D.1. Financial Statement Analysis
D.1. Financial Statement Analysis
D.1. Financial Statement Analysis
Q1. Part A:
Part B:
Part C:
1. Increase in sales over the three years period
2. Decrease in WCR over 3 year period
3. Increase in leverage ratio
4. Increase in Owners equity
Part D:
Revised Amounts of Items in WCR/Operating Cycle in 2005
Item Accounts Receivable Inventories Acct. Payables
Formula Sales/365 x 30 days COGS/8 (COGS + Inventory)/365x 33
New AMT 31600/365 x 30 =2,597 25100/8 = 3,138 25100+(3200-4300)/365 x 33 = 2170
Old AMT. 4,200 4,300 2,050
Due to improved working capital cycle (A/R and A/P) there is reduction in WCR and
improvement of cash in hand
Q. 2:
B. Firm needs to increase the turnover by 1.7 times to achieve the growth rate of 5%.
Alternatively it will need to increase the profit margin ratio by 15.43%
C. If the firm borrows @ 10%, the growth rate is still not sustainable since ROE is
less than cost of debt. It implies that ROIC is also less then cost of debt. Hence
the firm should not borrow