En Annexe1 Version 1.06.2021
En Annexe1 Version 1.06.2021
En Annexe1 Version 1.06.2021
Appendix 1
How to protect
yourself and others on
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Appendix 1
1. Work in shifts 3
7. Shared equipment 4
9. Limit gatherings 4
21. Questions? 9
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Appendix 1
1. Work in shifts
As of 5 June, remote working will no longer be required by the Swiss federal
government, but it will continue to be recommended.
EPFL’s upper management is therefore allowing employees to work in turns on
campus and remotely, depending on the needs of their units. Employees who must
use campus facilities (experimental research, technical equipment) can work entirely
on site.
For other employees, whose work does not require access to physical infrastructure
(theoretical research, administration), their unit heads must establish a rotating
schedule with up to ⅓ of this staff working on site and the remaining ⅔ working
remotely on any given day.
The goal is to allow every employee to return to campus. Special care must be taken
with people who are considered at risk with regard to the pandemic. In all cases, unit
heads must keep an updated attendance list.
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Appendix 1
7. Shared equipment
Be sure to clean any shared equipment – such as printers, keyboards/mice and
phones – with a surface disinfectant after every use.
It is recommended that shared equipment be used by as few people as possible, or
even just by the staff who normally operate the equipment.
Product recommendations are available here: go.epfl.ch/coronavirus.
9. Limit gatherings
It is possible to meet in person as long as :
■ a distance of at least 1.5 meters is maintained between people
■ everyone is wearing a mask at all times
■ the meeting organizer draws up and keeps a list of all attendees
(for more information, see point 6 of the directive)
■ the meeting organizer ensures that all surfaces in the room
(tables, armrests, etc.) are disinfected after the meeting
■ social interaction on campus must be kept to a strict minimum, including
in common areas (like hallways) and during coffee breaks and at lunch.
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Appendix 1
Exceptions are only possible if all of the following conditions are met:
■ It must be absolutely necessary for the unit, and there is no other possible
■ The employee must agree to it.
■ The employee’s supervisor must approve it.
In accordance with Article 27a of the Swiss federal government's COVID-19 Ordinance
3, the employee's supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the following conditions
are met before the employee returns to work:
■ the workplace is organized so as to prevent any close contact with other persons,
in particular by providing the employee concerned with his or her own room or a
clearly separate working area;
■ in cases where close contact cannot be avoided at all times, appropriate
protective measures are taken in accordance with the STOP principle
(substitution, technical measures, organizational measures, personal protective
EPFL may ask the School’s occupational health specialist to evaluate the situation of
any employees at especially high risk.
If you have any medical questions about your own risk level and your doctor is
unable to provide answers, you can contact EPFL’s occupational health team at
[email protected] (all discussions will be kept confidential).
In line with Swiss federal government rules, these measures don’t apply to anyone
living in the same household as someone who is considered to be at high risk.
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Appendix 1
■ Unit heads are requested to keep a list of private telephone numbers, which will
only be used in the event of a request from the cantonal medical service.
■ This information may only be used for its intended purpose, which is to help the
cantonal public-health authorities trace people who, over the previous 14 days,
are believed to have come into contact with someone who has tested positive
for COVID-19.
■ The units are required to retain this information for 14 days and then destroy it.
■ It is not necessary to enter remote work hours into the absence manager.
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Appendix 1
NotifyMe seeks to break transmission chains by informing users who may have been
infected after being at the same location (such as an event, a public place, a meeting
room or a classroom) at the same time as someone who was contagious.
Pilot tests of NotifyMe at EPFL began on 18 January. More information.
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Appendix 1
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Appendix 1
In accordance with the Federal Act on Data Protection and the Federal Epidemics Act,
there’s no need to notify the DSPS if you think you may have COVID-19 or if you test
positive. Moreover, these guidelines are designed to protect the privacy of members
of the EPFL community.
Unit heads must ensure that staff members have correctly entered their absences
into the absence manager (in accordance with points 15 to 17).
* Close contact means spending more than 15 minutes
less than 1.5 m away from someone, without wearing a mask.
21. Questions?
Please continue to consult our coronavirus website – go.epfl.ch/coronavirus – for all
of your questions.
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