Quiz OS

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Operating System

5 Quiz: Each has 2 marks

(from 09 to 21st January)

• Quiz:1- Lecture-01 to Lecture-03

• Quiz:2- Lecture-04 to Lecture-07
• Quiz:3- Lecture-10 to Lecture-12
• Quiz:4- Lecture-13 to Lecture-17
• Quiz:5- Lecture-19 to Lecture-23
Unit- I
Lecture-01 Lecture-04
What is Operating System? What is Life Cycle of a Process?
What are the four main purposes of an operating system? What are the different process states?
How have Operating systems been evolving through the years? What is a scheduler and its criteria?
What are the types of Operating System? What is NOS? Mention two disadvantages of SJF and FCFS scheduling
Describe the objective of multiprogramming. How is it different algorithms.
from multitasking? Write the important notes of Round-Robin (RR) scheduling
What is difference between Soft Real Time and Hard Real Time with increasing value of time quantum.
Operating Systems? What is convoy effect?
Write down the differences between long term scheduler,
What are the main Operating System Components (Concepts)? medium-term scheduler and short-term scheduler.
What are the Operating system services for process management? Lecture-05
How many types of Structures for developing an Operating System? Why and how do we predict burst time in SJF?
Lecture-03 Why do we draw Gantt chart and find average waiting and
Explain process, process control block and threads?
turnaround time?
What resources are used when a thread is created? How do they Lecture-06
differ from those used when a process is created? Explain Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) algorithm.
Explain the use of system call in Operating Systems. Why are we using Priority Scheduling algorithm?
Explain the use of fork() system call. Lecture-07
What is Kernel? List the services provided by an operating system. Explain how
What is the meaning of Spooling? each provides convenience to the users.
What is Multithreading Model?
Unit- II
What is the bounded-buffer problem? Write the solution
What is a critical-section problem and what for the producer and consumer process of process
are the requirements which satisfy the synchronization using semaphore.
solutions to the critical-section problem? Using semaphore, write a solution to reader and writers
What is Inter-process Communication and problem.
Process Synchronization? State and explain the Dining-Philosophers Problem
What is the Race condition?
What is Condition Variable in a monitor?
Define how Peterson’s solution solves the Explain actions on a Condition Variable in a monitor.
How is a monitor different from Semaphores?
Describe how the test_and_set () instruction
can be used to provide mutual exclusion that Write the monitor solution to Dining-Philosophers
satisfies the bounded waiting requirement. problem.
What is deadlock? State the necessary conditions for
What is Semaphore? What operations can be deadlock to occur.
performed on a semaphore? What are the
differences between binary semaphore and Lecture-17
counting semaphore? Mention the strategies adopted to avoid the deadlock
Write the advantages and disadvantages of
Semaphores. Explain Banker’s algorithm.
Unit- III and Unit- IV Numerical
Lecture-19 Q1: FCFS, SJF, Multilevel queue scheduling.
What is Memory-Management Unit (MMU)? Q2:A counting semaphore S is initialized to 100. Then, 150 P
Explain Swapping in memory management. operations and 70 V operations are performed on S. What is the
Differentiate between Internal and External fragmentations. final value of S?
Lecture-20 Q3: Calculate the predicted burst time using exponential
Explain different Address Types in memory management. averaging for the fifth process if the predicted burst time for the
first process is 50 units and actual burst time of the first four
Lecture-21 processes is 45, 85, 65 and 75 units respectively. Given α = 0.6.
Explain different Allocation of MM to the processes. Q4: First-fit, best-fit and worst-fit algorithms of memory
What is page table. Write down the importance of TLB. allocation.
Lecture-22 Q5: Finding bits for logical address and physical address spaces.
Describe the challenges for replacement techniques.
Q6: Effective Access Time in a paging scheme useing a
Lecture-23 Translation Lookaside buffer (TLB).
Explain the Belady’s Anomaly. Q7: FIFO and LRU page replacement techniques.
Explain thrashing and how it can be avoided using working set
model? Q8: FCFS and SCAN disk scheduling algorithms.
Lecture-24, 25, 26
Describe Directory Structure in File management.
Mention file allocation techniques.
Define Disk Access Time. What is DMA?

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