 0.436 (11.074) 0.7565 (19.215 1) 1.0582 (26.8783) 2.29627 (58.32526) 2.875 (73.0) 2v. (73) 3 3:
21/2 65 2.875 (73.0) 8 0.682 (17.323) 1.1375 (28.8950) 1.5712 [39.9085) 2.76216 (70. 15886) 3375 (85.7) 41/s (105) 2
~ 3 80 3.500 (88.9) 8 0.766 [19.456) 1.2000 (30.4800) 1.6337 (41.4960) 3.38850 (86.06790) 4.000 [1 0 1.6) 4V.. (108) 2 N
~ 3 1/2 90 4 000 (10 1.6) 8 0.821 [20.853) 1.2500 (3 1.7500) 16837 [42.7660) 3.88881 (98.77577) 4.625 (117.5) 4o/e (111) 2 0
-.,<"'» 4
(1 14.3)
(1 4 1.3)
(2 1.438)
(1 32.1)
"' 6 150 6.625 (168.3) 8 0.958 (24.333) 1.5125 [38.4175) 1.9462 (49.4335) 6.50597 (165.25164) 7390 (187.7) 4'/e (124) 2
E 8 200 8.625 (219. 1) 8 1.063 [27.000) 1.7125 (43.4975) 2 .1462 (54.5135) 8.50003 (215.90076) 9.625 (244.5) 5'/. (133) 2
~. 10 250 10.750 (273.0) 8 1.2 10 (30.734) 1.9250 [48.8950) 2.3587 (59.911OJ 10.62094 (269.77 188) 11.750 (298.4) sy. (146) 2
12 300 12.750 (323.8) 8 1.360 (34.544) 2.1250 [53.9750) 2.5587 [64.9910) 12.61781 (320.49237] 14.000 (355.6) 6'/e (156) 2
14 350 14.000 (355.6) 8 1.562 [39.675) 2 .2500 (57. 1500) 2.6837 [68. 1660) 13.87263 (352.36480) 15.000 (381.0) 6'¥e (162) 2
16 400 16.000 (406.4) 8 1.812 (46.025) 2.4500 (62.2300) 2.8837 (73.2460) 15.87575 (403.24405) 17.000 (432) 6% (171] 2
18 450 18.000 (457) 8 2.000 [50.800) 2.6500 [67.3100) 3.0837 (78.3260) 17.87500 (454.02500) 19.000 (483) 71/e 1101 I 2
20 500 20.000 (508) 8 2.125 (53.975) 2.8500 (72.3900) 3.2837 (83.4060) 19.87031 (504. 70587] 21.000 (533) 7'5/s (194) 2
~ A53/A53M - 20
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~ A53/A53M - 20
TABLE X4.1 Continued
Specified Wall Thickness, in . Elongation in 2 in., min, 0/o
Tension Test Specimen Specified Minimum Tensile Strength, psi
Area, A, in. 2
o/•·in . 1-in. 1 'h-in.
Specimen Specimen Specimen 48 000 60 000
0 .14 0. 180-0. 193 0.135-0.145 0.091-0.096 26 21
0 .13 0.1 67-0. 179 0.126-0.134 0.084-0.090 25 21
0 .12 0. 154-0. 166 0. 115-0.125 0.077-0.083 25 20
0. 11 0. 14 1-0. 153 0. 106-0.1 14 0.071-0.076 25 20
0 .10 0. 127-0. 140 0.095-0.1OS 0.064-0.070 24 20
0 .09 0 .114-0.126 0.086-0.094 0.057-0.063 24 19
0.08 0 .100-0.113 0.075-0.085 0.050-0.056 23 19
0 .07 0.087-0.099 0.066-0.074 0.044-0.049 22 18
0.06 0.074-0.086 0.055-0.065 0.037--0 043 22 18
0 .05 0.061--0.073 0.046-0.054 0.031--0.036 21 17
0 .04 0.047-0.060 0.035-0.045 0.024-0.030 20 16
0.03 0 034--0.046 0.026-0.034 0.01 7--0.023 19 16
0 .02 0.020-0.033 0.0 15-0.025 0.010-0.0 16 17 14
0.0 1 and 0.019 and 0.014 and 0.009 and 15 12
less less less less
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~ A53/A53M - 20
CoITTinittee AO! has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A53/A53M- 18, that 1nay i1npact the use of this specification. (Approved July I, 2020)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed evel)I five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either tor revision of this standard or tor additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM lntemational Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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