2018 TS Optimization 34
2018 TS Optimization 34
2018 TS Optimization 34
Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, University of Gavle, Gavle, Sweden
Division of Visual Information and Interaction, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Traffic signal control plays a pivotal role in reducing traffic congestion. Traffic signals cannot be adequately
Reinforcement learning controlled with conventional methods due to the high variations and complexity in traffic environments. In
System disturbances recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great potential for traffic signal control because of its high
Traffic signal control adaptability, flexibility, and scalability. However, designing RL-embedded traffic signal controllers (RLTSCs) for
Microscopic traffic simulation
traffic systems with a high degree of realism is faced with several challenges, among others system disturbances
and large state-action spaces are considered in this research.
The contribution of the present work is founded on three features: (a) evaluating the robustness of different
RLTSCs against system disturbances including incidents, jaywalking, and sensor noise, (b) handling a high-
dimensional state-action space by both employing different continuous state RL algorithms and reducing the
state-action space in order to improve the performance and learning speed of the system, and (c) presenting a
detailed empirical study of traffic signals control of downtown Tehran through seven RL algorithms: discrete
state Q-learning( ), SARSA( ), actor-critic( ), continuous state Q-learning( ), SARSA( ), actor-critic( ), and
residual actor-critic( ).
In this research, first a real-world microscopic traffic simulation of downtown Tehran is carried out, then four
experiments are performed in order to find the best RLTSC with convincing robustness and strong performance.
The results reveal that the RLTSC based on continuous state actor-critic( ) has the best performance. In addition,
it is found that the best RLTSC leads to saving average travel time by 22% (at the presence of high system
disturbances) when it is compared with an optimized fixed-time controller.
1. Introduction neural networks [7,8], and reinforcement learning (RL) [9–11] have
shown their potential for designing adaptive traffic signal controllers. In
Traffic control is of a vital importance in densely populated cities. this paper, RL [12] is applied because of its online learning ability to
The ineffective control of traffic can cause significant costs for drivers gradually improve its performance, its adaptability to different traffic
owing to the increased wasted time, negative effects on the environ- states as well as its ability to work without knowing an explicit model of
ment due to vehicle emissions and detrimental impacts on the economy the stochastic traffic environment. An RL-embedded traffic signal con-
due to increased fuel consumption [1]. The main components of a troller (RLTSC) has the capability to learn through experience by dy-
traffic control system are traffic signal control, ramp-metering, variable namically interacting with the traffic environment in order to reach its
speed limit enforcement, and dynamic route guidance [2]. Within such objective. Each RLTSC examines different green time durations (ac-
a context, scheduling of traffic signals is a critical traffic control chal- tions) in different traffic situations (states) and determines the best
lenge. Inefficiency in traffic signal timing attributed to the inability of sequence of them based on the received scalar reward signals (feed-
adapting to prevailing traffic conditions leads to different small con- back) which indicate the quality of the selected action. Each RLTSC
gested areas that can in turn cause larger traffic jams [3]. In recent which controls one intersection learns over time to obtain a signal
years, computational intelligence techniques such as fuzzy logic [4–6], timing plan that optimizes the sum of rewards in the future (return).
Corresponding author at: Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, University of Gavle, Gavle, Sweden.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (M. Aslani), [email protected] (S. Seipel), [email protected] (M.S. Mesgari),
[email protected] (M. Wiering).
Received 21 June 2017; Received in revised form 15 July 2018; Accepted 14 August 2018
Available online 08 October 2018
1474-0346/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
RL algorithms can be either model-based [13] or model-free downtown Tehran through seven discrete and continuous state RL al-
[9,14,15]. Model-based approaches need to initially employ and/or gorithms, namely discrete state Q-learning( ), discrete state SARSA( ),
learn the environmental model (i.e. traffic system) in order to compute discrete state actor-critic( ), continuous state Q-learning( ), con-
the optimal policy (signal timing plan). On the other hand, a model-free tinuous state SARSA( ), continuous state actor-critic( ) [12,18], and
approach (e.g. SARSA, Q-learning, and actor-critic) does not rely on the continuous state residual actor-critic( ) [20] is conducted. The traffic
estimation of the environmental model; instead, it progressively ac- congestion in downtown Tehran is very heavy. Its traffic control sys-
quires the optimal policy by interacting with the environment and tems are old-fashioned and most traffic signals are still manually con-
getting experience [16]. Both approaches have their strengths and trolled by police officers that can lead to inefficient traffic control.
weaknesses regarding their convergence guarantees, convergence One of the most significant challenges in designing the RLTSC, is the
speed, and ability to plan [12]. However, in the model-based ap- robustness of them against different system disturbances that almost
proaches, obtaining an accurate model of the environment can be always happen in real-world applications. System disturbances, based
challenging and a slight bias in the model may lead to a strong bias in on their intensity level, can disturb either the normal performance or
the policy. Thus, we employ model-free approaches, including Q- even the convergence of the system. We consider three different kinds
learning, SARSA, and actor-critic, which also makes the research more of system disturbances: jaywalking, incidents, and sensor noise. In the
appealing for field deployment. study area, observation surveys illustrated that many pedestrians prefer
Conventional model-free RL algorithms require storing distinct es- making the illegal crossing to waiting for the green pedestrian signal.
timations of each state-action value (for SARSA and Q-learning algo- Jaywalking which is performed by impatient pedestrians during the red
rithms) or each state value (for the critic part of actor-critic algorithms) pedestrians’ signal increase the stochasticity of the traffic environment
in lookup tables. Although they are computationally less demanding, and disturb the performance of the RLTSCs. Incidents as a nonrecurring
their learning process can be slow when the state-action space is large. traffic congestion cause [21] that disturb the traffic flow, make un-
The reason is that the agent needs to experience all possible states. In expected delays in the movements of the vehicles and consequently
this context, there are a couple of solutions for coping with a large state- make the traffic environment more nonstationary for the RLTSCs.
action space. A first step to the solution is to employ continuous-state Moreover, due to the obsolescence of the traffic control infrastructures,
RL. In this version of RL, the knowledge gained from observations in traffic signal sensors can be noisy and imperfect. In fact, the RLTSCs’
each state (traffic condition) is applied to similar states by means of observations of the state as well as the reward signal are noisy. That is,
function approximators [17]. The application of previously acquired the observed number of vehicles waiting on the approaching streets are
knowledge to unseen states generally leads to faster convergence. To different than their true values. Sensor noise, unlike the first two factors
handle the complexity of the state space, the state space is first mapped that have an indirect effect, directly disrupts the RLTSCs’ performance.
onto a feature space by using a feature function. Then the values of This represents a difficult class of learning problem owing to the sto-
states are approximated in the feature space, instead of the original chastic nature of the traffic environment together with high-order dy-
state space. Finding good function approximators of appropriate com- namics (i.e. variable traffic flows) and sensor noise. The RLTSCs should
plexity is the key to the success of continuous state RL. The second be able to autonomously respond to a changing environment with
solution is to reduce the state-action space by efficiently removing stochasticity and random shocks. In the literature, different RLTSCs
unnecessary and less effective state variables and actions in order to have been investigated, but without thoroughly examining the robust-
decrease the number of interactions needed to learn the optimal timing ness of them against system disturbances. Thus, another contribution of
plan. An ineffective reduction of the state-action space may lead to this paper is the comprehensive investigation of the RLTSCs’ robustness
undesired results because it cannot provide the agent with the required to the system disturbances. In this context, a real-world microscopic
information that might be useful in decision making. Thus, it should be traffic simulation of the upper downtown core of Tehran city is carried
investigated which state variables and actions based on the conditions out. In this simulation, a three-dimensional traffic network (i.e. slope of
of the study area should be included in the state-action space so that the streets are considered) with real changing traffic flows over 6 h in
optimal signal timing plans can be learned successfully. However, even the morning (6:00 am to 12:00 pm) is considered.
if some trivial state variables are eliminated, the state-action space can Outline of this paper. The remaining part of this paper is organized
still be too large for successfully being handled in discrete state RL. The as follows: Section 2 reviews the related work and summarizes the gaps
third solution which is the combination of solutions 1 and 2 uses both in the existing literature. Section 3 describes the operation of discrete
state-action space reduction and continuous state RL. The first con- and continuous state RL. Section 4 demonstrates the traffic network and
tribution of the present paper is to adopt all these three solutions and microscopic traffic simulation of the central area of Tehran. Section 5
compare their results. technically explains the design of the RLTSCs and the way they work.
Regarding function approximation in continuous state RL, there are System disturbances, namely incidents, jaywalking, and sensor noise
several different types of function approximators that are categorized are explained in Section 6. Section 7 describes a series of experiments
into linear and non-linear function approximators. The values of states and their results and Section 8 provides a discussion of our findings.
are represented by a weighted linear sum of a set of non-linear ex- Finally, Section 9 concludes the paper and proposes some directions for
tracted features in linear function approximators or are sometimes re- future work.
presented by non-linear approximators such as neural networks. While
non-linear function approximators may approximate an unknown 2. Related work
function with better accuracy, linear function approximators are better
to understand, simpler to implement, and faster to compute [18]. Also, Traffic signal control has been one of the major challenges for
linear function approximators are able to estimate non-linear value controlling traffic congestion in urban areas. Different systems and
functions due to the employed basis function [12]. Because of the ad- methods based on complex mathematical models have been proposed
vantages of linear function approximators, linear function approx- in order to optimize traffic signal parameters in response to diverse
imators are employed in this paper. A popular method to extract fea- traffic situations. The Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique
tures in a linear function approximator is tile coding that splits the state (SCOOT) [22] and the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System
space into separate tiles and assigns one feature to each tile [19]. (SCATS) [23] are two successful commercial systems that have been
Striking an empirical balance between representational power and installed in more than one hundred cities worldwide. Although these
computational cost is one of the most important advantages of tile systems have alleviated traffic congestion somewhat, they may not be
coding that makes it suitable to be employed in this research. efficient in handling the traffic networks without well-defined traffic
In this article, a detailed empirical study of traffic signals control in flow patterns (e.g. morning and afternoon peak hours). Also, they
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
assume a default value for the saturation flow that rarely takes place in definitions on the performance of the adaptive traffic signal controllers.
real-world cases due to incidents, special events, and inclement weather They showed that the adaptive traffic signal controller based on Q-
conditions. Similar frameworks that are, however, decentralized are learning consistently outperforms a fixed-time controller regardless of
Optimization Policies for Adaptive Control (OPAC) [24], PRODYN [25], the state definition. El-Tantawy et al. [10] extended their previous work
and the Real-Time, Hierarchical, Optimized, Distributed, and Effective from an isolated signalized intersection to multiple signalized inter-
System (RHODES) [26]. These systems are based on upstream vehicle sections. The performances of two RL algorithms, discrete state Q-
detection and a reliable estimation/prediction of queue length and learning( ) and SARSA( ), were evaluated to control multiple inter-
traffic flow. They need a reliable measurement of the temporal and sections in a simulated traffic network of downtown Toronto with real-
spatial variation in traffic flow. Also, in the case of any disturbance (e.g. world settings. Also, the design of three different state definitions and
incidents) their performance decreases significantly. Generally, they four different reward definitions were outlined. Experimental results
work properly when the traffic is rather homogeneous and may face revealed that RL-embedded traffic signal controllers using the number
challenges in heterogeneous traffic patterns [27]. of arriving vehicles to the green phase and queue length at the red
Murat and Gedizlioglu [28] developed an adaptive traffic signal phase for the state definition as well as a cumulative delay for the re-
controller based on a fuzzy inference system [29–31]. A fuzzy inference ward definition led to the best results.
system includes knowledge-base that stores the available knowledge Dusparic et al. [47] employed distributed W-learning proposed by
about the problem in the form of fuzzy if-then rules and fuzzy mem- Dusparic and Cahill [48] in order to control six signalized junctions of
bership functions. In their research, the knowledge-base was manually Cork city center simulated in VISSIM [49]. Distributed W-learning is an
determined by experts’ knowledge and field studies. Their proposed RL-based method for collaborative optimization that uses Q-learning
controller consists of two parts; the first part determines the green time and W-learning [50]. In the proposed method, each traffic signal con-
duration and the second part arranges the phase order. It was bench- siders not only the locally best action but also the actions suggested by
marked against an actuated controller in an isolated intersection and the neighboring traffic signals and performs an action with the highest
the results show that it has the best performance. However, converting importance in terms of the defined objectives. The order of the queue
experts’ knowledge into fuzzy rules and fuzzy membership function is a length on each approaching street is used for the state space definition.
difficult task and may lead to incomplete, unnecessary and conflicting The increase or decrease in the total number of vehicles waiting at the
knowledge due to the complexity arising in the traffic environment. intersection in comparison to the previous time step is also included in
Eriksen et al. [32] used UPPAAL STRATEGO tool to develop a the state space definition. Moreover, the action of each traffic signal is
controller for an isolated signalized intersection in Køge city of Den- the phase that should be in effect next. The authors utilized Boltzman
mark. Traffic signal controller was modeled as a network of multiple exploration [12] in order to balance between exploration and ex-
stochastic timed automata and UPPAAL STRATEGO was employed to ploitation. The proposed method was evaluated against SCOOT in three
find the best strategy [33]. The timed automata network represents the different traffic flows: low (2–4 am), medium (10–12 pm), and high
engineering knowledge of traffic signal control. SUMO was used for (5–7 pm). The results showed that the proposed adaptive traffic signal
microscopic traffic modeling of the intersection. The proposed method controller outperforms SCOOT in all three different traffic flows re-
was benchmarked against fixed-time and actuated controllers in three garding the average number of stops.
different traffic loads: low, medium, and high. The results revealed that Wiering [13] proposed a framework based on discrete state model-
the presented controller outperforms other controllers in high and based RL to control multiple traffic signals. Their framework is car-
medium traffic loads in terms of average delay time and queue length. centric where the traffic signals make a decision based on the in-
However, the proposed method may face difficulties in handling het- formation (waiting time) received from each vehicle. The value func-
erogeneous traffic loads. Due to the above limitations and increasing tion that estimates the expected waiting times of vehicles are learned by
volume of traffic every year; more flexible, robust, and computationally both traffic signals and vehicles. Vehicles are also able to learn the
efficient approaches for controlling traffic networks of multiple con- policies for choosing the optimal paths. The results showed that their
trollers are necessary. In this context, RL [34,18,35] that has served method clearly outperforms the designed fixed-time controller. Bakker
different roles in automating and supporting knowledge-intensive tasks et al. [51] extended Wiering’s framework [13,52] by employing co-
in different engineering fields such as civil [36,37], transportation ordination graphs to describe the dependencies between the neigh-
[9,14,38,39], architecture [40], and control [41–43] can be beneficial. boring traffic signals. In order to find the optimal joint actions between
RL is a promising approach that provides traffic signal controllers with neighboring traffic lights, the max-plus algorithm was used. The pro-
the ability of self-learning and can address the mentioned shortcomings. posed method was tested on three hypothetical 2D traffic networks of
It enables traffic controllers to learn online to continuously improve different sizes. The authors reported that the max-plus algorithm out-
their performance over time as well as adapt to the changing traffic performs Wiering’s method. Wiering’s framework was also extended by
environment [44]. In each RLTSC, the required knowledge for optimal proposing a multi-objective traffic signal control system that optimizes
traffic signal control is automatically learned by interacting with the the weighted sum of several reward functions [2]. The authors em-
environment and stored in state values and/or action values. ployed the Bayesian approach to estimate the parameters of the un-
The advantages of using RL, particularly discrete state Q-learning, derlying multi-agent Markov Decision Process in order to increase the
to control an isolated two-phase signalized intersection were demon- stability and robustness of the system against the changing environment
strated by Abdulhai and Kattan [9]. An RL-embedded controller was dynamics. A continuous driver’s behavior in the space and time di-
benchmarked against a fixed-time controller and the results showed mension is another positive feature of their work. The authors indicated
that the proposed controller either performs on a par with the fixed- that the proposed approach outperforms TC-1 proposed by Wiering
time control scheme on constant and uniform flows or slightly out- [13].
performs the fixed-time controller for the variable traffic flow case. In traffic control problems with continuous state-action spaces or
Wen et al. [45] proposed an adaptive traffic signal controller based on large state-action spaces, employing discrete state RL may result in a
discrete state SARSA( ) to control a four-legged signalized intersection. poor performance of the system. One of the fundamental ways to ad-
The performance of SARSA( ) was compared with fixed-time and full- dress this challenge is to integrate RL with function approximators [12]
actuated controllers and the empirical results indicated that the pro- that generalize the knowledge gained from observations in each state to
posed controller significantly outperforms them especially in over-sa- similar states. In this context, Richter et al. [53] employed the natural
turated traffic demand. El-Tantawy and Abdulhai [46] employed dis- actor-critic algorithm to control signalized intersections of a 10 × 10
crete state Q-learning to control a simulated multi-phase intersection of hypothetical and simplified traffic network. Each traffic signal received
downtown Toronto. The authors studied the effect of different state a local reward along with additional information from its neighboring
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
intersections. The results revealed that the natural actor-critic algo- In classical RL (i.e. discrete state RL), value functions are re-
rithm managed to outperform SAT (adaptive controller inspired by presented in a tabular form. In the tabular form, the state-values or
SCATS) and a vanilla policy-gradient algorithm [54]. Prashanth and action-values are stored in a look-up table and there is one output value
Bhatnagar [55] proposed two methods to handle the large state-space for each input. Storing and updating the values are simple, intuitive,
challenge, Q-learning with function approximation and Q-learning with and fast in the tabular form. A well-known method for estimating value
feature-based representation. The state space consists of queue lengths functions is temporal difference learning that adjusts the estimated
on different lanes and elapsed time for the red signal. The objective of value of a state based on the immediate reward and estimated value of
the system is to minimize the queue lengths, while at the same time the next state [59].
ensuring fairness so that no lane has a long red time. They benchmarked Currently, there are three well-known classical RL algorithms for
their proposed method against fixed-time, longest queue, and SOTL learning the optimal policy based on temporal differences: Q-learning
from [56] as well as discrete state Q-learning [9] on four hypothetical [60], SARSA [61,12], and actor-critic [62]. Q-learning is an off-policy
traffic networks. The authors reported that the proposed Q-learning RL algorithm that updates action-values on the basis of the best action.
algorithm with function approximation consistently outperforms other In Q-learning, as long as the agent visits all the state-action pairs in-
methods. In Pham et al. [57], a comparison between two methods, finitely often no matter how it explores, it converges to the optimal
continuous state SARSA and distributed coordination of exploration action-values. Q-learning is able to (at least conceptually) separate
and exploitation [58], in controlling traffic signals was made. Tile exploration from control [63]. SARSA is an on-policy RL algorithm that
coding was employed as a method of approximating the value function updates action-values on the basis of the experience obtained from
for the states. The authors tested both methods on a simplified traffic following some policy. In SARSA, the agent should explore all the state-
network with 4 signalized intersections. The results revealed that con- action pairs enough, and then exploit the obtained knowledge. Another
tinuous state SARSA has the best performance. on-policy method is actor-critic that, unlike Q-learning and SARSA, has
In most related work, the performance of adaptive traffic signal a separate data structure to estimate state-values (the critic) and a
controllers based on RL were evaluated in hypothetical traffic networks mapping from states to a preference value for each action (the actor).
with assumptive settings [13,52,2,55,57,53] and the effects of dis- An advantage of actor-critic is that in the case of having many actions
turbance factors that exist in the real-world traffic environment were there is no need to consider all actions’ Q-values to select one of them
overlooked [46]. Also, the performance of a few RL algorithms, mostly [16].
algorithms based on Q-learning or SARSA, were assessed and com- Conventional Q-learning, SARSA, and actor-critic update the value
pared. The applicability of RLTSCs needs to be further evaluated before functions with a one-step backup, whereas the received reward is often
field trials can be considered, to ensure they are flexible enough. In this the result of a series of steps. Within such a context, eligibility traces
research, we design different practical traffic signal controllers based on [59] that propagate rewards back to the earlier visited states, dimin-
seven discrete and continuous state RL methods and evaluate their ished by a decay parameter for each step back, can be beneficial. Ap-
performances in the realistically simulated traffic network of downtown plying the eligibility traces concept to the Q-learning, SARSA, and
Tehran. The robustness of the RLTSCs against system disturbances is actor-critic methods results in the Q-learning( ), SARSA( ), and actor-
assessed in order to make sure that they are able to cope with all kinds critic( ) algorithms in which is the decay parameter [12].
of scenarios. Discrete state RL algorithms are capable of handling a limited
number of states and actions and they suffer from long learning times
3. Discrete and continuous state Q-learning( ), SARSA( ), and when the state-action space is large or continuous, due to the need to
actor-critic( ) explore all possible states separately. In fact, the tabular-based RL
methods scale-up poorly to control problems with large and continuous
RL, as a major branch of machine learning, is an approach for state-action spaces. One of the fundamental ways to handle this chal-
learning an optimal policy of an agent by interacting with its sur- lenge is the integration of RL algorithms with linear function approx-
rounding environment. The optimal policy is defined as the policy that imators for learning the value functions. The linear function approx-
receives the highest expected discounted cumulative reward (return). imation approach can learn non-linear value functions due to the used
Learning the optimal policy in value-function-based RL [12] needs to basis function (e.g., tile coding). Linear function approximation takes
estimate value functions. Value functions are either state-values (i.e. samples from the desired value-function and tries to construct an ap-
value of each state) or action-values that are also called Q-values (i.e. proximation of the entire function by generalization. In a practical
value of taking an action in a given state). These values represent the point of view, there is a natural metric on states such that close states
agent’s knowledge from its environment. State-values estimate ”how have similar values so that the agent is able to deal with states never
good” it is for the agent to be in a given state s and action-values es- exactly experienced before and it can learn efficiently by generalizing
timate ”how good” it is to choose a given action a in a given state s. The from previously experienced states. In linear function approximation,
value of the state s under a policy can be defined by Eq. (1). the state-values are commonly approximated as a weighted linear sum
of a set of features computed from the state variables (Eq. (3)).
V (s ) = E kr st = s m
t+k +1
k=0 (1) V (st ) = T· (st ) = i i (st )
i=1 (3)
In Eq. (1), V (s ) is the state-value that corresponds to the expected
discounted cumulative reward (i.e. return) starting in state s and then where is a weight vector for state-values and (st ) is a feature function
following policy . The factor rt + k + 1 is the reward obtained when ar- that maps the state st into a vector < 1 (st ), 2 (st ), …, m (st ) >, where m
riving to states , etc. [0, 1) is a discounting factor that determines to is the total number of features and i (st ) is i-th feature of the feature
what degree future rewards affect the value of the state s. The value of function. Learning entails finding the weight vector corresponding to
an action a in the state s is defined by Eq. (2), where Q (s, a) is the approximate optimal state-values. Linear function approximation pos-
state-action value, that corresponds to the expected return when sesses a quadratic error surface with a single minimum that can be
starting in state s, taking action a and following policy thereafter. found by gradient descent [64,12]. Moreover, linear function approx-
imators are able to estimate very complex value functions because the
kr mapping function itself can be arbitrary complex. Similarly, action-
Q (s , a ) = E st = s, at = a
values are calculated by Eq. (4). This equation represents the mapping
k=0 (2)
from state-action pairs to action-values through a parameterized
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
function. length of 2700 km, of which 14% are highways and 27% are arterial
roads [67]. Every day more than 15 million trips on the network with
Q (st , at ) = ( ) · (st , at ) (4)
an average speed of 21 km/hour per vehicle are made [68]. Tehran has
In this equation, is a set of scalar weights and (st , at ) is a been experiencing a rapid population growth in recent decades. A
mapping function that is defined according to Eq. (5). Both and are nearly fivefold increase in the population of the city in 55 years has
(m × g )-dimensional vectors where g is the number of actions. made the city the most densely populated area in Iran [69]. It is also
considered as a crowded city according to the international standard
T (s , at ) = [
t 1 (st )· b1, …, m (st )· b1, 1 (st )·b2, …, m (st )·b2, …, 1 (st )· because of its average density of 146 people per hectare [70]. This rapid
bg , …, m (st )·bg ]
population growth of the city has led to the increase in the number of
1, if at = ai vehicles from 5 vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in 1956 to 90 cars per
bi = 1000 inhabitants in 2011 [71]. Since the growing trend of the number
0, if at ai
of vehicles has not been proportional to the development of the traffic
(5) network, traffic congestion has become an endemic and destructive
Choosing the right feature function type is critical for successful phenomenon in Tehran.
learning. Among different feature functions employed in linear function A traffic network located in the heart of the financial district of
approximators, tile coding is one of the most exploited techniques. This downtown Tehran is selected as the study area (Fig. 1). The traffic
approach approximates the value function by using a piecewise-con- congestion in this area is so heavy due to the high concentration of tall
stant function [19]. It divides the state space into a set of overlapping buildings and businesses. As shown in Fig. 1, the traffic network con-
partitions called tilings. Each tiling consists of a set of non-overlapping sists of four major arterials, Motahari, Beheshti, Shariati, and Modares,
tiles. Although the tilings could be located at random; in this research, and many intersections. Motahari, Beheshti, and Shariati are one-way
they are located to cover the whole state space regularly. Each state arterials that run eastbound, westbound, and northbound respectively.
variable is partitioned into the same number of tiles and then the tiling Modares is a two-way arterial that runs north/south and has inter-
(grid) is created by combining the tiles for each state variable sepa- change connections to Beheshti and Motahari arterials. In this research,
rately. In addition, the tilings are slightly offset in each dimension so AIMSUN1 is employed to build the testbed network. AIMSUN is a mi-
that a particular state is mapped to different tiles in different tilings. Let croscopic traffic simulation software program that is able to simulate
DIM be the dimension of the state space, pj is the number of tiles on the the individual driver decisions based on various theories of driver be-
j-th dimension, and TL is the number of tiling layers. The membership haviors such as car following, gap acceptance, and lane changing [72]
value of the triggering state ( i (st ) ) to different tiles is either 0 or 1 and to capture interactions between complex travel demand patterns and
calculated by Eq. (6), where i (st ) is the feature value of the i-th tile and network supply phenomena. It describes vehicle movements as the re-
m is the total number of tiles (features). sult of a vehicle’s interaction with other vehicles and with the road
infrastructure based on the traffic rules. In order to carry out a micro-
0 if st tilei scopic traffic simulation the following information should be set: (a)
i (st ) = 1 < i < m,
1 if st tilei traffic network and its characteristics, (b) traffic demand data, and (c)
m = (p1 × p2 × p3 × ×pDIM ) × TL (6) driver behavior parameters.
The traffic network and road characteristics such as speed limits on
The general form of updating in the employed continuous state RL
the sections and turnings as well as the capacity of the streets were
methods is based on Eq. (7), where is the learning rate, is the
entered into the software with a reasonable level of detail. These data
temporal difference error [59], et + 1 is the eligibility trace at time t + 1,
were calculated and calibrated by the Tehran Comprehensive
and V (st ) is the gradient of V (st ) with respect to .
Transportation and Traffic Company2. Moreover, the elevations of
e0 = 0 nodes in the traffic network were collected from the digital surface
et + 1 = et + V (st ) = et + (st ) model of the study area and entered in AIMSUN. Considering the nodes
= rt + 1 + T T elevations of the traffic network is for improving the quality of the
t+1 t · (st + 1) t · (st )
microscopic traffic simulation as it affects the velocity of the simulated
t+1 = t+ t + 1 et + 1 (7)
vehicles. It has to be underlined that it does not have bearing on the
The integration of RL algorithms with function approximation may effectiveness of the RLTSCs. Also, four vehicle types, because of their
be unstable and lead to poor results [65]. The residual algorithm [20] high proportions in the national fleet, are selected to be modeled: Pride,
was proposed to address this concern. The residual algorithm is the Peugeot, Peugeot 206, and Samand. They comprise more than 78% of
direct application of gradient descent to the problem of minimizing the all the vehicle types used in the study area. Moreover, in order to si-
mean squared Bellman residual. This method updates both states st and mulate pedestrian crossings, pedestrians walking facilities such as
st + 1 to achieve the convergence on the mean squared Bellman residual. central refuge, crosswalk, and curb waiting areas are added to the
Eq. (8) shows the general form of updating in the residual algorithm. traffic network. Jaywalkers count data for each intersection were also
et + 1 = et + ( V (st ) V (st + 1)) = et + ( (st ) (st + 1)) collected by fieldwork in this area. Regarding traffic demand data, the
traffic demands over 6 h in the morning (between 6:00 am and
t+1 = t + t + 1 et + 1 (8)
12:00 pm) on 26 April 2014 (workday) are defined in the form of 6
In Eq. (8), [0, 1] attenuates the effect of the successor state origin-destination matrices calculated by the municipality of Tehran.
(st + 1). In this research, is adapted during the learning process [66]. These 6 origin-destination matrices reflect the variations of traffic de-
The residual algorithm can be incorporated into Q-learning( ), mands in the morning.
SARSA( ), and actor-critic( ). However, due to space limitations, we Driver behavior parameters that reflect the drivers’ personalities in
just employ the combination of the residual algorithm with actor-critic decision making in different traffic situations are also important in
( ) which we call continuous state residual actor-critic( ). microscopic traffic simulation. These parameters affect the desired ve-
hicles’ movements such as lane changing, overtaking, traveling speed,
4. Microscopic traffic simulation of the study area, downtown
Advanced Interactive Microscopic Simulator for Urban and Non-Urban
Tehran city, the capital of Iran, which is located in the northern part Networks.
of the country, includes an irregular traffic network with the total 2
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
and holding a safety gap to other vehicles. The most effective para- waiting on each approaching street, and D1, D2, …, Dv indicate the
meters on the traffic simulation, such as reaction time (sec), reaction number of vehicles waiting on each departing street connected to the
time at stop (sec), minimum headway (sec), and speed acceptance neighboring intersections. The state space of each RLTSC is 2 + v + w
(degree of acceptance of speed limits), were calibrated to bring the si- dimensional. For example, the RLTSC which controls a junction with 4
mulation closer to the observed behavior of drivers [73]. Table 1 shows approaching streets and 4 departing streets has a state space with the
the calibrated values of these parameters. It should be highlighted that dimension of 10 in which the first two elements are the index of the
we included as much detail (e.g. traffic demand, slope of the streets, current green phase and time of the day and the rest of the elements are
and number of lanes) for which data is available in the simulation to the number of waiting vehicles on the approaching and departing
ensure the results, to some extent, are reliable. streets. Since the traffic demand varies over time, considering the time
variable (T) in the state space would seem to be helpful in dealing with
5. RLTSCs: RL-embedded traffic signal controllers the flow variations. Moreover, departing links variables (Di) can pro-
vide the traffic signal controller with the ability of handling the spill-
In traffic signal timing design, cycle and phase play a critical role. A back phenomenon and indirect cooperation with the neighboring traffic
traffic signal cycle is one complete sequence of signal directions and a signals.
phase is the part of a cycle allocated to any combination of non-con- After sensing the local traffic condition, the RLTSC selects a green
flicting traffic movements. Each movement must be served by at least time duration, i.e., a value from [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,
one phase of the cycle [74]. Each signalized intersection utilizes an 55, 60, 65, 70] s. Once a green time is selected, the RLTSC waits to the
RLTSC to adapt the green time allocated to each phase in response to end of the current phase duration which is the summation of the green
the current traffic situations. At the beginning of each phase of the and yellow interval. Then, it receives a scalar reward signal from the
cycle, the RLTSC senses the local prevailing traffic condition (i.e. en- stochastic traffic environment based on how close the selected green
vironment state) represented by a [Ph, T, A1, A2, …, Aw, D1, D2, …, Dv] time satisfies the RLTSC’s objective. The scalar reward signal provided
feature vector. The first component (Ph) is the index of the current to the RLTSC is defined as the negative total number of vehicles waiting
green phase of the junction, the second component (T) is the current on all approaching streets to the associated junction. The received re-
time of the day, w and v are the number of approaching and departing ward is then used to update the value (worthiness) of the selected green
streets of the junction, A1, A2, …, Aw show the number of vehicles time. The value of each green time informs the RLTSC how beneficial it
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
is to select the green time in the current traffic situation in order to Table 1
satisfy the defined objective. The value of each green time is initially set The most effective parameters of the traffic simulation.
to zero to represent that the RLTSCs do not possess any prior knowledge Parameters Calibrated value
of the stochastic traffic environment. Lacking any knowledge of the
stochastic traffic environment means that the RLTSCs will initially ex- Reaction time (sec) 0.9
Reaction time at stop (sec) 1.2
plore all green times in all different traffic situations by making random
Minimum headway (sec) [1.5–2.53]
green time selections. The RLTSCs iteratively interact with the sto- Speed acceptance [1–1.3]
chastic traffic environment by selecting different green times, receiving
rewards and updating the values of the green times to better reflect the
true value of the actions, and to improve the ability of the RLTSCs to
make informed decisions. In this paper, the values are updated through
the mentioned discrete state or continuous state RL methods. In all the
employed continuous state RL, tile coding as an effective feature
function is used. The fast and effective learning process through tile
coding depends on choosing the right number of tilings and tiles. The
nearly optimal number of tilings and tiles in each dimension, by using
trial and error, are found to be 2 and 5 respectively. With these values,
there would be a trade-off between speed and precision of the learning
process. Fig. 2. The projected tiles and tilings on the j-th dimension of the state space
that is 2 + v + w dimensional. st j is the j-th dimension of the current state.
Algorithm 1. Continuous state RLTSC based on tile coding for updating
tile has a value, i (st ), and a weight, i (and/or a separate weight for
each distinct action, i ). The value of a tile is 1 if the current state (st )
1: Initialize , , = 0 , and e = 0 falls in the region delineated by that tile, otherwise its value is zero
2: t 0 // time step (please refer to Eq. (6)). The weight of each tile is tuned during the
3: loop learning process (please refer to Eqs. (7) or (8)). The approximated
4: st Initial state of the episode value of a given state (state-action) is the sum of the weights of all the
5: F Set of active-tiles present in st activated tiles (please refer to Eqs. (3) or (4)). The way how state-values
6: repeat are updated in continuous state RLTSCs is described in Algorithm 1.
7: at action given by for st The simulation is repeatedly carried out for 6 h in the morning and
8: e e each 6 h is referred to as an episode. The whole simulation consists of
9: for all i F do 80 episodes. As the number of episodes increases, the RLTSCs rely less
10: e (i ) e (i ) + 1 on exploration through random green time selection and begin to ex-
11: end for ploit their obtained knowledge of the traffic environment by choosing
12: Set the current phase duration to at + yellowInterval those green times which possess a fairly high action value. The RLTSC
should strike a balance between exploration and exploitation in order to
13: Wait to the end of the phase
learn fast and efficiently. A straightforward and widely used approach
14: Ph Index of the current green phase
to trade-off between exploration and exploitation is the -greedy
15: T Current time of the day
method [16]. Through this method, the RLTSC selects the green time
16: for i = 1 to w do
that it believes has the best long-term effect with the probability of 1 ,
17: A (i ) Number of vehicles waiting on i-th approaching
and it selects a green time uniformly at random, otherwise. is a tuning
parameter to be changed during the simulation. The value of is in-
18: end for
itially high as the RLTSCs do not possess sufficient knowledge of the
19: for i = 1 to v do
traffic environment to make informed decisions. The value of declines
20: D (i ) Number of vehicles waiting on i-th departing
to a value close to 0.0 over numerous episodes as the RLTSCs’ knowl-
edge of the environment is raised. In this way, the RLTSCs exploit what
21: end for
they have learned and choose only those green times that are most
22: Calculate reward rt + 1 = i w
A (i ) beneficial in terms of their long term objective. Specifically, the value of
23: t+1 rt + 1 i F
(i ) reduces from 0.8 to 0.0 during the first 70 episodes and then it is kept
24: Estimate st + 1 based on Ph, T , A , and D constant at 0.0 over the last 10 episodes (test period) in order to
25: F Set of active-tiles present in st + 1 evaluate the learning performance of the system. Also, the discount
26: t+1 t+1 + (i ) factor is set to 0.99, which worked best in preliminary experiments.
i F
Another effective fundamental parameter in learning performance is
27: + t+1 e the learning rate (step size) that represents the rate of RLTSC’s learning
28: t t+1 throughout the course of the simulation as the RLTSC discovers the
29: until st in terminal characteristics of the traffic environment. Choosing the optimal value of
30: end loop the learning rate is prominent because a too small learning rate will
lead to very slow learning and a learning rate which is too large will
result in oscillations or divergence of the system. We have employed
Fig. 2 illustrates the arrangement of tiles and tilings on the j-th trial and error as the most reliable solution for finding the optimal
dimension in this research. In order to use tile coding, first, each state learning rates of each RL method. Table 2 shows the selected learning
variable is normalized between 0 and 1, then the whole state space is rates. It should be noted that the explained RLTSCs interact with
covered by two sets of tiles (two tilings). Each tiling is offset 0.1 from AIMSUN through the application programming interface functions.
another one on each dimension and the width of each tile is 0.2. Each Also, the RLTSCs are implemented by C++ programming language.
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
Fig. 3. System diagram and different parts of the RLTSC. The RLTSC receives through its sensors noisy data which is employed for the state and reward signal
estimation. Based on the policy, the RLTSC selects an action indicating the green time duration assigned for the current phase.
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
sensor noise are three elements which affect the performance of the experiment, it is supposed that the RLTSCs have learned through a si-
system. mulation environment without system disturbances and then they are
deployed in the field in which there are incidents, jaywalkers, and
7. Experiments and results sensor noise. In fact, we assume that the best policy is learned in the
ideal traffic environment during the first 70 episodes and then the
Different experiments are conducted in order to achieve the fol- system disturbances are added over the last 10 episodes in order to see
lowing objectives: (a) evaluating the performance of different discrete how the RLTSCs perform while contending with the novel conditions.
and continuous state RL for controlling traffic signals in the traffic Two different levels of system disturbances, low and high, which consist
network of downtown Tehran, (b) assessing the robustness of the of two levels of incident rates and sensor noise are defined in order to
RLTSCs against the above-mentioned system disturbances, and (c) determine how they handle different disturbance levels (see Table 4).
identifying and removing trivial state variables in order to decrease the The impacts of the disturbances on the RLTSCs’ learning performance
state space dimensionality and improve the learning performance of the are provided in Fig. 5, from which some important points can be made.
RLTSCs. In what follows, we discuss the individual experiments and The increasing or constant trends during the last 10 episodes of Q-
corresponding results. In all experiments, three performance indexes, learning( ) and SARSA( ), both discrete and continuous state, indicates
namely average travel time per vehicle (sec/km), average delay time the lack of robustness of these algorithms. By the way of contrast, the
per vehicle (sec/km), and average stop numbers (#/veh/km) are uti- downward trends in the performance of actor-critic( ) algorithms
lized in order to evaluate the performance of each traffic control (discrete and continuous state) over the last 10 episodes proves the
system. Moreover, the average of 10 simulations per method is used for ability of them to adapt to the random shocks. Also, continuous state
evaluating their learning performance. residual actor-critic( ) has the best performance at the presence of the
system disturbances. Among discrete state algorithms, only the discrete
7.1. Experiment 1: effect of eligibility traces state actor-critic( ) algorithm could improve its performance which
shows the low robustness of discrete state Q-learning( ) and SARSA( ).
Using eligibility traces in updating the values of states and green Indeed, the RLTSCs which can explore further after imposing random
times causes that the RLTSCs look ahead all the way until the end of the shocks can do well [82,83]. Table 5 compares the mean difference in
episode rather than only one step in time. In this manner, all the re- performance between disturbance experiments (experiment 2) and the
wards obtained later play a role in updating the values of states and base case experiment (experiment 1) for the actor-critic( ) algorithms
green times by assigning more credit for recently visited states than over the last 10 episodes. It is evident that the continuous state actor-
those visited longer ago. As mentioned in Section 3, the decay para- critic( ) algorithm has the lowest mean differences and consequently
meter ( ) is between 0.0 and 1.0; with = 0.0 the current state is only the highest robustness property in comparison to others.
eligible to be updated and with = 1.0 all the visited states are up- The noticeable point in this experiment is the reason why actor-
dated in each time step. Since there is no definitive proof to theoreti- critic( ) algorithms over the last 10 episodes are able to explore and
cally determine the best value of eligibility traces [81], the learning consequently adapt to system disturbances while following the greedy
performance of seven different RLTSCs each with the best learning rate policy. The reason is that the values of most actions after episode 70
and with different = 0.0, 0.5, and 0.9 are evaluated in order to find decrease because of the system disturbances and its effect on the traffic
the best value of the decay parameter (Fig. 4). Interestingly, as shown in congestion. In fact, updated values of most actions prior to episode 70
Fig. 4, the higher the value of , the better the performance of the actor- (before adding disturbances) are higher than action values after this
critic( ) algorithms and the worse the performance of the Q-learning( ) episode. As a result, once an action with the highest value is selected by
and SARSA( ) algorithms. The performance improvement by reducing the greedy policy, its value drops so that other actions with high values
in discrete state Q-learning( ) and SARSA( ) algorithms was also have the chance to be selected by the RLTSC. In this manner, the RLTSC
concluded by El-Tantawy et al. [10]. It has to be highlighted that the even with the greedy policy can still explore some actions. Also, the
performance of discrete state SARSA( ) with = 0.0 and 0.5 are almost critic’s estimate provides the actor with the ability to update with
identical but = 0.5 slightly outperforms = 0.0. Regarding the dif- gradients that have lower variance [84]. Actor-critic is able to react to
ferent optimal values of , it can be inferred that the best value of not smoothly changing states with smoothly changing actions. Moreover, as
only depends on the problem at hand and RL design (e.g. state defini- mentioned by Konda and Tsitsiklis [85], Grondman et al. [84], actor-
tion, reward definition, and action definition) but also depends on the critic methods usually have good convergence properties, in compar-
type of employed RL method. ison to the critic-only methods (SARSA and Q-learning).
Table 3 compares the average performance, as measured by three
performance indicators described earlier, of each RLTSC over the last 7.3. Experiment 3: effect of reduction in the size of the state-action space
10 episodes in which the policy is greedy. It is interesting to notice that
Q-learning( ) and SARSA( ) algorithms are less sensitive than actor- The high dimensional state-action space can result in immature
critic( ) to the value of , i.e. has a stronger influence on the per- learning. In this experiment, it is determined which state variables and
formance of actor-critic( ) in comparison to Q-learning( ) and actions should be included in the RLTSC’s state-action space so that a
SARSA( ). Also, the proper values of in all RLTSCs result in the lower better policy can be obtained and the size of the state-action space stays
standard deviation of the performance indicators. This is due to the fact reasonable at the same time. It should be assured that the number of
that the proper values of lead to a better convergence of the learning state variables and actions are not too large to enable the RLTSCs to
process. Among all different traffic signal controllers, continuous state learn the policy with less training and is not also too small so that the
residual actor-critic( ) and continuous state actor-critic( ) outperform state is detailed enough for mature learning. With this end in view, we
others. The reason is that actor-critic keeps a separate policy in- start with our proposed initial state-action space and then present the
dependent of the value function. In this way, there is no need to con- effect of eliminating different state variables and actions. In the tests, all
sider all actions’ Q-values in order to select one of them. Thus, it can seven RLTSCs with -greedy policy are utilized in order to identify the
lead to better performance in problems with large state-action spaces. impact of reducing the size of the state-action space on the system
performance. In the first test, the time variable (T) representing the
7.2. Experiment 2: effect of system disturbances current hour of the day is excluded from the state space. In this way, it
can be evaluated whether considering T is beneficial in handling flow
Since disturbances can cause unpredictable results, investigating the variations. The second test determines the impact of departing links
effect of them on the performance of the RLTSCs is crucial. In this variables (D1, D2, …, Dv) that are employed to provide the RLTSCs with
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
Fig. 4. Average travel time (sec/km) for different RLTSCs and for different values of the eligibility decay parameter. All the learning curves are the average of 10
indirect cooperation abilities. Excluding departing links variables, on (having actions with steps of 10 s is less flexible than 5 s). This allows us
the one hand, results in a substantial reduction in the state space size, to determine whether the large number of different green times is
but on the other hand, leads to diminishing the indirect cooperation crucial in traffic signal control. The forth test which is the combination
[27] between the traffic signals. In other words, the second test in- of the former tests explores the impact of reducing the size of both state
vestigates the significance of indirect cooperation in comparison to the space and action set. In this test, we analyse the aggregate impact of
impact of low dimensionality of the state space. It determines whether removing time and departing links variables and decreasing the action
considering the indirect cooperation between the traffic signals is es- set. The effect of removing other state variables such as Ph and A1, A2,
sential regarding the topology of the simulated traffic network (i.e. …, Aw are overlooked due to the obtained poor performance. Fig. 6
fairly long distances between adjacent traffic signals). In the third test, presents the learning performance of the RLTSCs in different tests. In
the initial number of state variables is kept constant, but the number of this figure the learning curves are compared to those with the initial
actions declines from 14 to 7 (the new action set employed is [10, 20, state-action space. The following points can be concluded.
30, 40, 50, 60, 70] s). We investigate the impact of reducing the size of
the action set while it also decreases the flexibility of the actions • None of the RLTSCs with the initial defined state-action space leads
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
Fig. 5. Average travel time (sec/km) for different RLTSCs with system disturbances. All the learning curves are the average of 10 simulations. The learning curves
over the last 10 episodes are zoomed-in.
Table 5
The mean difference in performance between disturbance experiment (experiment 2) and the base case experiment (experiment 1) over the last 10 episodes (results
are averaged over 10 simulations).
Traffic signal controller Level of system Mean difference in average travel Mean difference in average delay Mean difference in average stop
disturbances time (sec/km) time (sec/km) numbers (#/Veh/km)
Continuous state Actor-Critic Low 68.8 ± 21.6 68.6 ± 21.7 0.21 ± 0.04
( ) High 100.4 ± 26.7 100.1 ± 26.6 0.23 ± 0.04
Continuous state residual Low 99.1 ± 26.5 98.9 ± 26.5 0.24 ± 0.03
Actor-Critic( ) High 102.7 ± 26.3 102.4 ± 26.3 0.26 ± 0.03
Discrete state Actor-Critic( ) Low 99.7 ± 21.3 99.5 ± 21.3 0.21 ± 0.03
High 153.6 ± 23.0 153.3 ± 23.0 0.28 ± 0.03
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
Fig. 6. Average travel time (sec/km) for different RLTSCs with different inputs and sets of actions. All the learning curves are the average of 10 simulations.
Table 6
Results of experiment 3 (results are averaged over 10 simulations).
RLTSC Average travel time (sec/km) Average delay time (sec/km) Average stop numbers (#/Veh/km)
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
Fig. 7. Average travel time (sec/km) for different RLTSCs. All the learning curves are the average of 10 simulations. The learning curves over the last 10 episodes are
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
Table 7
Results of experiment 4 (results are averaged over 10 simulations).
Traffic signal controller Level of system disturbances Average travel time (sec/km) Average delay time (sec/km) Average stop numbers (#/Veh/km)
This is because the critic’s estimates provide the actor with the ability to simulated traffic environment that makes the traffic pattern more
update with gradients that have lower variance. homogeneous, whereas the real traffic pattern in the study area is, to
The traffic signals of the study area are mostly controlled by police some extent, heterogeneous due to the lack of lane discipline. This issue
officers in the periods of peak demands. Since modeling their opera- can afflict the improvements. Moreover, the reaction time of all drivers
tions is not the objective of this research, we do not benchmark their is not the same in real-world traffic that may lead to more stochasticity
performance against the RLTSCs. We, however, benchmark the best and in turn affect the performance. Additionally, it is assumed that
RLTSC (i.e. continuous state actor-critic( )) against an optimized fixed- jaywalkers cross the streets in a constant velocity. In reality, they,
time method in three different disturbance levels in order to ensure that however, may increase their speed, depending on their age and gender,
the best RLTSC is able to outperform the fixed-time controller even in when a vehicle is approaching them.
the presence of disturbances. The fixed time signal plan for each in-
tersection is separately optimized by employing TRANSYT [86]. It is 9. Conclusion and future work
worth noting that among all the system disturbance factors, the sensor
noise is not applicable to the fixed-time controller due to the fact that it In this research, first, a real-world microscopic traffic simulation of
does not work based on the information obtained from sensors. As downtown Tehran was carried out. Then, an empirical study of seven
shown in Table 8, the best RLTSC results in lower average travel time, different RLTSCs from both discrete and continuous state approaches
delay time, and stop numbers for all three system disturbance levels. was conducted. In the microscopic traffic simulation, traffic demand
The most notable improvement is average delay time. Also, the best data for 6 h (between 6:00 am and 12:00 pm) in the form of origin-
RLTSC outperforms the fixed-time controller at the presence of high destination matrixes were assigned to the traffic network in order to
system disturbances. simulate the morning traffic variations. To achieve high credibility in
Another point is the matter of differences between real-world and the traffic simulation, we utilized calibrated parameters describing the
simulated traffic that can affect the performance of the RLTSCs. driver behaviors in the simulation.
Certainly the microscopic traffic simulation of the study area cannot The effects of eligibility traces on the performance of RL algorithms
thoroughly replicate the real-world traffic, because there are some were investigated. It is found that the higher the value of is, the better
elements and factors that are unknown or very difficult to be modeled the performance of actor-critic( ) algorithms become and the worse the
with acceptable accuracy. Therefore, the performance of different performance of Q-learning( ) and SARSA( ) algorithms become. Also,
RLTSCs in the simulated traffic environment might not be similar to the results indicated that the state variables of departing links and time
that of in the study area. Here, we briefly discuss some possible pitfalls (i.e. [T, D1, D2, …, Dv]) are not beneficial. The continuous state actor-
that could reduce the expected improvements in practice. critic( ) algorithm has the highest robustness property against traffic
The first issue is the variation of traffic demand over time. In the disturbances. Moreover, the results demonstrate the efficiency of de-
used microscopic traffic simulation the time-interval of flow variations centralized and RL-embedded traffic signal control in urban traffic
is one hour, i.e., the traffic flow changes in one-hour intervals. In real- networks in comparison to the fixed-time method. Since the system is
world traffic, however, the variations in demand occur in shorter time- designed to operate in a decentralized manner, it is highly scalable to
intervals. This issue that increases the nonstationarity and stochasticity traffic networks of arbitrary sizes and additional intersections can be
of real-world traffic may disturb the performance of the RLTSCs. Also, readily incorporated into the system.
the variations of the traffic flow among the days of the week are ne- The present research serves to the developments in the research line
glected in this research and this is another pitfall that may impair the of intelligent traffic control and motivates the application of machine
performance. Furthermore, drivers adhere to lane discipline in the learning techniques to real-world domains. Future work can cover the
Table 8
Comparison between fixed time signal controller and the best RLTSC.
No system disturbances Low system disturbances High system disturbances
System indexes Fixed-time RLTSC % Improvement Fixed-time RLTSC % Improvement Fixed-time RLTSC % Improvement
Travel time (sec/km) 264 191 27.6 339 258 23.9 379 296 21.9
Delay time (sec/km) 210 137 34.8 285 205 28.2 325 242 25.6
Stop numbers (#/Veh/km) 1.82 1.52 16.6 1.98 1.72 13.1 2.06 1.75 15.1
M. Aslani et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 (2018) 639–655
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