PAR Final 2022Q2

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PAR – Final Exam – Course 2021/22-Q2

June 20th , 2022

Problem 1 (1.5 points) Given the following Task Dependence Graph associated to the task decomposition
applied to a certain program:


Label inside node is the task identifier x.y

1.0 1.1
Duration for each task: tx.y = (x + y + 1) · tc

2.0 2.1 2.2

3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3

4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

The duration, in time units, of each compute_task depends on the value of the row (x) and column (y)
where it is placed (label x.y): tx.y = (x + y + 1) × tc . We ask you to compute the values for T1 , T∞ ,
P arallelism and Pmin .
Solution: T1 = 126 × tc (sum of the cost of all nodes in the TDG above), T∞ = 66 × tc (defined by the
critical path in the TDG, including all nodes in the column on the left and all nodes in the row at the bottom
of the TDG above) and P arallelism = T1 ÷ T∞ = 126 ÷ 66 = 1.ı 90. The minimum number of processors to
achieve it is Pmin = 3, since we need enough simultaneous processors to execute the widest anti–diagonal in
the wavefront execution of the TDG, as shown in the picture below.

Problem 2 (1.5 points) The following diagram plots the timeline for the execution of a parallel application,
with two parallel regions, on 4 processors (time evolves from left to right):
region 1 region 2
CPU0 2 10 2 10 2
CPU1 10 10
CPU2 x 2·x
CPU3 x 2·x

Each box represents a burst executed on a processor and the number inside its execution time. There are
3 sequential regions with constant execution time of 2 time units. The execution time is unknown for two
of the bursts in region1 and in region2, both affected by the value x (the timeline shows the case for which
(2 × x) < 10).

• Obtain all the possible values for value x that would lead to an speed-up S4 = 2.5 when the application
is executed on 4 processors. Observe that for values 0 < x ≤ 5, 5 < x ≤ 10 and x > 10 the two parallel
regions have a different contribution in the timeline.
Solution: In all cases, T1 = 2 + (10 + 10 + x + x) + 2 + (10 + 10 + 2 × x + 2 × x) + 2 = 46 + 6 × x.
– For x smaller than 5, the execution time for both parallel regions is 10 units, so T4 = 2 + 10 + 2 +
10 + 2 = 26. Therefore from S4 = T1 /T4 = 2.5 we get x = 19/6 = 3.16.
– For x larger than 5 but smaller than 10, the execution time for the first parallel region is still 10
but for the second one is 2 × x. Therefore T4 = 16 + 2 × x. From S4 = T1 /T4 = 2.5 it is not
possible to get a positive value for x.
– Finally, for x larger than 10, both parallel regions are dominated by the value of x, being the
execution time T4 = 6 + 3 × x. Again from S4 = T1 /T4 = 2.5 we obtain x = 31/1.5 = 20.66.
• For the values of x in the previous question, obtain the value for Sp→∞ , assuming that parallel regions
ideally scale with the number of processors.
Solution: For the two cases above, Tp→∞ = 6. Therefore:
– For x = 19/6 = 3.16 we get Sp→∞ = 65/6 = 10.83.
– Similarly, for x = 31/1.5 = 20.66 we get Sp→∞ = 170/6 = 28.33.

Problem 3 (3.0 points) Given the following data structures that models a graph in which each node can
have up to 4 neighbour nodes. Vector g holds the information for N nodes; for each node the telem struct
stores the weight of the node w, an integer to identify each of the 4 possible neighbours (north, east, west
and south) and a field that is used to traverse the graph (visited).

#define N ... /* large value */

typedef struct {
int w;
int north, east, west, south; // -1 value to indicate no neighbour
char visited;
} telem;
telem g[N];

The following code processes all the nodes that are reachable from a given node (0 in the invocation from main):

int compute (int label, int weight); // heavy computation, does not access the graph

int traverse_reachable (int label) {

int ret=0, ret1, ret2, ret3, ret4;
if (label >= 0) {
if (!g[label].visited) {
ret1 = traverse_reachable (g[label].north);
ret2 = traverse_reachable (g[label].east);
ret3 = traverse_reachable (g[label].west);
ret4 = traverse_reachable (g[label].south);
ret = compute(label, g[label].w) + ret1 + ret2 + ret3 + ret4;
return ret;

int main() {
int ret = traverse_reachable (0);

We ask you to write an OpenMP parallel version of the previous code using a recursive tree task decomposition strat-
egy. The implementation should maximize parallelism and minimize the possible synchronization overheads. The im-
plementation must also include a task generation control mechanism based on the recursion level. Use MAX_DEPTH
as the value for the maximum recursion level for which tasks must be generated.

typedef struct {
int w;
int north, east, west, south;
char visited;
omp_lock_t lock; // new field to protect the access to the node
} telem;
telem g[N];

int traverse_reachable (int label, int d) { // new argument d to control recursion level
int ret=0, ret1, ret2, ret3, ret4, tmp;

if (label >= 0) {
if (!g[label].visited) {
omp_set_lock (&g[label].lock);
if (!g[label].visited) {
omp_unset_lock (&g[label].lock);

if (!omp_in_final()) {
#pragma omp task shared(ret1) final (d>= MAX_DEPTH)
ret1 = traverse_reachable (g[label].north, d+1);
#pragma omp task shared(ret2) final (d>= MAX_DEPTH)
ret2 = traverse_reachable (g[label].east, d+1);
#pragma omp task shared(ret3) final (d>= MAX_DEPTH)
ret3 = traverse_reachable (g[label].west, d+1);
#pragma omp task shared(ret4) final (d>= MAX_DEPTH)
ret4 = traverse_reachable (g[label].south, d+1);
tmp = compute(label, g[label].w);
#pragma omp taskwait // compute does not need to wait for the graph tr
} else {
ret1 = traverse_reachable (g[label].north, d+1);
ret2 = traverse_reachable (g[label].east, d+1);
ret3 = traverse_reachable (g[label].west, d+1);
ret4 = traverse_reachable (g[label].south, d+1);
int tmp = compute(label, g[label].w);
ret = tmp + ret1 + ret2 + ret3 + ret4;
} else {
omp_unset_lock (&g[label].lock);
return ret;

int main() {
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
int ret = traverse_reachable (0, 0);

Problem 4 (4.0 points) Given the following sequential code:

void saxpy(int n, float a, float * x, float * y) {

for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i];
Assume parameters x and y point to two completely disjoint vectors, first element of each vector aligned to a
memory/cache line boundary. Cache line size is 64 bytes and sizeof(float) is 4 bytes. We ask you to:

1. Write a first OpenMP parallel version for the previous sequential function that obeys to an input block geometric
data decomposition strategy, so that each thread accesses to a single block of consecutive elements. The block
geometric decomposition should minimise the possible load unbalance that occurs when the size of the vectors
n is not a multiple value of the number of threads. Assume that n is large compared to the number of threads.
void saxpy(int n, float a, float * x, float * y) {
#pragma omp parallel
int nt;
int my_id;
int red;
int i_start, i_end, n_elems;
nt = omp_get_num_threads();
my_id = omp_get_thread_num();
n_elems = n/nt;
red = n%nt;
i_start = my_id*n_elems;
i_start = i_start + (my_id<red)?my_id:red;
i_end = i_start + n_elems + (my_id<red);
for (int i = i_start; i < i_end; ++i)
y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i];
2. Write a new parallel version that obeys to an input/output cyclic geometric data decomposition strategy. Has
the load balance improved with respect to the previous version?
void saxpy(int n, float a, float * x, float * y) {
#pragma omp parallel
int nt;
int my_id;
nt = omp_get_num_threads();
my_id = omp_get_thread_num();
for (int i = my_id; i < n; i+=nt)
y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i];
Both implementantions block and cyclic geometric data decomposition have the same load unbalance: maximum
1 element.
3. Assuming the input/output cyclic geometric data decomposition strategy in the previous implementation, and
that 1) the parallel system is composed of 2 NUMA nodes, each with a single processor and private cache; 2)
the parallel program is executed with 2 threads (i.e. thread i in NUMA node i); 3) the operating system makes
use of "first touch" at page level to decide the allocation of memory addresses to NUMA nodes, with one line
per memory page; 4) main memory, directories and private caches are empty when the function above starts
its execution; and 5) the execution of the iterations assigned to the two threads are interleaved in time, as
shown in the two leftmost columns in the table in the answer sheet for the first 4 iterations of the loop. Data
coherence across NUMA nodes is provided by a write-invalidate MSU directory-based system. Complete this
table with the information of the directory entries where elements of vector x and y are stored.
4. Write a final parallel version that obeys to an output block-cyclic geometric data decomposition strategy, so
that the overhead associated with the coherence protocol in a NUMA multiprocessor architecture is minimised,
i.e. exploiting the data locality of both input and output data. Is the load balance better/worse than the one
achieved in the parallel versions in question 1 and 2?
We set BS to the number of float elements that fits in a cache/memory line. In this way we avoid extra cache
misses accessing both vector x and y and false sharing accessing y.

#define BS (64/4)
void saxpy(int n, float a, float * x, float * y) {
#pragma omp parallel
int nt;
int my_id;
nt = omp_get_num_threads();
my_id = omp_get_thread_num();
for (int ii = my_id*BS; ii < n; ii+=nt*BS)
for (int i = ii; i < max(n,ii+BS); i++)
y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i];

Block cyclic geometric data decomposition may have BS elements of load unbalance. Therefore, it is worse
than before.
Student name: ....................................................................................

Answer sheet for Problem 4.

Time thread Loop iteration i - Home NUMA Directory entry Directory entry
vector access node (sharers bit list) (status)
0 1 1 - read x[1]
1 - read y[1]
1 - write y[1]
1 0 0 - read x[0]
0 - read y[0]
0 - write y[0]
2 0 2 - read x[2]
2 - read y[2]
2 - write y[2]
3 1 3 - read x[3]
3 - read y[3]
3 - write y[3]
Solution for Problem 4.

Time thread Loop iteration i - Home NUMA Directory entry Directory entry
vector access node (sharers bit list) (status bits)
0 1 1 - read x[1] 1 10 S
1 - read y[1] 1 10 S
1 - write y[1] 1 10 M
1 0 0 - read x[0] 1 11 S
0 - read y[0] 1 11 S
0 - write y[0] 1 01 M
2 0 2 - read x[2] 1 11 S
2 - read y[2] 1 01 M
2 - write y[2] 1 01 M
3 1 3 - read x[3] 1 11 S
3 - read y[3] 1 11 S
3 - write y[3] 1 10 M

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