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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Alfelor Sr. Memorial College Inc.
Poblacion Zone 2, Del Gallego Camarines Sur


CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures

and other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or
groups; also how to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing, and affirmation and
negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech
emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Make and deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches
with ease and confidence. EN10-II-1.15.

I. Objectives;
At the end of the lesson students would be able to;
 Identify the features of impromptu and extemporaneous speech.
 Perform an impromptu and extemporaneous speech.
 Appreciate the ideas of impromptu and extemporaneous speech.

II. Subject Matter
Topic: Impromptu and Extemporaneous speeches
References: Aveline Lois T. Triveles
English 10 - Extemporaneous and Impromptu speech
Materials: Laptop, projector.
Values Integration: Participation and teamwork.

III. Procedure
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.
Feeling good today? Yes ma'am!
Well it's good to hear that!

Okay now, Everybody stand up for the (The students will stand to pray)
opening prayer.
Leader of the class please lead the prayer. (The leader of the class will lead the prayer)

(Secretary of the class will check the
Okay class, who are absent today? Secretary
of the class kindly check the attendance and
give it to me after our session.

For your assignment last meeting, leader of
the class kindly collect all the assignments (The leaders of the group will collect all the
and give that to me after class. assignments).

All right! Now class let us have a quick
review. What have we discussed last meeting? (The student will raise hand and answer)
Great! I'm glad that you still remember our
lesson yesterday.

Now class, before we start to our discussion,
let us have an activity first. This activity is
called "Guess me and talk about me". In
this activity I am going to show you 5
rumbled words and you are going to guess
that word, and for the twist, you are going to
make a short speech about that word and
perform it to the class.
Now for another twist, I have here a spinning
wheel with your names, I will spin this 5
times, if your name would be chosen, you are Yes ma'am!
the one who will perform. Did you get it
(The chosen student will stand up and come
All right! Now let's start! to the front)
(The teacher will spin the spinning wheel to
(The student will guess tha word and make a
choose a student)
short speech and perform to the class)
(The teacher will show the slide with the first
rumbled word)

Okay very good! Thank you! (The chosen students will perform the
(The teacher will spin the spinning wheel
again to choose the second performer and
after the second performer there comes the
third, fourth and fifth)
(The students will clap their hands)
Okay, all of your answers are correct! Kindly
give then a round of applause!
Thank you so much for your cooperation!

7. PRESENTATION OF THE LESSON'S At the end of the lesson students would be

At the end of the lesson students would be  Identify the features of impromptu
able to; and extemporaneous speech.
 Identify the features of impromptu and  Perform an impromptu and
extemporaneous speech. extemporaneous speech.
 Perform an impromptu and  Appreciate the ideas of impromptu
extemporaneous speech. and extemporaneous speech.
 Appreciate the ideas of impromptu and
extemporaneous speech.

All right, now class before we formally
proceed to our topic, let’s have another
For this activity, I will divide you into 2
groups and each group will have 1
representative. I will be showing pictures for
each group. What are you going to do is to
make a speech about the picture for a limited
time with your groupmates, after that, the
representative of each group will present your
speech to the class. I will give you 3 minutes Yes ma'am
to compose a speech.
(Each group will compose a speech about a
Are you ready? given picture)

(The teacher will group the students into 2

groups and show the picture to each group)

(The representative of group 1 will present

their speech)

(The students will clap their hands)

Okay times up! Group 1 kindly present your
speech to the class.
(The representative of group 2 will present
Thank you group 1! Kindly give them around their speech)
of applause!

Next is group 2, present your speech please.

Ma'am, it is all about what is happening or
Okay! Very good! Thank you all so much for what happens to our country right now.
your cooperation.

Now, what have you noticed about our


Okay very good! Thank you!

All right! Now let us proceed to our
discussion, our topic for today is all about Ma'am!
extemporaneous and Impromptu speech.
(The teacher will show the slide in
PowerPoint presentation) EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH
What is Extemporaneous speech? An extemporaneous speech is a planned and
Who wants to read? prepared speech. Unlike memorized or
Okay proceed manuscript speeches which are delivered
word-for-word, an extemporaneous speech is
EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH delivered with the help of short notes and a
An extemporaneous speech is a planned and clear outline. Most people who speak in
prepared speech. Unlike memorized or public often prefer the extemporaneous
manuscript speeches which are delivered method of delivery. Although it might look
word-for-word, an extemporaneous speech is more challenging than the manuscript or
delivered with the help of short notes and a memorized speeches, it is more spontaneous
clear outline. Most people who speak in and personal.
public often prefer the extemporaneous
method of delivery. Although it might look
more challenging than the manuscript or
memorized speeches, it is more spontaneous
and personal.

Okay thank youuuu! Now Extemporaneous (The student will raise thier hand and answer)
speech is the speech that when you are
holding or reading a script to deliver a speech.
For example is in a graduation, a valedictorian

Now, who can give me an example of

extemporaneous speech?
Okay very good, thank you!

Now, there is 6 steps in making

extemporaneous speech these are the Steps in Preparing for a Successful
following. Extemporaneous Speech
1. Reinforce! You may explore other main
(The teacher will show the slide on points, but always refer back to your thesis.
PowerPoint presentation) This will greatly help your audience
remember your message.
Steps in Preparing for a Successful 2. Capture! State the central idea of your
Extemporaneous Speech extemporaneous speech in one declarative
1. Reinforce! You may explore other main sentence. Keep your sentence specific. Ask
points, but always refer back to your thesis. yourself what you want your audience to
This will greatly help your audience know exactly.
remember your message. 3. Develop! Now that you have a clear central
2. Capture! State the central idea of your idea, you are ready to map out the supporting
extemporaneous speech in one declarative points in an outline.
sentence. Keep your sentence specific. Ask 4. Introduce! In the introduction, make sure
yourself what you want your audience to you:
know exactly. • grab the attention of the audience with a
3. Develop! Now that you have a clear central striking one-liner.
idea, you are ready to map out the supporting • give a short background by explaining why
points in an outline. they have to listen.
4. Introduce! In the introduction, make sure • state your thesis.
you: 5. Check! Develop at least three main points
• grab the attention of the audience with a and check each of them with these questions:
striking one-liner. • Does each point have one single idea?
• give a short background by explaining why • Does each point reiterate the thesis
they have to listen. statement?
• state your thesis. • Does each point prepare the discussion of
5. Check! Develop at least three main points the next main point?
and check each of them with these questions: 6. Supply! Make sure that each main point
• Does each point have one single idea? has enough examples, testimonies, statistics,
• Does each point reiterate the thesis or cases. In doing this, you give the audience
statement? new information or views to learn from.
• Does each point prepare the discussion of
the next main point?
6. Supply! Make sure that each main point
has enough examples, testimonies, statistics,
or cases. In doing this, you give the audience
new information or views to learn from.

This steps will help you to create an

extemporaneous speech. The first one is the
reinforce which means you need to strengthen
your topic, next is the capture, it is where your
topic stated specifically and what you want
the audience to know, the third one is develop, Yes ma'am!
where you can proceed with composing a Non ma'am!
speech, the next one is the introduction, it is
where the speech began, you'll need to give a
short background about your topic and then
check and the last step is supply, which is you
need to make sure that you give the audience (Some students will answer)
new information or views to learn from.
Am I understood?
Okay, do you have any questions?

Okay thank you, now let us proceed to

Impromptu speech. Ma'am!
What is impromptu speech? What comes to IMPROMPTU SPEECH
your mind when you hear the word Impromptu speeches are delivered with little
imptomptu? or no time for preparation. In most instances,
you are called to speak at the spur of the
(The teacher will show the slide in moment because you are expected to be
PowerPoint presentation) knowledgeable about the subject. For
Now who wants to read the impromptu speech example, your teacher assigned you to read an
meaning? article before the class starts. Then, during the
class you were asked to deliver an impromptu
IMPROMPTU SPEECH speech about what you have learned from the
Impromptu speeches are delivered with little article.
or no time for preparation. In most instances, Another instance to illustrate an impromptu
you are called to speak at the spur of the situation is when you are campaigning for a
moment because you are expected to be position in school and you are asked by your
knowledgeable about the subject. For fellow students to respond to their questions.
example, your teacher assigned you to read an
article before the class starts. Then, during the
class you were asked to deliver an impromptu
speech about what you have learned from the
Another instance to illustrate an impromptu
situation is when you are campaigning for a
position in school and you are asked by your Yes ma'am!
fellow students to respond to their questions. (Some students will answer)

Okay thank you!

So, impromptu speech are the speech that are
delivered on the spot or sometimes with a
little time preparation, another example for
this are the Pageant with Q&A competition P-oint Start by stating your main point or
where in the contestants are going to answer a claim.
questions on the spot. Am i right? R-eason/s Give reasons to explain why your
Now aside from the examples that i have point is true. Support or back up your case
given, who can give me another example with evidence from research, facts, data or
of impromptu speech? statistics.
Okay very good! Thank youuuu E-xample/s Give one or more
Now, I will show you the techniques for examples/illustrations to support your main
delivering impromptu speech. It is called point (case)
PREP technique. P-oint Conclude by showing how your
position is right.
P-oint Start by stating your main point or
claim. Point Ana's departure is going to be a big loss
R-eason/s Give reasons to explain why your for our organization.
point is true. Support or back up your case Reason She hasn't only been a co-worker but
with evidence from research, facts, data or a friend and a sister to us.
statistics. Example She has been great at managing the
E-xample/s Give one or more office and keeping everything really
examples/illustrations to support your main organized. She has also done a fantastic job
point (case) of building relationships with our partners.
P-oint Conclude by showing how your Point These are just few reasons why Ana's
position is right. departure is going to be big loss in our
Here is the example of PREP technique organization and we are going to miss her
Point Ana's departure is going to be a big loss tremendously.
for our organization.
Reason She hasn't only been a co-worker but
a friend and a sister to us. Yes ma'am!
Example She has been great at managing the
office and keeping everything really Yes ma'am!
organized. She has also done a fantastic job of
building relationships with our partners.
Point These are just few reasons why Ana's
departure is going to be big loss in our
organization and we are going to miss her
tremendously. Yes ma'am!

As you can see from the example, the speech (Answers may vary)
delivered successfully. It discussed the point,
reason and example.
Did you get it class?
Do you think you can deliver impromptu (Answers may vary)
speech successfully?
Okay that's good!

Now that you understand our lesson, let us (Student's answer may vary)
have a recap.

Are you ready class?

Okay, now what is Extemporaneous speech?

Okay very good! Thank you!

How extemporaneous speech can be different

with impromptu speech?

Great! Thank you for your answer!

Now for the last question, Why is

Extemporaneous speech is way easier to
deliver compared to impromptu speech? Yes ma'am!

Now that we are done with the discussion let (Each group will answer the situational text
us have an activity. I will group you again into given)
2 groups.
In this activity, I will give 1 illustration board 1. Impromptu
per group and I will show some situational
text on the screen and each group will guess if 2. Extempo
it is Extemporaneous or Impromptu speech. If
it is Extemporaneous you will write extempo 3. Impromptu
and if it is Impromptu then you will write
impromptu. After writing your answer you are
going to raise your board to show me your 4. Impromptu
answers. Is that clear class?
5. Extempo
(The teacher will divide the students into two

(The teacher will show the situational text on

the screen 1 by 1)

1. A teacher ask the student from the class for

what they have learned with the lesson.
2. A valedictorian student were delivering
3. When you are campaigning for a position in
school and you are asked by your fellow
students to respond to their questions.
4. You are joining a pageant and there is a
Q&A competition.
5. You were invited to an event to be a guess

Okay thank you for your cooperation!

Congratulations to the winner!

III. Evaluation
True of False
Direction: Write T if the statement is wrong and F if the statement is correct.
1. ____ Impromptu speech is delivered on the spot after the question.
2. ____ Extemporaneous speech has a PREP techniqe.
3. ____ Q&A in Pageant is a kind of impromptu speech.
4. ____ Valedictorian speech is an example of impromptu speech.
5. ____ Extemporaneous speech is a prepared speech.

IV. Assignment
1. Make an Extemporaneous speech about how you see the world.
2. Search about intensive and reflexive pronoun.

References: Aveline Lois T. Triveles

English 10 - Extemporaneous and Impromptu speech

Student teacher

Cooperating Teacher

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