Word Pairs With Examples
Word Pairs With Examples
Word Pairs With Examples
Walking through this beautiful park makes it seem like we are Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve enjoyed a guilt-free life before the big mistake that started it all.
Dead or Alive
The criminal is wanted dead or alive.
The days of the wild west were famous for notices looking for criminals dead or alive.
In and Out
I have to go to work. I'll be in and out in a flash.
Let's go in and out of the store.
Life or Death
Many people seem to go about work as if it were a matter of life or death.
I feel like this is a life or death situation.
Rain or Shine
I'll make sure to come rain or shine.
We're having a picnic on Saturday - rain or shine.
Sooner or Later
Sooner or later we'll all know the truth.
I'll do it sooner or later.
Suit and Tie
I wore a suit and tie to the party.
That's a nice suit and tie!
Up and / or Down
I'd like you to vote this procedure up or down?
Should we go up or down the stairs?