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HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT DESIG EXON | ya CALCULATION PROCEDURE, EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE ENGINEERING | snopmietany INFORMATION — Fer Auroned Comeary Use On TABLE OF CONTENTS: SCOPE REFERENCES GENERAL Computer Programs Shell Sige Marval Method Estimation Metnoa EFFECTIVE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Design Params Relatonshias Detwean Heat Transfer Coeticien's and Pressure Drops Means of Increasing Heat Transler When Pressure Drop Is Loss Than the Maximum Alowec Means ct Most Eftenty Decreasing Pressure Drop ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE minal Conaibons ard Etfecive Log Mean Temperatuo Difference Bulk Temperatures Suk Proparies ot Fluids Shell Sle and Tube Sige Flow Rates Fouling Factors Mechanical Design Fes iteration. Tube Side (U5 eration, Twoe Sige (Marne) HReraton, Shall Sale (US, Customary Unt) Iteraion, Snail Sido (Mewic) Overall Caleuiatons - Heat Transtar Area and Overall Ouly Cozttctent Tube Sheet Design Temperatures NOMENCLATURE, APPENDIX Table 12 — Eetimaton Matnod Caleuiation Form, US. Customary Units = Estimation Method Caléuiaton Form (Metric Unis) = Design Canstans for Shell ana Tube Exchanger Cal stomary Unis) Figure 1.1 = Nominal Cross Flow Fraction Faure 12 — ata Spacing Comecton Figure 1.3. ~ Lew Reynoles Numosr Correcion Figura ve Freven Factor and Heat Transtr "|" Factor Figure 15. Natural Convection Factor Fiqure 7.6 — Shon Tube Correction Facter Fguo 7 — Cow Prandtl Number Correction Factor Figure 18 ~ lsotnermal Fron Fectoe inside Tubes Figure 1.9. — Viscosty Graciont Correction Factor Figure 110 = Natural Convocten Comaenon Factor Figure 2 = LMTD Comecton Factors Figure 3 — Flow Sttoams for Stream Anaives Meinod [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORNAM >8RK, 4: N PRACTICES Dec. 1990 Page SeESIGN PRACTICES HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT mo | eer s2 CALCULATION PROCEDURE, - = NO CHANGE OF PHASE PN" Dee. 1960 | ENGINEERING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autorsed Comany Use Ory REVISION MEMO Hignights of this revision inci 1. Roplacod multisla calculation procedures with a single calculation procedure which 1s easier to usa, 1888 time consuming, and provides accurate results. 2. Combined Customary and Metric versions. EXXON AESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nal EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |; DESIGN PRACTICES —_ } CALCULATION PROCEDURE, cine EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE ENGINEERING | PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Auhorzee Comsany Use Ory score ‘The folowing suosecton presents the recemmended procedures for sting shell and tube sxcnanyers is which there ino cnange of phase: v8. vaDoe/vaper, vapOr7iqUE, ef iqUa/iquA excnanges. REFERENCES Users! Manual for program 8175 General Purpose Pragram forthe Gesign ana Rating of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, Stancaras of Tubular Exchanger Manutactura's Associaton (TEMA) beat Transter Research, Ine. (TRI) Oesign Manual beat Transtar Research, Ine, HFA) Repo S.SS-9-1, Steam Anaiyss Mothos fe Prec: ara Prussure Drop in Segmental Satled Exchangers, January 1967. Hear Transioe Researcn, In. (MTA) Report $85.3.2, Parameinc Response Sluty of Sagmentaly Bottled Shell ano Tube Exchanger Pertormance. Septemoer 1967 5. Usors’ Manual for Program 3185, (HTRI) Single Phase Shell end Tube Heat Exchanger Sesign ans Rating Program. 7. Users! Marual for Hextan program of Shotee Heat Transfer GENERAL COMPUTER PROGRAMS exons neat ranstar arograms (see Secvon OC) wail oetfrm tne falowng calculations fo sme ara tune Neat exchangetsin which there's no change of phase: 1 Rating of a cimensionaly spectied exchanger with or wibout & gwen heat duty. 2. Design of all estonia! dimensions of an exchanger to spectiéd process and geometne parameters The programs amaloy the HTRi-developed "Stteam Analysis Method for shal side calculators ana retirement of oxstng reianons tor tube’ sid8 calculations. ‘The HTRI Stream Anaiysis Method isthe mest ngorous means avaiable fer calculating shel sice aressute drop and hest lvarster, Almougn te method is base on theoretealy Geduced equanons. he coraiaucns are emowcal Because "Ne carstant in tha anuatons were obtained from expermestal dats, Tha most notaole featros oFne Siream Anais Metnas 1 The abity to preac with wasonable tue eurdle, uracy the amount of flow leaking through bate clesrances anc bypassing the 2. The abuty to precit accurately the efacis of variations in exchanger geometry on Pest ‘rersier and srossure ate, 3. The racogniton of @ temperature protie oistotion effect because Jaaxage streams uncerso aillerent tomeeratce changes than the cross flow steam 4, The emonsirsted abity 10 predict shell sda heat ‘ransior and pressure Wop over & wu “ange oF geomnomy ane oynoids Number vanatons SHELL SIDE MANUAL METHOD ‘A deraied manual calculation method ts prasentedin the HTRI Design Manual, The procoauce 6 vers smewconsumng ot to-day use and tnerlore wnat moluded. The detaleg proceaura shouldbe releted a any fora comeiete unaaretanaing| fof the leakage streams and wtersretation of the KTRI program outputs ESTIMATION METHOD The estimation procedure provides @ quick but stil aly accurate mated (0 size an excranger °o moet gven arocess acuremente within the constramts of the specited pressure arope ‘The estimation retnas wil produce cesute that are reasonably accurate when all of he ‘ollowing co 1 Tube side turbulent tow (Reynoids Number > 10,000) at both inlet and outlet, For 10,000 » Revnavts tumeer » 2.603 or inet or cut the HTRI computer svogram using the ten-step option is recommendea. #21 =ayncigs Num 2,000 at etter inst or calet the HT! comauter program i strongly -ecammen 2 Galle cuts of 20% to 20% (R/O) tor segmental bates oF 25% to 5% (area) fc votiens ata mat 3. Baffle spacng/shell ciameter rato berween 0.26 and 0.6, EXKON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK. Nd I |_DESIGN PRACTICES | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | EXON seo se | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | NO CHANGE OF PHASE | EXXON Dic | snmnerany onus sarees enn ny _ ENGINEERING GENERAL (cont) Numer of sealing stips: The exchanger nas atleast one pat of sealing sips for every five to seven tube rows crossed ‘Sealing stes are not requred for typically designed fixed tube sheet or U-tube exchangers with hanzontal cut bats oni. F seam seal rods/bars - The exchanger has F-stream seal rods/bars for every lve to seven rows exossed, This I lespacialy important for U-tube exchangers when the shall side cross flow passes through the lane formed by the innermost U-bends, if th 18 the ease, crsecrossing the sonar row of U-tends ws highly recommended 5. Tube pitch ratio (PR) between 1.25 anc 1.29, EFFECTIVE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN PARAMETERS. ‘The fotowng general specifications give the most effcent conversion of pressure drop to heat tanster tor no-cnange-of phase heat exchangers, 1. Tube Length: Various exchanger geometnes, hat, various comainations of shell diameters and tube /enctns, can be found ta satisty gven process requremants. Cre would normally think thatthe exchanger having the smallest amount of heat anstar surtace area s the most economical solution. Unfortunately, that is net tue, The coat ofa typical exchanger hawng a txed tube ameter, metalurgy, and tune pitch can be approximately fepresantad by te folowing equations a3 3 function of shell diameter and tube leg, Cost of Exchanger & (Shel! Diameter"? Cost of Exchanger & (Tube Length)?#® Based on tne equations, for most casas the most economical solution would be an exchanger wih eng tubes ang email anal ameter, There ae. However, some resrictons on the tube length such as bundla paling fecites, avalabity of tubes. ans ase of maintenance, inthe absence of specific uideines, a stancard tube length of 20 ft (6080 mm) should be used, unless the dosign is to revit an existing plant where diferent tube fengtn is stand 2 Battle cut: 20% 10 30% 3, Battle spacing/shall diameter: 03 to 0.5, 4. Numer of sealing sips: The number of pais of sealing stnos per tube row crossed Datween Datta tos snculd be about 0.14 19020. or about 5 to 7 tube rows per gar of sealing sins for lating head excnangors. Sealing sings are needed fer "ypicaly designed thea tube sheets or U-tune exchangers, only when verical cut bales are spectiec + for segmental balls; 35% to 45% for double segmental bates, Tule layout panerns: fining arrangements ara required for claaring, use a 90" layout for trout flow ane 2 45" avout ‘or transition ard laminar ow. If cleaning s problem, use 20" layout for bo laminar and turcuent flow. Do not use 50" layout since exnibts inner neat transfer or pressure crop charactonstes wnen compared to 2 20° layout RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS AND PRESSURE DROPS ‘Tha heat transtor mechanism ia tha sholl and tube heat exchanger is convective heat transter, whereby a td recsivas or suopies neat to 3 neat transtersurtace though afm. The fm is perceived asa static fut (viscous) membrane that coats the heat tanster surtace: neat 1s vansterredthzough ine fim by conduction. Thereore, thicker ms provide lower heat transter coefficients, and thinner fms prowde higher heat tanster coethicients ‘The veiooy ofthe thd passing over the Surtace determines the thickness of the fim, The higher the velocity, the thinner the tien, sulting in 3 larger heat anstercoethcient. The fluid experiences some pressure drop in order te martin ths velocity 1a oop mereases wi increased velocity. The pressure drop also mereases with length of ravel anc recucad tues ‘This desertion neies for tube sie fluids, For shell side Huds, leakage stroams complicate the simple model. On the shel side cl an exchanger, all ofthe fd does not pass aver the tubes because there are other patns avaiable forthe fluid. Extensive work on these leakage streams has Been done by HTRI and in Delaware research projects. Exact evaluation is impossible without a comauter program because of the vangus streams prasent. Figure 3 shows the leakage streams. Some of he leakage streams (cucn a6 shot to bundle, baffle to shal, and pass lane Siveams) bypass the neat ranstersuraca (tubs) ormpisioly Tha ‘ube to bata laakage stream passes over some tubes but bypasses others All of these siveams aco hhydrauiealyn balance: io, pressura drop trom any one paint inthe shal to another is ine same. The amount ofeach leakage ‘epam is aatermines By using such a hyeraul balance, To complicate matters further, a leskage siream mixes wit {at some point. The complenty ofthe tows make complete manual anasis mara wvinout smeimving assumations based on test data and experience. The estimation method prasented heres based on suc EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nd. EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT [_DESIGN PRACTICES —o CALCULATION PROCEDURE, [ton Tor aa EXXON | NO CHANGE OF PHASE es ENGINEERING Bee vom PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — for Ausonzes Comseny Uso Oy EFFECTIVE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS (Cont) ‘Table 2 provices satstactry resus in most nstances i prrating shel side and tute side neat tanster and pressure crops. ‘The varus cimensionlees analyical reathods used in developing the hydraulic and heat ranster equations are nol ciscussac here, Standara neat anster texts euch as Kern of McAdams dacuss those topics. A more detailed ciscusson of stream anaiysis is avaiable in Dovaware research project papers and vanous HTA publications |A wall designed exchangorutlizes the prassure drop in a way that maximizes the overall heat transter coefficient. 18 aot ‘aways advieable (0 use all the prossure crop that has been alowed: incrossed pressure crops crease cumping costs. Brung ata practical ana economic soliton isan teratve piooodine. Asa staring point, use the overall coetfcioms gon Table 1 of Subsection B, Calculato the MTD as dscussad in the estmnaton mtNod calculation shoes (AS a staring point one may aggronimate MTD = \ (Ty = ig) % (Tz ~Iy).)t ave at he apneoximate requred sutace far he gvan sence, and ten go trough the estimation procedure, calculating heat vansfer and pressure drops. Compare the shel side coeticient, lube sda cosficient. and (loving + wal coeticent. Ifthe shall sde coeticientis much smaller than the tube sue coetiien, then the shal side coeticent i contaling, I te tuba sige ceofhcent is mich smal than the shal sige coeticxgr, than ne lube site costicent 16 controling. If (ouing + wal) coettoent is conteling, then fouling ss contol, When fouling is contoing, i ganeraly does not help to utize ai of the allowable prosture drops uniess shel size can be ‘acucee, or pressure drop i totally under utized, (Reler to Subseeton & fora ascussion of onine clearing devices wrieh can be usee 10 reauce ‘ouing}) When the shell sce coatficents contoing, it helps fo maximize shel sce pressure area and “eduee sna so, Maximizing Wwe Sida pressure drop normally does not hei. Refer 1o Subsection & for a descngHon oF integral fin tutes), When tne tube sida cooticients controling, i haps fo maximize 1w09 se pressure eee but mot shel 960 pressure crop. When all he coefficients are im the same range, 1 helps to maximze Doth shel se and lube soe pressure 100. MEANS OF INCREASING HEAT TRANSFER WHEN PRESSURE OROP IS LESS THAN THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED [A oasign with the optimum parameters that satstins heat tanster requraments but does not wee un she total alowable Pressure ctop 9 consioeredinaficint Far such cases, ane can atways make the exenancer smaller By taking ane oF more ot {he folowing stens to increase prossure drop and Neat transi, Tube Side 2 Decrease tube diamerer 3. Increase the numer af tube passes, un to s maximum as speciiedn Table 6 of Subsection C ang within he restneven (of tube 86 velocities, 4 Try miogral fie tubes, which has the fact of decreased tbe diameter on pressure roo ony Shell Sige Decrease shall diameter. This can be done by reducing tube pitch 19 the minimum alowed by sensiructon mractcs ana ‘etinery lntatons. Reducing shell ameter witneut changing ue pc thus tower heat ‘ranster area. In cases wnore the excranger has snougn excoss euraes st solution DOscroaso bate piten, but 19 a point that is never less than 20% shell iametor or 2 nenes, wnicrever i seni Try an F shel tho process paramotor and retinery practice pein the use of an F shel n ganera. = snes snouia not te used wnon the temperature aapreach on one nnd iS much greater than thw tomperatre apeio8er on iho othar on, mal and hydraulic leakage across th shall paition. A new cesign for canain U-uce axcnangers with & welded.in stoi partion plate is avalable but lacks a oroven periormance record, Consult Sant mantenance ang the combustion anc Heat Transfer section of EETD regarding the aeceptanity of an F ahall for @ gwen azpicatn, MEANS OF MOST EFFICIENTLY DECREASING PRESSURE DROP: Sometimes a design aquies more surface than is necessary for heat wanstern certo prow su ‘xceading the allowable pressure crop. Two courses of covrecton are posscie 1. Adjust tho “allowable” pressure top. Poss tha pressure dr te wnicn tha units aasignas © Ineraasad, ater consultation wih the cient 2. Adjust he geometry 8093 o provide the smallat cecressain heat ransier ser nt fane oF mare of te folowing changes EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, st | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | DESIGN PRACTICES —— | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, je ose i NO CHANGE OF PHASE ENGINEERING | |__ PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Auanzes Company Use Oo ee. 1960 EFFECTIVE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS (Cont) ‘Table 2 orondes satstactory results n mast instances in prratng shell sce anc tube side ‘The vavious dimensionless analytical methods used in developing the hydraulic and heat transfer equations are not discussed here. Standard neat vanetor texts euch a8 Kem of McAdams dseuss thaso topics. A more detailed discussion of stream analysis is avalabie in Delaware research project papers and various HTAI pudicatons, 1 wanes an pressure drops ‘A weil eesigned exchanger utlizs the pressure drop in a way that maximizes the overall heat transfer coeticiet. It not ‘sways adnsable 10 use all the pressure arop that has Deen allowed: increased preseure dons increase Dumping Coss. Areing ata practical and econom solution is an iteraive procedure. As a starting point, use the overall coeticents gwen ‘Table 1 of Subsection B, Calculate tho MTD as discussed in the esumaton metnod calculation sheets (As a staring point ‘one may aoproxmate MTD = V'(Ty ~ fg) < (Tg). foarte al he approximate required surlace forthe given service, and then ga through the estimation procedtire, calculating neat wanster ana pressure drops. Comoare the shell ste coetcient. tube sie coefficient. and (fouling + wal) coeticiant. If the shel ica coatesert¢ much smalls than tne tube side cpeticet, then the shell ice coeticient is caning. Ifthe tube si¢e costicient 8 much smaller than tne snl sige coaticont, tnen the tube sige costicent is controling If fouling + wal) coeticient i= controling, then fouling is convoting Wen touting is convoling, it generally does rot hols to utizo all of the allowable pressure drops umvess shall size can be reduced, or pressure drops totally uncer ubizaa. (Relr to Subsocton A for agiscussion of online clearing davees when can be used fo veduce fouing,) When the shel sde coeticient is controling, i helps 's maximize shal side oressure arop and reduce shell size, Maximizing tube side pressure drop normally dows not hel. (Refer to Suosacton A Tor a descroion of integra fin uoes), When tna tuba sia costheient is contoling, it nes to maxmze tube side pressure crop but nat sre side pressure crop. When al the coeticients ate ia ine same range, helps to maximize both srl side and tuse sae pressure 109) MEANS OF INCREASING HEAT TRANSFER WHEN PRESSURE OROP IS LESS THAN THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED {A Gesign with the optimum parameters that satsies haat transfer raqurements bul does not use up the ‘eta! allowable Freseure droo is considered neice. For such cases, one can always make the exchanger smaller by taking one of more ot the following steps to increase pressure drop and Neat tanstar Tube side 1 Increase tube length 2. Decrease tube diameter. a Increase the numberof tube passee. uP to a maximum as specified in Table 4 of Subsection C and within ine restriction of tune sida veloetes. 4. Try ntegial tin tubes, which nas the effect of decreased tube dameter on pressute o Shelt side 1. Decrease shod diameter. This can be done by reducing tube pten to the minimum allowed by construction eractce ane relinery limtavons, Reducing chell ameter without changing tue pitch vil esult in fewer "uDes and thus lower heat Transtar area, In cases where the exchanger has snougn excess sunace, this could be tno est solution 2. Decrease battle pitch, but to pomt that & never less than 20% shell diameter or 2 incnes, whichever \s smal. Try an F shal the process paramaters and catinery practice perm the use at an F shell In general, ¥ shls sn ‘be used when the temperature approach on one end much greater than the temperature acproaca on the ctner ena ‘dua tothe thermal and Ryoraulc leakage across the snel parton. A rew cesigh for cenin U-luce oxchangers wh & wweldec.in shal partion pate is avaiable but lacks a oroven performance record. Consult plant maintennca and the ‘combustion and Heat Transier section of EETO regarcing the accepiavily of an F shell for a ven appicavon. MEANS OF MOST EFFICIENTLY DECREASING PRESSURE DROP Sometimes a design fequres more surface than is necessary for heat wansterin fexceecing the allowable pressure crop. Two coursos of exirecton are ossice 9 2 proves surtcrent flow area to provent 1. Adjust the “allowable” pressure crop. Possitly the pressure do fo wnich tne units Gasignes increased, aftor consultation with the cient 2. Adjust tho geomeny £0 a8 to provide the smallest decrease n heat wanster ‘one of mere of thn folowng changes. EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, EXON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGN PRACTICES. | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, eo | arse EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE tae ENGINEERING se. 1959 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — Fo Aulnorzed Comsany Use Ory ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) 11. From Figure 2. determine the number of shells require $0 thatthe Lemperature correction facto: (Fy wil be no lower than 0.800. 4, Determine a corrected log mean tempera - (LMTD) fe Hterence called MTD. MqD BULK TEMPERATURES: + Determine which Hud i passed through the tubes and which \s passed ‘ough the shel teter te Subsection C) 2, AaBgn tho aporopnate temperatures to the follewng Tube se inet temperature, Toy Tube sige eutlet temperature, Tay. Jo inlet temperature, TS b. 4 Shell soe outlet temperature, TS, ‘Tupe sige Bulk lempesnture, TT; = Shel side Buk tom BULK PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS At the uk temoorature TTe, determine the a Density 9 D/H? (agin) b Viscosity un, conmoose (Pas) Btu *F (ieeg, wing lube sie tas properies Se 4. Therma’ conevetity &, Blurhe sq M1 °Frit (mC) 2. At ine oulk temperature TSs, determne the folowing shell side ‘uid oropertes. Density 2, ib/t? gyn) », Viscosity ua, contipoise (Pas) ©. Sect Haat op. Stub °F (kirkg, °C) auctty k, Bure sq tt "EVIE (Wim) SHELL SIDE AND TUBE SIDE FLOW RATES The values of "ne resoactva tlow cates in Io/he wil normally Be delemned dung te Neat and matenal salance FOULING FACTORS ming te "use 08 ‘oUing ‘actor 4 (ater 0 Subsection B, Table 3) forming sme snail sde fouing factor rg (veer to Subsection 8, Table 3) MECHANICAL DESIGN FEATURES ing macrarscat design featur: rature and presse of he shell and tude sos (eter Subsection 8), ‘ating for the nits and suis on both the shell and tube sides (reer to Subsection BY EXECN AESEAACH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORMAM PARK, M. DESIGN PRACTICES | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT CALCULATION PROCEDURE, NO CHANGE OF PHASE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — Fer Autnoritns Company Use Only EKON EXON | ENGINEERING ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) ITERATION, TUBE SIDE (US. CUSTOMARY UNITS) |The heat duty for the exchanger wil normally be dotermined during the heat and matenal balance calculations 2 Assume Us, the over all coaticiont (afar to Subsection 8, Table 1, for typical values) 3. Calculate total area Asay, (TD) 4 Calculate area per shell Ags AN where: Nr = total number of shais, { necessary, increase the number of shells to meet he maxamum shell size imation (refer require recalcuating Fa, MTD. A, and A, lane thermal conet Subsection 6}, This may Cetermine the tube my c th (L), diameter (C0 and DD, wall thickness (), pitch (PT), layout and find the shel diameter to qve Subsection C). 7. ‘Calculate the tube side fouling factor rterred 10 tne tube outside surface area. 20 a ty, by (eter to Subsection C, Table 2) 2 the requed numoor of tubes (rater ‘Calculate the tube wail resstance. rw t 2 emi refer to Tables 1 ana 2, Subsection C), 9, *Caleulate tne numer of tubes, NTT As To9 a 700 whe = 2 10, Assume NTP, tne number of ube passes per shell (rela 10 Subsection C), anc calculate N, the number of tubes per 133, atl determining shell dameter (afar to Subsection C) NIT Te OF where: W total mass rate/mumber of shes fn para Retor to Table 3, for minum ang maxinum tbe veloctes. 2. tTube ee neat rans 4 Calculate ne tube siéo Reynogs Number bated on tbe sige mass rae, W, at CuK temperate. Py eae W124 p WF Ree ew Oy me OVN” hy *Reter to Subsection G for low fin tube correlations ‘EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY —~ FLORHAM PARK, Nl [DESIGN Pa PRACTICES _ EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT ON CALCULATION PROCEDURE, sO Me EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE ~ ENGINEERING Dec. 1950 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Autores Comoany Use Oni ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) b. Heat transter coatficient, Rp, for water trom aperoxmately 80°F to 180°F. ©. For tunis otner than water (1) Caloulate the Pranatt Numeer Py at the bulk temperature: 242 ay la) if Ay > 10.000, calewate the 1108 side neat vansfer costticient, Ro 10284 AA Pot oe 00 2 for nesting ane cooing auids oP = (g/l being nested (74> TT 1 for gases Being cooled (Tee FTs) For an intial assumption, Ty ~ TT + 0.6 TS» ~ Ts) [a 11 Ry © 10.000, calculate tne Gresnot Number, 433 (10 ES ey Pa) sand y reier ‘0 swo temoeratutes sutficunly lar spar :0 elmnate rouncing of sors, and “av fofors fo average Oewween andy 4) 1A, 2000 fa) Determne the natural convection A correcvon + Figure 15 2 funeton of Gy (and L/D! tor WEE > 80, « rection ‘acter irom Figur (@) Determine shanty (ec) Calculate tupe length geemeny factor. > he Duu+e Note: For U tubes, Li= 24l. (8) Determine low wscosiy conection factor Y fom Figure 17. 1 P, > 20. U= 1 (e) Calculate the tube side heat vanstor coetcint, ty 1 te TERN 9g + a5 {me + yt )/MeP | 00 < A, < 19.000 (a) Caloulata the turbutont heat wranstercoeticient. Naum EXXON AESEARGH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM 2ARA, 13. |_DESIGN PRACTICES | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_ EXON sero | Mo otse CALCULATION PROCEDURE, — NO CHANGE OF PHASE EXXON Ps? ec. 1990 | ENGINEERING | PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autoned Comeary Use On ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) (8) Calculate the laminar heat transter coeticient,(Mhem at Re = 2000 as ceserinad under step (4) above. (©) Cacuate te proatonfatn 2 i= 1.25 -ma/8000 (@) Clea ha bese neat tanster costco. hot = (Rohan + (t= hc not geo 1 Uhlan #(1 9} [nis (6) Estimate the average tube wall temperature, Ty Ty * To + Us (Ro + fo) (T5)~ To) (7) At ine average tube wall temporature, calculat® (hy/ 4)" for laminar flow or oP for turbulent How and inen caicunta hg using the apprepnate calculation steps Tube side Pressure Orop a. Nozzie Pressure Dro9 (1) Calculate the average nozzie velocity, Vy y 2.051 W. Yn = Torn) (ONO |e where OTNI and OTNO are inlet and outlet nozze sizes. 2) Caleviate tne nozzle pressure crop, Pp pure 5182 Tube entrance, expansion, and turn-around pressure drop (3) Evaluate pressure drop costfcient. Ky, trom Table 3. (2) Calculate entrance, expansion, and turn-around pressure crop, Py Ke pve any ‘oar8 Frctlonal pressure drop in the tubes. (1) Evaluate tne isothermal tPiction factor, ty. from Figure 1-6, (2) Evaluate viscosity gradient correction factor, @ ftom Figure 1-9. @ (4) Calculate the nonssethermal tretion factor, ¢ awata the natural convection correction tacter Up. ftom Figure 1-10, I Ry 8000. Yo > 1 = 1a9Up (5) Calculate the tictonal pressure drop, Py 5.19 , ove (NTP) L ap, = 518 SEINE) Pesos or ral tube side pressure drop norzieto-nozae, (Pram [aPtlan = Ne [Pn + aPe + Fe (44) For F, seo Table 3. If tho pressure drop is reasonable (ref to Subsection B, Table 4), 9° low, change the numbor of tube passes and repeat stops EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NA. |_DESIGN PRACTICES Teton | Page ko. Not 82 | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | EXXON ENGINEERING NO CHANGE OF PHASE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autonzos Company Use Oy | bec. 1930 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) ITERATION, TUBE SIDE (METRIC) 1. The neat duty for the sxcnanger wil normaly be determined during the neat and mat 2 Assume Up, the overall coetfcent (ter to Subsection 8, Table 1, for typical valves) 2. Calculate tea! area, A= Oily TO) Ay = AN Where: tir = total numer of shells { necessary, the numoer of sells should be increased 9 mest the maximum shell sie ation (ter ta Subsection C This may faqure recaleuiaing Fy MTD, A, and By Dotermne tho tube metal and thermal conductiaty, hy (fer to Subsection C. Tale 2) CChaoso ine tube length (L), diameter (20 and OD, wall niekness (1), pach (PT) layout tin tho shell acne 19 requrod ruber of tubes (eter Yo Subsection C). *Caleslate the woe sde fouling facror vetered to the tube outside surface ate. 20 (oeler co Tables 1 and 2, Subsection 3. *Calewate the eumaet of tubes, NTT nt = 4s ere: a 2220 nay ar "Re linear valocty m tne (1273 20% BN Be umber of shels in paral, Fotor 0 Table 2, for minimum and maximum tube velocities ‘Tube side neat vanster ous Number Dated on ube side macs rate, W, at Buk tomoerature, Py EXXON AESEARCH AND ENGIN ING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu. DESIGN PRACTICES | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXON Sevan [Pee CALCULATION PROCEDURE, a Se NO CHANGE OF PHASE EXXON ec. 1980 | ENGINEERING |_ PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Autnoitod Company Use On ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) Heat rare content. or watr hom approximately 80°F fo 1804. 27 x 104 o7 [1.8 Tp + 92\°%% (ve oo? (22 Tee 22 Bo MN eq] © For fds other than water |) Coteulote te Pranay Number P, at the bulk temperature rw OH i 10? (2) If Ry > 10,000, calewiata the tube sice heat vanster coeticient, he oP =1 for gasae being cooled (Tas TT) For an inal assumption, Ty = TT, + 0.6 (Sp Te) (@) 1 Ry < 10,000, calculate the Grashot Number. G, jor oo at 6, = 19.82 « 107% where: AT =1Ty = TT (4) If Ry < 2000 (a) Detarmne the natural convection Ry correction 4*8s a function of G, (and L1/O! for verieal tubes) from Figure 15 bo} Detaxmine short tube correction factor from Figure 16. i LI/OI > 60, ¢ = 0 tube length geometry factor. ov Note: For U tubes, LI = 20001 (2) Cetermne low vscosty correction factor ¥ trom Figure 1.7. If Pp > 20, Y= t 1) Caleuate the tuoe side heat transter cootciont, hy EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ. | EXXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGN PRACTICES on CALCULATION PROCEDURE, [seein Pte ae EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE i ENGINEERING | (Sate PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Auinguted Camasny Usa oy ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) () Calculata the lamar heat transtercoetfiient, (Rehan, at Re = 2000 as deserved under step (4) above (cl Calculate the praration factor 9 = 1.25 - Rav8000 (@) Caleviawe the tbe sige heat ranster cowticent, Ne + Inglan (12) [bee ata the average 1be wall temoerature, Ty Te Tet Us [Rg + to] [783-175] At the average tube wall emperature, cali (yl? for laminar ow or 3° for turbulent tow an ten acacia Ny using Ihe apGFopaG clcaton Seps use side Pressuce OreD a. Nore Pressute Broo 1) Cateuiste me average nozze velocity, Ya gw 28 10° "” [orn] (OTNO 8 wwoeea OTN! and OTNO ara inlet ano outlet 2) Caledlate the cozsle presse ron, 32, 2) Calculate onvance, sxpresion, ang Wwin-sroune presse roe, Py Ke out 2000 ievonal gressure atop im the ate the sothermalteton fect. f, tom Figure 1-8 (2) Evaluate wiseosty gracient corecuon facter, from Figure 1-2 9 1m Figure 1-10. Ry 2 6000, t= tyo¥p 2) Calelate the tetonal pressure tae, 3F avd (NTP) apn 268 or 4 Calculate the total tube side pressure drop nomietemnazze, ( (a Jog = Ns [Py + Pa 13F))] Sot Fane Table 2, {ine pressure top is reasenapie (eter 9 Subsection B, Table 4, =°28% low, change the number of tute passes ana sapeal sieos *0 "h EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM 2ARK, 9 DESIGN PRACTICES | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXON ste ve ots2 CALCULATION PROCEDURE, oT ss NO CHANGE OF PHASE EXXON Dee, 1900 ENGINEERING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnonzee Company Use Only ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) ITERATION, SHELL SIDE (U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS) 1. Calewate she! sige mass rate per shot W = Total shell side mass flow rate/Number of sholls in parallel 2 Determine tube bundle ciameter OOTL (refer to Subsection C, Table 5) a. Calculate tube piteh rato, PR = PT/00 4. Determine the the row spacing factor 5 square tube pitch a = 1.0 For ail other tube pitches a = 0.867 Calcuiate batt spacing to bundle diameter ratio, n= Battle spacing/OOTL, 5 Determine shell side flow tacts TEMA E shell m= 1.0 5 0 EMA J shall m TEMA F shal m= 7. Determine wattle flow factor. Segmental p = 10 Double segmental p = 0.5 8, Determine half correcton tactr. Sugmental F = 10 egmental § = 08 8. Calculate estimated wall temperature Tw * 18, = 99 (TS - TT) 10, Calculate wall viscosity coeaction factor 9 anlteg | 17. Caleulate total mass ve Gee ee | | [ °) [aes [?l lst] {09} is. “Slat Rect 19. Getermne nominal cross flow faction FFB, from Figure 1, 14, Qeterrne cattle spacing corection SO from Figure 1-2. 15. Qatarmna Aeynolds Number correction RC trom Figure 1-3. Note: Reynoids Number ‘s qreatar than 1000, AC = 1.0. 16, Caleuiato cross flow faction for pressure crop. Maximum value = 1.9 Calculate cxoss How tract FFBy = EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLOANAM PARK 1 HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT CALCULATION PROCEDURE, NO CHANGE OF PHASE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Aunoraee Company Use Oy EXON | EXXON | ENGINEERING | [_DESIGN PRACTICES _ [Secion Page xD 1S ot 82 | Dee, 1980 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Con!) 18. Calculate oss ‘low Reynolés Numoor fer pressure dro. wo ~ {Ron} (FFB) 19, Determine shell se Incton factor f fom Figure 4-4 uting np 20. Cali 1085 flow Reynolds Number for heat transer un = (Rese) (FFB) 21. Determine shel side heat warsier "j" factor from Figure 14 wsing Reap 22, Calculate shell sie neat vanstarcostficent. m= lois) (Co) (Gu) (FF24) Li) | 23, Caleulate shel sce pressure crop (exchudieg nozzles ve = oooers { Ut) (ee) [a Tea} 50 {et va of, tram Table 3 leita] Hee = o00%68 (a)? (oa) [ur em te nominal spol! ne226 . oN = vTOSNT TOSNOT oat ow, fF | oop" {Froo0F 28, Caloiate rota) shell 868 aressue roo Pan = Ny (SPs + Py 2. Calculate average tube wal temperature, Ta 8 TS = Us [Ry + 5) 28, Fied shel see Mid viseosity at tube wall te 29, Recalculate hy and AP, using appropriate calculation steos, ITERATION, SHELL SIDE (METRIC 1 Galewiate ene sige mass eat m= Ya) ane 5188 mags How rate/N Caicuate tuce pen rat, Pa = PT/CO Maximum value = 10 EXKOW RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORKAM PARK, Nl Section Ko. 7 |_DESIGN PRACTICES _| HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT jee ot 52 CALCULATION PROCEDURE, a NO CHANGE OF PHASE Dee. 1990 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autharos Company Use Onl ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION PROCEDURE (Cont) Ceterming the tebe row spacing factor. For square tube piten a= 1.0 For all ether tbe pitches a = 0.867 Caleuate batle spacing to bundio diameter rai. n= Battle spacing/DOTL Determine shell side flow factor. TEMA & shell m= 1.0 TEMA J spell m= 05 TEMA F shell m= 20 Determine battle Now factor, Segmental 9 = 10 Double segmental p = 0.5 mine baile correction factor Segmental {+ 1.0 Dovble Segmental = 0.8 Galeuiae esumated wat tomperat fy = Tq -03 (TS. = Ts Calculate teat mass weocty maf Gu = 10 ‘low Reynolds Number {00} (Gu) “10-8 Tal Determine nominal eross flow (action FFB, trom Figure tt Cetermine batle spacing cotrecton SC ttom Figure 1-2 Determine Ray cis Number cotrection AC trom Figure 1-3 Note: i Reynoias Number is graatar than 1000, AC = 1.0. Calsuiate Correction facet fo" log mean temporature ditarence, cimensioniess |) = She sige pressure crop cavtecton lacter, cimensionless 1° 2 Nonasatnerma tieton ‘actor, dimensionless lS Isomermal feenon factor, amensioniess G,= Geashot Number, amensioniess . Sy = Toa creas How mass velocity, fhe Shel side nozzle pressure stop, p51 KPa) 3p," = Tube side tretonal eessure grOp, 23) Pa} (aPdng = Total luce side nome arassure 3:60, 281 (KP2) 5" aarte flow fact, simonsiones = Flte ot heat transier.stu/he (A) [EXHON RESEARCH AND ENGINEESING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, 12 DESIGN PRACTICES HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXON [secten Pap CALCULATION PROCEDURE, mo |e NO CHANGE OF PHASE | en eron oa ENGINEERING Dec. 1990) | pnopmictaRY INFORMATION — For Autaraed Gonoany se Cal NOMENCLATURE (Cont) Re Total esistance (clean) to heat Wanstor, hv #2 « "F/B (m’, °C Fe = nse resistance to neat vansler corected{o,outsdo apa, he #2 «°F/B1U im?“ Fo > Guten fim resistance to eat ansior, eo RE “F/R (ms, °C/W) Fy = Total rsttance (uy) to Neat transter. nr? «°F/Bty (me, °C/W) A, = Reynolds Number. cmensoness Ale = Shel sg teal tow eynoles Number, dimensiones BU, 7 Gross flow Reynolds number for rest transfer, dimensionless Fay Gross flow Reynolds Number for Pressure creo, dimensionless RE] Royoles rumeer earecton Taco, cmansoniess : T= inetoe fouling fectorrelrred to inside surface area, «2 °F/Btu (mé, *CIW) va = insice fouling factor relered 10 outsoe surface area, hr? F/Gta (me, °C/W) 1S 2 Shai se fouing factor. r= “F/B (oe, °C) . 2 esisance of tube wal at average wall temooratsre, hr «2 *F/Btu (n° Sc = ate spacing corecion factor, aemensioniess Srv = Tobe sneer mataralalowabie ess at design temoeratue. 1/9. in KP) Tor = Tube se desin temperature. “F CO) Tes 7 Shai ado desga tamperature, “F °C) Tye = Tube sheet seagn tamporature, *F CO) TS average tue wal temperature, °F (°C) Th 1 inet temperanre of tua beng cooled. °F (°C) Th 7 Outer temperature of ud being cove. “FCO 18, bulk temperature of shot sco fc. “FCO = Iniet temperature of shell side fic, “F (°C) Cutler temperature of shel sige tus, °F CC) ulk temperature of tune side ud, *F (10) inlet temperature of tube side fic. °F (°C) Gatlet temperature of tude sido fd, °F (°C) Tri = Total woe shoot thickness, fn) t= Tube wall thickness, inches (cm) ty = Inlet temperature of fud being heated. °F (°C) f= Outlet temperature of fd being heated. *F °C) Sty = Terminal temperature diference. °F (°C) AT; > Shell slo temperature atterence, °F (°C) . UL" 5 Gverall clean coetficent of heat iranster, Btu/hr «it «°F (W/m® U; = Galeulated overall fouled cootlicient of Meat transfer, tur «AE °F (Wim °C) UL = Gverall duty costicrnt of heat wanster, Stuhr «R «"F (W/m, °C) Ve = Tube sida average nozzio tht velocty, 1/sec (mvs) ve Fh velecty in tubes, ft/sec (m/s) W = Tube sige mass rata par sno Ib/hr (ko/s) We = Shell sida mass cate par she bv ‘kg’ B= Goetfciene of normal expansion used in Grasnot Number, °F" (°C~') Y* = Natural convection factor. dmensioniess TT Short tuoe laminar flow cortecton fecior, dimensionless t= Transitonal flow heat tansfor proration facter, dimensionless X= Tube length gaomety factor, imensioniess fm = Viscosity at bulk temperature, centooise (Pa, S) iy = Viscosity at wall temperature, centouse (Pa. 5) £2 Bata correction facta, cimensioniess p= Density, Bvt? (ka/m) G = Low Pranctt Number correction factor, dimansioniess Up = Natural convection contecton factor, dimensianlss EXXON AESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PAAK. M.: | EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGN PRACTICES — _ CALCULATION PROCEDURE, set ose EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE ! ENGINEERING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Auinonzed Company Use Cri TABLE ta ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM, U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) process ____ REFINERY AND LOCATION —_______ cate. sy EXCHANGER NO. ate. 1. Terminal Conditions and MTD Cooled = aan Fius Bong Tent Tews wwro Np Figure 2) tor sis in sane nels 9 sarato, shall serine srs n arate MD =F, awTo) = Shale Heatea! 3. Properties of Fluids Tubes ‘helt . it Se Stuslere roe turn EH EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, 1 ec. 1990 DESIGN PRACTICES HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXON eo ease | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, Sa fe NO CHANGE OF PHASE | eng PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authorzed Company Use Oni TABLE ta ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM, U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 4, Flow Rates and Name of Fiulds Tube Shelt Fue Name/Prase —_'— /——— Total Mass vate _—_____ti Io/ne W = Total mass rate/Np bite W, = Total mass raterNe = bine 5. Fouling Factors 6. Mechanical Design Features EMA Type: Tubes Shel! Desgn Temgorsie = = —___" Design Pressure +89 sg Nazzle Sie om inches DSNI_ = incnes TNO = inches. SND. = inches 7. Exchanger Geometry First Trial Second Teal ‘Third Teal Tube 0.9. (00), inches _ - Tube ID. (Oi, snenes — Tube prcn (PT), inenes Tube wall mekness (8) _——— a a length (Uf —_—_— a —_—_ ® flow length Lt). ches — = = Li = (8) L for U tubes U = (12) L tor al otners TEMA exchanger TYEE —_ — Te Single tube ateaslengtn Ar, ft —_—_— » (00) 12 Battle spacing (LEC), inenes - — Battle type (Segmental or Double Segmental) — —— — uncle Diameter (DOTL, inches — —_— Shell Osamatar (05), inches a —_ —_— Number of tube side passes (NTP) = —— —_—— tor U tubes minimum number 1s 2) [EXXON AESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Na. DESIGN PRACTICES Pace EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT —_— CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | EXXON | NO CHANGE OF PHASE ENGINEERING | jeu PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Autnored Company Ute Ooh, TABLE 12 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM, U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS SHELL ANO TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 8. Iteration, Tube Side First Teal Second Trial Third Trial a Heat Duty = 2 - b. Assumed Value of U, © A= Q1U, (MTD) — a ASAIN 8 Tube Mer ke D0 * in, l= note me t = ‘i : bl 86 10,000 9.28tK oe aoe ny = ERAN et pet op __ —— P= tag)? for igus Tre + 460° eS) tr noning geses = 10 ter ing gases Exxon a NO SNGINEESING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Na. DESIGN PRACTICES HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT [eo |/Meorse_| CALCULATION PROCEDURE, ome / NO CHANGE OF PHASE ee. 1980 | snopmicrany NFORMATION —For Ashes Coreary Use On TABLE 12 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM, U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO GHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 18. Iteration, Tube Side (Cont) First Trial Second Trial (d) Re < 2000 om Figure 1.6 determina "= im Figure 1.6 dotermina ¢ = ( X= DMise : (s) From Figure 1.7 dotermne v (9) tig EE] 25 +45 [ime w 30 ( le) 2000 < Ae < 10.000 11) cha @ Re = 1.000 rom to) ——— 12) lam @ Fe = 2000 (rom (a) = @ q223s — Revano (8) Rg # A halam + (= hehe = ——— —_—— 1a TT # Up (Ro * fob 1S - Te} = _ _ (nig? fr tamear Row = = — or oP foe roam How and make faster costcionts ressute Orc 1) Nozzle Pressure Orop, y o.951 Ww (9) No “iS ty (OTNO) @ - pve e 582 a @ around vance, Expansion, and Tur (a) From Table 3 cetermine Ky - |a) Frictional Pressure Orop (a) From Figure 1.8 evaluate ts a (@) fom Figure 19 evauate 3 > — (2) From Figure 1.10 evaluate J - — a 2 sre} a (8) (APDaq Ny [Ps + aPy + 1D (APD) Gget value of F; from Table 2. EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORNAM PARK, Na | ENGINEERING EXON EXXON Third Trial EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGN PRACTICES _ | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, Seven EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE Ls [Mase ENGINEERING | Out ee, 1980 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authoncd Company Use Oy TABLE 1a ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM, US. CUSTOMARY UNITS SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 3. eration, Shell Side First Trial Second Trial Thies Teal Tube row spacing factor a= 1.0 for Square Piten = 0887 tor a others ten Rave (PR) = PT/D0 Batt. Spaca to Bundle Dia. rato (0) n= LSCC/OOTL Shall sige flow ractor im) m= 05 for J shel mental bates B= 05 for couole-segmental batties Battle Correction Factor (8) £ = 1.0 for segmental battles £=0.8 for dovble-sogmental batios ee ——_ Eaenatod tube wall tomporatue (Ta) "F Ty = TS 03 (75,7) Wall wscosity corecton (6) lal cross How mass velocty (Gad, lb/hr «#2 PR] fim tli | Ws [Pe Leroe Total How Reynolds Number (Poa) 00) Guy Ron = CO Ged —_—— ee a (25) tos Nominal Creestiow fraction (FFB) Figure 1.1 —_ Battle Spacing Cowrecton (SC) Figure 1.2 = Reynolds Number Corecion (RC) Figure 1.3 — _ Cress flew traction for pressure arp (FFB,) 150} (RC) (Maximum = 1.0) Cross flow Reynolds Number tor AP (Raye) Fora * (Pan) (FFB) —— a Shell side tnevion ‘actor () Figure 1.4 ——_ - Cross tow kracton for heat transfer (FEB,) FFB, = FFB, = 0.125 (Maxum = 1:0) — Cross tow Reynolds Number for neat transfer (Ran) Pan) (FFBn) — — _ Fan Shall cida naat wansior factor (|) Figure 14 DESIGN PRACTICES Ko HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT 708 ysa CALCULATION PROCEDURE, NO CHANGE OF PHASE Doc. 1880 |_ PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnonzes Company Use Oniy TABLE 12 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM, U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) Iteration, Shell Side (Cont) Fest Trial Second Trial Shell side fim coolant (hy) Btushe «#2 °F Fe = (0-418) (Co) (Ge) (FEN (1) (0 [_« Shell ice Friction Tat (HF) (F, trom Table 3) io (PAY (00) (9) r. ior Shall side momentum term (HM) (im 9 oor ‘Shell sie: pressure drop without Nozzle (3), 981 fa | Shel side nozzie pressure drop (4Psy). pS Poy = ° Fat TS ase ? i coe us (2+ ra] (T82-7 1? 00) (ON Total shill sice pressure arop (AP AP un * Ns [Ps + San] —- — Caloulatad Tue wall temperature (T). °F Caleulate viscosity eatracton (9) (ef) Using calculated value of @ comect hy & AP: 10. overat eate Inside resistance referred to outside area (Raj, hr HP °F/Btu Fig = Who Outside rositance A, ny Us = Re 3 resistance (Ry), hr ft?» Re = Ra + Ay * fw ah net F/B an coottcient (Uz), tu/te «#2 °F) EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORMAM PARK, W EXON EXXON ENGINEERING ‘Third Teal EXON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGN PRACTICES xron CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | Section \", EXXON | NO CHANGE OF PHASE xe sets? ENGINEERING | | PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Aunonzed Comseny Use Coy Doe. 1990 TABLE ta ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM, U.S, CUSTOMARY UNITS SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 10. Overall calculations (Cont) First Triad Second Trial Third Teal Tubesneet thickness (TTT), tt ) (08 = 25) (P/Smi9* + 10 720 Gy = 0625 for Usubes, 1.0 for all otners Pm higher of snet side or tube side desgn pressure ve tube length (Ly), u Ettectve neat vanster area per shell (Ag t? Aca INT iL) AD) Total Etfectve heat tanster area (A), 2 A= KA) (Nr Overall duty cootterant (Us), Bhu/hr =? « vo” a aaToH % Overaesgn 00 1%, Tubesheet design temperature (Normaly reaurad tor Copper alloys) nolors. (Cooling Water on tuoe sido) 1) Clean conaitons, Re we Tor +S 0) Fouled conditions, *F T= Tor + Up (Ry +5) (Tes = Tor) + — Wy) Contating case, *F Catge’ of the clean or fouled — — b. For exchangers )) Tube site tid being cooled fu = Tor -9.1 (Tor ~ Tos) oe i) Shel sige fd being cooied Tw Tor + 03 (Tos ~ Ton) —_ — ~ EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, 1 DESIGN PRACTICES | Becton Page KD 28 of 52 Cee. 1990 TABLE 1b ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM (METRIC UNITS) SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) PROCESS EXCHANGER NO. E 41. Terminal Conditions and MTD Flug Bang Cootoa ht. > —_. Fd Borg —— wr Ns fn sneis in senes Figure 2: for —__ shots in sores oem eee 2. Bulk Temperatures Tube side (Heateo) Ty = Flue (Cooiea) Ty Fld (Coolea) Estimated wall tomperatre 3. Properties of Fluids Tubes as (hay?) bho Pas. Ps ilk, °C wim, °C. by Pas. REFINERY AND LOCATION Toh = HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT CALCULATION PROCEDURE, NO CHANGE OF PHASE Np ALG, By oate [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, 1 ENGINEERING DESIGN PRACTICES wa ot $2 EXON | EXXON ENGINEERING | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT CALCULATION PROCEDURE, NO CHANGE OF PHASE UETARY INFORMATION — For Aunaraeo Company Use Oniy_| PRO Doc. 1999 TABLE 1 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM (METRIC UNITS) SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 4. Flow Rates and Name of Fluids Tube Shel! Fi Nama/Phase Total Mass rate W = Total mass rate/Np = —— gis jal mage rate/No 5. Fouling Factors oa om -cIW. 5 2 8Crw 6. Mechanical Design Features TEMA Typ: Shel Design Temperature asian Pressure - Nomie Size om =o DsNi DINO = sno 7. Exchanger Geometry First Tra Second Trial Third Triat Tune 0.0, (00), mm ——_ Tube 1D, (Oi), mn a Tube pitcn (PT), mm Tube lengin (LU, be How length (Li), mm Lr = (2000) Ul = (1000) EMA oxcnanger {oe —_ Single tube areaslengtn Ar, mé/m —_— ay = SEO) 000 Batle seacng (L8CC), mm Battla type (Segmental or Oouble Segmental Bunale Diameter (OOTU, mm —— —— Shell Ciameter (OS), mm — —_— — Number of tube sice passes (NTP) (tor U tubes minimum number 2) [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nl | DESIGN PRACTICES | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXON ose | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, axon oe NO CHANGE OF PHASE eno Ag ee. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnonzes Conany Use Only TABLE 1b ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM (METRIC UNITS) SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 8, Mteration, Tube Side First Teal Second Trial Third Trial Hoat Duty = 0 ‘Assumea Value of U, A= O/U, (MTD) Ay = AN Tube Metal = be = Tube Pen (PT) and Layout _—_ fo * (D/O 4, —— - f= H0(1900 Xe oo —___ Ntr -_—__ — N= NTTINTE -_—__ ——_ —— wor t2ra x 108 BN (OF ranster Coster wo ow on BIN iy owe Heat Tr (1) Re~ w= (2) For Water ar x04 ig = SE iyon7 6 1aTTy 100 (2) Fluds oiner than water a - Pe 108 —— — — le) Re = 10,000 22k oa pte he = Ee ReOt PM oP — a P= U/l? for aus [Tb + 27995 | tw 278 = 1.0 for cooling gases for heating gases Re < 10,000 ) at = |Tw=Tol ay eg =e —_—__ —_ —— Wy) (om) . gee 10% (2H AT) & = | —-— — EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ. EXKON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT DESIGN PRACTICES —— CALCULATION PROCEDURE, |eecuer ]Pawe EXXON ko. ‘Stat 82 NO CHANGE OF PHASE ENGINEERING | oF PI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —Far Aubensed Conbany Use Only TABLE 10 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM (METRIC UNITS) SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 8. eration, Tube Side (Cont) Firat Trial Second Trial Third Triat (@ 1 Re < 2000 (1) From Figure 1.6 determine 9° = (2) From Figure 1.8 determine @ = —_——_ — 1) XeOuU +e -__—_ — — (4) From Figure 1.7 determine & - 10% | ) ho asses|@mror] 8? (e) 1 2000 < Re < 10,000 Pola @ 0 (rom fy) — ——_ (2) iReian & Ae * 2000 (hom (a) = — —— ay 128 ~ Ae/4000 - = tg * a Mohan * (=) Ralnee = " Ra * to) ITS - — (9) Evaluate toy/ny)°" fr laminar How fr P "oe ouont low an make rican (2) Nozze Pressure Ore, n27aw x 108 2000 8 19 svataie 0 - 5 0 avaiuae is @ 1 - — 2a NTPIL cy EPL | - (4) (AP dn 2M, [APs + Py + (FD (2Pa| mm Table 2, get value of EXXON RESEARCH AND SIGINEERING SOMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, MAL DESIGN PRACTICES _/ HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXXON CALCULATION PROCEDURE, —_—~ | NO CHANGE OF PHASE | ey EXXON ° 990 | ENGINEERING Dec, 08 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Aunorzed Company Use On| TABLE 1b ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM (METRIC UNITS) SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 8, Iteration, Shel! Side First Tal Second Trial Third Trial Tube row spacing factor a= 1.0 for Square Piten = 0.867 for all others Pitch Bato (PA) = PT/00 —_ — Ball, Suace to Suncle Dia. ratio (n) ne ECC/DOTL ——_ —— —— ll sioe flow factor im) m=05 tor J sno m= 20 lor F sre m= 10 for E shell — — Battle Yow factor (9) 0 for segmental baties = 05 for douole-segmental bates — ——_ —— Bate Comacton Factor (8 10 for segmental nates = 0.8 for doucie-segmental bales — _——_ strated tube wall temperature (Ty). °C 209 (13)~ Ty ———_ —_— a sont) tal cos How mass vlonty (Gd, tals «mi? {28.] [uw [ Ms ("| Teva How ey Nominal Gieestow Haton (FFE) Figure 31 ee - Save sessing Covecon (SE) gue 12 Revol Near Goreson (RC) gue oon fow aston fr presto 0 (FF3,) ra) aren (Mose lor J Number (Pax) ese) (0 Figure 14 —_ oo Cross low traction for heat tanster F#8,) FF, (Maximum = 1.9) —_—_ a (cross tlow Reynoiss Number for heat transfer (Ress) Baan + (Ral {FF3n) Shell sae neat vanster factor (/) Figure CXKON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Na EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | DESIGN PRACTICES _| a CALCULATION PROCEDURE, eee | 0 of 62 EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE bem one ENGINEERING | PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authorized Company Use Oniy TABLE 1 ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM (METRIC UNITS) SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 9. Iteration, Shell Sige (Cont) Fst Trial ‘Second Trial Third Trial Sheil sie fen coetiient thy) W/me nea tea touceran | Shell side Faction Term (HE) fim He » 9.00875 | 2.0 0.00875 | Say (00) (From Table 3) SSholl side momentum teem (HM) (0 fm) | 10 HM = 0.0168 (ny2? i wor} Shell side pressure drop without Nozxe (AP,), KPa ar,= Bin lhe = 4] 4 79p 7 (2) _ ON = VTOSNT OSHOT — Sell side nozale pressure deop (APsy), APA zaat Pan = Total snot! sce Poh Calcwnten Tune all temperature (Ta), °C 3 Ty = 785 =Us | Caleuiate viscosin 0 leat” —_ Using caleuiates vaiue of 6 10. Overat! calculations insce cesisiance celered to outside area (A), m2 "CW Age Whe Quisice resistance (Re), m= °C/W Ro thy | clean resistance (Re), m® °C/W Rom Rot Ro 7 ta ——— Calculates overall clean cootticient (Uz), Wim? =" Ur VR, _ EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, 31 DESIGN PRACTICES | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXXON nn CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | | xe soe NO CHANGE OF PHASE [EXXON ate | ENGINEERING Dec 1080 | snopnierany wroRMATION fr Aunonze Consiny Ue Sy TABLE tb ESTIMATION METHOD CALCULATION FORM (METRIC UNITS) SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS (NO CHANGE OF PHASE) (Cont) 10, Overall ealeulations (Cont) Fest Teal ‘Second Trial Third Teal Calculated overall fouled coetticient (Up), W/m? UO" RT mw eh Tubashaet thickness (TTT), (Cy) (08 + 64) (P/SreIO* 00 Gy = 0.625 for Usuoes, 1.0 for all others P= righer of shell sde or woe sida cesign pressure. Etfective tube length (Ly). m Wsl-nT a - ee Effective heat wansfor area gor shell (Ay). m= y= (NTT) (ha) (Bnd - — Total Elective heat transfer atea (A), A= AD INT) ——_ - — —_— Overall uty coettcrent Ua) 0) Uae ee a - (ay (ne) Uo = Us *e Overaesign = 300 _- ee Ve 11, Tubesheet aesign temperature (Normaiy reauted tor Copper a 8) a. For coolers, (Cooling Water on tube side) )Glean conditions, °C Ta = Tor + jus conditions, °C iy Convroting Larger of b. For exchangers ') Tube side flud being cooled Tu = Tor ~ 241 Tor ~ Tas) — ——_ — Shell side tina being cootes Ty = Tor + 03 (Tos = Tox) [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ EXXON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGN PRACTICES CALCULATION PROCEDURE, |Ssster |Pess. EXXON | 7 Lixo 28 of 52 ENGINEERING | NO CHANGE OF PHASE ie PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Aunonzed Comany Use Ory Dec. 1990 TABLE 2 PRORATION FACTORS 1. TUBE SIDE a General Pho vanes as the 2/9 power of thermal conductivity hig vars as the 1/3 power of specie heat, Pr vanes as the 1.8 power of mass velocity, for same tube 10. APr vanes inversely wath the spectie gravity. >. Turbulent Region 3°; varies as the 1.8 power of mass velocity for same tube 1D, hig vanes as the 08 power o 123s velociy fer same tube 10. AP, vanes as the 0.24 power of viscosity. hig Vanes as the -0.47 power of vscosiy hig Wares a5 the ~0.20 power of inside clamater for same mass velocity hho varies as -0.8 power af number of tube passas, for same total number at 1unes SP, vanes as -28 power of number of tbe passes total for same total rumaer of woes, ©. Viscous Region ho vars as the 1/3 power of mass velocy, for same tbe 1D AP, vats as the 1.0 power of mass velocity, lor same tube 1.0, AP, vatios as the 1.0 power of wiscosty. hip does not vary appreciably with vscosiy hig vanes as the -2/9 power of te inside diameter, for Same V. 2. SHELL SIDE e027 power of wscosty hy vaties as the 08 power of mass velocity. hg vatles as te 2/3 power of thermal conductty hy vanes as ne 1/3 power of specie heat hy varies a5 the 2.4 power of outside diam. of the tube, 2, vanes as the 1.87 power of mass velocity AP, vanes as the 0.2 powar of vscosty. SP, varies inversely with the specific ravi. AP, varias as the -26 powor of bate pten 3, OVERALL AREA ANO TUBE COUNT Meat transier Area A varies inversely ag tube is. for same shell dia, and PA No of tubes NIT varies as 2 power of tube pcr 1 cia, for same tubes and tbe pier No of sabes NTT varias as 2 power of 3! EXXON AESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Mat |_DESIGN PRACTICES _| HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | sete se ot $2 CALCULATION PROCEDURE, |——~——_ one NO CHANGE OF PHASE | EXXON Dec. 1990 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Auborzed Corgan ute Gny_| ENGINEERING TABLE 3 ESIGN CONSTANTS FOR SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGER CALCULATIONS. TUBE SIDE Pressure Drop Factor, Ke Straight Tubes: Single Pase K,~ 08 Multiple Pass. Ky = 15 (NTP) UTubes: Two Pass ky =09 Four or More Passes Ky = 08 (NTP) Pressure Drop Fouling Factors Pressure crop fouling factors are evaluated by the following equations which take into account wal tickne: fouling layer bai. veriavons and a Stoel Tubes 0-2 6 0298 OOF Nonferrous Alloy Tubes ne | oo-21 : '* [yas 100 ~ any — a08 0Oz]"* a p086 DO ‘The folowing able gives values fr the pressure drop fouling factor. F, of common tube sizes, These values wure wvatualed using the equavons above steel Tubes ior Tubes A F 00 ‘ Pisin Low Fla Plain Low Fin Inches (mm) inches (mm) | aa (1908) oe (1.248) 128.35 we 18 006s (1851) ae yaa ap 123 | 0.083 (2108) vat 458 120 130 | o.r09 (2768) 13178 126139 (54) 0.06 (1651) 124128 130 12 088 (2108) 128139 nia. 18 0.109 (2788) 15 tas 8 ne 134 (G08) rs i 112 any 9.088 (2.108) 0103 769) 121 ora (404) 125 Des (4781) 131 [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nw. EXON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT [_DESIGN PRACTICES CALCULATION PROCEDURE, Po ors | emerxon NO CHANGE OF PHASE pe | sr ofs2 ENGINEERING ie PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnerzee Company Uta Ony Dee. 1990 TABLE 3 DESIGN CONSTANTS FOR SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGER CALCULATIONS (Cont) Design Cooling water Velocity") Material Type of Water Most Favorable Velocity, Permissibie Range, thse (m/sec) ft sec? (m/sec) Carson steet Fresn, nonhe 4 (122) 3108 (91 1 182) Fresn, iinitec Sioa (1821 244) 310 (Ost tea Fed brass Al ype a oon 3i4 (91 1 12% Acmwalty jniibves) Fresh (inh or rot) 6a (1820 248) 3910 (091 te 308) Salt oF orackisn 3 (03) 3%6 91% 882) Alumourn orass Fresh tnhinted oF cot) Bos (1820 248) 31010 (09) te 208) Salt or brackish 5 (182) 38 91 248) pronickel 70:50) Al type Tie (tte 248) 31012 1091 wm 288) Cupronickel {80-10} All ypes Pies 21 tase 300 (091 w 268 Hones A vps 8 (een at (01 1 28a ype S18 aloy stee! All ypes 10 2.08) Bois Oates Tarun A types >a > 081) 2990 (091 9.9 SHELL SIDE Maximum Allowable Battie Fitch (8 Maximum LBCC, ‘tabe 00. see Copper. Aluminum " Steet alloys: incnes (mm) Inches mm) —inenes— (mm) 07s (19.08) 300 (7820) 280 09 (2s) a79 (a0) 329 150 509 (1270.9) Pressure Orop Fouing Factors. Fy Lawes vas Gases or condensing vasors 1.008 Notes: (0) Repeouesa trom Consttueten Materals Manual, Seeton Il, Onsite Coating Water 2) As a general policy, tis advisable fo design far velocitas apove the most favorable vest rstrar "nan ceiow, But 30 801 bush too close 10 the uoper imi of the permiesnia range. This 1 parveualy imgoriant in tha pndengers where temperature control is etal of wnete seasonal water tomporaiwe cranges 1 ‘velocity reductions for control (91 When there is no change of phase on the shell side, bale och should never 2xc: 14) Foe information on other maleias oF tuoe sizes, reler to TEMA Taole 452, 5) Ths value may be incre: ed for exremely uty server. (8) Use 2 larger number f vapors are known 10 be fouling EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORMAM PARK. Ns DESIGN PRACTICES _/ HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXKON seo | ag ots CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | exon FD; seats | NO CHANGE OF PHASE | ey gEXxOn | ENGINEERING Dee, 1980 | PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnoneed Coroary Use Oni Figure 1.1 NOMINAL CROSSFLOW FRACTION TAR ‘Tube Guncle Oiameter (QOTLI, inenes ort} For meine | 25 | Figure 12 Figure 12 BAFFLE SPACING CORRECTION LOW REYNOLDS NUMBER CORRECTION Bate Spacing Batte Soacing |, Total Flow Reynolds Number, Rew Bande Diameter EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, DESIGN PRACTICES | EXON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT een RA —_— CALCULATION PROCEDURE, [ste 8. ge NO CHANGE OF PHASE 2s PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Aunonzed Gomaany Use Cry EXXON ENGINEERING Dec. 1990 Figure 1.4 FRICTION FACTOR AND HEAT TRANSFER “7” FACTOR Jr, leg, of Re, 23 33 6 oo? 0.08} 0a 02 oa 8.001 0.008 003 Oe |, URL wa} © Jerse voRdHs EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nl DESIGN PRACTICES HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXON sect arse | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, |\———_ ie NO CHANGE OF PHASE | EXXON Se wn moat mromuaton sums conan se om _| ENGINEERING Figure 15 FACTOR y"AS A FUNCTION OF GRASHOF NUMBER 10" = Y 10 1 10 Gratnot Number, Gr EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nal EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGN PRACTICES: ron CALCULATION PROCEDURE, [0 | se EXXON NO CHANGE OF PHASE oo ENGINEERING a PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Autores Comoary Use OO Dee. 1990) Figure 1.8 SHORT TUBE CORRECTION FACTOR ¢ vot Figure 17) LOW PRANOTL NUMBER CORRECTION FACTOR J Prantl Number, Pr [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORNAM PARK, W DESIGN PRACTICES Section Fi Ko. Dee. 1990 ot 82 HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT CALCULATION PROCEDURE, NO CHANGE OF PHASE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Aumarzed Comaany Use On Figure 1.8 ISOTHERMAL FRICTION FACTOR INSIDE TUBES 2009 < Re < B00 fe > 3800 Coo iti roo i fy nance wen | neg 2009 oe EXON EXXON ENGINEERING Reynolds Numoer, Re [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nv. EXON EXXON ENGINEERING HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT [_DESIGN PRACTICES CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | section i NO CHANGE OF PHASE aw 49 of 52 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Authorized Company Use Only. Dec. 1990 Figure 13 6 VISCOSITY GRADIENT CORRECTION FACTOR to wan (# He i EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLCAKAM PARK, Nu. DESIGN PRACTICES _| HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXON reo \Ps ta of $2. CALCULATION PROCEDURE, ~ 1 Heise | NO CHANGE OF PHASE XXON — ENGINEERING ve, 1880 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnorzod Comoany Use Coy Figure 1.10 NATURAL CONVECTION CORRECTION FACTOR [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nh EXON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | _DESIGN PRACTICES yo, | CALCULATION PROCEDURE, | Sener |Pave. EXXON | NO CHANGE OF PHASE eo ENGINEERING | one PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — Fer sutnonzee Company Use Orly Dec 1990 Figure 2 LMTD CORRECTION FACTORS ILLUSTRATION OF SHELL ARRANGEMENTS 1 sed pass, 2 of more tube panes | a amet win 1 cube oss 2 Fig. 24 | Fig. 20 * =—_— —— | ¥ | == | Tame semana rig 2k | iar RE Fig. 20 | i * | Fig. 2c | Satta! | + * ao | m | Le = . = 1 = EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ. Tate DESIGN PRACTICES | ection [Page 45 of 52 PASSES PASS, 2 OR MORE TUD 1 SHEL EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK. Ni Figure 24 LMTD CORRECTION FACTORS HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT CALCULATION PROCEDURE, = NO CHANGE OF PHASE ec. 1990 | _pnopaleTARY INFORMATION —For Authorzed Company Use Onl ES 2 SHELL PASSES, 4 OR MORE TUBE PASS) |_EXKON- EXXON ENGINEERING 3 04 03 02 EXON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT DESIGN PRACTICES CALCULATION PROCEDURE, Section * EXXON Ko. 47 of 52 ENGINEERING NO CHANGE OF PHASE I PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnonsee Company Uta Ory | Dee. 1990 Figure 26, LMTD CORRECTION FACTORS 3 8 2 8 5 $ 2 3 3 s- 3 2 a s < é & x a z ° Fe 5 - g 2 3 2 z & S s 2 2 s 8 a w s a é < 4 4 z az a a “ = ° = 88 8 8 Be és 8 38 6 6 uf EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK,

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