Trichy Thesis

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TRICHY TRADE CENTRE ARTHI DEIVANAI RM | 2015701001 TRADE & CONVENTION CENTRE , TRICHY Asumcinc rece noUstRY ‘The development of trade and convention centre. performing arts space have been Saar Increasingly acknowleged for their ale in stimulating eal ecanomies & improving the {Quality of ife of a nation’s citens. Hence conference & business tourism is 2 very Important sector af the global tourism industy. mice Gee = ssi INDUSTRY led Am & sisi AMERE CONVENTION CENTRE...” SZ In tome places, these conventions take place in bullding oF a centre erent thatis not specincaly designed for this purpose. but ae large enough to sere a 7% ni cc comets ais sien eamstons ala ce _ GEESE sorseetecte ciccorcria Lown ESTABLISHED CENTRES. T RANKS BELOW. ‘Trade centreto come up soon in Tiruch ‘Trichy trade centre: Sidco Suisse invites MSMESto form SPV ‘SPV formed to start work on Trichy trade centre rae eae NEWSPAPER ARTICLES REGARDING THE NEED FOR A TRADE CENTRE AT TRICHY ‘SEMINAR SOCIAL EVENTS. EXHIBITIONS (Gum CONVENTION CENTRE ta Q, Ay CASE STUDY CRITERIA PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT PRoCRAMS INDIA HABITAT CENTRE CASE STUDY 01- HYDERABAD INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE Pa re o1 by Seperate entry Kent pont fr various ser groups to ensure a quick movement CASE STUDY 02 - INDIA HABITAT CENTRE, NEW DELHI AO le ior rning foe & roof pce lps in segpegatin of er rape Proving paring 22 bsemant maining the ue of oun ere poblsentien Bling volumes are interoneca to oir couryardsthat acts acatast ‘erpubi at. ‘rth connections by brides fom an interesting masing ao pride shading 2 forte courrier, ‘howl empl pode a sane fans mang the cao the yy proving rary unainest that changer the mircimate fhe place epond tothe oval contt & ends with the enanment witht ming an sortoandox. The design shoul boos teeters ofthe nia shuld hae 2 tural ow ne ereedone a or CASE STUDY 3. VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE Sarena The interior i constantly connected to daylight and views. setting up an extroverted comune lars with he nai arconesing he bins Transparency serves os an ereting device to provide rectionalty within the ‘ulain’ prosrom,enchorng each space to the unique ews avalte roms ‘Wantage point By right the it interior ereates an utban later atthe Water’ edge Emphasizes spaces for both publ & private use Constantly engasing publi through a varity of sti amen ke wala Dieta waces plese Natural heating & cooing mechanisms by the use of dant Noors, heat pumps, et Spaces are designed based on human habitat (9 cling height, lobby spaces) re functions provided all round to decongost tho main hall other spaces Incluang the open trace CASE STUDY 04-3620 CONVENTION CENTRE, SOUTH KOREA ‘only2enty- one for genaral public bane orvipfors hate ree ctcultion Lertrance foyer isnuge accomodates forthe vehieulrcculation exe pantera orem armor more alleges Convention hall ha yi seating Mat ase Seperate core for series &ouding Boy next to tchen with sown service core ‘COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CASE STUDIES: area ern | ee Sa leerraaren | MARTE era er ramm | estetree commences tee caren once saan remrona nevsesar se geen 1s acnes/ s7os sam 9 cH 650506 2acaes 57000800 tas acnes/ sresam ‘COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CASE STUDIES: ccirenta Fon. WiBinarowaLcowvenmion | INDANABITAT CENTRE, YANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE| _3E3U.CONVENTION CENTRE oe eewrmetmice) ew OEU LIVE CASE STUDIES COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS HITEX EXHIGION CENTRE Serco ove acts WICC CONVENTION | CHENNAITRADECENIRE | CODISSIA COIMBATORE [ssa "| F i a: a = wa 13 exaemon so a -8.8 | ‘MEA ena som | tae “a | Boa: PORGing | wi iy PROGRAM DERIVATION eurmance | RECISTERATION -2xHIBMON HAUS rowers CONFERENCE HALLS SEMINAR ROOM AMENITIES PARKING “LOADING BAY CcontRot ROOM ‘CONVENTION BLOCK SPACES MIPPRNATE ROOM (BREAKOUT SPACE) CONVENTION Haus Banquer Maus OFFICE COMPLEX ‘secuniTy ROOM ‘oust crinnins aman *Comartee ROOM INpooR acrwrty USER GROUP DELEGATES (BOTH NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL ) fe “They ae the group of people who form the mat part ‘ofthe convention conte usergroups they have both ‘etlonet ond international backgrounds o 2S wqmoroRs wom tocat cRarrsMaNs Gas ESTABUSHED MARKETS) TTD) np aca th eases toh dts ats beta “People romall over the country who gather to promete theirrespective events “the exhbitiors might also be lcal craftsmen who are jowed to sot up tempeorrystalls/ shape oo TEI sey ne octbone ote comenton cere amie atone nena attains desea Reztcre ne tot pocs ek tremens stibe San sro ater fo theirnede slong withthe CO ice document te events that takes place inthe convertion “They provide more exposure & helpin the growth of the evelopment ofthat centre MOVEMENT PATTERN [MULTIFUNCTIONAL ADAPTABILITY USING TEMPORAL STRUCTURES (MOBILE OPERABLE PANELS ) Movable Wale-Inttigant an Roe ‘aritom enecem sete wenn rst ncomiuaeen ns ne ouewatensente os ‘Slings yb gaa a a coma” "nme oe to eran TIRUCHIRAPALLI TIRUCHIRAPALLI MASTER PLAN Ac] = wen LOCAL PLANNING AREA-CORPORATION _ s a SITE VIEWS STE PHOTOS TRADE & CONVENTION CENTRE, TRICKY © Exhibition - Highway Motel SITE ZONING Loli Y Pel eas a A foment Mie Teele sel) BYPASS ROAD MeN eee carton) ey Ae ne es ates Caen CIRCULATION WITHIN SITE ¥ n Caan Been MoTEt NH 45 CONVENTION BLOCK - GROUND FLOOR PLAN = FLOOR AREA = 21,186 SQM ry BES auorronu ane SCALE - 1: 500 CONVENTION BLOCK - FIRST FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 12,065 SQM SCALE - 1: SECTION ~ AA’ SCALE ~ 1:500 NATURAL USEING a SECTION ~ BB AUDITORIUM PREFUNCTION SPACES CONVENTION HALL DINING HALL CONVENTION BLOCK ~ FRONT ELEVATION c ne p Heth page rae ae CONVENTION HALL INTERIOR view CMT aor ey Ae A Moret. EXHIBITION HALL PLAN AREA OF ONE BLOCK = 1800 SQM. TOTAL NO. OF BLOCKS = TOTAL HALL AREA = 5400 SQM ‘GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR exHiaiTion HALE WOSOLE EXHIBITION BLOCK GROUND FLOOR PLAN CIRCULATION AREA = 6105 SQM REGISTERATION SPACE / ENQUIRY = 1235 SQM TOILET BLOCK = 316 SQM ENTRY 1: LOADING / SCALE -1:500 LOADING SCALE - 1:500 EXHIBITION HALL ROOF PLAN EXHIBITION STRUCTURE EXPLODED VIEW EXHIBITION ROOF - SCREEN PATTERN ARIEL VIEW OF EXHIBITION BLOCK PLAZA VIEW PLAZA VIEW PLAZA VIEW Temporary open exhibition pavilion my wanulokiion CMT aor ey Ae Moret. \ FLOOR AREA = 3080 SQM | as HOTEL BLOCK - GROUND FLOOR PLAN TYPICAL ROOM MODULES 7.68 A-TWINROOK B- DELUXE ROOM (C-SUITE ROOM D-ENECUTWE SUE | = 953 om 12.23, 682 3.™ t HOTEL BLOCK - FIRST FLOOR PLAN A-TWINROOM - 16ROOMS (27 ROOMS ) B-DELUXEROOM- 8 ROOMS C-SUITEROOM - 3ROOMS TOTAL FLOOR AREA = 2700 SQM. a a ee HOTEL BLOCK - SECOND FLOOR PLAN A-TWINROOM - 14ROOMS 22 ROOMS B-DELUXEROOM- 6ROOMS C-SUITEROOM - 1ROOM \ D-EXECUTIVE SUITE-1 ROOM TOTAL FLOOR AREA = 2700 SQM THIRD & FOURTH TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN — :oeuxeroow. spoous C-SUITEROOM - 1ROOM TOTAL 31 ROOMS , D- EXECUTIVE SUITE -1 ROOM on AL BL] | 8a / A-TWINROOM - 9ROOMS B- DELUXE ROOM - 5 ROOMS D- EXECUTIVE SUITE - 1 ROOM, = HOTEL BLOCK VIEWS. TOTALAREA=70050M HIGHWAY MOTEL / RESTAURANT MASTERPLAN Ly roxes ‘ouro00R SEATING. HIGHWAY MOTEL @® SCALE 10

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