ItauStatement 4359874 05 01-2023
ItauStatement 4359874 05 01-2023
ItauStatement 4359874 05 01-2023
08/11 BALANCE 713,72-
09/11 CXE 000034 WITHDAW 8788 150,00-
09/11 BALANCE 863,72-
15/11 SAQUE 24H 02996403 13/07 5086 20,00-
15/11 BALANCE 883,72-
16/11 SISPAG R N REPR LTD 7417 1.600,00
16/11 UNDER MEASURE CHARGES 04/07 9,59-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE CHARGES 04/07 3,23-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE CHARGES 04/07 2,87-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE-FINE 04/07 18,69-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE-FINE 04/07 6,29-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE-FINE 04/07 5,60-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE 04/07 934,25-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE 04/07 314,49-
16/11 UNDER MEASURE 04/07 279,81-
16/11 BALANCE 858,54-
17/11 SEG CARD PERSON 02/12 3,38-
17/11 BALANCE 861,92-
29/11 CEI 000189 DINHEIRO 4385 600,00
29/11 BALANCE 261,92-
01/12 IOF 3,16-
01/12 BALANCE 269,87-
02/12 CXE 001412 WITHDRAW 7619 20,00-
02/12 TAR MULTICTA MENS 07/13 54,00-
02/12 ADVANCE DEPOSITOR 03/07 44,00-
02/12 BALANCE 387,87-
05/12 CXE 000059 WITHDRAW 03/08 8788 500,00-
05/12 SAQUE 24H 02645505 03/08 5086 80,00-
05/12 CEP/FEES 65,90-
05/12 CEP/FEES 66,33-
05/12 ST CEP/FEES 65,90
05/12 BALANCE 1.034,20-
06/12 CXE 001495 WITHDRAW 7619 60,00-
06/12 ELECTRONSTATION 2000 9212 15,00-
06/12 TEC MONEY DEPOSIT 7582 312,50
06/12 BALANCE 796,70-
07/12 CXE TEF 7417.25530-9 7619 111,11-
07/12 BALANCE 907,81-
12/12 CXE 007781 WITHDRAW 7934 180,00-
12/12 ELECTRONCS D CAR DO 9212 13,12-
12/12 CXE TEF 7417.13709-3 7934 500,00
12/12 UNDER MEASURE 05/07 314,49-
12/12 BALANCE 915,42-
14/12 SISPAG R N REPR LTD 7417 350,00
14/12 UNDER MED CHARGES 05/07 0,96-
14/12 UNDER MEASURE-FINE 05/07 5,60-
14/12 UNDER MEASURE 05/07 279,81-
14/12 BALANCE 851,79-
16/12 SISPAG R N REPR LTD 7417 15.000,00
16/12 UNDER MED CHARGES 05/07 6,39-
16/12 UNDER MEASURE-FINE 05/07 18,69-
16/12 UNDER MEASURE 05/07 934,25-
16/12 BALANCE 13.188,88
19/12 SEG CARTD PERSON 03/12 3,38-
19/12 BALANCE 13.185,50
27/12 CEI 000190 MONEY 1589 24.500,00
27/12 BALANCE 37.685,50
30/12 RFPARC101204017662013 106,37-
30/12 BALANCE 37.579,13
31/12 IOF 4,66-
31/12 BALANCE 37.574,47
31/12 TAR MULTICTA MENS 08/13 54,00-
03/01 ADVANCE DEPOSITOR 05/08 44,00-
03/01 BALANCE 37.476,47
04/01 CEP/FEES 63,39-
04/01 SISPAG R N REPR LTD 7417 10.200,00
04/01 BALANCE 47.613,08
Future releases
Date Launch Value ($)
05/01 UNDER MEASURE 06/07 0 279,81-
05/01 UNDER MEASURE 06/07 0 314,49-
05/01 UNDER MEASURE 06/07 0 934,25-
05/01 BALANCE 46.084,53
- The above balances are based on the information available up to that moment and may be changed at any time
due to new releases.
- Ask your manager for the latest version of the General Conditions of your Personnalité Multiaccount and the
Services at your branch.
* - Entry subject to CPMF
# - Entry subject to CPMF subsidized by Itaú
A - Scheduling (subject to confirmation of balance on the scheduled date) B - Shares moved by the Stock
C - Credit to be offset D - Debt to be offset
G - Scheduled application (subject to confirmation of balance on the scheduled date) I - Investment Account
P - Automatic Savings
Doubts, complaints and suggestions: with your Personnalité manager. If necessary, use: Personnalité
Customer Service, every day, 24h: 0800 722 7377 or Contact Us: If you are not
satisfied with the solution presented, contact: Itaú Corporate Ombudsman: 0800 570 0011, on working days,
from 9 am to 6 pm.
PO Box 67600 - CEP 03162-971. Hearing impaired, every day, 24h: 0800 722 1722.