Clausewitz-Rulebook-V0 5 0
Clausewitz-Rulebook-V0 5 0
Clausewitz-Rulebook-V0 5 0
REACTIONS ............................................... 10
ZONE OF CONTROL .................................. 10
Clausewitz has been designed for 6mm
wargaming using D6 dice at a scale of 1:5300,
which roughly equates to one 6mm figure
representing 50 men. One foot equates to
one mile.
Impassable BRIGADES
Only units with the special rule El Bruc may A Brigade is made up of a number of bases
move through, down or up impassable terrain known as “Units” which represent Battalions,
at a rate of 1cm per action. If this unit is inside Cavalry or Artillery companies, or even a
a Brigade with other units that do not possess combination of all three in some instances.
this special rule then the Brigade cannot take Each Unit will add its own attributes to that of
advantage of this rule. the Brigade. As well as the Units mentioned
above, there will also be a Brigadier General
Impassable terrain may be such areas like
base (same base dimensions) who represents
ravines or cliffs.
the Brigade command.
A section on terrain types is included towards
Each Brigade is made up of basic attributes
the back of the rules with the different effects
which are enhanced by the units that are
each terrain type has on play and their
included within that Brigade. Brigades can be
classification. For example, troops inside of
no larger than five troop bases and one
woods receive a 6+ saving throw. Troops
command base. These attributes are:
uphill in a melee to their enemy will receive a
+1 to their combat dice roll. Morale 3+
Morale is used once the unit is within the
TERRAIN TYPES Zone of Control of any enemy units or of a
• Woods – Difficult Terrain, units inside unit of Horse wish to engage an enemy in
woods receive a saving throw of 5+ column formation. This will be modified by
from any type of weapons fire. formations of units within the Brigade and
• Ploughed Fields – Rough Terrain also by certain elite units in the Brigade.
• Villages/Towns – Difficult Terrain, Morale tests are performed on 2D6.
units inside villages or towns are
considered to be imbedded inside the Steady 5+
buildings etc and therefore receive a This is the roll needed for the men in the
saving throw of 4+. Other units can Brigade to reload their weapons effectively
attack units embedded in Villages or under the gaze of the enemy and pluck up
Towns in melee but the defender their courage to shoot at the men opposite
receives +1 to their combat dice. them. Rolls which are successful can be rolled
• Cliffs – Impassable Terrain again in the ‘Fire!’ step of shooting. A ‘Fire!’
• Ravines – Impassable Terrain roll sees whether the Brigade hits its target,
• Lakes – Impassable Terrain needing 4+ at effective range and 5+ at long
range. Some elite units may boost this roll to a MIXED BRIGADES
4+ or perhaps grant re-rolls to a portion of the Some nations employed mixed Brigades or
dice. Foot and Horse. If the rules for the nation
allows it, they may build mixed Brigades.
Combat Dice: 0
Mixed Brigades will move at the pace of their
This is the number of dice the Brigade can use
slowest unit. For Example, a mixed Brigade or
when it’s firing its weapons at the enemy or
Foot troops and Cavalry will move at the pace
taking part in a melee action. As units are
of the Foot troops.
added to the Brigade the number of Combat
Dice will increase in proportion with the size
of the unit that is being added. A dice is added
Occasionally some units may be deployed on
for every 200 men of a unit. When a Brigade
their own or leave their parent Brigade to
takes any damage, for each damage roll a die
pursue a separate agenda on the battlefield.
on 5+ their Combat Dice pool is reduced by 1.
Once this happens the unit is considered to be
CC v Foot: 5+ a Brigade with a single unit. You may wish to
This is the basic melee stat for all Brigades. attach a command unit to show the morale of
When a Brigade meets an opposing foot unit this unit or alternatively you can track this
in base-to-base contact on terrain that isn’t using pen and paper.
open, those Brigades will fight a melee action.
Using their combat dice, rolls of equal or
higher the value specified will result in a hit
against the opposing Brigade. Foot units inside a Brigade can take on
different formations depending on the
CC v Horse: 6+ situation they find themselves in. To change
This is the basic melee stat for all Brigades. the formation for any units within the
When a Brigade meets an opposing mounted Brigade, the Brigade must use an action to
unit in base-to-base contact on terrain that change unit formations for one action point.
isn’t open, those Brigades will fight a melee The formations available to foot troops are:
action. Using their combat dice, rolls of equal
or higher the value specified will result in a hit Line Formation
against the opposing Brigade. The line formation allows the unit to fire all
available combat dice assigned to it. Artillery
Rating: 4
fire directly into the flank of a line unit would
Ratings determine how well a unit
cause considerable damage, therefore if a unit
understands its orders. An order can be given
fires weapons at the unit from its flank the
to a unit to activate by combining the
shooting unit is able to re-roll any misses on
General’s Rating and the units rating. I.e., a
their Fire! roll. Units in line formation cannot
Generals rating of 3 and a units rating of 4
use its quick march speed. A line formation
would mean that the unit activates on 7+.
can be represented by the number three in
However, if the roll to activate is lower than
the dice holder on the unit itself.
this combined score then the unit loses that
many actions that turn. i.e., the score needed Benefits: Can use all combat dice when firing.
is 7 and the roll is a 5 the unit loses two Artillery do not gain any advantage when
actions and so would only have three actions firing on a line formation.
to use that turn.
Cons: Cannot use the quick march action. Can
be vulnerable to cavalry attacks.
Column Formation Cons: Can only use a quarter of their combat
dice (rounded up). Cannot move. Enemy units
Any units that are in column formation grant are able to re-roll all unsuccessful “Steady”
the Brigade an additional one to its morale and “Fire!” rolls that target a unit in the
(remember that the Brigade morale cannot Square formation.
exceed 3+). Units in column formation can use
the quick march pace. Columns are vulnerable
to fire and so enemy shooting attacks made PLAY METHODS
against the unit are able to re-roll any Clausewitz can be used to either re-fight
unsuccessful “Fire!” rolls. Cavalry pose less of historical engagements where players can
threat to units in Column formation, the build an army using the order of battle at the
Cavalry special rule is reduced by one for time, or, as a points-based game where
Brigades that have their units in Columns (i.e., players build armies of equal value.
Cavalry (-2) is reduced to Cavalry (-1) and
Cavalry (-1) is negated) and Cavalry must To be fleshed out once points values have
make a morale test before engaging with the been determined.
unit. A column formation can be represented
by the number six in the dice holder on the
unit itself. Units in column formation can only
fire a quarter of their combat dice rounded There are 30 turns to a game of Clausewitz,
up. this represents 5 hours of battle. Players may
wish to add more turns if they’re refighting an
Benefits: Can use the quick march action and historic engagement. Each turn represents 10
the Brigade benefits from +1 to their morale minutes real time of battle, for example Turn
rolls for each unit inside the Brigade in this 1 may represent the battle time between
formation. Cavalry effects are reduced. 9:50am and 10am.
Cons: Can only use a quarter of their combat A number of chits are used to represent all of
dice (rounded up). Enemy units are able to re- that players actions for their Generals (for
roll unsuccessful “Fire!” rolls when targeting a example, if a player has a commander-in-chief
unit in the Column formation. (CinC) and two Generals of Division then that
player will have 15 chits - 5 chits representing
Square Formation
the 5 actions of each General). Each player
Used solely as a defensive formation any units will start with five chits which represents their
in Square cannot move, and enemy units CinC actions. Each time further Generals are
firing on units in square formation are able to activated during the game an additional five
re-roll all unsuccessful “Steady” and “Fire!” chits are added to the bag to represent that
rolls. Cavalry cannot charge units in Square Generals actions, when a player draws one of
formation and their Cavalry special rule does their chits, they can choose to use an action
not affect units in Square. A square formation for one of their activated Generals that has
can be represented by the number four in the actions remaining that turn. An activated
dice holder on the unit itself. Units in square General will go through the following process
formation can only fire a quarter of their each turn:
combat dice rounded up.
1. The player chooses a General who has
Benefits: Cannot be charged by Cavalry and actions remaining, the player can then
the Brigade benefits from +1 to their morale choose to perform an action with that
rolls for each unit inside the Brigade in this General (for example, a move) or they
formation. may wish to order a nearby Brigade.
If they do so, add the General’s and choose to use a number of actions
Brigades rating together and roll 2D6. that are described in the Actions
If the roll is equal to or higher than Section. If the Brigade or Unit begins
this value then the player may then its turn within the Zone of Control of
use five actions on that Brigade to an enemy unit it must first pass
move, shoot etc. If the roll is less than morale test to act. If it fails this test
the combined rating total, the Brigade then refer to the Morale section of
may still move and act but loses one the rules and move that unit
action relative to the difference i.e., if accordingly.
a combined score of 7 is needed and
3. Once a player has used all the actions,
the player rolls a 5, then the ordered
they wish to that turn, they can then
Brigade will lose two actions. Likewise
reserve any actions left over as
for each full 8cm distance the Brigade
‘Reactions’ which can be used for
is from the General that unit will lose
defensive purposes should an enemy
a further action that turn.
unit enter their Zone of Control.
As an example, a General with a 4. Another chit is drawn from the bag
rating of 3 attempts to send orders to and play continues that turn until no
an infantry Brigade with rating 4 that other chits are left.
is 17cm away from the General
(meaning the unit loses two actions
for being 16cm away). The General OBJECTIVES
rolls a six (meaning the unit loses a Each game will have a number of objectives
further action as the required score on the battlefield which players will score
was 7). Therefore, the Brigade will points for holding. Objectives are numbered
only have two actions this turn to use. (usually 1-6), and Divisions are given orders to
hold these objectives via ADC’s. Brigades can
2. If the General and Brigade pass their
only score victory points for their side if the
Command Roll, the Brigade may then
Division they belong to has been designated
General’s at Risk
If Generals are in base-to-base contact with a
friendly unit in melee with the enemy the
General can also take part and adds one FIGURE 3 - DEPLOYMENT MARKERS
additional combat dice to the friendly Brigade These Markers move at a rate of 15cm. The
in combat. generals move these Markers across the table
If a General takes part in a combat situation in alternate turns. Each marker must be
this can put them at risk of being harmed. If within either 15cm of a board edge or another
the melee action results in a loss for the side friendly marker. If at any point a marker
which the General is part of roll 2D6. moves to within 15cm of any of the
opponent’s markers both their marker and ACTIVATED BRIGADES
their opponents are locked into position and Each Brigade can use up to five actions per
cannot move any further. Once all markers turn, some actions cost more than others a
are ‘locked’ the area those markers enclose list of actions is shown later on.
represent the players deployment area.
Players then place their units in the table Actions usually revolve around moving,
alternately beginning with the player who changing formation or attacking the enemy.
locked all their markers first. There must be
no less than 1cm between each Brigade while REACTIONS
units inside a Brigade must be in base-to-base Brigades may choose to reserve some of their
contact with each other. actions as reactions. Reactions enable you to
respond to enemies within 10cm of your
elements, this distance is known as the ‘Zone
of Control’. Therefore, if you have activated a
unit and are perhaps 15-20cm away from the
enemy it may be wise to reserve some of your
actions as reactions so that you can repulse
the enemy if they choose to attack.
Enfilading Fire
Units which fire on the flank of a unit in line
formation are performing what is called
enfilading fire, when this occurs the attacker
is able to re-roll any unsuccessful “Fire!” rolls.
Firing can only be carried out if the target of MELEE
the unit is within range and also with a clear Melee occurs when bases of opposing forces
line of sight. The target unit must be directly meet in base-to-base contact. Depending on
in front of the unit firing. Units cannot fire the type of units in combat and the terrain
over friendly or enemy units unless they are melee is taking place in, one of two things will
on higher ground than the intervening units. happen:
In the above example, both blue brigades are If the melee is on open terrain between
able to fire upon the red Brigade. The Red infantry and cavalry or between two cavalry
brigade is only able to fire upon one blue units then combat is carried out.
Melee is not an action and does not require
Any type of firing is broken down into two any action points per the units engaged, it
simply occurs when two opposing bases meet FLEEING COMBAT
in base-to-base contact. If a unit fails a morale test within the Zone of
Control of the enemy one of a number of
Melee in Villages, Towns or Difficult
events may occur;
If contact is made between any two opposing If the Unit Is Outside of Small Arms Fire Range
units while in villages, towns or difficult If the unit fails a morale test by two or less
terrain then combat is carried out. while in the zone of control of an enemy but
outside its small arms range that unit will
RESOLVING MELEE COMBAT withdraw 2cm from the enemy unit but
To resolve melee combat both you and your remain facing them. If the unit fails by a value
opponent will roll the number of combat dice of more than 2 then the unit will flee 3cm
allocated the units that are taking part. For away from the enemy plus its remaining
Example, if two Austrian Line Infantry units number of actions at 3cm per action and end
with 5 combat dice each are in base-to-base its turn facing directly away from the enemy.
contact with two French Line Infantry units In both cases that unit can no longer make
also with 5 combat dice each then both offensive actions that turn.
players will roll 10 dice. The attributes of that
unit will specify the dice roll needed either Inside Long Range of Small Arms Fire
under ‘CC v Foot’ or ‘CC v Horse’ depending If the unit fails a morale test by two or less
on the opposing unit that is in contact. Each while in the zone of control of an enemy but
roll equal to or higher than this value is inside its small arms long range that unit will
classified as a ‘hit’ and you and your opponent withdraw 2cm from the enemy unit but
must reflect this in the ‘Receiving Damage’ remain facing them. If the unit fails by a value
stage of combat. of more than 2 then the unit will flee 3cm
away from the enemy plus its remaining
Flank and Rear Attacks number of actions at 3cm per action and end
Units which are attacking the enemy in the its turn facing directly away from the enemy,
flank receive a +1 modifier to their combat it will also suffer 1 hit and all the effects that
dice roll, while units attacking an enemy in its confers. In both cases that unit can no longer
rear benefits from a +2 modifier. make offensive actions that turn.
Command: No effect
Type: Foot
Morale: +1 per unit added
Strength: +1 per 50 men added
Steady: 5+
Rating: 4
Combat Dice: No effect
Skirmish Dice: No effect
Artillery Dice: +1 per weapon
CC v Foot: 6+
CC v Horse: 6+
Additional Rules:
Artillery – In Melee this unit halves the
number of combat dice it may use.
Command: No effect
Type: Mounted
Morale: +1 per unit added
Strength: +1 per 50 men added
Steady: 5+
Rating: 4
Combat Dice: No effect
Skirmish Dice: No effect
Artillery Dice: +1 per weapon
CC v Foot: 6+
CC v Horse: 6+
Additional Rules:
Artillery – In Melee this unit halves the
number of combat dice it may use.
Capturing Generals
Players whose Brigades move over or finish
their move on top of an enemy general are
considered to have captured that General. He
must stay in base-to-base contact with that
Brigade until a friendly Brigade defeats them
in combat or the end of the game. An extra
victory point is awarded per General captured
or killed.
Using Strength
If players wish and they agree between
themselves, they can use the strength stat on
the Brigades, this will need tracking
throughout the game. At the end of the game
subtract your ending strength of all your units
against what you began with. The difference
between these two figures is the number of
loss’s your army has suffered. Multiply the
value by 50 to give you a rough estimate of
how many men were killed or wounded
during the engagement. This works best for
replicating historical battles and comparing
your results to that of the General who
commanded the army at the time.
Fog of War
Players may wish to deploy their units as
markers instead of models. These markers
must be the same size as the base its
replacing with the name of the unit on its
face. When players deploy their army these
markers are then placed face down on the