Assignment no1-GIS Principles
Assignment no1-GIS Principles
Assignment no1-GIS Principles
Figure 1
14. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the following equipment for converting maps and other
graphic data to digital form:
(a) tablet digitizers and
(b) scanners.
15. If data were being represented in vector format, what simple spatial objects would be associated with each
of the following topological properties?
(a) Connectivity
(b) Direction
(c) Adjacency
(d) Nestedness.
16. Discuss how spatial and nonspatial data are related in a GIS.
17. What are the actual ground dimensions of a pixel for the following conditions:
(a) A 1:10,000 scale orthophoto scanned at 500 dpi?
(b) A 1:24,000 map scanned at 200 dpi?