The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the management of Islamic education in the study
of teacher professionalism in the era of change as a form of strengthening the management of Islamic
education. The method uses a qualitative approach with the type of library research and data sources
from books and journals about the quality of Islamic education and teacher professionalism in the era of
globalization as a form of strengthening Islamic education management. The results in this study
indicate that the management of Islamic education in the era of globalization has differences in quality
towards the achievement of quality education in accordance with the National Education Standards
(SNP). Teacher professionalism is one of the main factors affecting the quality of education. Professional
teachers must have the ability to: (1) master teaching materials and materials; (2) mastering and
applying philosophy, methods, techniques and practices; (3) take advantage of the development of ICT
to improve the quality of learning; (4) self-develop and improve professional performance; and (5)
increasing his commitment to serve himself in the community. The relationship between teacher
professionalism and efforts to improve education management in the era of change is very closely
related, because teachers are the main factor that becomes the subject of education. Thus, the author
can suggest that if you want the management of Islamic education to increase, the level of teacher
professionalism will also increase in this era of change.
One of the requirements that must be possessed by a teacher / educator in order to work professionally
is the teacher's ability to master the material. The ability of teachers to master this material in
Permendiknas number 16 of 2007 concerning the qualifications of educators and education personnel is
part of professional competence. In the regulation, it is explained that one of the professional
competencies that must be mastered by teachers based on the Regulation of the Minister of National
Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards
and Teacher Competencies is mastering the material structures, concepts, and scientific mindsets that
support the subjects being taught.
Teachers are professional educators who have duties, functions, and important roles in the intellectual
life of the nation. Professional teachers are expected to actively participate in national development to
realize Indonesian people who fear God Almighty, excel in science and technology, have a soul, are
ethical, have noble character, and have personality. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of
society, nation and state is largely determined by teachers. Therefore, the teaching profession needs to
be developed continuously and proportionally according to the demands in an era of change.
Moreover, teachers in the era of change, really need to improve their professionalism and creativity, in
facing the development of science and technology, so that madrasas exist in the modern world, because
Islamic education management is one solution to equip students with a balance between religious
knowledge, and general science.
The aim of Strengthening Islamic Education Management as a solution must also be realized in the
professionalism of teachers in the era of change. Therefore, this paper is expected to be able to explain
teacher professionalism as a demand in the era of change as a manifestation of strengthening Islamic
education management.
The method uses a qualitative approach with the type of library research and data sources from books
and journals about the quality of Islamic education and teacher professionalism in the era of
globalization as a form of strengthening Islamic education management. The results in this study
indicate that the management of Islamic education in the era of globalization has differences in quality
towards the achievement of quality education in accordance with the National Education Standards
(SNP). Teacher professionalism is one of the main factors affecting the quality of education.
Professional teachers must have the ability to: (1) master teaching materials and materials; (2)
mastering and applying philosophy, methods, techniques and practices; (3) take advantage of the
development of ICT to improve the quality of learning; (4) develop yourself and improve professional
performance; and (5) increasing his commitment to serve himself in the community. The relationship
between teacher professionalism and efforts to improve education management in the era of change is
very closely related, because teachers are the main factor that becomes the subject of education. Thus,
the author can suggest that if you want the management of Islamic education to increase, the level of
teacher professionalism will also increase in this era of change.
Professionalism comes from the word profession (profession) which can be interpreted as a typical type
of work or work that requires knowledge. Profession can also be interpreted as some expertise or
knowledge that is used in applications to relate to other people, agencies or an institution. In the Big
Indonesian Dictionary, profession is a field of work based on certain expertise. While the meaning of a
professional is someone who has a set of knowledge or expertise that is typical of his profession.
Teachers also have a professional duty, so as a professional teacher will know, understand, and
appreciate that a profession has duties, roles, and responsibilities. In carrying out their duties, teachers
are required to have diverse abilities or skills and are based on abilities and skills as a requirement of a
teaching profession.
Professionalism is a standard term in preparing human resources for the 21st century which is full of
competition. There are those who emphasize professionalism in mastering knowledge and tips in its
application. David H. Maister quoted by H.A.R. Tilaar (2002) emphasizes that professionalism is not just
knowledge of technology and management, but professionalism emphasizes an attitude. Muhibbin Syah
(2000), professionalism is a quality and a special behavior that is the hallmark of a professional.
Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, the formulation is given, namely: professional is
a job or activity that is carried out by a person and becomes a source of income for his life that requires
expertise, proficiency, or skills that meet certain quality standards or norms, and requires professional
education. Furthermore, professional teachers carry out special work which is carried out based on
seven things, namely (1) having talents, interests, vocations, and ideals, (2) having a commitment to
improve the quality of education, faith, piety, and noble character, (3) having academic qualifications,
profession, and educational background in accordance with the field of duty, (4) have the necessary
competencies in accordance with the field of duty, (5) have responsibility for the implementation of
professional duties, (6) earn income determined in accordance with work performance so that teachers
become proud of the profession they are in, (7) can utilize information technology, (8) are able to
communicate widely, and (9) have the opportunity to develop professionalism in a sustainable manner
by learning throughout life (long life learning) (UU Guru and Lecturer, 2011: 152). The emphasis of the
seven is being able to utilize information technology in supporting the professionalism of teachers.
Professional teachers are not just tools for transmitting culture but also transforming that culture into a
dynamic direction that demands knowledge, high productivity, and competitive quality and is a dynamist
who leads the potentials of students towards creativity. Professional function is to teach, train, and carry
out research on educational problems as well as being a facilitator to help students transform the
potential possessed by students into developing abilities and skills that are beneficial to humans.
Professionalism is a term that refers to a mental attitude in the form of commitment from members of a
profession to always realize and improve their professional quality. Professionalism is essentially the
competence to carry out its duties and functions properly and correctly.
Thus, teacher professionalism is the ability and ability of teachers to carry out their duties and functions
as teachers, and has a commitment to continuously improve the quality of their profession. This can be
measured from the competence of the teacher, namely pedagogic competence, professional
competence, personality competence, social competence.
Talking about teacher professionalism is certainly related to the competencies possessed by teachers as
educators. Teachers who must have pedagogic, emotional, and social skills are also expected to be able
to become professional educators. As mandated in Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and
lecturers which reads: "teachers are part of a profession and are required to be professional".
Competence is in a person in the form of the ability or ability to do something, which is related to
behavioral patterns.
The complete figure of a graduate of the teacher professional education program, including in this case
Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers, is generically stated in the Teacher Competency Standards
(Permen no. 16 of 2007). The teacher's competence The complete figure of a graduate of the teacher
professional education program, including in this case Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers, is
generically stated in the Teacher Competency Standards (Permen no. 16 of 2007). The teacher's
competence These competency standards must be noted below: As a professional Islamic Religious
Education (PAI) teacher, mastery of the field of study is not isolated. In carrying out their duties, mastery
of the field of study is integrated with the ability to understand students, design learning, carry out
educational learning processes, and evaluate learning processes and outcomes. As a professional, the
teacher must know who he is, his strengths, weaknesses, obligations and the direction of his
development. The ever-changing world causes dynamic demands on teacher skills as well. Therefore,
teachers must be good at choosing effective strategies to develop themselves continuously.
Sardiman quoted by Sitti Roskina Mas stated that the characteristics of a professional teacher consist of:
(1) capable, meaning that teachers have a level of knowledge, expertise, to improve the quality of
education and the ability to turn it into something that benefits both the teacher himself and his
students, ( 2) innovator, meaning that teachers always try to find new breakthroughs in finding solutions
to student difficulties in the teaching and learning process. So that difficulties in learning can be
mapped, and (3) developer, meaning that professional teachers always try to develop themselves and
also develop various learning models so that they are able to increase student motivation.
Principles of Teacher Professional Competence According to Samana quoted by Nur Hasanah, of the 11
professional competencies of teachers, proper learning principles/principles are needed in their
implementation which include:
Basically, children are active creatures. This can be accounted for from the vilosovis, biological
psychological, and sociological missions that are related to the lives of children. Learning is a
fundamental humanitarian activity, so it is only natural that teachers and students are required to be
active in carrying out their roles. Because learning is basically how to teach students.
Motivation is an impulse that makes someone do learning activities. This motivation can be intrinsic and
extrinsic. Teachers are required to be able to build students' learning motivation.
In an effort to build student interest, the teacher should strive to explain the meaning, direction,
usefulness, beauty, uniqueness, and positive value of the material that must be studied by students.
Teachers are required to master teaching materials in depth, structure, so that students learn something
meaningful in their interactions with teachers.
Every concept, principle, and generalization that has just been mastered by students should be recorded
in a more compact and functional thinking system (problim solving tips).
Mastery of students in the theoretical aspect manifests in their practical skills (theory and practice are
mastered by students in an integrated manner).
In this principle, learning should be adapted to the conditions, potential, nature, interests, level of
development, and needs of students. Teachers should be able to arrange classes flexibly.
The successful application of this principle is characterized by optimizing student learning outcomes in
line with their potential, multi-talent development (all aspects) and their talents develop in a reasonable
and balanced manner), self-integration, and students experience the breadth of life.
6. Demonstrative principles
The principle of demonstration is the concretization of the learning message so that it is easily mastered
by students. Therefore, teachers are required to master the media and learning technology.
The principle of cooperation in learning is the arrangement of group work and healthy competency
development. Variations in grouping, direction of group dynamics, intimacy between members, clarity of
goals and results of group work are topics that need to be explored by teachers in fostering student
learning. Healthy competition between students in the group, which is characterized by a realistic
attitude, persistent effort, remaining open to help each other, and openness to criticism in connection
with the process and work results still need to be cultivated by the teacher in learning. Cooperation and
competence should not be seen as two mutually attractive poles, but teachers need to strive so that
competence becomes the driving force for group dynamics and the basis for individual tutoring services.
And it needs to be emphasized that the principles of good group work are clarity of purpose, level of
participation and responsibility of members, good working procedures clear, there is a democratic and
pleasant climate, and there is an assessment and further development.
In this principle, teachers are required to be able to describe and organize teaching materials
systematically by utilizing various learning resources that are increasingly in the community. And
considering the maturity level of students' thinking, teachers should be able to describe and organize
teaching materials with comparative, contextual studies, in addition to scientific disciplines, full of
alternatives, and integrative systematic.
Assisting the student learning process effectively and efficiently. (achieving standardized learning
The existence of a sequence of teaching materials or learning experiences that are related
systematically and logically and according to the needs of students.
Students need to master knowledge tools for learning purposes, for example: language skills, inquiry
skills, logical synthesis-analysis skills.
Assessment in learning can be used to determine the quality of teacher work and the quality of student
learning. Assessment data can be used as feedback for teachers and students to improve themselves
and seek further development.
The existence of an assessment of the unprofessionalism of teachers must be recognized and should be
responded to wisely by both the teachers themselves, the government teacher-producing institutions
(LPTKs) and users. The assessment or criticism should be used as reflection material and be used as a
challenge to spark the spirit in realizing teacher professionalism.
a. The characteristic approach (the treat approach) which focuses on the profession has a set of
elements, including: intellectual ability obtained from higher education, specialized knowledge,
communicable knowledge and technical skills, independence, a code of ethics and a wage system as well
as a professional culture.
b. Institutional approach (the institutional approach). View the profession from the point of view of
institutional processes or associational development.
c. The legalistic approach emphasizes the recognition of a profession by the state or government.
Recognition of the profession can be achieved through the stages of registration, certification and
In its application, professionalism in teacher positions (religion) is shown from professional attitudes in
carrying out tasks. Professional religious teachers should be people who are rich in knowledge, have the
ability in the field of teaching, provide help, guidance and role models to their students, so that they can
achieve the goals of Islamic education. Ahmad Tafsir (1991: 164), quoted by Jaka Siswanta, asserts that
the professional positions of Islamic education, namely:
2. Profession must be taken as a fulfillment of a calling for life or a call for service to the community.
3. The profession has universally standardized theories, which are related to the expertise as mentioned
4. Profession is for the community as a means of serving the community, not for personal gain, pursuing
a position or position.
8. The profession should have a clear client (students as users of the services of the teaching profession).
10. The profession should recognize the relationship between its profession and other fields.
Management comes from Latin, which is derived from the word manus, which means hand, and agree
which means to do. The words are combined into the verb managere which means to handle. Managere
is translated into English in the form of a verb to manage, in the form of a noun management, and
manager for people who carry out management activities. Finally, management is transliterated into
Indonesian to become management with the meaning of management. While the understanding of
management in terms is the effective use of resources to achieve the intended goals or objectives.
In the Indonesian Dictionary, management means the effective use of resources to achieve goals.
When combined with the word education, Suharsimi Arikunto and Lia Yuliana define education
management as an activity or series of activities in the form of a collaborative business management
process of a group of people who are members of an educational organization, to achieve educational
goals that have been previously set, to be effective and efficient.
Mujamil Qomar interprets Islamic education management as a process of managing Islamic educational
institutions in an Islamic way by dealing with learning resources and other related matters to achieve the
goals of Islamic education effectively and efficiently. This understanding is then specifically detailed by
Muhaimin that Islamic education has at least two important things, namely an educational activity
organized with the intention of manifesting Islamic teachings and values and an education system
developed from and encouraged or inspired by Islamic teachings and values. . The hallmark of Islamic
education as Abuddin Nata's view is education that bases all learning activities on the realm of
In addition, Islamic education serves to prepare humans as caliphs who represent God on earth.
Humans who orient their lives not only for the benefit of the world, but more than that,
transcendentally link all worldly activities as a provision to explore a more eternal life, namely the
The presence of globalization demands a fundamental change for every individual in viewing the flow of
globalization as a necessity, not as a threat. In responding to the challenges of globalization, human
resources with reliable and highly competitive characteristics are needed. To make it happen, this is
where the management of Islamic education must present itself as part of the challenges of
globalization. Islamic Education Management is challenged to make changes and produce graduates
who are highly competitive (qualified) instead of being barren in the face of the onslaught of various
advances in the dynamics of globalization.
The position of Islamic education management is indeed a dilemma on the one hand. He is faced
with market forces that must be responded to immediately, and on the other hand, he must maintain
the original mission as a medium of creation. Islamic society/market through the preservation of
organized and institutionalized Islamic values. If you move too much into the corner of market forces
with various tastes, Islamic education can lose its identity and identity. If moving too much to the side of
idealism, Islamic education can lose its potential market, because there is a widening distance between
itself and market tastes.