3-4 Micro Perspective
3-4 Micro Perspective
3-4 Micro Perspective
Module 3-4
Chapter 2. The Impact of Tourism
2.1 The Economic Effects of Tourism
2.2 Socio-Cultural Impact of Tourism
2.3 Environmental Impact of Tourism
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Determine the economic impacts of tourism industry.
2. Identify the effects of tourism to the social being of the people within the community.
3. Give the relevant impact of tourism on culture.
4. Provide the environmental issues commonly encountered associated to tourism
Read and Follow the instructions carefully.
Not following the instructions will automatically wrong.
Do not use a red ballpen in accomplishing your modules.
Avoid erasures.
I. Elicit
Good day! We are now in our third and fourth modules. Be guided with the given
objectives above.
For this module, think about Tourism spots and identify its impact to our society
and personal lives.
II. Engage
Write down and describe now the tourism spots that you have in your mind.
Name of Tourism Spot Description
III. Explore
Economic Impacts
The economic aspect of development is paramount in tourism; the readers are invited to learn the
importance of both sides of the impact through this lesson.
1. Generating Income
2. Creating Employment
3. Source of Foreign Exchange Earnings
4. Developing Infrastructure
5. Multiplier Effect
6. Contributions to Government Revenues
Physical Impact
Physical Impact is the outright change that can be seen through any impact. The tourism
impact on the physical aspect are detailed here below.
IV. Explain.
Instruction. Create a short conclusion about this topic. At least one (1) paragraph and five (5) sentences.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
V. Elaborate
VI. Evaluate
Instruction. Answer the questions by giving at least 5 pointers each. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
VII. Extend
Cruz, Z. L. (2013). Principles of Tourism. Rex Book Store, Inc.