Readings in Philippine History
Readings in Philippine History
Readings in Philippine History
Ancestral land refers to the lands of the indigenous cultural community that includes, but not be limited to,
lands in the actual, continuous and open possession and occupation of the community and its members.
Commercial farms are private agricultural lands devoted to salt beds, fishponds and prawn ponds, fruit farms,
orchards, vegetable and cut-flower farms, and cacao, coffee and rubber plantations.
Acquisition of commercial farms may be done through:
Voluntary Offer to Sell Compulsory Acquisition Direct payment scheme
Types of Agribusiness Venture Arrangements:
Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Scheme is a contractual arrangement entered into, whereby the project
proponent undertakes the construction, including financing, of a given infrastructure facility and the operation
and maintenance thereof for an agreed period of time, but not to exceed twenty-five (25) years, subject to
extension pursuant to R.A. 6947, as amended.
Contract Growing Arrangement is an agribusiness arrangement whereby the ARBs own the land and commit,
either collectively through their cooperative or individually, to produce certain crops for an investor or
agribusiness firm that contracts to buy the produce at pre-arranged terms.
Joint Venture Agreement is an agribusiness venture whereby a company is organized and co-owned by an
investor and the agrarian reform beneficiaries through their cooperatives or associations. The investor may
provide the management and marketing skills, technology infrastructure, and capital while the ARBs'
contribution/ participation in the joint venture includes labor, the usufructuary rights to the land, and capital,
infusion, if available.
Lease Arrangement is an agribusiness scheme whereby the ARB's, through their cooperative or farmworkers'
association, enter into a contract of lease with the landowner/investor. The lessee shall have farm control and
operations within an agreed period but not to exceed ten (10) years, subject to extension upon mutual agreement
of both parties. The lease rental shall not be less than the amortization to be paid by the ARBs to the Land Bank
of the Philippines (LBP) pursuant to DAR Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1998, and other pertinent laws,
rules and regulation.
Management Contract is an agribusiness arrangement whereby the ARBs, or their cooperative/organization,
hire the services of the landowner or an investor to manage and operate the farm in exchange for fixed wages or
In accordance with Section 34 of Republic Act No. 3844, as amended: “provided, that the DAR shall
immediately and periodically review and adjust the rental structure for different crops, including rice and corn,
or different regions in order to improve progressively the conditions of the farmer, tenant or lessee.”
Production Sharing Plan any enterprise adopting the scheme provided for in Section 32 of R.A 6657 or
operating under a production venture, lease, management contract or other similar arrangement and any farm
covered by Sections 8 and 11 of R.A. 6657 is hereby mandated to execute within ninety (90) days from the
affectivity of this Act, a production-sharing plan, under guidelines prescribed by the appropriate government
Two Notices that a beneficiary may receive if disagreement in the transaction happened.
DAR Administrative Order No. 12, series of 1989
Notice of Acquisition Pursuant to Section 16 of R.A. 6657
As part of the obligations, the beneficiary need to pay 30 annual amortizations.
Lands acquired by beneficiaries under this Act may not be sold, transferred or conveyed for a period of 10
The first condition in Transferability of Awarded Land is you need to obtain the approval of Department of
Agrarian Reform.
Land Consolidation is a project that promotes equal distribution of landholdings, to provide the needed
infrastructures in agriculture, and to conserve soil fertility and prevent erosion.
Land should only be sold to an heir or other qualified beneficiary.
Grounds of the Cancellation of CLOAS
Abandonment of the Land
Neglect or misuse of land
Failure to pay three (3) annual amortization
Misuse or diversion of financial and support services
Sale, Transfer or conveyance of the right to use the land; and llegal conversion
Special Areas of Concern of the CARP
Subsistence Fishing
Logging and Mining Concessions.
Sparsely Occupied Public Agricultural Lands
Idle, Abandoned, Foreclosed and Sequestered Land
Rural Women
Veterans and Retirees
Agriculture Graduates
Land Bank of the Philippines is the financial intermediary of CARP?
Land Conversion is the act of changing the current use of an agricultural land into non – agricultural use as
approved by the DAR.
NIPAS - National Integrated Protected Areas System
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
NIA - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Revolutionary Congress convened at Barasoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan, on September 15, 1898.
Philippine Legislature pursuant to the Tydings Mcduffie Law.
US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt certified that the draft constitution conformed substantially with the
Tydings-McDuffie Law.
The Philippine Commonwealth established under the Constitution was inaugurated on November 15, 1935.