Case 1

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Case 1

My teammates have already explained the intricacies of this case, but today I
want to dig deeper into this problem by broadening our search radius in a way, all
of my teammates and I as well as our fellow opponent are all students right now
and we have teachers here as well, cases of disrespecting your teachers became
much more common during the recent pandemic times, there were times it was
all fun and jokes but there were times when the limits were crossed, boundaries
forgotten, etiquettes neglected. I refuse to believe that students who are old
enough to be saying such rude disrespectful things about their teachers, using
profane language for them are not old enough to understand what It means and
what embarrassment and sadness the teacher will go through if he/she finds out.
To understandable the psychology of these out of hand teens , who are misusing
social platforms like twitter and Instagram as an open forum to discuss the
shortcomings of their teachers publically we need to know what’s giving rise to
this feeling of hate for teachers in the minds of these kids. For starters, all of us
know that no teacher has any sort of personal grudge or vendetta against any of
the students so it's not mutual. The student undergoes a lot of societal and
parental pressure to score marks and since it’s our teachers who are asked to
grade us, I think that’s where blaming the teachers for their own academic
shortcomings gives rise to hate and some sort of anger towards their teachers.
Over time, this keeps happening repeatedly, the bottle of anger keeps filling and
one day it bursts and comes out in the form of hate towards a teacher. To stop
this cycle, we need to normalise not performing academically a well as some of
our peers, not being able to cope up with the high standards that are set for us
demoralises us and hampers our creativity , it’s Because of our lack of sight that
we aren’t able to find our talent. Not everyone’s meant to top., that defies the
whole point of topping a class. We need to address the problems within out
educational system where there is only potential for those who are performing
well academically can rise to the top, more importance has to be given to talent
hunts , co curricular activities. To solve the problem of the student-teacher
relationship there needs to be a dedicated period of time for students to interact
with teachers about the problems they are facing , both personal and academic
problems. The school needs to be more receptive towards the interests of the
students and acknowledge the obvious disparities between them. Every school
should have a friendly and an accessible counsellor who can help students if they
are facing problems with a teacher or some other student. Such small initiatives
will help the school function smoothly and will make the students like their
schools instead of coming to the school due to compulsion . Adopting these
measures and initiatives should help us get rid of such petty problems and
improve student-teacher relationships. Parents also play an important role as
acting as the mediators between the student and teacher for a better and more
open communicator between all and should pay more focus towards the mental
health of their child which leads them to do something like this in the first place
and must put ample measures in place to avoid their child doing something like
this in the future as well. On this note, we would like to conclude our presentation
Thank you.
Case 2
My teammates have already explained the intricacies of this case, but today I
want to dig deeper into this problem by broadening our search radius in a way.
Multinational chemical corporation DuPont and its wholly-owned subsidiary,
the Company, exposed hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians to
water laden with toxic chemicals that have been linked to a wide range of
diseases, public health, and environmental effects, and misinformed the
government and public about the health dangers created by their actions,
according to a federal class-action lawsuit .  In 1989, a writ petition was filed
in the Supreme Court against Hindustan Agro Chemicals Limited for polluting the
land and water in a village in Rajasthan's Udaipur district. Details vary but the
problem remains the same. Companies brutally neglect the well being of the locals
around and do anything they have to to gain their profits. This unacceptable
behaviour has become a common practice. While on the one hand, companies
continue to do so , the legal system hasn’t been able to cope up as Industrial
pollution cases in Indian courts often span over decades and, as a result, the
country had over 21,000 pending court cases on environmental violations in 2016.
Immediate actions are required and clearly the legal system is in a turmoil, so the
option of filing a case doesn’t seem much viable. Social media has been our go-to
option in cases like these and it is the smartest as well, gaining support and
spreading aware about the wrongdoings of the chemical company will help to be
able to organise a peaceful protest against the company, signing petitions and
organising demonstrations will help slow down or put a stop to the waste
discharging temporarily. Moreover, filing a PIL seems very reasonable as legal
injunction is a must. Asking for help from organisations like ashoka trust for
research in ecology and environment and chintan environment research and action
group would be advisable to gain the necessary resources. All of this puts and end
to this particular problem but we must , as a society, appeal to the moral
conscience of such evil companies, make them realise that value of lives is much
greater than the value of money. Provisions must be put in place to make it
compulsory for the companies to ensure proper waste management and
discharge of harmful chemicals. For example, waste can be treated by
chemical, thermal, biological, and physical methods. Chemical methods
include ion exchange, precipitation, oxidation and reduction, and
neutralization. Among thermal methods is high-temperature incineration,
which not only can detoxify certain organic wastes but also can destroy
themSustainable waste management is critical not only to engender a
flourishing natural environment that contributes to human and animal
health, but also to free up valuable land from landfills, improve energy
production, create jobs, and reduce the cost of transportation and logistics.
Make the world a better place for us to live in, invest in yourself.On this
note, we would like to conclude our presentation. Thank you.

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