DM - 0008 - S - 2023 Induction Program IPBT Mas Oath Taking
DM - 0008 - S - 2023 Induction Program IPBT Mas Oath Taking
DM - 0008 - S - 2023 Induction Program IPBT Mas Oath Taking
Depertment of GUuution
1. To officially welcome and onboard all newly hired teaching and non-teaching
personnel of this Schools Division as part of the Recruitrnent, Selection, Placement,
and Induction (RSPI) System, this Office, through the Human Resource Management
Office (HRMO) and the Human Resource Development Section (HRDS), shall conduct
the ffeatatlon on the DepEd Inductlon Program aad arll Oath T,tllrg of
Newly llired DopEd orthem Per.ola el tot 61 2U22 on Jaauar5r 3O, 2O23
at a venue to be announced in a subsequent memorandum.
2. This activity shall be participated by the 446 newly hired DepEd teaching and
non-teaching personnel for Cy 2022, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent,
Chiefs of tl.e Functional Divisions, Education Program Supervisors, Public Schools
District Supervisors/ Principals In-Charge, Senior Education Program Specia.lists,
and SDO Unit Heads (see attached list).
J The purposes of this activity are as follows:
a. officially welcome the newly hired DepEd personnel;
b. orient the newly hired personnel on the DepEd induction program,
especia.lly on the Induction Program for Beginning Teachers (lPEn)
c. introduce the structure and key personnel of DepEd Schools Division of
Nortiern Samar;
d. inspire the newly hired DepEd personnel as they start their journey in the
Mabini St., Brgy. Acacia, Catarman, 6400, Northern Samar
Telefax: (055) 500 9801
Email: [email protected]
Page r oI 17
D.partmcnt of Education, Schools Crivision of Northcm Samer
4. Since this activit5r involves teachers who will be out of their respective classes
during the entire duration of the activity, they are reminded to provide activitjes or
make any possible ara-ngement with fellow teachers to handle their classes in lieu
of their absence.
6. Expenses incurred rclative to the conduct of t}le activity such as meals, venue,
and otler expenses shall be charged against SARO No. RO-8-22-O722 while travel
and other incidental expenses shall be charged against local funds/school MOOE
subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
Schools Division Superinte
r* D7-1
h \r/
Deportment of @Ducetion
Errclostre No. 1 to DM OO0 Y . s. ZOZS
a'7 ong
Jerwin N/A Adrayan Teacher II
272 | ons Tirso ,tn/a Lipata Teacher Il
273 Orlaza Edwin NIA Casellano Teacher I
274 Oroncillo Aloha N/A Yu Teacher I
??!-lP."at Analyn N/A Caparal Teacher I
276 Orsua Julie Ann N/A Esteria Teacher II
277 Ortego Aira N/A Recluta Teacher ll
278 : Ortego Jenalyn N/A Ombrog Teacher I
279 Pagliawan Joy N/A Gabion Teacher I
280 Paglinawan Jerson ,[tr/A N/A Teacher I
28t Pajantoy Jaquilyn Jone N/A Quimbo Teacher I
na.) Pajares Geselle N/A Rodriguez Teacher I
283 i Pajares Ma. i,eona N/A Bunao Teacher ll
284 Pajaroja Marinil N/A Pica rda I Teacher I
285 Paloma Jocelyn N/A Acedera Teacher I
246 Panlilio Gerwin N/A Salili Teacher II
287 Pantua Lorelie N/A Dolorm Teacher I
2a8 ParaneI
Elmer N/A Acebron Teacher I
289 Pedamato Bernardo N/A Atencio Teacher I
290 Pecson Ruffa N/A Diola Teacher I
291 Pelito Rodel N/A Desoloc Teacher I
292 Pelito Maity N/A Diz Teacher II
293;Petalvo Andrea Tria N/A Dineros Teacher II
294 Pialago Marwin N/A Pecenio Teacher I
295 Picardal Francis N/A Baldos Teacher I
296 Pinangay Laarni N/A Daradal Teacher Il
297 Pinca Viena Jessa N/A Rosco Teacher I
298 i Pinca Thessa Marian N/A Loverita Teacher I
299 i Platon Anlyn April N/A Villanueva Teacher I
300 Pleserda Jude Anthony N/A Gordo Teacher I
301 Pleserda Donna Mae I N/a Oliva Teacher I
302 Ponce Angelyn N/A Acuyan Teacher I
303 Porio Junrey N/A Caiipus Teacher II
304 Porlage Carola Vianette N/A De l,os Santos Teacher I
30s Porlaje Mary Grace N/A Siewo Teacher I
306 Porton Glaiza J6y i N/a Dulfo Teacher Il
307 Posio Daditha N/A Olitan Teacher I
308 | potot Christine 1 N/A Bermas Teacher I
309 Purigay Amelia N/A Espinola Teacher I
310 Qurjoy Michael Angelo N/A Gumarao Teacher II
311 Quiling Julie-Ann N/A Biago Teacher I
3t2 Quinao Jahziel N/A Zubiaga Teacher I
313 Randy Lingling N/A Timbawawan Teacher I
314 | Reyes Christine Joy N/A Guardiano Teacher I
315 Reves Jimboy N/A Masdo Teacher II
316 , Rivera Jessica N/A Monicet Teacher I
3t7 Robiano Carmina N/A Tenedero Teacher I
318 Robiios John Roger N/A Lipata Teacher II
"as of December 29, 2022. Data taleen fTom tlrc Humnn Resource Management Office.
January 30,2023
Venue: TBA
8:00- Irgre3s
8:30 AM
8:30- Prelirainaries
9:00: AM
9;00- U.!. Oath T.Lr-g
9:15 AM
,a l g. Centaa'tcE, CESO 7t
Schools Diuision &z nt
9:15 AM - Pre.altruoo of OsgEtzrtfoEd StructurG, H!'6,- Ro.ouscc
10:00 AM 8!rrt€8., ud Progranr of the Olllce of the Schoob Dlvldor
Supcriateodcat IOSDSI
A flermosllla
Mttcation Superuiso r
C hief
*hools Gouemane and Duision
1:00 PM
1:00 PM - Wrllthrough oa tle Iaductim PrograE for Begiraiag feacherr
2:00 PM IIPBTI Courrebools
Pctz" R. Eobllgs
*nior Edrcatbn Program Specialist
Human Resource Dewbpment *ction
Ditti.sion IPBT Fot,al Person
2:00 PM - salde., VrgG., a[d B€oeft of T€echert
3:00 PM {IPBT Cour3 bool Ito. 6f end otr-Tcochilrg Perrorurct
Elna PhD
Prepared by:
n Prcgram Specialist
Resource Deuelopment Sedion
Reviewed by:
khools Gouemance anl- Operations Diuision
n Superuisor
Schools and @emtions Duision
District Head
*to include all newly hired teachers from Elemental/, Junior High School, and
Senior High School (both from IUs and non-lus) within the district.
Lani H. Cervantes, CESO Vl Activitv Manaoer
Dr. Crista Joy Abogadie-Torbila, CESE Co-Activity Manager
Noe M. Hermosilla Onsite Managers
Alex B. Rejuso
Dr. Elna D. Enano Co-onsite Manager
Deah A. Gamao Finance Manager
Merlita B. Fajardo QAME Manager
Peter R. Bobiles Resource/Focal Person
One (1) Division Nurse Health and Safety Managers
Gretchen B. Gundino HRD/GAD Staff
Ericson M. Morillo
Temothy Clutario
Wilkins Wonq