This document is a registration form for a hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facility. It provides details about the company JM Ecotech Solutions Co., including their address, managing head, pollution control officer, total employees, permits, and treatment methods. The facility uses chemical decomposition to treat various hazardous wastes, breaking them down through processes like acid-base neutralization, oxidation, and reduction.
This document is a registration form for a hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facility. It provides details about the company JM Ecotech Solutions Co., including their address, managing head, pollution control officer, total employees, permits, and treatment methods. The facility uses chemical decomposition to treat various hazardous wastes, breaking them down through processes like acid-base neutralization, oxidation, and reduction.
This document is a registration form for a hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facility. It provides details about the company JM Ecotech Solutions Co., including their address, managing head, pollution control officer, total employees, permits, and treatment methods. The facility uses chemical decomposition to treat various hazardous wastes, breaking them down through processes like acid-base neutralization, oxidation, and reduction.
This document is a registration form for a hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facility. It provides details about the company JM Ecotech Solutions Co., including their address, managing head, pollution control officer, total employees, permits, and treatment methods. The facility uses chemical decomposition to treat various hazardous wastes, breaking them down through processes like acid-base neutralization, oxidation, and reduction.
Form B : HW Treatment Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facility Registration Form
Section B1: Company Profile
Type of Application: □New Registration □Renewal □Amendment Payment O.R. No.: 45297856 TSD ID: OL-TR-NCR-75-000060 Name of Establishment: JM Ecotech Solutions Co. FacilityAddress:168 Gen. Luis St., Kaybiga, Barangay 166, Caloocan City, NCR, Third District Region: NCR Province Code: 75 Tel.: 8-936-4632 Fax: 8-936-2317 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Head: Reynold A. Sandoval Pollution Control Officer (PCO): Jenny S. Chua PCO Tel.: 0289634632 PCO E-mail: [email protected] PCO Accreditation No.: 2018-NCR-20 Date of Accreditation: April 18, 2018 Date of Establishment: 2015 SEC/DTI Registration No.: 20103489 Total Number of Employees: 50 ECC Number: ECC-CO-NCR-2018-56-40 Permit to Operate Number: 42031569 Valid until: November 18,2021 Discharge Permit Number: 10204786 Valid until: November 18, 2026 Section B2: TSD Profile TSD Treatment Residual Waste Treatment Method Treatment Description Category Capacity Management Decomposition induced by the addition of one or more chemicals to a hazardous E Chemical decomposition waste leading to the breakdown or change of the - - waste into other chemical compounds. It includes acid-base neutralization, HW Treated: oxidation, and reduction. A101 Waste with cyanide, B201 Sulfuric acid, B202 Hydrochloric acid, B203 Nitric acid, B204 Phosphoric acid, B205 Hydrofluoric acid, B206 Mixture of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, B207 Other inorganic acid, B208 Organic acid, C301 Caustic soda, C302 Potash C303 Alkaline cleaner C304 Ammonium hydroxide C305 Lime slurries D402 Arsenic and its compounds, D405 Chromium compounds, E501 Oxidizing agents, E502 Reducing agents, J201 Containers previously containing toxic chemical substances, L401 Waste
HW Treated:
HW Treated:
I certify that enclosed information is a true and accurate record as available.