Test Bank
Test Bank
Test Bank
Answer: b
1. Which statistical technique integrates product
design and manufacturing process? 10. What is arrow diagram in TQM?
a) Tree analysis a) A diagram used to plan the most appropriate
b) Problem solving techniques schedule
c) Quality function deployment b) Diagram shows the relationship strength between
d) Taguchi approach the variables
Answer: d c) Used large amount of data and organize it on the
basis of natural relationship between items
d) Diagram showing the sequencing and inter
2. What is the key step in Taguchi’s approach? relationships between factors
a) Tolerance design
Answer: a
b) System design
c) Parameter design
d) Process design
Answer: c 1. Taguchi methods aim at improving the quality of
manufactured goods.
a) True
3. What is called the stratification of information? b) False
a) Breaking down a whole group into smaller Answer: a
b) Isolating the vital few from the trivial many
c) Grouping of scattered information 1. Choose the incorrect statement regarding the need
d) Sequencing of processes in a quality system for quality.
Answer: a a) Markets have become more competitive
b) Quality provides sustained performance
c) Quality provides customer satisfaction
4. Which technique is used to relate complex cause d) It is the trend nowadays to introduce quality
and effect relationships? Answer: d
a) Affinity diagram
b) Pareto diagram
c) Scatter diagram 2. Michael bought a new washing machine which is
d) Interrelationship diagram not performing its primary function of washing
Answer: d clothes properly. What should the executive at
customer care suggest Michael?
5. What is PDPC? a) To sell the washing machine
a) A statistical tool b) To buy a new washing machine
b) Quality improvement technique c) To assure the customer that a specialist will visit
c) Quality assurance technique their house the following day
d) Statistical process control technique d) To lease the washing machine
Answer: c
Answer: b
a) Terminator
b) Action
c) Decision
d) Arrows
a) Terminator Answer: d
b) Action
c) Decision
d) Arrows 5. What does the below given symbol represent when
Answer: a we construct a flow chart?
a) Terminator
b) Action
a) Terminator c) Decision
b) Action d) Link
c) Decision Answer: d
d) Arrows
Answer: b
6. Process deployment flow is another term for
a) Flow chart
b) Matrices
c) Determinants
d) Arrows
Answer: a
7. Tally sheet is another term for _______ 1. Cause and effect diagram is also known as
a) Flow chart _______
b) Matrices a) Fishbone diagram
c) Determinants b) Fish diagram
d) Check sheets c) Cause diagram
Answer: d d) Effect diagram
Answer: a
10. The type of check sheet which identifies where 5. Which of the following is not a cause of poor
defects occur in a product is called _______ solder joints after studying the cause-and-effect
a) Process distribution check sheet diagram?
b) Defective item check sheet a) Inadequate training
c) Defect location check sheet b) Solder contamination
d) Defect factor check sheet c) Temperature of solder bit
Answer: c d) Customer complaint
Answer: d
10. Which of the following is not a use of control 6. Which of the following type of histogram
chart? represents two normal distributions with two peaks in
a) To evaluate process stability the middle?
b) To show source of variations a) Double-peaked
c) To identify when the process will go out of control b) Bell-shaped
d) To decrease productivity c) Plateau
Answer: d d) Edged peak
Answer: a
7. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of 3. What is RPN?
using histogram? a) Risk Potential Number
a) Exact values cannot be read as data is divided in b) Risk Priority Number
different categories c) Risk Preference number
b) Can be used only with continuous data d) Risk Preventive Number
c) Two data sets are difficult to compare Answer: b
d) Relative frequency of occurrences can be found
out 4. The analysis of potential failures of product or
Answer: d service due to component or subsystem unreliability
is involved in design FMEA.
a) True
8. Which of the following is not a type of histogram? b) False
a) Isolated peak Answer: a
b) Comb
c) Truncated
d) Pie Chart
Answer: d
9. PERT is the abbreviation for ________ 5. Which of the following is not a cause of poor
a) Project Evaluated and Review Technique solder joints after studying the cause-and-effect
b) Project Evaluation and Response Technique diagram?
c) Program Evaluation and Response Technique a) Inadequate training
d) Program Evaluation and Review Technique b) Solder contamination
Answer: d c) Temperature of solder bit
d) Customer complaint
Answer: d
10. Which of the following is not an output of arrow
a) To show the paths to complete a project 6. Which of the following is not a cause of poor
b) To find the shortest time possible for the project marks of class 12 students in board exams after
c) To calculate the mean, median and mode of a studying the cause-and-effect diagram?
sample data a) Improper teaching
d) To display graphically simultaneous activities b) Lack of seriousness of students due to distractions
Answer: c c) Too much focus on competitive exams
d) Extremely hot climate in the area
Answer: a