Davisetal - FWB
Davisetal - FWB
Davisetal - FWB
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1. Despite widespread recognition of the role of body size in fish trophic ecology, little attention
has been focused on this issue in isotopic studies, particularly in tropical systems.
2. We used analyses of stomach contents and stable isotopes to examine size-related shifts in diet
in a terapontid fish assemblage in the Australian wet–dry tropics. Stomach content analysis
identified substantial ontogenetic dietary shifts in all species, corresponding to changes in body
size–isotope trajectories for two species. Shifts away from relatively specialised diets of heavily
C-depleted insect larvae to consumption of a range of items across multiple basal carbon sources
appeared to be the proximate cause of observed isotopic changes.
3. Allochthonous organic matter in the form of C3 riparian vegetation was particularly important
to smaller terapontids before larger fish shifted to a broad range of dietary items and similarly
broad range of basal carbon sources.
4. While there was general agreement between d13C and stomach content analysis, there was
minimal concurrence between the latter and d15N isotopic derivation of estimates of trophic
position. Due to factors such as omnivory, isotopically overlapping basal sources and uncertainties
about rates of isotopic fractionation in both predator and prey species, stomach content analysis
provides an essential complement to isotopic methodologies in tropical systems.
5. Given that basal sources supporting any individual species can change markedly with
ontogeny, consideration of intraspecific, size-related variation is necessary in isotopic studies of
food web structure.
Keywords: body size, feeding ecology, mixing model, omnivory, organic matter
Correspondence: Aaron M. Davis, Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811,
Australia. E-mail: [email protected]
(Post, 2003; Galván et al., 2010). Food webs in tropical Lower Burdekin river
Burd Study river
rivers, however, tend to be characterised by omnivory and in
by being short, diffuse and highly interconnected (Jepsen
& Winemiller, 2002; Winemiller, 2004; Douglas, Bunn & er Ayr
in these rivers occupying similar trophic positions to e R. Lake Bro
ap Dalrymple
that many species feed across multiple trophic levels
(Jepsen & Winemiller, 2002; Douglas et al., 2005). In these Sutt
more trophically complex systems, with a greater diversity
of production sources and weaker size structuring, isoto-
r e
Belyando Riv
pic evidence of size-related diet shifts may be difficult to
document. Simultaneous studies of SCA and SIA of
different size classes of species from tropical fresh waters
are rare, with many studies limiting isotopic assessments
to adult fish to avoid the confounding effects of ontogeny.
Northern Australia’s terapontid grunters are an ideal
group to examine the utility of SIA in discerning
ontogenetic dietary shifts in tropical freshwater fishes.
The Terapontidae is one of the most trophically diverse of
Australia’s freshwater fish families, with pronounced
ontogenetic dietary shifts (determined by SCA) a prom- 0 25 50 100 150 200
Fig. 2 Volumetric proportions (%) of major prey items across Burdekin terapontid size classes. Prey categories are based on those presented in
Table S1. The number of individuals (n) examined in each size class is indicated.
Fig. 3 Size-related trophic position estimates for Burdekin River terapontids based on stomach content analysis (SCA). The regression line
represents a significant relationship between standard length and trophic position for Scortum parviceps (r2 = 0.796, P < 0.001).
Fig. 4 Size-related trophic position estimates for Burdekin River terapontids based on stable isotope analysis (SIA). Solid lines represent
significant regression relationships between standard length and trophic position (for Hephaestus fuliginosus r2 = 0.164, P < 0.01; for Leiopo-
therapon unicolor r2 = 0.06, P < 0.05).
indicating low correspondence between the two tech- length were largely reflected at the site level, with
niques. Isotope-based trophic positions for S. parviceps significant positive relationships evident at several sites
tended to be higher than those derived from SCA. for both H. fuliginosus and particularly L. unicolor (Ta-
Comparison of d15N values for fish and invertebrate ble S2), and similar but non-significant trends in regres-
prey in terapontid diets indicated that fish from all trophic sions at most remaining sites.
positions (herbivore–detritivore, omnivore and carnivore)
consistently had elevated d15N values compared with Estimation of size-related assimilated basal source material from
invertebrate consumers ostensibly occupying similar tro- isotopic data. Mean d15N and d13C values of basal sources
phic niches (Fig. 6). There were significant differences across the 12 sites revealed low variability within catego-
between mean d15N values of fish and invertebrates at all ries, with source isotopic ratios generally consistently
positions of the food web (herbivores: F1 = 60.8, P < 0.001; positioned relative to each other (Fig. S1; Table S3):
omnivores: F1 = 45.6, P < 0.001; carnivores: F1 = 163.8, terrestrial C3 vegetation was the most 13C-depleted source
P < 0.001). at all sites, aquatic macrophytes were typically the most
C-enriched aquatic plant at most sites, while C4 grasses
Size-related shifts in d13C. Regression analysis indicated were the most distinct basal sources, exhibiting the most
no significant rate of increase in d13C with standard length enriched d13C values. Mean d13C values of the autochtho-
in A. percoides or S. parviceps at the species level (Fig. 7). A nous basal sources (benthic algae, aquatic macrophytes
significant positive relationship between d13C and stan- and seston) were not well differentiated, although there
dard length was evident in L. unicolor with individuals was some divergence in d15N across these sources. The
becoming progressively enriched in d13C as length dominant animal prey, including fish, in terapontid diets
increased (r2 = 0.413, P < 0.001). A positive size-related exhibited intermediate d15N between terapontids and
shift in d13C enrichment was also evident in H. fuliginosus basal sources.
(r2 = 0.392, P < 0.001) with increased size. These relation- There was considerable overlap in the d13C and d15N
ships between overall species’ d13C values and standard ratios of many terapontid OTUs, particularly among
2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 57, 2156–2172
2164 A. M. Davis et al.
Fig. 5 Comparison of trophic position values derived from stomach content analysis (SCA) and stable isotope analysis (SIA) for four Burdekin
River terapontid species. The diagonal line represents total correspondence between the two methodologies. For Amniataba percoides r2 = 0.004,
P > 0.05; Hephaestus fuliginosus r2 = 0.001, P > 0.05; Leiopotherapon unicolor r2 = 0.04, P > 0.05; and Scortum parviceps r2 = 0.20, P > 0.05.
Fig. 7 Trends in size-related d13C for Burdekin River terapontids. Solid lines represent significant regression relationships between standard
length and d13C.
here for the catchment scale only. The carbon sources basal sources (benthic algae, seston and aquatic macro-
supporting the diet of H. fuliginosus and L. unicolor phytes) made the dominant contribution to diet, except
became less well resolved as fish increased in size where the model could not discriminate any dominant
(Fig. 8). Terrestrial C3 vegetation made the dominant source. Instances where an individual carbon source was
contribution in both species for size classes >80 mm SL; clearly dominant for a species’ OTU at a site (i.e. minimum
however, the C3 pathway progressively diminished in contribution to model outputs >0.4 for the lower 95%
importance for fish over 80 mm in both species, with a probability value) were rare but, when evident, generally
range of basal carbon sources making similar feasible took the form of C3 vegetation as the major source for fish
contributions to the diet. A similar (though less pro- OTUs smaller than 80 mm SL. Multiple carbon sources
nounced) trend in relative importance of C sources was making likely contributions to OTUs (>0.2 for the lower
evident in A. percoides. C3 vegetation was the major 95% probability value) were commonplace across species
contributor to diet in specimens smaller than 40 mm SL (particularly in larger size classes) and sites.
(95% credibility interval, 45–62%), remaining the domi- These SIA results align well with dietary shifts docu-
nant C source in all size classes, although as fish grew its mented from SCA. SIAR modelling of source contribu-
importance diminished. No obvious size-related patterns tions to diet of the key invertebrates in juvenile stomach
in relative contributions of different carbon sources were contents showed a major reliance on C3 vegetation (A. M.
evident for S. parviceps, with seston, C3 vegetation, Davis, unpubl. data), highlighting their role in transfer of
aquatic macrophytes and biofilm making similar contri- energy to these secondary consumers. The combined
butions to diet across all size classes. volumes of these 13C-depleted invertebrates decreased
These catchment-scale trends were also largely reflected markedly as standard length increased for L. unicolor,
in SIAR results conducted at a site scale. C3 vegetation was H. fuliginosus and S. parviceps (Fig. S2). In contrast, volu-
typically the primary carbon source supporting A. perco- metric contribution of these insect taxa to the diet of A.
ides, L. unicolor and H. fuliginosus in OTUs smaller than percoides remained relatively constant as fish size in-
80 mm SL at most sites (Table S4). C3 vegetation dimin- creased, with this species also remaining heavily reliant
ished markedly in significance for the larger OTUs of on C3 vegetation across all size classes. Other prey items
L. unicolor and H. fuliginosus at most sites, where different contributing to the diet of larger size classes of H. fulig-
Fig. 8 Boxplots derived from the Stable Isotope Analysis in R mixing model showing the contribution of different primary carbon sources to the
diets of Burdekin terapontid size classes using d13C and d15N isotopes. The proportions show credibility intervals plotted at 95, 75 and 50%
credibility intervals. Carbon sources are labelled: SE, seston; AM, aquatic macrophytes; C3V, C3V terrestrial vegetation; BA, benthic algae and
C4, C4 terrestrial grasses.
inosus and L. unicolor (i.e. Palaemonidae, M. splendida) two terapontids exhibited a corresponding enrichment in
demonstrated reliance on a broad range of relatively 13C- 13
C with increased size and reliance on a diversity of 13C-
enriched basal sources (A. M. Davis, unpubl. data). These enriched basal sources.