Imaging of Flank Pain Readdre
Imaging of Flank Pain Readdre
Imaging of Flank Pain Readdre
DOI 10.1007/s10140-016-1443-9
Received: 5 August 2016 / Accepted: 5 September 2016 / Published online: 10 September 2016
# American Society of Emergency Radiology 2016
Abstract Pain resulting from renal and ureteral stones is a staggering 1 million Americans visit the emergency depart-
common cause for patients presenting in the acute setting. ment for flank pain resulting from obstructive
Since the late 1990s, computed tomography (CT) has been nephrourolithiasis [1]. Approximately, half a million of these
the initial imaging method of choice to evaluate patients with will undergo imaging with non-contrast computed tomogra-
suspected ureteral stones; however, concerns regarding both phy (CT) [2]. Estimated lifetime prevalence for kidney stone
radiation dose and cost-effectiveness have prompted investi- disease is approximately 7 % for women and 13 % for men [1]
gations into a different imaging algorithm. Studies utilizing and appears to be continuously increasing with lifestyle
ultrasound have provided evidence indicating that it may be changes and better diagnostic tools [2, 3].
a more appropriate first step, with selective use of CT in se- Patients presenting with severe acute onset flank pain usually
lected cases, in the diagnostic work-up. Techniques have undergo additional evaluation with imaging to determine the pre-
evolved with low-dose CT, dual-energy CT, and magnetic cise etiology. The optimal imaging work-up should be dependent
resonance urography emerging as useful in imaging of renal on the clinical context and the specifics of each patient. Multiple
colic patients. This manuscript reviews the current literature factors play a role in the most appropriate imaging when evalu-
on state-of-the-art imaging for acute flank pain and proposes a ating suspected urolithiasis. A clinical scoring scheme has been
new imaging algorithm in the evaluation of patients with acute developed in the emergency medicine literature, acronymed
flank pain and suspected ureteral stones. STONE [4]: sex, timing, origin (race), nausea/vomiting, and
erythrocytes (urine red blood cells). This calculates a risk quotient
Keywords Renal stone . Low-dose CT . Ultrasound . MRI . for obstructive nephroureterolithiasis and the need for further
Pregnancy . Imaging protocol . STONE score imaging in these patients. While initial data from applying
STONE criteria suggested that imaging could be deferred in
lower-risk patients, recent data has questioned whether CT imag-
ing can be avoided in the current practice setting [5]. This man-
Clinical background uscript provides an analysis of available imaging techniques to
evaluate the patients presenting with acute flank pain in the emer-
Ureteral stones are a frequent cause for emergency room gency department, and an imaging algorithm is proposed (Fig. 1).
visits, which results in substantial health care costs. A
examinations [21]. This large review of the Dose Index performed by Westphalen et al. evaluating the National
Registry found the overall mean institutional dose-length Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) data-
product (DLP) was 746 mGycm (effective dose, 11.2 mSv), base reflected a tenfold increase in the incidence of CT utili-
with a range of 307–1497 mGycm (effective dose, 4.6– zation without an associated increase in incidence of
22.5 mSv) for mean DLPs. Only 10 % of institutions reviewed nephroureterolithiasis, diagnosis of significant alternative di-
kept the DLP to 400 mGycm (effective dose, 6 mSv) or less in agnoses, or hospital admissions [25]. In the face of such in-
at least 50 % of their patients. formation, the role of CT in actually changing patient man-
As federal and state regulators continue to scrutinize the use agement and the overutilization of CT in the emergent setting
of medical radiation, practices have adapted their protocols and has been questioned. Hence, other modalities have been stud-
upgraded their CT scanners to implement reduced-dose tech- ied as an alternative to CT in the acute setting.
niques. Protocols for renal colic and suspected urolithiasis have
been targeted as an area for significant dose savings [22]. In
general, CT scans with an effective dose of 3 mSv or less have Ultrasound
been considered low dose [22]. Comparative evaluation of stan-
dard versus low-dose techniques for patients with renal colic Studies have evaluated the role for ultrasound for the initial
has yielded encouraging results. A study utilizing low-dose CT assessment of acute flank pain. One recent article published in
in patients with body mass index (BMI) <30 demonstrated a the New England Journal of Medicine [26] supports using
sensitivity of 95 % and a specificity of 97 % for detecting ultrasound as an initial imaging modality for acute onset flank
ureteral calculi, and was 86 % sensitive for detecting calculi pain. The data comes from a multicenter comparative effec-
<3 mm [23]. The modified protocol in this study applied a tube tiveness trial performed by Bindman et al. evaluating point-of-
current ≤30 mAs for these non-obese patients. Despite this and care ultrasonography in the emergency department, ultraso-
multiple other publications, which have similar results for low- nography performed by a radiologist, and abdominal CT.
dose scans, reduced-dose renal protocol CT is used infrequently The randomized trial, composed of 2759 patients, compared
in the USA, and institutional variation is substantial [22]. each group’s cumulative radiation exposure, number of seri-
Risks of ionizing radiation for the doses typically adminis- ous adverse events, return emergency department visits, hos-
tered are difficult to quantify. Extrapolation of the linear no- pitalizations, and diagnostic accuracy [26]. The number of
threshold model has been used to help evaluate the biologic serious adverse events amongst the three groups ranged
impact of these exposures. Radiation-associated cancer risk 10.8–12.4 % and was not significantly different (p value =
for effective doses in the ranges described for renal stone 0.50). Secondary outcomes of pain scores, hospital admis-
protocols has been estimated to be approximately one addi- sions, and emergency department readmissions also did not
tional cancer per 1000 CT examinations over a lifetime, when significantly differ among the groups. Some of the patients
averaging patient age and sex [22, 24]. It has been estimated initially evaluated by ultrasound (40.7 % of patient’s in the
that the risk of fatal cancer is 0.05 % (1 in 2000) for 10 mSv of point-of-care ultrasonography group and 27.0 % of the pa-
ionizing radiation [24]. The risks for each individual patient tient’s in the radiology ultrasound group) did eventually un-
can vary significantly depending on factors such as habitus, dergo additional imaging with a CT scan, and therefore, their
age, and frequency of repeat scans. cumulative radiation dose was not zero yet still significantly
Patients with urinary tract stone disease are likely candidates less than the CT group. This supports the idea that ultrasound
for repeat imaging, hence raising concerns for increased risk of should be performed as a screening study in the acute setting
cancer induction. Radiation dose reduction with iterative recon- eliminating radiation exposure for the majority of patients,
struction (IR) techniques has been evaluated by Andrabi et al. without changing patient outcomes and morbidity. However,
[11]. Three vendor techniques, namely, ASIR, iDOSE, and there have been some concerns regarding the reference stan-
SAFIRE, were compared with conventional filtered back pro- dard utilized by the study. The reference standard used was
jection (FBP), and significantly higher subjective and objective reported passage or surgical removal of a stone, which is an
measurements of image noise were found in FBP examinations imperfect standard [27]. Additionally, the study was not de-
compared with dose-modified iterative reconstruction exami- signed or powered to compare sensitivity or specificity of
nations. Compared to FBP, radiation dose was lower for all the ultrasonography versus CT [26]. Also, ultrasound may not
three IR techniques but within similar range to each other [11]. depict the stone itself, which may lead to management issues,
While aggressively dose-reduced studies performed with radi- where in the stone size plays a major role [28].
ation doses in the range of 1 mSv detect stones larger than The sensitivity for ultrasound detection of urolithiasis is
3 mm, these scans underperform in the detection of stones operator-dependent and has been reported to range between
smaller than this size [12]. 12 and 98 % [29–32]. The wide range may reflect varying
The rationale for non-contrast CT in the acute setting is still levels of experience for sonographers and whether the studies
actively debated. In addition to radiation concerns, a study are performed by radiologists or sonographers.
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obstructing stone or lesions were identified, consistent with physiologic tive of pancreatitis
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