Song 2008
Song 2008
Song 2008
To cite this article: Guowen Song, Patirop Chitrphiromsri & Dan Ding (2008) Numerical
Simulations of Heat and Moisture Transport in Thermal Protective Clothing Under Flash Fire
Conditions, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 14:1, 89-106, DOI:
Article views: 36
Patirop Chitrphiromsri
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
Dan Ding
A numerical model of heat and moisture transport in thermal protective clothing during exposure to a flash
fire was introduced. The model was developed with the assumption that textiles are treated as porous media.
The numerical model predictions were compared with experimental data from different fabric systems and
configurations. Additionally, with the introduction of a skin model, the parameters that affect the performance
of thermal protective clothing were investigated.
numerical model protective clothing moisture transport flash fire condition skin model
Data in this article were generated to characterize the properties of materials or assemblies in response to thermal exposure under
controlled laboratory conditions or in model predictions. They should not be used to appraise materials, products or assemblies under
actual fire conditions. They are not presented to predict all types of field conditions where the nature of thermal exposure can be
physically complicated and unqualified. We wish to emphasize that it is not our intention to recommend, exclude or predict the suitability
of any commercial product for a particular end-user.
Correspondence and requests for offprints should be sent to Guowen Song, Protective Clothing & Equipment Research Facility,
Department of Human Ecology, 331 Human Ecology Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2N1, Canada. E-mail:
<[email protected]>.
analyzed multiphase transport in hygroscopic garment system consists of three different fabric
porous textiles. However, Gibson’s model did layers, i.e., an outer shell, a moisture barrier, and
not consider radiation heat transfer within the a thermal liner, respectively, from the exterior to
fabric layer. Torvi developed a one-dimensional the interior of the clothing ensemble. An air gap
transient heat transfer model, which accounts for between the inner layer of the fabric and the heat
the penetrating radiative heat transfer through a flux sensor is introduced.
fabric [9]. In this research, a model that couples
heat and moisture transport for multilayer 2.1. Heat and Moisture Transport in
protective fabrics under flash fire conditions is Textile Material
introduced and the effect of heat and moisture
Textile fabrics can be modeled as hygroscopic
transport on the performance of thermal
porous media. The porous textile material is
protective clothing is analyzed.
a mixture of a solid phase consisting of solid
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of protective clothing fabric and the thermal protective performance
(TPP) sensor. Notes. conv.—convection, rad.—radiation.
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a two-phase structure of porous textile media in the averaging
control volume.
wT wUv
keff hi (Tfab Tsens (),Uwithout-air-gap
x Lfab hm,amb Uv ) x2008, configuration;
Deff14, No. 1;
wx v,amb JOSE 0 Vol.
x Lfab wx x 0
wUv wUv
x 0wT
wx x 0 keff hkweffTwt (U qcc U qair,rad cc)qcc wx ©qD cc; wU
wxv ¹
x ;L , with-air-gap c
wx wxx 0 x LDfaba HJ
m,amb v,amb conv v x rad 0 x 0 eff
wT wx x 0 fab
wx x Lfab
cc cc Deff
wT wT
Wx Lfab, , with-air-gapwUconfiguration;
92 G. SONG ET AL. keff hkm,gap eff (Uv Uv,air qcch)ix(TLfab qccL Deff Tsensv ), without-air-gap , with-air-gapconf
, with-air-gap con
w x wxx LxwTLfab air,rad fab xair,cond/conv
w x x Lfab
hi (Tfab x L Teff
k fab qconv cc qrad cc x 0; x L fab
a J
Uc p D ' hl wD wTeff
D a'Hh mqsccv, qwof k§the ·J qrad cc §e JD ,4effconv cc qwrad
qair,rad fab x ),
, (9)
cc wU¸ T x 0 fab
where —effective
k J vapdiffusivity gas
; phase 4 wTc,fl g
V cc
wwTt eff Deff wxH J U,v W m sv wx ©§ ¨ D w w T · ¨ T W
q T ¸ cc § cc H ·
x L
eff conv rad x 0x ¹ v
, J
¸J qcc e , x Lfabeff wx eff¹kair
fab x k
sens fab
k q 1 q h 1 ( T ; T ), without-air-
wT · inUcthe 'hlwt W'hxisvap air,cond/conv
cc wwTx ¹¸· ¹ rad© Jx ¨)4, rad
w § msv [8]wfrom k eff wx § x(T conv sens
0 x4 ·
p wfabric,
Tte Jx , which 0defined
wx ©¨§x q©eff x 0V ,¨wT
i x fab ¸Lfab sens
v k
¨ eff
wx © ww§xk¹ wU
¸ UTc p·rad H 'hlJq cc
qkrad cck ewm T
wxsvkT' ,eff vap
w T
h 0. m sv qcc ¨ keffqcc x¸ Lfab;J qrad
DxaqHccJ qccwwqconv
Twx· x¹ 0 J§¨,xwith-air-gap
cc e 1,k 1c,gap w
cc wx Hsens
T Nu
Tfab x ·Lqcc © fab©qccfab H
Lgap radx Lxfab0; sens ¹¹ ,
x L fab H T sens ¸
vap m ¨ effUc w w¸wwTwttJbw w;rad
xcc§ © qair,cond/conv qeff w conv
w cc T
cc §(U)x1q0air,rad 0x),wU
cc configuration;
w § wx ©wT ·Uwpxw ¹ H bw'Jeff hxl, wDmxw'effsvxxhvap ¨ keffx 0 ¸ J qxradLefab© H,where (4) Hsens cc ofh1the cc ·T D
eff v0, air,rad rad kHeff x x L
sens ccfab
hmc qrad
¹m,amb (Hq)Tsensor.
U Torvi v , with-air-gap c
also ;
m sv k
¨ eff
¸Uw wt rad J w
w tq cc e x0 Lfab
w § W wU w x ·© w x ¹ fab w x§ · ¨ v,ambdT c,fl air,cond/conv
v sensxg 0 fab x eff
wx ¹ w H J UHv bw m w T w T w x
m cc
HxALqconfiguration; x TLfabsens
¸qair,rad x Lfabkeff, with-air-gap
0. x L
wx © sv D v
,cc H sens qair,cond/convcc gives q q the ¨
heat ¸
cc© fabc,gap h , H
cc sens T ),
4 x L¹ fab
, 4with-air-gap 0 confi
wwt wwt D wsvTwkTeff wxT¨§ ofeffwater dt§¨qTair,cond/conv ·
air,cond/conv fab
0. w©xDx qLhair,rad
wUv · Uwhere w HJH U keff
km msvkeffww0.
ccfab wx
(qTvconv , ccqrad cc inTxsens
qair,cond/conv the ;
), air , with-air-gap
without-air-gap from H (Tfab
wx configuration;
the fabric LT©
x wconfiguration; to the
¹fab senssensor V
© across
fab the
T D),eff air sensgap:wU ¸v
xL§¨©fabx eff wU ¸¹ qair,cond/conv keffqcc hm,gap ((UTvh)),i(TUfab without-air-gap con
wxwxx wxwLwxfab i
ccfab fab
kair v,airx ) xLfab
x L
, with-air
0 wxv ·
t D x L 0 x L hc,gapsens Lxfab
v sv
, and H J Uv a HJ mtortuosity.
cc w cc cc Lfab sens ,
with-air-gap conf
§wx ¸¹ wUv · , sv k wwwx§wT¨©TforeffwU
D , x L fab h
cc wc,gap
q x air,rad
Nuq q , , w x
·h¸¹i (Tfab wU Tsens ), without-air-gap T hc,gap (§Tfab 1 T x1),Lfab H sens ·), (10)
sens x x
air,radL L air,cond/conv
wD L fab Tsens
fab Lgap
x Lfab
wBoundary wx fab
x ¨© wUv ·wx ¸¹
w D
teff D H conditions
H J Uv aWkm
h J svw
, T eff ¨ Deff the
k ( Uw x w x h U (
wx T )
v fabric:
¸ q, cc
h D x Lccfab v kair (T )
T q Nu),
; , ,
cc xconfiguration; h (
L fab
hLi (gap
x configuration; Tfab
x L¨fab x sens
),© H
with-air-gap wU
without-air-gap ¸
, Da HJ wx w©x x L fab ¹ x Lfabc,gap wx
m,amb eff v,amb x iL v fab 0 air,rad eff air,cond/conv
sens x Lfab h sens (U x L i Dfab U vsens ) x 0 0, fab Deff v
sens ;
wx ¸¹
eff x fab
hc,gap§—convective (T· ) v dT without-air-gap configuratio
Dkeff wT W , qccx Lfab mc
L wherem,amb heat transfer wx coefficient
eff Da HWJ
w conv qrad cc fab ; x(5)
0 gap
h q
c,gap cc
sens sens H Nu ¨
¸ w ,x x L, wU vª x 0 1 º
x h w ( U x
U )
wU wU
D v
; h
of the ( U air Hdue
L AU ) to dt Dfab
conduction and ; natural
h (U cc ) x 0;hv(TxD0D §v
Deffk x ,0 cc Uqv,amb T © gap¹sens $
mc ; x· ),,xwithout-air-gap ª 1 708 º (xT«wU § Ra ·3 T »),
qk(m,amb eff m,amb v,amb v x 0 eff
Uconv v dT
Urad pw with-air-gap ccconfiguration;cc1.44
x 0; keff wwT
eff wTWhm,amb
x x m,gap 0 qcc w
v v,air v x L cceffxeffLwfab
qsens ¨
¸ , hNu (1Uinvqconfiguration;
qair,cond/conv Uv,air )LxfabLfabwhich
hc,gap x 0xv L
¨ sens
1» .
fab ¸ , with-air-gap con
ccx 0 0 convection
the air
Ra ¼wU x L©w5x830
v,amb 0 fabi fab
x q cc ; w
x x cc
qsens§ mc
cc «
· ¬dTqair,cond/conv cc
m,gap eff
xH (6a)
with-air-gap dt configuration; qpair,rad ,¹with-air-gap confi
cc x 0; cc xrad x0 Lfab
qrad keffwTwx conv qair,rad Lqfab © , wU ¹ cc cc¸ ) k ,(T
sens(U ¨ Uqair,cond/conv
qwith-air-gap ) eff v «¬ »
Lx L
keff wTx xx 0Lfab qhccwU qccv xUair,cond/conv
; ) x Lfab xwU
v sens
h,m,gap vh H Av,air¹configuration; D
fab gap fab
, with-air-gap(11)¼ configu
keffwx xh 0 D (hUconv cc
) qair,cond/conv x Ldt fabair
cadcc x 0; qvair,rad , with-air-gap configuration; © Nu ,
m,gap v,air eff
q cc vq cc w x q cc
v ,with-air-gap cc wU
configuration; ( , with-air-gap ), w xconfiguration;
qair,cond/conv x L , with-air-gap wwTx m,gapconfiguration; 0, Uwithout-air-gap
) D D configuration;; q h T T with-air-gap configuration;
: c,gap T v Lfab 'E
k wT x Lfab w qxair,rad x wLxfab ,xwith-air-gap
eff m,amb v v,air
cc x L qair,cond/conv
v,amb x Lfab v x 0 eff x Lfabeff
sens air,rad x Lfab air,cond/conv d
Deff Pfabexp(
sens x L i L 0,),without-air-gap configuration;
sens x Lfab
wfabx x 0 qccconfiguration; vqair,rad x Lfabª Lgap , with-air-gap
fab gap
ccwx xxLqLfab cc gap
r,rad qair,cond/conv
wx x Lfab hcci (configuration;
Tx xqccL wU Dqair,rad
TwU fab
vx q L
Tsensq),cc without-air-gap
ccair,cond/conv 0,
without-air-gap h, ( T
iwith-air-gap T configuration;
sens dt
configuration; wU Nu—Nusselt ( q ccconfiguration;
§ mc
fab RT
q cc
· )
without-air-gap k
$hc,fl ( T
), º
$ configu
sens wUv
fab sens dT
x Lfab, with-air-gap
, is a«§function Ra ·x3 0 »
(6b) air
conv p 1 708 º
rad x 0 g fab
qair,cond/conv keffwx x D fab configuration; hv ieff(T (Ufab wvxx xUL0,fab )Tsens ),xwithout-air-gap Lfab eff
configuration; ccwxhqsens cc Lof
Tsens ), without-air-gap wwTx configuration; eff hm,gap
Lair,rad v,air x Lfab Deff configuration;
without-air-gap cc Nu
, with-air-gap
conductivity qair,rad i1(xT 1.44 ¨the
fab ),
11air, ¸ with-air-gap
» ¨ configuration; ¸ of 1T .
RaV ¼¨ Tfab © 5 830¹Tsens$4 »·¸
fab Lfab
keff xqccLfab wxh (xTL TwU ), without-air-gap wx x Lfabconfiguration; $ ª fab
© ¬ 3 ¹sensA º dt § 4
Tfab x L Tsens ), without-air-gap h wTw(xUv,amb x L qconfiguration;
air,cond/conv i fab
Ucc v ) x 0 Deff fab x Lfab sens v
; ª 1only; q708cc qºand cc «LgapRa § ·
—thickness» of the air« gap x L [9]. »¼¹
1 1.44 «1 configuration; » q«sens cc qair,radcc¸ 1» q.air,cond/conv cc$ © ª ¬ fab 3 º , with-air-gap
fab km,amb q ccTfabfab hUair,rad i (Tfab wUxv LfabD Tsens wU wxv),Nu without-air-gap air,rad air,cond/conv
cc¨ qair,rad , c
Tvsens ), without-air-gap h eff
w x(
t U air,rad configuration;
xqD Lccfab ) x 0;
0, without-air-gap ¬ configuration;RaccNuT d¼fab :1 x«L©1.44 1 ¹'Efab » §«¨1
5 830 ª x 1 L 708 º § Ra ·
1 ¸fabH sens
x L L »· .
m,amb xv,amb Lfab 'veff Ex 0 eff wU
w qair,cond/conv gap
wU h: UPqv,amb
cc(exp( Uvq)ccx)dw)0tx. x D
wU x v (7a) ¬ P exp( « Ra ), ¼ » ¨« 5 830 »¸
m,amb((U eff (T v xT0; , with-air-gap
wxDeffx 0 v h; m,gap v conv
air,cond/conv RT ) x radLfabx 0 D Lh fab
wUwvgx dx:fab ), 2.2. Heat
configuration; dt cc
qsens cc h¬)i (TRT fabinto Tsens ¼the
« H©fab ),H¹sens configuration;
),©with-air-gap »¹
0 T
(U0 T tqUccv ) xx 0Lfab t Deff wU
wxv x ;Lfab P exp(
x 0 ' E T ( q q h ( T ¬T ¼
wU wUv wx x h0m,amb hm,gap (Uv,amb Ux v,air
) D
, with-air-gap
), configuration;x Lfab conv rad x 0 c,fl g fab x 0
D ; fab Lair,rad fab'EV T § wwU x ' E · The heat flux, H
which applies to a ª4 ·
sensor, is1 º
v 2 x L eff
cc : qPrad sens'h
³ RT (qdconv Ec,fl§(Tg 4Tfab
4 4
w vxdt 0T TT ccexp(
Dsolid / d cc cc
Deff eff wx wU , with-air-gap configuration;
³ ¨ x ¸
U : U ( q : q P) exp( h ( ) d t . (7b) ), ) ),$
h t
(wU(vqv cc v,air P exp( )
q'ccEqconfiguration; ) d
D t . , with-air-gap configuration; V),¨ Tªfab 1 708 x 0 º Tsens«§ ¸ Ra ·
f conv rad fab
0 c,fl x L sens
fab x 0 3
wx x Lxfab0v :m,gap cc0 air,cond/conv cc)x0, © eff TgwxxRT
x LTfab fab ), x¹ 0
³ d)t .xwithout-air-gap
0 0 hc,fl (wU determined
dt cc Nufrom a1.44 test © «temperature
1 x Lfabh » sensor (T«fab¨ ¹x on the Tsens
Lfab Deff İD, with-air-gap
eff(P exp( qconv rad RT v xfab configuration; , cc1 RT
qair,cond/conv L fab ¸
wU w x Lm,gap x h U wUw x Uair,rad
RT ) x L D §
§2 V1w¨xT 1 configuration;
Lfab x 0
, with-air-gap
H sens ·t Tsens ¸ basis air,rad · configuration; q § 4 ¬ x L fab Ra c,gap ·
¼ ¸ © of the
4 5 ,830 ¹
Deff v
fabD 0
v v x v,air LT x Lfab fab
2 x0,Lwithout-air-gap
eff 4 4
of a xlumped Lfab V ¨ Tfab heat §x 1Lcapacity 1Tsens Hanalysis ·«¬ »¼
, with-air-gap
IJ eff wU configuration; fab V §/T ¨f 4 © fab x TLfab 4¸ ·
v x /L dqfcc Dsolid
Dxsolid dfab ¹ ' E © ¹
x Lfab fab( sens
ut-air-gap wx configuration; w ¨ ¸ k T )
x Lfab q
without-air-gap configuration;
cc D
air,rad eff/ d 2
cc x L(qconv
cc İxqrad
air,rad 0, without-air-gap
ccLfab © H
©) x 0 h§c,flfab(Tg 1TfabH ¹ , ),·
fab x L H
¹ P
x 0
exp( , q cc
insulated ) d
RT x Ldfab: c,gap
air,rad t . copper h § Nu sensor.
P exp(
1 © H'
The air heat flux, is modeled
, · ¹
1EL), H sensH sens
fab ¸
q cc cc H x L0,
fab fabwithout-air-gap § 1 ¨ 1 H · 0sens ¸ as ¨ gap ¸
İ air,cond/conv H sens dt
cccc wxIJ x Lfab IJ © H§fabmcRT·H sens ¹
¨ V §¨ T© H fab
hout-air-gap configuration; cond sens H sens(7c)2¹4 ·
q 4
D ¸ T/ d ¸
IJTqfab air,radcc
qair,rad cc
qair,cond/conv © H fab © (THfabsens
hc,gap fab
x xLfab L¹
solid sens Tfsens¹), cc
H sens qair,cond/conv qsenscc p
h ¸ (Tfab x , L
Tsens(12) ),
qair,rad cc x Lfab qHair,rad
ccsens x L fab İ fab , x L fab¨ c,gap
where q cc
air,cond/conv q Hcc
—convective q xcc Lfab heat§ flux from
Hsens the · © H A ¹ dt fab
(ccqconv ccair,cond/conv
qqair,cond/conv x Lfab cc ) x 0qcc hc,flcond
qcond k(airTg( T T) fab x¨ 0h1),c,gap(1TIJfab
¸ Tsens cc),
qair,cond/conv kairh(c,gap
Tq)cc (Tfab x qLcc fab Tsens ),
flame to cc
thecc h fabric, Nu
q cc x L ,fab flux
—heat H by radiation
H cc
cc xfab q q cc ) x 0 hxc,flair,rad
Lggap Tfab h c,gap© fab (
T x L fab
T ¹ ) , where m
hc,gapsens Nu x Lqfab
—density , the air,cond/conv
of sensor, (c — , with-air-g
Lq § TtheL4(fab T ),
x L air,rad
air,cond/conv fab sens sens sens air,rad
Tqfrom cc conv rad x 0 4 ·x L fab L fab Lgap
Tfab x 0 ), (qconv
fabair,rad ccx Lfabthe
cc ) x H0 ¨ hfab
ccrad V to sensor
cc (Txg LkTairfab(T )sens), ¸ qcc
qair,cond/conv across
T the air gap, specific heat k of (T )the sensor, and Asens—surface
hsens §©¨flux
kairp4by Nu
(·T )conduction/convection x 0, 4 · ¹ , cond hc,gap Nu air qsenscc , hi (Tfab Tsens ), with-air-gap configuration
,fl (Tg Tfab x 0 ), (qqq cc mc dT
cc —heat V c,gap T T ¸ §
4· cc
conv q
air,cond/conv xTradcc
hLc,gapqfab ccx 0qccNu
)sens ¨ hc,flT
§ § fab(T4g¸xLT,fab
), 4 · (T
x ,0 h·c,gap
area of the sensor.
L mc gapp · dT
T sens ), ¸ cc the fabric
qair,rad fab Vto©¨¨Tthe ©
air,cond/conv 1
HfabALgap x L1 fab
dtacross Tsens¸ ¸the ¹ q
, air,rad
fab T sens ) , q cc ¨conditions ¸ , $
ab4 fab x 0 ¹
4 ·T from x L fab
xL Lfabfab
¹mc sens airx gap, L fab
Boundary sens
A dtfor the sensor: $ ª 1 º
T ¸ § © § § xsens · · · ¹ § mc © · ¹
, © ccH 1fab· k1pHccsens HTsensdT
x Lfab
cc x L 4 fab 4
) ·¹¸ ¸¹, , the cc inner dT ª 1 708 º «§ Ra · ».
cc Vqconductance
qair,cond/conv 3
ab sens sens
§¨©sens cc
Hxsens Lfab·
T¸sens 4 ·¸ q,ccHi
air,rad mc p1¨x Lfab
§¨qfabair,rad dT ¸(Hbetween
T , with-air-gap qsens ¨ configuration; Nu¸ 1 ,1.44 «1 «¨ ¸ 1»conf
x Lq qair,cond/conv
q cc fabsens h H Nu H
A1 air
H , , dt q cc H
A q cc dt q cc » , with-air-gap
the ¨c,gap © fab¸©and ¹ , Tfabfab gap © ¹air,rad ¬ Rax Lfab¼ Lgap © 5 830 ¹
1HLfab 1 H sens¹ · surface sens x Lof fabric Lthe ¹sens sens
x L L
§ H¨©A1H fab¹sens1 dt · ¸¹
sens sens air,cond/conv
¹ ,¸
fab © HHgap x L fab
«¬ »¼
1 H
· ¹
—temperature q cc
sens q oncc¨h i ( hTthefab q cc
( T
T sens ),
q with-air-gap
surface T of
, configuration;
the , q cc
sens q cc q cc hid(:
q cc Tsens ), with-air-gap
Tfab air,cond/conv 'xE Lfab Lgap configuration;
, with-air-gap configura
ccq©air,rad xTsens
air,cond/conv x L sens
ccH fabc,gap qpHair,cond/conv
fab x L air,cond/conv
fab senssens ¸ Hq sens cc
qsens fab § mc · dT
ccsens ¹ surface
fab x Lfab Lgap
, with-air-gap configuration;
H sens ¹ fabric,cc Tsens —temperature
q h ¨ ( T on ¸ the
, Lfab),of
ª Lgapthe 1
$ P exp( ),
Tsens ), Hsensor,
xkL fab q sens
( cc
T ) c,gap
© h H
( T
¹ x T L fab ),
$ with-air-gap
§ · configuration; h ( T dt T ), without-air-gap
with-air-gap RT configuration.
ª configuration; 1 º
ab x L qhair,cond/conv
sens h Nu —convective
ccNu air sens h
(Tfab T1sens
, i ª(
mass Tfab 1 708
transfer sens º T «
coefficient, ) , Ra 3
» sens i fab sens
ª 1 708 º «§ Ra · $ »
hc,gap (Tfab x L Tsens c,gap ), q msens x L fab h1i
(ccT )h1.44
c,gap fab ),x with-air-gap
sens L fab ¨ configuration;
¸ 1»1 . Nu
cch kair
Lqgap T«¬fab xLRa »¼ Tsens«)©$, 5 830 1 configuration;
1.44 «1 »ª «¨ 5 830 º 1» .
fab qair,cond/conv Nu , q cc
(air,rad q cc ª ¹ , with-air-gap º Ra
(Tfab x L Tsens ), c,gap x k
L fab sens
( T )
ª fab air,cond/conv
1 708 ª «
¼ x
L§ 1
º ·
¼ » ª 1¬ 708 º
¼ « § Ra © · 3 ¹» »
air fab gap 3
1»1. 1.44 «1 «
¬ ¸ 1 . ¼
hc,gap 2008, §Nu mcVol. p ·(T ,No. 1 11.44 1 º «§» Ra «¨ · 3 » «¨ 5 830
Nu »¸ Nu
JOSE gap 14,dT
cc) 1.44h,iª(1T'fab 1708 «T
qsens ¨§Nu dk: airL¸ 1qgap E ¬ ),Ra with-air-gap
¼ 5 configuration;
830 1 . ¬ Ra ¼ »
hc,gap Nu mc Ap ¹·sens sens , « ),Ra »¼ «© 5 830
sens ¨ ©
«¬ ¹ ¸ »¹ »¼d$ : P exp( 'E ), «¬ © ¹ »¼
cc © H P exp( dT
dt ¬
qsens ¨§ mcdtLp gap ¸· dT , RT «¬ ª »¼1 º dt RT
fab x L
cc qrad
(qconv cc ) x 0 hc,fl (Tg Tfab x 0
Nu 1 1.44 «1 » «¨ ¸ 1» .
¬ Ra ¼ 5 830 ¹ The two-layer system included an outer shell
«¬ © »¼
and a moisture barrier, and the one-layer system
d : The notation 'E[ ]° indicates that if the argument consisted of a shell only. These fabric systems
P exp( ),
dtin the squareRTbrackets is negative, the quantity were exposed to a high-intensity flash fire
should be taken as zero. simulation in a TPP [16] test configuration as
shown in Figure 1. Kombat™ (60/40 Kevlar®/
2.4. Numerical Procedure polybenzimidazole [PBI] blend) was the shell
fabric of the garment system, ComfortZone™
The finite volume method is adopted to solve
(flame retardant polyurethane film on Basofil®/
the differential equations, which are the energy
Aramid blend spunlace) was the moisture
equation for the fabric, the solid phase continuity
barrier, and Aralite (Aramid batt quilted to
equation, the gas phase diffusivity equation, and
Nomex®) was the thermal liner. The tests were
the heat transfer equation for the sensor [14,
performed under two test configurations: with
15]. The Crank-Nicholson scheme is applied
and without an air gap. Nominal thickness of
to discretize the transient partial differential
the air gap (0.00635 m; 1/4 in.) was adopted for
equations. Due to nonlinearities in this system,
the TPP test. Table 1 shows the thermophysical/
the Gauss-Seidel point-by-point iterative scheme
geometrical properties of the fabric utilized in
is employed to solve these equations. To avoid
the computations. Table 2 lists the radiation
divergence of the iteration method, the under-
parameters used in the computations [9]. Table 3
relaxation procedure is utilized. The value of the
gives the thermophysical/geometrical properties
under-relaxation parameter is 0.8. The solution
of the TPP sensor. Table 4 details the thermal
procedure is as follows: all variables are known
properties of the flame and the ambient air, and
at the initial state, then the program progresses
the initial data of the fabric and the air gap.
in given time increments. The variables at the
Figures 3 and 4 show the comparisons of
previous time step are used as guessed values for
computational and experimental results of
the variables at the current time step. The new
temperature histories on the surface of the sensor
values of variables are computed by visiting each
for the one-layer shell fabric with and without
grid point in a certain order. Then the iterations
an air gap, respectively. Six-second exposure
are repeated until the changes in the solutions
was applied to the test configuration with an air
become smaller than 10–6.
gap and 3-s exposure to the one without an air
gap. Overall agreement can be observed from
2.5. Determination of Fabric Thickness these comparisons of model prediction and
Fabric thickness is evaluated by performing experimental results. However, in Figure 4 (the
measurements with the Kawabata instrument. configuration without an air gap) the temperature
Thickness change depends on the applied load. rise predicted by the model is relatively lower
than the experimental data before 10 s and was condensation water on the surface of the
higher after 10 s. This may be because vaporized sensor. Figures 5 and 6 compare computational
moisture as a result of temperature gradient and experimental results for the two-layer
moves towards the sensor and condensates on fabric system. The exposure times applied in
the surface of the sensor. In the experiment, there Figure 5 (with an air gap) and Figure 6 (without
an air gap) are 7.2 and 14.2 s, respectively. The 23 s for the configuration with an air gap and 15 s
computation curve predicts a higher temperature for the one without an air gap. The comparisons
rise comparing with experimental data in both in Figures 7 and 8 demonstrate good agreement
configurations, particularly after 10–20 s from between model predictions and experimental
the start of exposure. The moisture barrier in this tests under both test configurations. The effect of
fabric system may contribute to the difference the moisture barrier layer, like in the two-layer
between computational and experimental results. system, was minimized in the multilayer system
In the model, the nature of moisture transfer as a result of the addition of a thicker thermal
in the barrier layer was not considered and the insulation layer. The exposure times for these
assumption was the same as that used in the case fabric systems were selected on the basis of the
of textile layers. In Figures 7 and 8, computational estimation of energy transferred through a fabric
and experimental results for the multilayer fabric system and air layers that could cause second-
are compared for different test configurations. degree burn.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
exposure time = 6.0 s model prediction
at the sensor with spacer replicate No. 1
replicate No. 2
Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
model prediction
exposure time = 3.0 s
replicate No. 1
at the sensor with spacer replicate No. 2
replicate No. 3
Temperature (°C)
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
Figure 4. Comparison of computational and experimental results of temperature histories on the
surface of the sensor for a one-layer system (Kombat™ 7.5 oz/yd2) without an air gap.
Notes. 7.5 oz/yd2 = 254.3 g/m2.
exposure time = 14.2 s model prediction
at the sensor with spacer replicate No. 1
65 replicate No. 2
replicate No. 3
Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
Figure 5. Comparison of computational and experimental results of temperature histories on the
surface of the sensor for a two-layer (Kombat™ 7.5 oz/yd2, ComfortZone™) system with an air gap.
Notes. 7.5 oz/yd2 = 254.3 g/m2.
exposure time = 7.2 s model prediction
at the sensor without spacer replicate No. 1
65 replicate No. 2
replicate No. 3
Temperature (°C)
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
Figure 6. Comparison of computational and experimental results of temperature histories on the
surface of the sensor for a two-layer system (Kombat™ 7.5 oz/yd2, ComfortZone™) without an air
2 2
gap. Notes. 7.5 oz/yd = 254.3 g/m .
exposure time = 23.0 s model prediction
at the sensor replicate No. 1
65 replicate No. 2
replicate No. 3
replicate No. 4
Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
exposure time = 15.0 s model prediction
no spacer replicate No. 1
65 at the sensor
replicate No. 2
replicate No. 3
replicate No. 4
Temperature (°C) 60
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
Figure 8. Comparison of computational and experimental results of temperature histories on the
surface of the sensor for a three-layer (Kombat™ 7.5 oz/yd2, ComfortZone™, Aralite®) system without
an air gap. Notes. 7.5 oz/yd2 = 254.3 g/m2.
time = 0.0 s
50 0
time = 0.5 s
time = 1.0 s
time = 2.0 s
time = 4.0 s
40 0
time = 5.0 s
time = 10.0 s
time = 20.0 s
time = 40.0 s
Temperature (°C)
30 0 time = 60.0 s
20 0
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
10 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
Distance (m)
Figure 9. Temperature distribution in the fabric, the air gap, and the sensor at different times.
time = 0.0 s
time = 0.5 s
time = 1.0 s
time = 2.0 s
1.4 time = 4.0 s
time = 5.0 s
time = 10.0 s
1.2 time = 20.0 s
1.1 time = 40.0 s
time = 60.0 s
Relative Humidity
0 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030
Distance (m)
Figure 10. Distribution of relative humidity in the fabric at different moments of time.
This phenomenon indicates that energy stored In Figure 11 the distribution of fiber moisture
during exposure moves towards the back of the regain in the fabric (bound water in the solid
fabric layers during the postexposure period. A phase as shown in Figure 2) at different moments
significant temperature difference is predicted of time are investigated. Regain is defined as the
between the inner layer of the fabric and the ratio of the mass of absorbed water in the fiber to
surface of the sensor. the mass of dry fiber. At the beginning the fiber
Figure 10 depicts distribution of relative in the fabric is in the state of equilibrium. Fiber
humidity in the fabric (vapor in gas phase in the regain in the fabric decreases during 4-s exposure
fabric as shown in Figure 2) at different moments to the flash fire and it continues to decrease until
of time. Relative humidity in the outer layer of minimum values are achieved, which corresponds
garment decreases significantly when exposure to equilibrium at those temperature and relative
to flash fire starts and it increases in the latter humidity conditions. If the cooling time is long
layers. This indicates that the moisture vaporized enough, both fiber regain and moisture content in
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
in the outer layer moves towards the inside fabric the fabric will go back to what they were at the
layer and eventually into the air gap because of initial state.
the temperature gradient as described in Figure 9. Figure 12 presents distribution of vapor density
At ~10 s, the model predicts minimum relative in the multilayer fabric at different moments
humidity in the fabric system; then the fabric of time. Vapor density increases because
system gradually regains its moisture. After temperature increases and causes the phase
the temperatures on the outer surface and the transition from bound water to water vapor. In
inner surface of the fabric become low enough, addition, as the temperature gradient develops
relative humidity starts growing back to its initial during exposure, moisture in the outer layer
distribution. moves towards the inner layer and contributes to
the change in vapor density.
time = 0.0 s
time = 0.5 s
time = 1.0 s
time = 2.0 s
0.14 time = 4.0 s
time = 5.0 s
time = 10.0 s
0.12 time = 20.0 s
0.11 time = 40.0 s
time = 60.0 s
Fiber Regain
0 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030
Distance (m)
Figure 11. Distribution of fiber moisture regain in the fabric at different moments of time.
time = 0.0 s
time = 0.5 s
time = 1.0 s
time = 2.0 s
time = 4.0 s
time = 5.0 s
time = 10.0 s
time = 20.0 s
time = 40.0 s
0.14 time = 60.0 s
Vapor Density (kg/m )
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
0 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030
Distance (m)
Figure 12. Distribution of vapor density in the fabric at different moments of time.
Fabric Weight per Unit Area (kg/m )
0 .60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
Figure 13. Predicted change in fabric weight during and after exposure.
1.0 keff
cc cc
qair,cond/conv x Lfab
, with-ai
x Lfab
0.9 wT
keff hi (Tfab Tsens ), without-air-ga
wx x Lfab
x Lfab
hm,amb (Uv,amb Uv ) x Deff ;
Relative Himidity of Air Gap
0.7 wx x 0
0.6 hm,gap (Uv Uv,air ) x Lfab Deff , with-air-g
wx x Lfab
0.5 wUv
Deff 0, without-air-gap configuration;
wx x Lfab
0.3 cc
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
0.2 x Lfab
cc qrad
(qconv cc ) x 0 hc,fl (Tg Tfab x 0
V §¨ Tfab 4 Tsens 4 ·¸
0 qcc © x L fab ¹,
0 10 20 30 4 0air,rad x 50
Lfab § 160 1 H sens ·
Time (s) ¨ ¸
© H fab Hsens ¹
Figure 14. Predicted change in relative humidity in the air gap during and after exposure.
qair,cond/conv hc,gap (Tfab x L fab
Tsens ),
x L fab
The calculated fabric weight per unit area 4.2. Effects of Variations
kair (T )on Clothing
during and after exposure is examined in h Nu
Protective Performance
c,gap ,
L gap
Figure 13. It shows that fabric weight decreases
The three-layer skin § mcmodel was
dTused to predict the
significantly during the first 20 s. This is mainly p ·
performance ccof a thermal
qsens ¨ , fabric system
¸ protective
because when temperature increases, moisture © H A ¹sens dt
in terms of skin burn. It was based on Henriques
(bound water) in the fiber vaporizes and moves
and Moritz’s cc work,
qsens qwhich
air,rad x Lfab Lgap , with-air-ga
cc that destruction
into the air gap. This phenomenon relates well
of the tissueqcclayer hlocated at the epidermis/dermis
to the change in fiber moisture regain as shown sens i (Tfab Tsens ), with-air-gap configuration;
interface in human skin starts when the tissue $
in Figure 11, which shows that minimum fiber ª 44 °C 1 º
temperature of the basal layer1 rises above
708 º «§ Ra ·
moisture regain can be obtained after 20 s. ª 3
Nu 1 1.44
[18]. The destruction 1 be modeled
rate«can » «¨using a¸ 1» .
¬ Ra ¼ 5 830
Figure 14 presents the predicted change in
first-order chemical reaction, i.e., «¬© ¹ »¼
relative humidity in the air gap during and after
d: 'E
exposure. After 4-s exposure relative humidity P exp( ), (15)
drops significantly and reaches the minimum dt RT
at ~10 s from the start of exposure. From where Ω—quantitative measure of burn damage
Figure 9 the model predicts temperature change at the basal layer or at any depth in the dermis;
in the air gap and higher temperature can be P—frequency factor, s–1; E—activation energy
observed at ~10 s. When temperature increases, for skin, J/mol; R—universal gas constant,
saturation pressure also increases. Therefore, 8.315 J/kmol⋅K; T—absolute temperature at
relative humidity in the air gap decreases even the basal layer or at any depth in the dermis,
though the moisture content in the air gap K; t—total time for which T is above 44 °C
increases. (317.15 K).
Integration of this equation yields
: ³ P exp( RT )dt.
Dsolid / d f2
JOSE 2008, Vol. 14, No. 1 İ
Integration is performed from the time when The effect of fiber density, conductivity,
the temperature of the basal layer of the skin, T, and capacity on the protective performance of
exceeds or equals 44 °C. Henriques found that clothing was investigated. As different fibers
if Ω ≤ 0.5, no damage will occur at the basal were used in shell fabrics and thermal liners,
layer [18]. If Ω is 0.5–1.0, there will be first- different ranges of values of properties were
degree burns, whereas if Ω > 1.0, second-degree selected. Table 6 demonstrates the effect of
burns will result. The damage criteria can be a change in fiber density on the protective
applied to any depth of skin provided appropriate performance of clothing. The predictions were
values of P and ∆E are used. Mathematically, a made by changing the fiber density in the
second-degree burn has been defined as Ω > 1.0 numerical model while other parameters were
at the epidermis/dermis interface. Details about the same as those employed in the model. The
the structure of the skin model as well as the results showed that increasing fiber density of
properties and parameters used for Henriques’ shell fabrics and thermal liners, improved thermal
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
burn integral are given in the Appendix on p. 106. protective performance. In the model the effective
Table 5 illustrates the prediction of protective density of the fabric was employed, which is a
performance for the three-layer clothing system combination of the density of the fiber, moisture,
with different sizes of the air gap. Table 1 lists the and trapped air in the fabric. Therefore, a change
properties used in the numerical model. Minimum in fiber density affects the effective density of
exposure time required to develop a second- the fabric. An increase in fabric effective density
degree burn was predicted. The results show causes lower fabric thermal diffusivity, hence
that with the typical air gap size of 0.00635 m heat transfer in the fabric system slows down and
(1/4 in.), minimum exposure time was predicted consequently improved protective performance
at 10.3 s under exposure to flash fire. For the is predicted. A change in fiber conductivity
selected air gap range of 1.59–6.35 mm, the and thermal capacity affects thermal protective
model predicts a significant decrease in minimum performance as illustrated in Tables 7 and 8. This
exposure time when the size of the air gap was achieved by changing one parameter and
decreases. As air is a good insulator, decreasing leaving the others the same as in the numerical
the size of the air gap will decrease the value of model. As described in the development of the
insulation provided by the air layer between the model, the fabric was modeled as porous media
fabric and the skin. However, when the air gap and the system consisted of fiber, trapped air,
was increased beyond 6.35 mm, no significant and moisture. A large part of the insulation
change in minimum exposure time was observed. of the thermal liner was provided by the air
This agrees with Song’s [19] study that during trapped in the fabric. Therefore, change in fiber
exposure to a flash fire (84 kW/m2) natural conductivity and specific heat capacity within
convection may occur in the air gap between the a certain range did not significantly affect heat
clothing and human skin (sensor). When the air transfer as expected. The results obtained from
gap is large, convection increases the amount of the numerical model, as shown in Tables 7 and
energy transferred to the skin. 8, confirm this. However, the overall trend shows
that increasing fiber conductivity affects heat
TABLE 5. Air Gap Size and Minimum Exposure
Time Required to Generate a Second-Degree flow in the system and causes skin temperature to
Burn rise faster. As a result, minimum exposure time
Air Gap Size (m) Minimum Exposure Time (s) decreases as fiber thermal conductivity increases.
0.00159 7.7 For fiber specific heat capacity, the model results
0.00318 9.1 indicate that minimum exposure time increases
0.00635 10.3 with an increase in fiber specific heat capacity.
0.01270 10.7 It should be noted that the model analysis does
not include fiber decomposition reactions and its
effect on heat and mass transfer.
TABLE 6. Fiber Density and Predicted Minimum minimum exposure time. An increase in fabric
Exposure Time Required to Generate a Second- thickness provides better insulation and when
Degree Burn
there is exposure, the temperature difference
Fiber Density (kg⋅m–3) Minimum between the exposed and skin sides of the fabric
Shell Fabric Thermal Liner Exposure Time (s) increases. Additionally, during exposure, a thicker
1 107 1 104 9.7
fabric normally stores more thermal energy than
1 384 1 380 10.3
a thinner one; therefore, energy transfer to human
1 661 1 656 11.0
skin (or a sensor) is lower.
2 076 2 070 12.1
The effects of the initial temperature of a
fabric and of environmental conditions on the
TABLE 7. Fiber Thermal Conductivity and
Predicted Minimum Exposure Time Required to performance of protective clothing were examined
Generate a Second-Degree Burn using the numerical model. Table 10 lists the
Fiber Thermal Conductivity results of model predictions with different initial
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2008.14:89-106.
TABLE 9. Fabric Thickness and Predicted TABLE 11. Fabric Moisture Regain and
Minimum Exposure Time Required to Generate Predicted Minimum Exposure Time Required to
a Second-Degree Burn Generate a Second-Degree Burn
system provides protection during ~9–12-s Natick, MA, USA: U.S. Army Natick
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A three-layer skin model was used in this study. Table 12 summarizes the thermophysical properties of
the skin layer.
TABLE 12. Skin Properties in a Three-Layer Skin Model
Human Skin Property Value
Epidermis thermal conductivity (W/m⋅°C) 0.255
density (kg/m ) 1 200
specific heat (J/kg⋅°C) 3 598
thickness (m) 8.0 × 10
Dermis thermal conductivity (W/m⋅°C) 0.523
density (kg/m ) 1 200
specific heat (J/kg⋅°C) 3 222
thickness (m) 2.0 × 10
Subcutis thermal conductivity (W/m⋅°C) 0.167
density (kg/m ) 1 000
specific heat (J/kg⋅°C) 2 760
thickness (m) 1.0 × 10
The values of P and ∆E in Equation 16 are from Stoll and Greene [20] and Takata [21]:
for T < 50 ºC P = 2.185 × 10124 s–1, ∆E/R = 93 534.9 K;
for T ≥ 50 ºC P = 1.823 × 1051 s–1, ∆E/R = 39 109.8 K;
for T < 50 ºC P = 4.32 × 1064 s–1, ∆E/R = 50 000 K;
for T ≥ 50 ºC P = 9.39 × 10104 s–1, ∆E/R = 80 000 K.