Bcs Assignment 1

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Bcs MOre Sneha Ajay

8e E&T
Assigumet 1 Date

NA o. 2 2 S



trtar sprens
Pulse bTading
2 JE C

10 x 1D3 x 49Fx o.0)

2 13 X 3x 103_

Io 39 2 x 16 3

14 33 x Io8

.43 DS.

Nom man hit s ate

BTmo O.9

- o.14 mbit sec.

Anc h pilse_spredho pet uait lengh

1.43 X 1o9
10x 0
lu3 x 16 43 ps./km
method Ovee come ote oda dispevi on -

by i n gToded indea hbe.

by i n g single mode Step odex bib.er

2 Griven A 1/
M )0o

: 3um
Le_koaa that m : V2 o

|Ve 469
V 2TT a C24) "2

469 2T x 9 x 1 x(Ixo.o2
3 x 1DC

2X x o.02)/2

ore diametce (d): 2a 4 74 x 2 . 4 um

3 Gnven O 4 G a s S Um A: o 2 5 o.002S

V 24T an (2A) 2

Ac 2IT an ( 2A) /2

t h s t e p index hbet , V 2 4oS

A 2T 4 X 10 x 4 6 x (2x 0 bor)'
.214 kum

Tac 1:24 Um.

4 Gi ven
tor single mode step inden hbet.
O -49
2a 7uM

cO e bwe

49 C - o.oo)

2 48
fer single mode V 24

V2Tx a xn ( 2A)2

2.4 27 3.s x 49 C2 xo.oI)?2.

3 X|:49 (2xo 0)''A


.S8 um

. Griven 9 1 um 3 1 x 1o6 m.
T 6o s TorIdo ns.
Z 40 mA o.0 Am p.
Total Catiet Tecom bina hic



T 5 n sec
No inteanal apical pcle
Pint n he

-(33- L (6.62sy 6 ) (2x 1o)xo.ou

(1602 x |o'3) X Io)

O.625 9 Sx 10 26

O. 625 X o.3gx o
Pint 23. 68 m|
. Gveo 90o
uaotum _ethciency (n):
LaaNele0gth ( A |310 nm
opticalpceg 05 UD
muliplied_photo cutrent :S UA

Pespamsiviy R= nq_
o q0 x
Gx Io x 310 x io
6 626 x 16 k 3 x 16
R 948 Al
Te P oS10 X_0 94 8
multipli cadhon tacter

. 4 u UA


.8 Given
quaum ehuenty Gy°/
enetgy of phottm S x lo -19
ce h'ave,
E hf hc

hC :626xID-9x 2.993x1o
32 um
a 32 um]

eesponsi vihy R' e

O 6 5XG02 X102.

694 AD

2S X i6- C

3 0 U
incident optica povct Tequred is 3. Co uu.

19 Ty: 3o nS
Tor 0D S

Bulh recombinahioen hm TT Tor

Tr Tonr
2 3 . l ns
30x IGD

Noa 23-1.0s
jntoenod elhiiency

n_h CZ_
in-fcznal pono

o . 2 x -62x 1o ,3X10 mis xO.64

0:Go2x lo79 C3)x 16)m

292, m

canmunicahin sukcm-
key elemeots otopicam u n i c a t i m s y t t r o SShoo
Thegenezol ophia
tranamif an intaumahien
i n ia i t is gequred
hrom SouE.ce o
hbez.aphai Cable anly agophcal sgnalu
Can be paneo So hist i s n e c e a t y
electricalSignal iota opticalsIánal
Convezt he
3 This is daneby using light soutce
Toputaf_liqht e S as electrical signal
ighk mys
but iOP is_an ophcal signalhat mean

Informahon T ransmHet Light

Soutce Cmocuulater) Souce
fbee optic Cabl

optica Electmcad Destinohion

detecte Teceive

Greneta ophica ommunicahion stm

The tranamitHee block Cohtains LeD and its reEeive

chovez circuwtryt Her h imp
Comsi lek aicn 's
h a t he azea of light souce should not be more
than he diametet o f ' o phieaJ fbee othezose
he losses in system will be more
The light sout cee used in optica com muni cation
S9enet ay hawing he Oavelength bet oo nm
00 nm
16oo om.
Novo he
light Signa enke into ophical hbe
Repeace Stage is necea if hu bnbet op tie
cob!es wwedto trans bit, th data for lmae
A H detection resheuping o Signa is olon
5) A he ge cei vet en r's necem a
Convet t optica signad into a n alersiqnal
TrusThus is donu byoptical deBecor .

hrt Setnd


1 hrst haoAmiscio coindm i

indo Tanox,- 8Oon m - 900 nm

opea ng wuwe length

) secmd
trunsmisslon_cdindoo -
oin dloo TnR 2 S0 om 360 nm
Opezodhon d awel ength I310 om.

)0perAtinoE Thirdranmmissjon oiDclon i-

Ond0 Jange anio=
S00 om-16oon m.
opotati oawelength-ISSO 0m
mmSI SmsI mmGI

muwtimode s tep single mo cle step mulhmodle groded

inde hbre index hbet. idex hbre

0 Core diametce Core diame tez Core diametei

is qretce than S Smou S 9reo-ee han
SmsT 20um) 3 10 um) SmSL
ii Rerachve inden Rebracti ve inde Rera ctive inder
changes in steps chan ge slighty Change gradually
abrep+ unfos maly rOm Centet to
ivFobmcati on is tabncohon is Fabn catien i's
est Uhcat

V)(on productfn cujt high prnoduction (ost len ezpen ive.

vi Dodra sot is dada Tade is claru rcutt

high. slo
is. hign.

12 Clayncahion. of lo sses ophcal hbe

absoTbhon losse
2) Scodtcbng losse
3) hbe bending osse.
L)Coupiny l Sse)

O AbsoK phm loske

he absa pdom loste takina place o ao api cal-
hbe: a due a theetype) at abscrp hiom smainl
ultaviolak ahscuphitm
1) inkrarade ahsapita
) Ton eAnence absczp Ho

Scaieking Dg dosteA
D ineo scótCzing--
)The losses io ahich opical_pOer ge sana keteo
ineatly rcm ne mcde anethe made coithout
changing requency
ocLeA o a radiaim _Or_lenk
) InisS los Se
Modeand ate obsebed_ i n l n a mulimade

2 Nonineaz Scattcng
) The osse in dhich aptica pmae: act
e rm ame mocto anotnez
Tmotrd_r bockomd direchioa
Same modz in ehet
_ad ditfetend hequentu-
losiesdependA on opi a poaez denAly
i) his
n2e bseyed in-
thin he hbe
SingleMndi nbez

DBeading iosie) Abe

mony a hme he bendioq of opial
2 ae
is_done h avoid he Cone:23 Spetihcd
ishiqhe| ihda
he benodinq angle
22 T
hen CTaC may be eradet. Creao in the cor

laye info o l le a
3 Thee, at oo y pe of ben ding los.ses
i)maco bendin9 lbues
2 Rando micad bendi ng losse

13 Dispet) en losse

Dispei on.

itemode) iamod al. Polaation.

Mode dispetsiom.

mada Wavegwcd.
clamii cohie of edispetlicn


sh palh

Path lengl

itS ebeck
0-emocle dspeeylm

2aheo ua aphcal pule is lawnched 0to a_hhe
aptical pmaeLpuulae is itm buK ave all mode
2) ath macle rauel at differcot velbc
9 Tmis meanadhe odes io qiven _ophCalpulse
Akivet hber ead es sftimesthua
Causing the pulae to spxed autinime as lE
travelalma hbes.
4) This ehhecis called a in-ez macdal dispeeaim

) I is catcgor af diipezuion hat occuxss
athin Single_mocle at Op:tical hbe
2 T+ baatdo y peA
mateeial r_chmmaic Dispe2aion
1) aweauide dispesAica

Palarizahon Oode_dispezaiom--
DTHisaSoutce _otpLlAe bradlnin.q obtained
mam th1 #ibez niekringence
2 he difeeoce: io pompa.qaHen time berhoeen_
tooQrtbog.ohalpolai zatinmqdesKeulk io-
hei pulae: spteding1His kocado a Palazizahon
Moce dispeziom
dispeticn shifled
Abes dispeion blottene
opetah o welenq th tos
OSP S Iroom Operatng cowe) eng h.
S 3io

They a wed in. This 0tR Ued in

atttouation elispesicn.
lim)-ted sypttms dispeiom limRd
S yatem s.

wed boY highe dacta

att \oma distance.
sed rhiqhet
data Tate applicahCn
Covnm applcóiony, Cauino+
be iweo r
mg distan ce ca mm

AHeLah on aLR to No need fcany

be maae io
rerachve. aluhrahiom

Popwation invelCm mechanism in LASEP'S

1) The proces 10 ohich. he Dumbe of
.) euited.
otoms ismade loegee han tad hat of
the numbe of adms Prese+ at
gpound stat.
is caled eet Populaticn inveslcn
2simlazly he olms shoutld Teman Present
in thelr CacHt SAate Fos a long etHme
This rnokes +he timw orlCo emissicn totake.
place eally
Thus 1 Cosr of shmulatcd emissi en d nun
Oum ber
ofadom adhe crito stade is Mor

gzem1ttd hua caiim

Mare oumbek heamplihed_liaht

amplhtication of Kght _coheto

ladez b e a m W h i c h
_a is CaUed
Monochxnmoic in natuze2

E lecD-
O|nciple af lwmnan
opezaion emmiSslcn_

Res pomse
TUng S=40mA.
Cu eat an tod
-nving mA.
cho (ohezent
-Natu of incohetent
Comsistance mono Ch oman.
emiteol light:

uid h angelo o 0 TH2 1to 2 mHz.


Praie to ligbt 20 °/o

Cos Loo High
g Dor king of photo letectors-

fus n
roal uC:0


detecer is one ohich Convezts photons into elechronu
cohich Com veets ight in to eithe (uetent ote g
A photociode. s PN junchon PIN Struc t u
cohen a photm Suhi cien+ enezgy .Smks tha
didde , encit an electron h e by coeoH4 a
bree eectron a hole
he absosption occueesin he junctiom s
depletion Tegicn +his. Ca e ate spept brom
he unchi cn b bulti ielol -o ne dhlection
segion.Thu holes move touoazds the dioce
elecron taaoly he Codhode a pho to Cuerent is
hen evetse b ase Ha potential Coetie be" P
egi on inmea) e, No Cubt ent blouos
ha ligh+ phetons inciden+ on+hejunc Hon pdure.
azg no of ele. hole parS

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