Recieve Call Exercise

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Mata Pelajaran : B. INGGRIS (simple phone message) Nama :
Kelas/Kompt. Keahl. : XI BB/TKR/MM/TSM Kelas :
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 02 Oktober 2020 Kompt. Keahl. : No.
Waktu : 30 menit Peserta :
Guru Pengajar : Siti Zaimatur Rohmah, S.Pd


1. Do the following questions carefully

2. Pray before answering questions
3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D!
4. Don’t forget to check the answer, give your name before submited!

I. Answer the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

1. Sahara : Good afternoon. Its Sahara calling. May I talk to Saputra?
Receptionist : Hold the line, please. I’ll try to put you through to Mr. Saputra at his office
The underlined sentence shows . . . . a. Asking the caller to wait
b. Asking the caller’s name
c. Giving information to Mr. Saputra
d. Taking call to customer

2. Receptionist : Good morning. What I can do for you?

Guest : I’d like to talk to the Personal Manager, please?
Receptionist : . . . .
Guest : Yes, my name is Hendrato
The suitable sentence to complete the dialogue . . . .
a. Could you call him later?
b. Have you met him before?
c. May I know your name?
d. Have you made an appointment?

3. Caller : Hello, can I speak to Mrs. Rahayu?

Receptionist : I’m sorry, she is out. Can I take a message?
Caller : Sure, tell her that the meeting with the manager will be postponed.
The underlined sentence shows . . . . a. Making a phone call
b. Giving information to receptionist
c. Taking a call to Barakuda CV
d. Taking a phone message

4. Caller : Hello, Could I speak to Mr. Rahmat, please? Dani : I’m sorry, he is out.
Could you call back after lunch? Caller : All right. Thank you
The underlined sentence shows . . . .
a. Tell telephone problems
b. Making a call
c. Connecting the caller
d. Giving negative information

5. Carroline : Good morning, I’m Carroline

Sarah : Good morning, Nirwana hotel, how may I direct your call?
Carroline : I would like to speak to Mss. Ranti, please
Where the dialogue took place . . . .
a. At hotel
b. At cafe shop
c. In the restaurant
d. In the office

6. Customer service : Customer service. Good morning. This is Linda speaking

Arda : Good morning. I’m Arda.
I want to activate online banking on my handphone?
Customer service : Could I have your number?
Arda : Sure, 088865742345
How is the situation illustrated in the dialogue above?
a. Informal situation
b. Formal situation
c. Formal and informal situation
d. At the hotel

7. Here some expression show informal situation by phone, except ....

a. Who is this?
b. Nadia speaking?
c. Do I know you?
d. May I know who is this?

II. Match the following expression with the suitable responses!

8. I’m sorry she is in a meeting now. Could I a. Hold the line please, I’ll try to connect.
take a message?
b. Yes, sure. What is that?
9. May I know who is speaking?
c. I’m personal Manager of ABC
10. I need some information about the product. Company
Could you put me through to Doni?

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