Improvement of The Properties of Natural Rubber/ground Tire Rubber Composites Through Biological Desulfurization of GTR
Improvement of The Properties of Natural Rubber/ground Tire Rubber Composites Through Biological Desulfurization of GTR
Improvement of The Properties of Natural Rubber/ground Tire Rubber Composites Through Biological Desulfurization of GTR
DOI 10.1007/s10965-012-9864-y
Received: 20 September 2011 / Accepted: 30 March 2012 / Published online: 17 April 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
Abstract The surface desulfurization of ground tire rubber return to the ecological environment through natural degrada-
(GTR) had been carried out via a biological treatment by tion because rubber vulcanizates have a stable cross-linked
Thiobacillus sp. with strong sulfur oxidizing capacity. The three-dimensional network structure [1, 2]. The reuse or recy-
bonding states and element content on the surface of GTR cling of waste rubber tires is a significant and word-wide
and desulfurated GTR (DGTR) were evaluated using an X-ray problem.
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The contact angle of GTR A potentially attractive recycling or utilizing way is to
was 120.5° and decreased down to 93.5° after treatment. The grind waste tire rubber into ground tire rubber (GTR) and use
cure characteristics, swelling behavior, and crosslink density the GTR as a compounding ingredient or as a replacement of
of natural rubber (NR)/GTR and NR/DGTR were examined. raw rubber. The reuse of GTR not only achieves the goals of
The improvement in mechanical properties was observed for protecting the environment but also saves limited petroleum
NR/DGTR vulcanizates, which was attributed to the enhanced resources from which the raw material is originated. How-
interfacial interaction between DGTR and NR matrix. The ever, the bonds between GTR and the rubber matrix are very
dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) results showed that weak because of the crosslink structure of GTR and lack of
NR/DGTR vulcanizates had a reduction of molecular chain reactive sites on the GTR surface, resulting in a decrease of
friction resistance during glass transition region and Scanning the mechanical properties of composites. One possible way
electron microscopy (SEM) studies further indicated a good to overcome this problem is to break the sulfur crosslink
coherency and homogeneity between DGTR and NR matrix. bonds on the surface of GTR, thereby make the hydrocarbon
chain regain flexible and increase the number of reactive
Keywords Ground tire rubber . Desulfurization . Natural sites. The crosslink bonds of ground rubber can be cleaved
rubber . Composites . Mechanical properties via numerous techniques, primarily physical and chemical
methods [3–6]. Both methods are efficient to enhance the
bonds between the ground rubber and matrix [7–10], but the
Introduction methods have high energy consumption or secondary pol-
lution involved.
The large quantities of worn out tires have posed challenging In recent years, several microorganisms that exhibit bio-
environmental and disposal problems. These materials cannot logical activity towards sulfur have been used for the desul-
furization of ground rubber [11–14]. These microorganisms
Y. Li : S. Zhao (*) can decrease the sulfur content or oxidize sulfur to sulfate,
Key Laboratory of Beijing City on Preparation and Processing increasing the reactive sites on the surface of ground rubber.
of Novel Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science
Microbial desulfurization processes have several advantages,
and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology,
Beijing 100029, China breaking only the surface sulfur cross-linked bond of ground
e-mail: [email protected] rubber, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, com-
pared with physical and chemical processes which normally
Y. Wang
are energy demanding or require hazardous chemicals.
College of Life Science and Technology,
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, This article attempted to find a cost-effective and environ-
Beijing 100029, China mental friendly technique for recycling waste rubber by
Page 2 of 7 J Polym Res (2012) 19:9864
biological treatment. Thiobacillus sp. had been reported that it Table 1 Formulation of
NR composites Material Weight/phr
could decrease the sulfur content of GTR and oxidize sulfur to
sulfate [15, 16]. In this study, Thiobacillus sp. was used for NR 100
biological surface desulfurization of ground tire rubber. The Zinc oxide 4
bonding states, element content, and contact angle measure- Stearic acid 2
ment were characterized to evaluate the surface of GTR after Carbon Black N330 30
treatment. The cure characteristics, crosslink density, mechan- Accelerator DPG 0.6
ical properties, and dynamic mechanical analysis of NR/GTR Accelerator MBTS 1.2
and NR/DGTR were examined. SEM studies of tensile frac- Sulfur 2
ture surface were used to evaluate interface and coherency GTR or DGTR Variable (0,10,
between DGTR and NR matrix. 20, 30 or 40)
Natural rubber was supplied by Xishuang Banna Eastwind The size distribution of GTR was analyzed using a laser particle
Farmland, China. The GTR used in this study was supplied size distribution analyzer (LS-Pop3, OMEC Technology Co.,
by Puyang Rubber Factory, Henan Province, China. Carbon Ltd., Zhuhai, China).
Black N330 was obtained from Tianjin Dolphin Carbon
Black Development Co. Thiobacillus sp. strain was isolated Microorganism biomass
from the soil samples of sulfur-rich coal mine in Sichuan
province, China. The Growth of the microorganism in the medium was moni-
tored by optical density at 600 nm (XSZ-H3 binocular bio-
logical microscope, Chongqing Optical Instrument Factory,
Biological desulfurization process
The compounds of the medium were (g/L): KH2PO4, 4.0;
XPS analysis
K2HPO4·3H2O, 4.0; MgSO4·7H2O, 0.8; NH4Cl, 0.4; CaCl2,
0.01, and Na2S2O3·5H2O, 10.0. The medium had been auto-
XPS measurement was carried out using a Thermo Electron
claved at 115 °C before the incubation and the cultivation
EscalabI250 instrument to evaluate the elements contents
condition was at 30 °C and pH at 6.5, with stirring at 175 rpm.
and bonding states on the surface of GTR before and after
The inoculum of Thiobacillus sp. strain was 10 % (v/v).
biological modification. Binding energies were corrected to
Before desulfurization, GTR was immerged in 75 % ethanol
the carbon 1 s peak located at 285.0 eV.
(v/v) for 24 h in order to kill the microorganisms attaching on
it and to remove harmful additives. After 3 days’ incubation,
GTR was added into culture medium. After 20 days’ desul- Water contact angle measurement
furization, DGTR was filtered out and washed by distilled
water for an hour. One method to appraise surface properties was the water
contact angle measurement. When water was applied to the
surface, the outmost surface layers interacted with the water.
Preparation of rubber compounds Hydrophobic surface with low free energy gave a high contact
angle with water and wet surface with high-energy allowed
Raw NR was masticated on the two-roll mill and then the drop to spread that gave a low contact angle. The mea-
blended with other additives and various contents of GTR surement of the contact angle of water was carried out at 25 °C
or DGTR for 10 min. The basic formulation was listed in (OCA15EC, dataphysics, Germany) and the values for the
Table 1. Rubber compounds were vulcanized on a platen contact angles were averaged over 5 different water drops.
press at 15 MPa and 150 °C according to ASTM D 2084–
07. Optimum cure time was determined from an Oscillating Sol fraction measurement
Disk Rheometer. Dumbbell-shaped tensile specimens were
punched out from the compression molded sheets along the The samples were trapped in a copper net and immersed in
mill grain direction. acetone for 24 h so as to extract polar substrates and then dried
J Polym Res (2012) 19:9864 Page 3 of 7
in a vacuum oven at 50 °C. The sol fractions before and after Result and discussion
desulfurization were obtained by 72 h Soxhlet extraction
method using toluene as a solvent. The weights of samples Morphology and particle size distribution of GTR
were recorded before and after the extraction.
Figure 1 showed the particle size distribution of the GTR
used in this work. Most of the GTR particles were smaller
Determination of crosslink density
than 100 μm, and 74 % of the particles were in the range
30 μm to 75 μm, mainly concentrated at 50 μm.
The determination of crosslink density of the vulcanized
rubber compounds were carried out using a swelling meth-
Growth of microorganisms
od. A test specimen, about 0.05 g, was immersed in 100 mL
of toluene at a controlled temperature of 30 °C for 72 h.
The growth curve of microorganisms (Fig. 2) showed that in
Excess solvent on the surface of the specimen was removed
the first 3 days of incubation, the microorganisms grew up
by blotting with filter paper. The weights of swollen speci-
naturally with low biomass (O.D. 600 nm). GTR and glucose
mens were measured. The crosslink densities of the rubber
were added into culture medium at the 3rd day and desulfur-
vulcanizates were determined by the Flory–Rehner equation
ization was allowed to proceed for the next 20 days. From 3rd
[17, 18]:
day to 5th day, the biomass almost remained unchanged,
because the residual chemicals in GTR prevented Thiobacillus
1nð1 v2 Þ þ v2 þ cv22 sp. growing. After 5th day, Thiobacillus sp. was adapted to the
ve ¼ 1 ð1Þ environment, so biomass rapidly increased. The biomass
Vs v23 0:5v2 reached a maximum value at the 10th day, and then gradually
decreased because of consumption of nutrients.
Where ve was the crosslink density, Vs was the molar Element content and bonding states analysis
volume of the swelling solvent, v2 was the volume frac-
tion of toluene, and χ was the polymer solvent interaction XPS analysis was used to detect the variation of chemical
parameter. The interaction parameter for NR-toluene sys- composition of the GTR surface after treatment. Surface com-
tem was 0.39. positions determined from XPS analysis of GTR before and
after desulfurization were summarized in Table 2. The result
Mechanical properties studies showed that oxygen content on the surface of DGTR in-
creased by 30 %. The oxidization reaction might be catalyzed
Mechanical properties were measured at room temperature by enzymes in the microorganisms, improving the surface
according to ASTM D412 (tensile strength) and ASTM activity and reprocessing ability of desulfurated rubber.
D624 (tear strength). Mechanical data were averaged over Structural changes in sulfide bonds on the surface of
four specimens. GTR before and after treatment were shown in Fig. 3. Three
second splits of S 2p peaks at 162.3, 163.7, and 165.7 eV
were assigned as the bonding energy for S-C, S-S, and S-O
DMA analysis
Sol fraction
Mechanical properties
Fig.6 Cross-link density vs. waste rubber loading in NR matrix Fig. 7 Tensile strength vs. waste rubber loading in NR matrix
Page 6 of 7 J Polym Res (2012) 19:9864
containing DGTR was much higher than that of the com- Fig. 10 Temperature dependence of loss factor of NR composites
filled with waste rubber at 40 loading content
pounds with GRP because of more active sites existing on
the surface of DGTR.
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